Crystallography of 15. The crystal, a colorless block, was obtained from sublimation. The crystal data for 15 are as follows: monoclinic, space group P21/c with a = 9.2959(16) Å, b = 12.951(2) Å, c = 10.2700(14) Å; = 92.549(13)°, volume = 1235.2(4) Å3, and Z = 4. The empirical formula is C16H24, the formula weight is 216.4, and the calculated density is 1.163 g/cm3. The X-ray data were collected by use of CuKradiation ( = 1.54178 Å) on a Siemens P4 diffractometer. The refinement was performed using a full-matrix least squares procedure. The agreement factors are R = 0.0567 and Rw = 0.08 for 1417 reflections out of 1664 independent reflections. Table 1 Structure Determination Summary for 15. Crystal Data Empirical Formula C16H24 Color; Habit colorless block Crystal Size (mm) Crystal System Space Group 0.4 x 0.5 x 0.5 Monoclinic P21/c a = 9.2959(16) Å b = 12.951(2) Å c = 10.2700(14) Å β = 92.549(13) 1235.2(4) Å3 Unit Cell Dimensions Volume Peaks to determine cell 2-theta range of cell peaks Z Formula weight Density (calc.) Absorption Coefficient F(000) Data Collection Diffractometer Used Radiation Temperature Monochromator 2 Range Scan Type Scan Speed 41 20.0 to 55.00° 4 216.4 1.163 g/cm3 0.441 mm-1 480 Siemens P4 CuK ( = 1.54178 Å) -160(2)°C 113(2) K Highly oriented graphite crystal 4.0 to 114.0° 2 Variable; 4.00 to 30.00°/min. in Scan Range ( Background Measurements scan time Standard Reflections ° plus -separation Stationary crystal and stationary counter at beginning and end of scan, each for 20.0% of total (1, 0, 4) (0, 2,2) (2, 1, 1) measured every 50 reflections with a maximum variation of .04 -1 ≤ h ≤10, -1 ≤ k ≤ 14 -11 ≤ l ≤ 11 2229 1664 (Rint = 4.36 %) 1417 (F > 4.0(F)) N/A Index Ranges Reflections Collected Independent Reflections Observed Reflections Absorptions Correction Solution and Refinement System Used Solution Siemens SHELXTL PLUS(SGI) Direct Methods Refinement Method Quantity Minimized Full-Matrix Least-Squares w(Fo-Fc)2 Extinction Correction Hydrogen Atoms Weighting Scheme Number of Parameters refined Final R indices (obs. data) R indices (all data) Goodness-of-Fit N/A Riding model, isotropic U w-1 = 2(F) + 0.0010F2 146 R = 5.67 %, wR = 8.00 % R = 6.42 %, wR = 8.27 % 1.70 Largest and Mean / Data-to-Parameter Ratio Largest Difference Peak 0.001, 0.000 9.7:1 0.30 eÅ-3 Largest Difference Hole -0.24 eÅ-3 Table 2 Atomic coordinates (x105) and equivalent isotropic displacement coefficients (Å x 104) for 15. x C(1a) 5707(3) C(2a) 7050(3) C(3a) 6867(3) C(4a) 6683(3) C(5a) 6700(3) C(6a) 5520(3) C(7a) 8351(3) C(8a) 8152(3) C(1b) –1045(2) C(2b) –2340(3) C(3b) –3484(3) C(4b) –2908(3) C(5b) –1312(3) C(6b) –509(3) C(7b) –1879(3) C(8b) –1154(3) y 3629(2) 3084(2) 2910(2) 3954(2) 4837(2) 4663(2) 3776(2) 4819(2) –1230(2) –1732(2) –913(2) –104(2) –288(2) –330(2) –2188(2) –1352(2) z –521(2) 46(2) 1498(2) 2184(2) 1187(2) 149(2) –134(3) 546(2) –696(2) –103(2) 95(2) 1075(3) 1398(2) 157(2) 1231(2) 2080(3) U(eq) 234(8) 226(8) 280(9) 253(8) 201(7) 170(7) 275(8) 253(8) 231(8) 223(8) 239(8) 352(9) 263(8) 169(7) 277(9) 363(9) * Equivalent isotropic