East Marlborough Township Historic Commission Chester County, Pennsylvania TO : The Historical Commission FROM : Martha T. Walls-Brown RE : Historical Commission Meeting Minutes The meeting of the Historical Commission was held on Monday, January 24, 2011 at 3:00 pm inside the East Marlborough Township Building, Board Room, 72l Unionville Road, Kennett Square, Pa. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Susan Beach Mary Dugan Frank McGrail Charles Patton, Chairperson John Rosecrans Vice- Chairperson Phoebe Turner Martha T. Walls-Brown, Secretary Marjorie Kaskey VISITORS Eddie Caudill, Building Inspector Jane Laslo, Township Manager The meeting was called to order by Mr. Patton at 3:00 pm. The minutes for the meetings of November 15, 2010 & December 14, 2010 were approved. VISITORS DISCUSSIONS Mr. Rosecrans provided a summary of the previous meetings regarding the property on Mill Road (621 Wollaston Road) owned by Mr. Richardson. The owner requested permission to demolish the historic resource. An incomplete demolition application was submitted to the township on January 3, 2011. The HC members, Mrs. Laslo and Mr. Caudill discussed the matter and it was decided to contact the township attorney Fron Crawford for a legal opinion on the Historical Ordinances regarding demolition of the historic resource. HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 24, 2011 PAGE 2 OLD BUSINESS STEPS TO PROCEDURES AND DOCUMENTATION OF HISTORIC PROPERTIESS Mr. Rosecrans stated that he and Mr. McGrail have been working to update the electronic historic resource inventory listing which has approximately 136 historic resources. Mr. Rosecrans indicated that if the historic resource has more than one building the HC would need to include each building in the file. He also stated that the HC would need to get information for properties that have not been added to the historical resource listing. . TECHNOLOGY UPDATE Mr. McGrail stated that he received the annual invoice for the HC Web site from Hosting.com in the amount of $121.40 and asked for approval to submit the payment. The HC members approved the invoice for payment. TRAINING-IN HOUSE None CLG REPORT Mrs. Brown stated that the report is a draft and will be completed as soon as possible. HC ORDINANCES None ANY OTHER OLD BUSINESS GIS SURVEY/ATLAS None. RED CLAY DISTRICT Mrs. Dugan stated that the Red Clay District Project did not qualify for a grant, since it needed to be on the National Register. She indicated the amount that each township needed to contribute for Phase 1. The amount from East Marlborough would be $1,690 and the township may not need to contribute the full amount since the HC has done some of the research. HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 24, 2011 CEDARCROFT & COX PROPERTIES None ADDITIONS TO RESOURCE LIST None KENNETT REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING None. NEW BUSINESS FUTURE NETWORK WORKSHOPS The next meeting is scheduled for March 12, 2011. FUTURE HOUSE SURVEYS None ANY OTHER NEW BUSINESS None ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 pm. MTWB PAGE 3 EAST MARLBOROUGH TOWNSHIP HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING NOTICE FEBRUARY 28, 2011 3:00PM AT THE TOWNSHIP BUILDING AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3. VISITORS DISCUSSIONS 4. OLD BUSINESS A. Steps to Procedures and Documentation of Historic Properties. B. Technology Update C. Training-In House D. CLG Report E. HC Ordinances F. Any Other Old Business – Richardson Mill Road, GIS Survey – Red Clay Creek Project 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Future Network Workshops B. Future House Surveys C. Any Other New Business 6. ADJOURNMENT Enclosure: Minutes for January 24, 2011 for approval House Survey: None