PROTECT - CONTRACTS MARKETING PRINT DESIGN 2009 PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE TO BE RETURNED BY 15 AUGUST 2008 HS/C/3616 PROTECT - CONTRACTS 1 of 15 PROTECT - CONTRACTS Introduction 1. Historic Scotland, an executive agency of the Scottish Executive, is seeking expressions of interest from those with suitable experience who may be interested in submitting a tender for the provision of services for the Historic Scotland. 2. Historic Scotland is responsible for advising Scottish Ministers about policy matters on Scotland’s built heritage, as well as managing some 345 properties in their care and fulfilling statutory obligations to protect ancient monuments and historic buildings in the ownership of others. 3. Historic Scotland's main aims are to: - protect Scotland’s built heritage for the benefit of present and future generations, including in particular the maintenance and conservation of the Palace of Holyrood House, the Scottish Royal Parks and monuments in the care of the Scottish Ministers; - promote and present Scotland’s built heritage to the public. Requirement 4. Historic Scotland marketing and media team produce the consumer marketing print for the properties in care portfolio. The Historic Scotland properties in care are 345 sites nationwide across Scotland, led by the top three properties (Edinburgh Castle, Stirling Castle and Urquhart Castle). The suite of print that supports this portfolio is as follows: Suite part A A A A B B C C D D Item Top site/Edinburgh Top site/Stirling Top site/Urquhart Region/Orkney 77 sites guide (paid admission) Explorer map 345 sites guide(all sites) Membership handbook Site specific pieces (posters, etc) Bedroom folder inserts (for Landmark) With over 2 million pieces of print being distributed across Scotland and indeed around the world, it is important that the design impact of these leaflets is strong and true to brand values. For the design of the 2009 suite, we are looking initially for expressions of interest from design agencies in order to be considered for the design element only of the 2009 print suite. Historic Scotland have a company under contract to deliver some print services and this company will be the designated print broker for this project. Advice on print production as relevant to design, however, will be appropriate as required. PROTECT - CONTRACTS 2 of 15 PROTECT - CONTRACTS Outline programme of work will be as follows: Contract commencement Briefing and design concepts Finalising design concepts Development of suite content based on concepts Final proofing and content checks Print production 13 October 2008 Early November 2008 Late November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 Commence February 2009 Selection process 5. The first stage in the selection process is to shortlist those who submit a completed Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ). To assist in the process of compiling this shortlist and deciding who will be invited to tender you must provide the information that is requested in this PQQ (see Guidance Notes for Completion of the PQQ). Those on the shortlist would then be invited to tender for the service required. 6. The criteria for short listing will be based on relevant previous experience, professional ability, technical capacity, economic and financial standing, and the supplementary information requested here. Submission of PQQ 7. This questionnaire and supporting information must be returned to the person named below no later than 15 August 2008. PQQ’s received after this date may be considered but not after the evaluation has been completed. 8. It is anticipated that the contract would commence on 13 October 2008, with completion of design and transfer to production of suite by end February 2009. 9. PQQ’s must be returned to: KEITH A P DOWNIE Head of Procurement Room 3.16 Longmore House Salisbury Place EDINBURGH EH9 1SH tel: 0131 668 8860 fax: 0131 668 8877 e-mail: 10. Any queries on the service to be provided should be directed to: REBECCA HAMILTON Marketing and Media Manager Room 4.5 Longmore House Salisbury Place EDINBURGH EH9 1SH tel: 0131 668 8685 e-mail: PROTECT - CONTRACTS 3 of 15 PROTECT - CONTRACTS Freedom of Information 11. The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (, which came into force on 1 January 2005, designates Historic Scotland as a 'Scottish public authority' and therefore subject to the provisions and obligations in that Act. This means that from 1 January 2005, any person who makes a valid request for recorded information held by Historic Scotland will be entitled to receive it, unless all or part of that information can be withheld as a result of the exemptions in that Act. 12. As part of our responsibility under the Act, Historic Scotland may be required to disclose any information held relating to your pre-qualification response to anyone who makes a request under that Act. Such information may only be withheld if it meets one or more of the exemptions or conditions in that Act. Information held cannot simply be classified as “confidential" or "commercial in confidence" to enable it to be protected from disclosure. 13. The 'Protect - Contracts’ header in these documents is part of Historic Scotland’s internal file protective marking system which provides guidance for staff on the handling and storage of such documents, and is not an indication that the information will be protected from disclosure in response to a valid request. 