ARC Query Tool Form - Attrition & Retention Consortium

ARC 2008 Query Tool Instructions
The ARC Query Tool provides the ARC Member Companies with the ability to pull summary reports off the overall
ARC set of data. The query tool allows for the use of anywhere from no filters to most filters. The filters available
Group (such as ARC, Own data, Benchmark data, etc.)
Ethnic (cannot be used if Minority/Non-Minority has already been selected)
Minority/Non-Minority (cannot be used if ethnic has already been selected)
Age Range
US Region
World Region
These filters are designed to interact. If you select more than one filter you are asking for the tool to pull data that
matches all the filters. For example, if you select ARC as the group, Female as the gender, African American as the
Ethnic and Northeast as the US Region, you are asking to see a summary report of the African American Females
who work in the Northeast for all member companies.
A list of recommended queries is included in these instructions. However, you will likely want to determine you own
base set of queries and run them for each group (see information on the group filter starting on page 3). This will
provide you with a set of summary reports that you can compare groups. Other than the full ARC data, most
members’ reports will be different. Only you have access to your own data so the Own data and Benchmark
including own summaries will be different from any other member. It is possible that you will share benchmark
companies and thus the benchmark excluding own could be same as another member.
Every filter (except the group filter) includes an “ALL” value which tells the ARC Query Tool to ignore this filter. The
Group filter has the equivalent in the ARC Data value which tells the ARC Query Tool that the data selected will be
based on the all-up ARC data.
You will need to occasionally need to close and re-open the tool to company the size so it can be used efficiently.
Otherwise the access database will grow too big for your computer to handle.
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ARC Query Tool Form
There is a single page handout type instruction guide for your use that is also being provided. That is in a separate
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Group Filter
The group filter is the starting point of the query. Everything else is based off the group that you select initially. You
can either report on the all-up ARC data, your own data or benchmark data.
The group filter is used to select:
 ARC Data which allows you to build summary reports for all the member companies.
 ARC Excluding Own Data builds a summary report for all member companies except your own. This gives a
picture of the other organizations providing data.
 Own Data builds a summary report based on your own company’s data submission.
 Benchmark Including Own Data builds a summary report based on your benchmark companies and includes
you own company’s data submission.
 Benchmark Excluding Own Data builds a summary report solely based on your benchmark companies.
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Gender Filter
The gender filter will likely often be combined with the ethnic filter to produce reports for records meeting specific
gender and ethnic criteria (such as Female African American). The gender filter is used to select:
Female which allows you to limit the data pulled to females.
Male which allows you to limit the data pulled to males
Unknown which is those cases where the member company was unable to provide a gender for the
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Ethnic Filter
The Ethnic filter will likely often be combined with the gender filter to produce reports for records meeting specific
gender and ethnic criteria (such as Female African American). The Ethnic Filter is limited to the US values and was
submitted by the member companies for their US employees only. The international employees are accessible
through the unknown value but that value will also include cases where the ethnicity is unknown for a US employee.
An important item to note is that the Ethnic Filter and the Minority/Non-Minority filter cannot be used in the same
report. The ARC Query Tool will disable the Minority/Non-Minority filter if you make a selection other than “ALL” in
the Ethnic filter. You can enable the Minority/Non-Minority filter by returning the selection to “ALL” in the Ethnic
Filter or by clicking the Reset Selections button.
An enhancement in next year’s ARC Query Tool will allow you to select multiple Ethnic Groups.
The Ethnic filter is used to select:
Caucasian which allows you to limit the report to Caucasian individuals
African American which allows you to limit the report to African American individuals
Hispanic/Latino which allows you to limit the report to Hispanic or Latino individuals
Asian which allows you to limit the report to Asian individuals
American Indian which allows you to limit the report to Native American or Alaskan Native individuals
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander which allows you to limit the report to Hawaiian Native or Pacific Islander
Two or More Races which allows you to limit the report to those individuals who identify themselves as Two
or More Races
Unknown/Not Applicable which allows you to limit the report to those where the member company did not
submit a ethnicity value (such as cases where the value is unknown or international employees)
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Minority/Non-Minority Filter
The Minority/Non-Minority filter provides you with the ability to produce a new type of report from those you
received in past years. You can report on all Minority ethnic groups in a single report. The Minority/Non-Minority
Filter is limited to the US values and was submitted by the member companies for their US employees only.
International employees are not accessible through in this filter.
An important item to note is that the Ethnic Filter and the Minority/Non-Minority filter cannot be used in the same
report. The ARC Query Tool will disable the Ethnic filter if you make a selection other than “ALL” in the
Minority/Non-Minority filter. You can enable the Ethnic filter by returning the selection to “ALL” in the
Minority/Non-Minority filter or by clicking the Reset Selections button.
The Minority/Non-Minority Filter is used to select:
Minority – This selection will limit the report to those individuals with one of the six minority ethnic groups.
Non-Minority – This selection will limit the report to Caucasian individuals (the same as selecting Caucasian
in the Ethnic Group filter). The selection of this item was included here for convenience so you may run
comparisons between Minority and Caucasian without having switch back and forth between filters.
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Performance Filter
The Performance filter provides you with the ability to report on performance levels.
These performance levels include:
High Performers – Limits the report to those individuals identified as high performers.
Non High Performers – Limits the report to those with identified performance who are not high performers.
Unknown/Not Applicable – Limits the report to those without identified performance. This is where the
performance was not submitted because the person had not been rated or the data was unavailable.
