Model CV

E-mail address
10/1974 –
MS at Polytechnic University of Timisoara, in Organic Technology
"Selective hydrogenation of vegetal oils"
PhD Thesis at Polytechnic University of Bucharest in Analytical Chemistry, Adviser Prof. Dr. Doc.
Constantin Luca, "Stationary phases for separation of enantiomers by GC"
Post-Doctorate, Germany, Hamburg University, Institute of Organic Chemistry
Visiting Professor and associate researcher, Canada, University of Waterloo, Department of
Analytical Chemistry
Visiting Professor and associate researcher, USA, Boston University, Medical School, Department of
Biochemistry and Mass Spectrometry Center in Medicine.
Visiting Professor and associate researcher, Japan, University of Tsukuba, Graduate School of Life,
Department of Applied Biochemistry
Professional Positions:
Chem. eng.
Senior Researcher
Since 2005
Head of ResearchLaboratory
Industrial field, Bucharest
Romanian Academy-Branch of Timişoara
West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Chemistry-Biology-Geography,
Department of Chemistry
West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Chemistry-Biology-Geography,
Department of Chemistry.
Didactic Activity:
Instrumental Analytical Chemistry
PhD Adviser:
Since 2006
2 PhD students
Research Interest:
Instrumental Analytical Chemistry: GC, HPLC, MS, NMR analysis; Fine organic synthesis; Separation of organic
enantiomers, Sample preparation.
Scientific Publications:
Primary Publications
Research Contracts
Invited Lectures
1991 - Alexander von Humboldt Award (Germany)
2002 - J. Fulbright Award (USA)
2008 - Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Japan)
2008 - Romanian Academy (Romania)
Citations of my Articles
More than 2000 citations
One of the highly cited researcher of the world and the only one in Romania since 2003 in accordance with The
Institute of Scientific Information, (ISI), SUA
Selective List of Articles
1. M. Draga, I. Ciucanu, V. Agotici, A. Fernandez, R. Barna, Quantitative Evaluation of Perchlorethylene in
Groundwater Before and After its Oxidation by Helical Solid Sorbent Extraction and Gas Chromatography.
Chemosphere, 75 (2009) 1210-1214 (impact 3,253).
2. Ciucanu, R. Caprita, Per-O-methylation of neutral carbohydrates directly from aqueous samples for gas
chromatography and mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta 585(2007)81-85. (Impact 3,185)
3. I. Ciucanu, Per-O-methylation reaction for structural analysis of carbohydrates by mass spectrometry,
Analytica Chimica Acta 576(2006)147-155. (Impact 3,185)
4. Ciucanu, K.C. Swallow, R. Caprita, Micro-solid-phase extraction with helical solid sorbent in the presence
of organic solvents for gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of per-O-methylated mono- and
disaccharides. Analytica Chimica Acta 519 (2004) 93-101 (Impact 3,185)
5. I.
Ciucanu, C. Costello, Elimination of Oxidative Degradation During the Per-O-Methylation of
Carbohydrates, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 125 (47) (2003) 16213-16219 (Impact 6,90)
6. I. Ciucanu, A. Caprita, A. Chiriac, R. Barna, Helical sorbent microtrap for continuous sampling by a
membrane and trap interface for on-line gas chromatographic monitoring of volatile organic compounds,
Analytical Chemistry, 75(4) (2003) 736-741 ) (Impact 5,45)
7. M. Kaykhaii, I. Ciucanu, Membrane in tandem with a helical sorbent trap as a continuous sampling
technique of the polyvinyl chloride thermo-oxidative degradation
products for their on-line gas
chromatographic monitoring, Analytica Chimica Acta, 491 (2003) 163-171) (impact 3,185)
8. I. Ciucanu, Response to comments on helical sorbent for fast sorption and desorption in solid-phase
microextraction gas chromatographic analysis,Analytical Chemistry, 75 (2003) 3950-3951) (impact 5,45)
9. I Ciucanu, Helical sorbent for fast sorption and desorption in solid-phase microextraction-gas
chromatographic analysis, Analytical Chemistry, 74 (2002) 5501-5506 (impact 5,45).
10. I. Ciucanu, et al. , Continuous permeation of analytes through a thin poly(dimethylsiloxane) membrane
followed by sorbent trapping for their gas chromatographic monitoring. Journal of Chromatography, A 964(12) (2002) 1-9 (impact 3,641).
11. I. Ciucanu,
et al.,
A membrane and trap system for continuous monitoring of volatile organic
compounds using portable gas chromatograph with thermal conductivity detector. Journal of Separation
Science, 25(7) (2002) 447-452 (impact 2,17) .
12. I. Ciucanu M. Kaykhaii, L. Montero , J. Pavliszyn, J. Szubra, Continuous monitoring of thermooxidative degradation products of polystyrene by membrane extraction with sorbent interface and gas
chromatography. Journal of Chromatographic Science, 40(6) (2002) 350-354 (impact 1,62).
13. I. Ciucanu and J. Pawliszyn, Design of continuous monitoring device based on membrane extraction
with sorbent interface and micro-gas chromatograph.Field Analytical Chemistry and Technology, 5(1-2)
(2001) 69-74 (impact 1.32).
14. I. Ciucanu, Selective immobilization of permethylated cyclodextrin on silica gel,
Journal of Chromatography, A 727 (1996) 195-201 (impact 3,641).
15. I. Ciucanu and W. A. König, Immobilization of peralkylated -cyclodextrin on silica gel for high
performance liquid chromatography, Journal of Chromatography , A 685 (1994) 166-171 (impact 3,641).
16. I. Ciucanu and C-tin Luca, Avoidance of degradation during the methylation
of uronic acids,
Carbohydrate Research, 206 (1990) 731-734 (impact 1,45).
17. I. Ciucanu, D. Pop and V. Timoceanu, Derivatization of prostaglandins and related compounds to
alkyl ester derivatives for gas chromatographic analysis, Journal of
Chromatography, 436 (1988) 219-228 (impact 3,641).
18. I. Ciucanu and P. Gabris, Peralkylation of pentaerythritol for gas chromatography - mass spectrometry
analysis, Chromatographya, 23 (1987) 574-578 (impact 1,69).
I. Ciucanu and F. Kerek,
A simple and rapid method for the permethylation of carbohydrates,
Carbohydrrate Research, 131 (1984) 209-217 (impact 1,45).
20. I. Ciucanu and F. Kerek, Rapid and simultaneous methylation of fatty and hydroxy fatty acids for gas
chromatographic analysis, Journal of Chromatography, 286 (1984) 179-185(impact 3,641).
21. I. Ciucanu and F. Kerek, Method for the selective gas chromatographic determination of the free fatty
acids from lipids mixtures (in german), Journal of Chromatography, 257 (1983) 101-106 (impact 3,641).