14. Information may also be requested under the Data Protection Act 1998 and the current and forthcoming Environmental Information Regulations. Guidance Notes for Completion of the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) 15. Questionnaire Purpose The purpose of this PQQ is to identify a number of suitably qualified and experienced companies who will be invited to submit a tender. Historic Scotland will use the information that you provide in response to this PQQ to determine which organisations are most suited, in the opinion of Historic Scotland to submit a proposal for this requirement. 16. Questionnaire Layout The PQQ is split into 6 distinct parts; Part A seeks details of your organisation, Part B requests details concerning the financial standing of the organisation, Part C relates to business probity, Part D relates to quality issues, Part E requests reference details, and Part F should be signed and returned with your response. All information requested should be provided in the order and format of the Sections. Subject to the above, those expressing an interest may submit a PQQ using their own text creation facilities. 17. Questionnaire Responses All responses will be treated in confidence by Historic Scotland. Completed PQQ’s should preferably be submitted in hard copy format via the postal system or delivered by hand etc. - email may be accepted but Historic Scotland cannot guarantee the integrity of the information received as there may be transmission problems/different printer settings and the like. PROTECT - CONTRACTS 4 of 15 PROTECT - CONTRACTS Only information provided as a direct response to the PQQ will be evaluated. Information and detail which forms part of general company literature or promotional brochures etc. or information contained within a weblink should not be submitted as this may not be accessible from our network and we cannot guarantee the correct information being identified and consequently may not form part of the evaluation process. Supplementary documentation (e.g. accreditation certificates, C.V.’s) may be attached to the PQQ where applicants have been directed to do so in the PQQ. Such material must be clearly marked with the name of the organisation and the question to which it relates. All questions must be answered. Please note that we may require clarification of the answers provided or ask for additional information. If applying on behalf of a consortium, please list the names and addresses of all other members of the consortium below. Please note that the PQQ will be evaluated on the basis of the details supplied in the PQQ and, if shortlisted, an Invitation to Tender will be issued to the nominated lead organisation only. Any contract will be entered into with the nominated lead organisation and all members of the consortium, who will in these circumstances each be required to execute said contract together with all ancillary documentation, evidencing their joint and several liability in respect of the obligations and liabilities of the contract. It will be for members of the consortium to sort out their respective duties and liabilities amongst each other. For administrative purposes, any associated documentation prior to and in regards to contract award will be made to the nominated lead organisation. If sub-contractors are proposed to assist in the delivery of the service, please list the company names and addresses. NOTE: In respect of an expression of interest which include consortia it is the lead organisation who completes the entire PQQ and, in addition, arranges for each named organisation to complete Parts A - F and attach them to the completed PQQ. PROTECT - CONTRACTS 5 of 15 PROTECT - CONTRACTS PART A BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1 Name of Organisation 2 Address for all correspondence 3 Contact Name 4 Position 5 Telephone Number 6 Fax Number 7 E-mail address 8 Web site address 9 If applicable, address of Registered Office 10 Nature of Organisation (e.g. Plc, Partnership etc). 11 Brief description of the operational status of your company (e.g. sole trader, limited company, partnership etc with a description of the core service you provide). 12 Names of the Directors or Partners PROTECT - CONTRACTS 6 of 15 PROTECT - CONTRACTS 13 1 Company Registration Number 5(or alternative EU registration number). 14 VAT Registration Number (or alternative EU registration number). 15 Group If the Organisation is a Member of a Group of Companies, please give the name and address of the ultimate parent company. 16 y Consortium members names and addresses (if any) Please use additional space if required 17 Sub-Contractors’ names and addresses (if any) Please use additional space if required 18 Identify which part of the supply each consortium member/subcontractor will deliver (if any): Please use additional space if required PROTECT - CONTRACTS 7 of 15 PROTECT - CONTRACTS PART B FINANCIAL STATUS 19 Name of Bank: (from which a financial reference may be sought if required). 