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Age Range Filter
The Age Range filter provides you with the ability to build a query with new criteria as compared to the reports you
received in past years. This can help build a very discrete report with a specific Age Group in mind. Enhancements
of the tool for next year will include the ability to select multiple Age Ranges (for example if you wished to report on
those under Age 30). The values in this filter are straight forward and allow the user to limit the report to those
individuals whose Age is in the specific Age Range selected.
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US Region Filter
The US Region filter provides you with the ability to report on US Regions. This allows you to build a report with new
criteria as compared to the reports you received in past years. The US Regions are based on the high level US census
regions and used the state values you submitted to setup the US regions.
These US Regions include:
Midwest – Selecting the Midwest value limits the query output to those individuals whose work state is in
the Midwest region.
Northeast – Selecting the Northeast value limits the query output to those individuals whose work state is in
the Northeast region.
South – Selecting the South value limits the query output to those individuals whose work state is in the
South region.
Unknown – Selecting the Unknown value limits the query output to cases where the work state was
unknown. We recommend that if you want to query on International individuals, that you use the World
Region filter as unknown includes both International and those US individuals without an identified work
West – Selecting the West value limits the query output to those individuals whose work state is in the West
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World Region Filter
The World Region filter provides you with the ability to report on Regions of the World. This allows you to build a
report with new criteria as compared to the reports you received in past years. The World Regions are based on the
Mayflower regions. The World Regions are based on the country values you submitted in the template.
These World Regions include:
ASIA – Selecting the ASIA value limits the query output to those individuals whose work country is in Asia.
EUROPE – Selecting the EUROPE value limits the query output to those individuals whose work country is in
LATIN AMERICA – Selecting the LATIN AMERICA value limits the query output to those individuals whose
work country is in Latin America.
MIDDLE EAST – Selecting the MIDDLE EAST value limits the query output to those individuals whose work
country is in the Middle East.
NORTH AMERICA – Selecting the NORTH AMERICA value limits the query output to those individuals whose
work country is in North America.
UNKNOWN – Selecting the Unknown value limits the query output to cases where the work country was
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Running a Query
Once you have selected the values you wish for the various filters (whether that involves selecting a value or leaving
the value at “ALL”), running the report simply requires clicking the Run Report & Export to Excel. Depending on the
Query being run, the number of queries you have run in this session and the capabilities of the computer, the Query
will take from 15 seconds to 2 minutes to run and produce an Excel output. The Excel output will appear
It is strongly recommended that you immediately rename the Excel output as something meaningful in a separate
“completed queries” folder. The reason for this recommendation is that the name of the file contains only the date
and time (down to the second) of the query export. While there is a parameters spreadsheet in each report that
lists the filter selections applicable to this report, it will be difficult to find the exact report you wish unless it is
named appropriately. This could not be done automatically because the number of potential filter values would
easily have overwhelmed the number of characters allowed in a file name.
After completing your query runs, you will want to clean-up the folder where the ARC Query Tool is stored. The ARC
query Tool first exports a file with one file name (does not include Final), formats that file and then saves it with the
word Final. If you have saved each report you run in a separate folder for completed reports, you can then remove
all Excel files in that folder. This is recommended but not required.
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Report Output
The output of the report is attached and appears as past year’s reports. There is also a parameters spreadsheet to
act as a reminder of the filter selections and as a double check against the file name (assuming you saved the file
name with a meaningful name).
The attached report output uses the ARC Data value in the Group filter and ALL for the other filters. This is the ARC
all-up report available to all members in the ARC Query Tool.
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Recommended Queries
The queries you run will depend on your interests but there are several recommended combinations that you might
want to consider for each group value (Own Data, ARC Data and Benchmark Data). These include:
All data – no filter selections other than the group value.
Male – Group Value plus Male in the Gender Filter.
Female – Group Value plus Female in the Gender Filter.
Minority – Group Value plus Minority in the Minority/Non-Minority Filter.
One query for each Ethnic Group – Group Value plus the appropriate Ethnic Group in the Ethnic Group Filter.
One query for each US Region – Group value plus the appropriate US Region in the US Region Filter.
One query for each applicable World Region – Group value plus the appropriate World Region in the World
Region Filter. This would be unnecessary if being run for your own data and you did not submit
international individuals.
One query for each Age Group – Group Value plus the appropriate Age Range in the Age Range Filter.
Selected combinations depending on your interests (such as combining Minority and Female).
Please remember to shut down the database and restart at regular intervals or when you notice the performance
becoming excessively slow (such as queries taking more than 3 minutes to produce a report). The Access file size
grows each time you run a report and utilizes a larger percentage of your computer’s resources. You can do this
by clicking the Exit ARC Query Tool button.
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Exporting to Text
The ARC Query Tool allows you to export the de-identified and jumbled detail data to a text file if you wish to load
into a statistical analysis package such as SPSS. You will be able to identify which rows belong to you via the
Company Data column. You will also be able to identify which rows belong to the benchmark companies (though
not which benchmark company) via the Benchmark Data column. The data has been sorted on several values in
order to mix together rows from all member companies.
The process is simple – click the Export to Text button and the data to will export to a file named
“ARC_Full_Data_Export.txt” which will be located in the same folder as the ARC Query Tool. Please note that the file
will not open automatically and will need to look for it in Windows Explorer. We recommend that you also move the
file to a separate folder where you can work the statistical analysis.
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For ARC Query Tool usage questions and issues contact:
David Hallee
Lockheed Martin HR Planning & Analysis
(603) 661-5472
Virginia Hinson
Lockheed Martin HR Planning & Analysis
(510) 573-3216
For ARC Data Questions contact:
Professor Peter Hom
Arizona State University
W.P. Carey School of Business
(480) 965-6466
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