U defined as one third of the trace orthogonalized Table 3. Bond lengths (Å) for 15. C(1a)–C(2a) 1.527(3) C(2a)–C(3a) 1.526(3) C(3a)–C(4a) 1.537(3) C(5a)–C(6a) 1.512(3) C(6a)–C(6aa) 1.328(5) C(1b)–C(2b) 1.520(3) C(2b)–C(3b) 1.522(3) C(3b)–C(4b) 1.533(4) C(5b)–C(6b) 1.506(3) C(6b)–C(6ba) 1.326(5) C(1a)–C(6a) C(2a)–C(7a) C(4a)–C(5a) C(5a)–C(8a) C(7a)–C(8a) C(1b)–C(6b) C(2b)–C(7b) C(4b)–C(5b) C(5b)–C(8b) C(7b)–C(8b) Table 4. Bond angles (°) for 15 C(2a)–C(1a)–C(6a) 110.1(2) C(1a)–C(2a)–C(7a) 108.8(2) C(2a)–C(3a)–C(4a) 109.7(2) C(4a)–C(5a)–C(6a) 109.3(2) C(6a)–C(5a)–C(8a) 108.7(2) C(1a)–C(6a)–C(6aa) 124.8(3) C(2a)–C(7a)–C(8a) 110.5(2) C(2b)–C(1b)–C(6b) 109.9(2) C(1b)–C(2b)–C(7b) 109.1(2) C(2b)–C(3b)–C(4b) 109.8(2) C(1a)–C(2a)–C(3a) C(3a)–C(2a)–C(7a) C(3a)–C(4a)–C(5a) C(4a)–C(5a)–C(8a) C(1a)–C(6a)–C(5a) C(5a)–C(6a)–C(6aa) C(5a)–C(8a)–C(7a) C(1b)–C(2b)–C(3b) C(3b)–C(2b)–C(7b) C(3b)–C(4b)–C(5b) 1.520(3) 1.523(3) 1.536(3) 1.528(3) 1.535(3) 1.529(3) 1.535(3) 1.524(4) 1.550(4) 1.528(4) 108.4(2) 109.3(2) 110.2(2) 108.2(2) 110.9(2) 124.3(3) 109.7(2) 109.0(2) 108.6(2) 110.2(2) Uij tensor C(4b)–C(5b)–C(6b) C(6b)–C(5b)–C(8b) C(1b)–C(6b)–C(6ba) C(2b)–C(7b)–C(8b) 109.6(2) 108.0(2) 124.7(3) 109.6(2) C(4b)–C(5b)–C(8b) C(1b)–C(6b)–C(5b) C(5b)–C(6b)–C(6ba) C(5b)–C(8b)–C(7b) 108.0(2) 110.6(2) 124.7(3) 110.0(2) Table 5. Anisotropic displacement coefficients (Å2x103) for 15. U(11) U(22) U(33) U(12) U(13) U(23) C(1a) 212(14) 192(13) 295(14) 12(10) –29(10) –12(11) C(2a) 257(14) 169(13) 253(14) 48(11) 11(10) –21(11) C(3a) 364(16) 205(14) 272(15) –7(11) 13(11) 56(11) C(4a) 229(14) 309(16) 220(13) 25(11) 3(10) –14(11) C(5a) 201(13) 181(13) 216(13) 1(10) –53(10) –28(10) C(6a) 174(12) 164(12) 171(12) –4(9) 2(9) 9(9) C(7a) 219(13) 317(15) 290(15) 24(12) 27(11) 64(12) C(8a) 224(14) 231(14) 299(15) –35(11) –51(11) 45(11) C(1b) 184(13) 192(13) 319(14) –11(10) 31(10) –57(11) C(2b) 193(14) 210(14) 266(14) –50(10) 12(10) –78(11) C(3b) 193(13) 237(14) 287(14) 5(11) 26(10) 48(11) C(4b) 275(15) 253(15) 545(18) –54(12) 192(13) –131(13) C(5b) 256(15) 289(15) 247(14) –119(11) 37(11) –102(11) C(6b) 173(12) 145(12) 188(12) 6(9) –8(9) –13(9) C(7b) 268(15) 219(14) 344(16) –9(11) 7(12) 45(11) C(8b) 400(17) 444(17) 243(14) –143(14) -22(12) 48(13) Table 6 Hydrogen-atom coordinates (x 104) and equivalent isotropic displacement coefficients (Å2 x 103) for 15. x y z U(eq) H(1aa) 5795 3734 –1439 355(16) H(1ab) 4876 3206 –401 355(16) H(2aa) 7177 2436 –386 355(16) H(3aa) 6037 2485 1620 355(16) H(3ab) 7696 2559 1871 355(16) H(4aa) 5787 3960 2615 355(16) H(4ab) 7449 4049 2831 355(16) H(5aa) 6565 5488 1613 355(16) H(7aa) 9202 3443 224 355(16) H(7ab) 8473 3886 –1047 355(16) H(8aa) 8914 4922 1194 355(16) H(8ab) 8191 5367 –81 355(16) H(1ba) –290 –1730 –768 355(16) H(1bb) –1309 –983 –1556 355(16) H(2ba) –2720 –2266 –668 355(16) H(3ba) –4333 –1230 414 355(16) H(3bb) –3739 –586 –722 355(16) H(4ba) –3042 574 714 355(16) H(4bb) H(5ba) H(7ba) H(7bb) H(8ba) H(8bb) –3433 –929 –1220 –2706 –1591 –152 –145 248 –2749 –2452 –1328 –1513 1858 1957 1118 1649 2909 2229 355(16) 355(16) 355(16) 355(16) 355(16) 355(16)