20 Address: 21 Telephone Number: 22 Suitable contact name: 23 Position: 24 Telephone Number: (if different) 25 Contact name within your Organisation responsible for financial matters 26 Provide details of the Annual Turnover (in £ Sterling) for: Latest Year One year previous PROTECT - CONTRACTS 8 of 15 PROTECT - CONTRACTS PART C BUSINESS PROBITY 27 Please confirm whether any of the following criteria applies to your organisation: Is the organisation bankrupt or being wound up, having its affairs administered by the court, or have you entered into an arrangement with creditors, suspended business activities or any analogous situation arising from a similar proceedings under national laws or regulations? Is the organisation the subject of proceedings for a declaration of bankruptcy, for compulsory windingup or administration by the court or for an arrangement with creditors or of any other similar proceedings under national laws or regulations? Has any employee whom you would propose to use to deliver this service been convicted of an offence concerning his professional conduct by a judgement which has the force of res judicata? (a matter already settled in court) Has any employee whom you would propose to use to deliver this service been guilty of grave professional misconduct? Has the organisation not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions in accordance with the legal provisions of the United Kingdom or the country in which it is established? Has the organisation not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the United Kingdom or the country in which it is established? Does your organisation or any of your organisations directors, partners or anyone of equivalent position e.g. any other senior managers “who have powers of representation, decision or control” have any convictions relating to any of the offences listed under regulation 23(1) of “the Public Contracts Regulations 2006” If so please list each conviction with full details. NB: Failure to disclose information relevant to this section may result in your exclusion from this and/or other competitions. PROTECT - CONTRACTS 9 of 15 PROTECT - CONTRACTS PART D QUALITY OF SERVICE 28 Please provide a brief description of the nature of your business, highlighting core functions and any particular areas of specialism. 29 Provide details of the resources/services relevant to the proposed project which your company has available i.e. confirm the number of employees (full, part time and any freelance staff) that you have and the equipment available for works of this nature. PROTECT - CONTRACTS 10 of 15 PROTECT - CONTRACTS 30 Attach up to two representative CVs for actual employees of the type whom you would propose for the management of this contract, having regard to education, skills and experience. Each CV should be no more than 2 A4 pages. 31 Provide details of your design approach and process PROTECT - CONTRACTS 11 of 15 PROTECT - CONTRACTS PART E RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Please complete the following table, providing details of 3 contracts requiring a similar service to Historic Scotland’s requirement that you have undertaken within the past 3 years. Note: where the reference contracts involve companies proposed in this expression of interest as consortium members or sub-contractors, this should be made clear. The extent of involvement should be detailed. In completing Section E, the proposed subcontractor or consortium member may reference the information supplied by the lead bidder. Both parties should satisfy themselves that the amount of information given is sufficient to clarify the roles and contributions of both parties. 32 Contract 1 Client Scope of Contract Explanation of why you believe this service to be similar to Historic Scotland’s requirement by giving specific details and samples of design work completed. PROTECT - CONTRACTS 12 of 15 PROTECT - CONTRACTS 33 Contract 2 Client Scope of Contract Explanation of why you believe this service to be similar to Historic Scotland’s requirement by giving specific details and samples of design work completed. 34 Contract 3 Client Scope of Contract Explanation of why you believe this service to be similar to Historic Scotland’s requirement by giving specific details and samples of design work completed. PROTECT - CONTRACTS 13 of 15 PROTECT - CONTRACTS REFERENCES Please complete the below table, providing details of clients for whom the applying organisation / consortium has provided a similar scope of supply to Historic Scotland’s requirement within the past 3 years. This should include the contracts discussed above. If you wish to provide information on more clients please replicate the format of this section. Historic Scotland may contact or visit some or all of the previous clients listed below to obtain references and ascertain experience. 35 Organisation Name Detailed service provided Period of Contract (Dates) Approximate Annual Value (£) PROTECT - CONTRACTS 14 of 15 Client Contact Officer and Telephone Number/e-mail address Status of Contract (ongoing/ previous) RESTRICTED – COMMERCIAL SEC2 PART F EXPRESSION OF INTEREST AND APPLICATION On behalf of the below mentioned organisation, I hereby register interest and apply to be considered for short listing to receive Invitation to Tender documentation for the Marketing Print Design 2009 contract for Historic Scotland. I confirm that the answers given on this PQQ are true, complete, accurate and not misleading. I also confirm that I have read, understand and accept Historic Scotland’s position in relation to the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. Signed Name Date Status Name of organisation RESTRICTED – COMMERCIAL SEC2 15 of 15