PRESS RELEASE BioFach 2014/ Packaging technology

BioFach 2014/ Packaging technology / Environmental protection/ Transport security/ ID technology/ Logistics
Sustainably sealing of heavy cardboard packaging
At the BioFach 2014, Schümann will present the first gummed tapes with organic filaments
As a sustainable solution for the sealing of cardboard packaging, gummed tape from Schümann are
winning more and more fans. These consist of paper and potato starch and are the ideal symbiosis
of ecology and security. At the BioFach 2014 in Nuremberg, the company is now set to present the
first gummed tapes with organic reinforcement filaments. This means heavy cardboard packaging
with organic products can now also be sealed effectively to prevent tampering, and also on a hard
wearing and sustainable basis.
Stadtallendorf, December 2013. – Manufacturers, distributors and retailers of organic and natural
products in particular have to pay special attention to the aspects of sustainability and environmental
compatibility, along with stability and security, when choosing their packaging. In many cases they
therefore use gummed tapes from Schümann to seal their cardboard packaging. Without exception,
this sealing product is made from renewable raw materials and results in an exemplary eco-balance
when used in combination with the cardboard packaging. Until recently, however, this only applied
to non-reinforced gummed tapes without a tear proof filament layer. At the BioFach 2014 (, Schümann will present a genuine innovation: the first gummed tapes with organic
reinforcement filaments! The company has succeeded in replacing the polyester filaments which are
usually inlaid in the rubber coating of the reinforced gummed tapes with one hundred percent
ecological organic filaments made from purely organic raw materials – and without compromising
the tear resistance! In this way, as the first provider in the market to do so, Schümann has extended
its range of products with a sealing tape that has an organic filament reinforcement, with which
heavy cardboard packaging – with wine and vegetable oil, for instance – can be packaged safely and
Sustainable to the core
Everything else about the Schümann gummed tapes is also ecological and environmentally friendly:
the adhesive coating is extracted from potato starch and the wood used for the production of the
Kraft paper originates from sustainably managed EU forests. The application is also an
environmentally friendly act. This is something the visitors to the BioFach 2014 can convince
themselves at the company's trade fair stand 6-271 in Hall 6: the paper tapes are stuck to the
cardboard packaging without using any chemicals and simply through moistening with water. And
even when the tapes are printed with logos or product information as per customer request, the
company only uses water soluble inks. The paper tapes are disposed of and recycled together with
the cardboard packaging.
Ecological, efficient, secure
Whether non-reinforced or reinforced with organic filament, the market currently offers no other
sealing product which corresponds so consistently to sustainability requirements, all the way from its
production, to its processing to its disposal, and which is as economical at the same time. Many
producers and distributors of organic and natural products also value the fact that the gummed tapes
further enhance the security of the packaging. Since its natural gum forms a firm bond with the
surface of the cardboard packaging immediately after its application, traceless opening is almost
impossible. This means the gummed tapes from Schümann satisfy an important criterion for the
packaging of medicines, cosmetics as well as food products and natural remedies: safety against
tampering and unauthorised opening. And it goes without saying that the gummed tapes can also be
printed with product and quality information or ident-codes.
Incidentally: all of those who wish to present their products at the BioFach have to comply with strict
selection criteria. Each year, Schümann also has to provide ample proof of the sustainability of its
gummed tapes each year to be able to present its products at the world's leading trade fair for
organic products. This not only includes confirmation that the sealing products satisfy all of the legal
requirements, but also the assurance that their ingredients are free from environmentally damaging
materials and consist of renewable raw materials.
677 words with 4466 characters (incl.spaces)
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Herbert Schümann Papierverarbeitungswerk GmbH
Jürgen Teschner
Neckarstraße 15
D-35260 Stadtallendorf
Tel.: 0049 (0) 64 28 / 7 06-0
Fax: 0049 (0) 64 28 / 7 06-60
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Graf & Creative PR
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D-64293 Darmstadt
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