SUSAN GARRETT 1015 Spruce St., Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 351-6273 EDUCATION PH.D., LINGUISTICS (expected 1999) University of Pennsylvania 1993-1999 Philadelphia, PA Dissertation title: Defining Strength: A Dissertation on Positional Faithfulness Dissertation advisor: Eugene Buckley Areas of specialization: phonology, historical linguistics, and Spanish linguistics. BA, LINGUISTICS (Honors) BA, SPANISH University of Maryland, College Park 1989-1992 1989-1992 College Park, Maryland Valedictorian; graduated summa cum laude with 4.0 GPA. TEACHING EXPERIENCE LECTURER University of Pennsylvania College of General Studies 1997 -1998 Philadelphia, PA Taught all sections of LING 010: Fundamentals of the Grammar of Standard English from Summer 1997 to Summer 1998. Designed course, lectured, developed coursework and exams, etc. Course covered traditional grammar, composition, and linguistics (syntax, acquisition, discourse, dialects, etc.). INSTRUCTOR Upward Bound Program 1992 College Park, MD Provided study skills and course-specific tutoring to at-risk college-bound high school students. TEACHING ASSISTANT University of Maryland 1991 College Park, MD Co-taught LING 240, Language and the Mind (course on syntax and acquisition); lectured, created assignments, graded, and held office hours. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE RESEARCHER Linguistic Data Consortium 1997 Philadelphia, PA Conducted research on pronunciation and dialect variation in Spanish. RESEARCHER Institute for Research in Cognitive Science 1996 Philadelphia, PA Contributed to development of XTAG parsing project. RESEARCHER Linguistic Data Consortium 1994-1995 Philadelphia, PA Chief researcher for COMLEX Spanish lexicon; developed morphological transducer for Spanish; worked on pronunciation, dialect variation, Spanish verb system, and lexicon. Garrett, p. 2 TEACHING COMPETENCIES ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION Composition English Grammar GENERAL LINGUISTICS Phonology/Morphology Historical Linguistics SPANISH LANGUAGE History of Spanish Phonology and Pronunciation of Spanish CONFERENCES AND PUBLICATIONS (*Papers published) CONFERENCE OF THE STUDENT ORGANIZATION OF LINGUISTICS IN EUROPE VI *Positional faithfulness and truncation in child speech December, 1997 Lisbon, Portugal NORTH EAST LINGUISTIC SOCIETY 28 *Faithfulness in child speech: what gets kept and why? October, 1997 Toronto, Canada CONFERENCE ON THE ACQUISITION OF SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE Truncations in Child Speech October, 1997 Montreal, Canada ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CHICAGO LINGUISTICS SOCIETY *Rethinking Spanish Stress March 1996 Chicago, Illinois CONFERENCE OF THE STUDENT ORGANIZATION OF LINGUISTICS IN EUROPE IV *Another look at Spanish Stress and Syllable Structure THE FOURTH DIACHRONIC GENERATIVE SYNTAX CONFERENCE Spanish Negation from the 12th to 17th Century December 1995 Paris, France October, 1995 Montreal, Canada FELLOWSHIPS AND HONORS DISSERTATION FELLOWSHIP, School of Arts & Sciences 1998-1999 University of Pennsylvania WILLIAM PENN FELLOWSHIP 1993-1997 University of Pennsylvania UNDERGRADUATE HONORS FELLOWSHIP 1992 University of Maryland, College Park SERVICE CO-ORGANIZER, Penn Linguistics Colloquium COORDINATOR, Penn Linguistics Club Speaker Series COORDINATOR, Penn Linguistics Club Speaker Series ASSISTANT COORDINATOR, Penn Linguistics Colloquium MEMBERSHIPS LINGUISTIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA MODERN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION Spring 1996 Spring 1995 Fall 1994 Spring 1994