East Marlborough Township Historic Commission Chester County, Pennsylvania TO : The Historical Commission FROM : Martha T. Walls-Brown RE : Historical Commission Meeting Minutes The meeting of the Historical Commission was held on Monday, April 18, 2011 at 3:00 pm inside the East Marlborough Township Building, Board Room, 72l Unionville Road, Kennett Square, Pa. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Susan Beach Mary Dugan Marjorie Kaskey Frank McGrail Charles Patton, Chairperson John Rosecrans Vice- Chairperson Martha T. Walls-Brown, Secretary Phoebe Turner VISITORS Richard D. Buchanan, AIA The meeting was called to order by Mr. Patton at 3:00 pm. The minutes for the meetings of February 28, 2011 were approved. VISITORS DISCUSSIONS Mr. Richard Buchanan, representing the property owner Richard Richardson presented to the Historic Commission construction drawings for the renovation/restoration of one of our Township’s Historic Resources, Number 083, Tax Parcel Number 61-5-58.1. The historic resource in question is the original farm home located at 630 Mill Road. This presentation was in accordance with the Township’s Zoning Ordinance, Article XXIV, Preservation of Historical and Cultural Resources. HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES APRIL 18, 2011 PAGE 2 It was agreed upon by the Historic Commission that this property, not only represents an important Historic Resource for this Township with its original farm house, but also has Contributing Historic Resources, such as the barn structure, which adds to the local importance of this site. Upon a motion being made, seconded, the Historic Commission approved the renovation/restoration as set forth in the construction documents from Archer & Buchanan dated 4/11/2011 for the Red Clay Farm, 630 Mill Road, East Marlborough Township, PA. OLD BUSINESS STEPS TO PROCEDURES AND DOCUMENTATION OF HISTORIC PROPERTIESS Mr. Rosecrans stated that he and Mr. McGrail continue to work on updating the electronic historic resource inventory listing. There were an additional 21 properties identified that may need to be added to the historical resource list. The HC will check to determine whether these properties are historic and should be added to the Historic Resource listing. The HC members will meet at Mr. Rosecrans office on May 16th to review the additional properties. . . TECHNOLOGY UPDATE None. TRAINING-IN HOUSE None CLG REPORT Mrs. Brown and Mr. Rosecrans completed the CLG Reports for 2010 and 2011. Mr. Lefevre has left the position and has now being replaced by Ms. McDonald. HC ORDINANCES None ANY OTHER OLD BUSINESS HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES APRIL 18, 2011 PAGE 3 RICHARDSON PROPERTY DEMOLITION See above. GIS SURVEY/ATLAS None RED CLAY DISTRICT None CEDARCROFT & COX PROPERTIES None ADDITIONS TO RESOURCE LIST None KENNETT REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING None. NEW BUSINESS FUTURE NETWORK WORKSHOPS Mr. McGrail attended the Network Workshop on March 12, 2011 and gave a brief summary of the meeting. FUTURE HOUSE SURVEYS None ANY OTHER NEW BUSINESS None ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 pm. MTWB EAST MARLBOROUGH TOWNSHIP HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING NOTICE APRIL 18, 2011 3:00P. M. AT THE TOWNSHIP BUILDING AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3. VISITORS DISCUSSIONS 4. OLD BUSINESS A. Steps to Procedures and Documentation of Historic Properties. B. Technology Update C. Training-In House D. CLG Report E. HC Ordinances F. Any Other Old Business – Richardson Mill Road, GIS Survey – Red Clay Creek Project 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Future Network Workshops B. Future House Surveys C. Any Other New Business 6. ADJOURNMENT Enclosure: Minutes for February 28, 2011 for approval House Survey: Old Willowdale Chapel EAST MARLBOROUGH TOWNSHIP HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING NOTICE MAY 16, 2011 3:00P. M. AT THE TOWNSHIP BUILDING AGENDA 7. CALL TO ORDER 8. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 9. VISITORS DISCUSSIONS 10. OLD BUSINESS A. Steps to Procedures and Documentation of Historic Properties. B. Technology Update C. Training-In House D. CLG Report E. HC Ordinances F. Any Other Old Business – Richardson Mill Road, GIS Survey – Red Clay Creek Project 11. NEW BUSINESS D. Future Network Workshops E. Future House Surveys F. Any Other New Business 12. ADJOURNMENT Enclosure: Minutes for April 18, 2011 for approval House Survey: None Note: Meeting to be held at John Rosecrans’ office to review additional historic resources.