Study programme : DENTISTRY Course name : PATHOLOGICAL PHYSIOLOGY 2 Abbreviation : PFY/ZAA12 Schedule : 15 hours of lectures 45 hours of exercises Course distribution : 3rd year, 5th semester Number of Credits : 8 Course Form : Lectures, exercises Lectures: Teachers : prof. MUDr. Martin Petřek, CSc. MUDr. Dagmar Riegrová, CSc. Study: Continuous Date 1 14. 9. 2015 Subjects Selected problems of GIT . Pathophysiology of oral cavity. Dysphagia. Pathophysiology of oesophagus. Ulcerative disease. Pathophysiology of digestive system. Motility disorders of small and large intestine, diarrhea, constipation. 2 28. 9. 2015 Holiday. Selected problems of liver and bile ducts pathophysiology. Liver failure. Hepatic cirrhosis. Ascites. 3 12. 10. 2015 Pathogenetic aspects of modern diabetology. Diabetes types, genetic principle of DM predisposition. Autoimmune features of DM I. type. Trigger mechanisms . Principles of insulin resistance in DM II. type. Actual DM classifica- tion and diagnostic possibilities. 4 26. 10. 2015 Selected problems of kidney pathophysiology. Acute and chronic kidney failure. 5 9. 11. 2015 Selected problems of endocrine system pathophysiology. Pathogenesis of endocrine gland diseases, modern knowledge of their role in homeostasis, defense mechanisms including immune reactions. 6 23. 11. 2015 Selected problems of nervous system disorders. Overview of latest knowledge about pathogenesis of the most frequent central and peripheral nervous system diseases. Paralysis. Extrapyramidal system. 1 Duratio n (hrs) 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 7. 12. 2015 Consciousness and cognitive function disorders. Memory disorders. Speech function disorders. Disturbances of calcium and phosphorus balance. Bone pathophysiology. Osteoporosis, osteomalacia, rachitis, osteodys- trophia. 2 8 21. 12. 2015 Holliday A substitute term according to students´ choice - 1. 1. 2015 Selected problems of mouth cavity and dentition pathophysiology. 1 Mouth cavity changes in nutrition disturbances, inflammatory processes, general diseases, tumours. Salivary gland diseases, lymphadenopathy. Pathophysiological principle of tooth decay and parodontopathy. The lectures are held in the No. 2.520 room at New Building on Mondays, from 8.00 a.m. to 8.45 a.m. Exercises: prof. MUDr. Martin Petřek, CSc. MUDr. Dagmar Riegrová, CSc Other members of the Department Study : Week from-to 1 14. 9. 2015 2 21. 9. 2015 3 28. 9. 2015 4 5. 10. 2015 5 12. 10. 2015 6 19. 10. 2015 7 26. 10. 2015 2 Continuous Subject Stress and general adaptation syndrome. Stressors, eustress, disstres. Stress phases. Chronic stress. Psychosomatic diseases. Pathophysiology of GIT. Pathophysiology of salivary glands. Chosen diseases of oesophagus, ventricle, intestine. Holiday. Nutrition disturbances. Nutritive and energetic balance, protein and nitrogen balance. Obesity. Malnutrition. Parenteric nutrition. Malassimilation syndromes. Maldigestion,,malabsoption. Pathophysiology of lipid metabolism. Atherosclerosis. Pathophysiology of purine metabolism. Gout. Disturbances of vitamins uptake. Hyper, hypovitaminosis. Pathophysiology of liver function. Jaundice – causes, types, consequences. Disturbances of exocrine pancreas. Pathophysiology of saccharide metabolism. Diabetes mellitus. Hypo, hyperglycaemia. Acute and chronic complications. Analysis of clinical cases. Test No. 1. Content of exercises 1-5, lectures 1-2 Disturbances of ABB. Acid-base quantities, parameters, classification, compensation, correction, therapy principles, complications. Duration Teacher (hrs) 2 Riegrová 4 Riegrová 2 Riegrová 4 Riegrová 2 Riegrová 4 Riegrová 2 Riegrová 8 2. 11. 2015 9 9. 11. 2015 10 16. 11. 2015 11 23. 11. 2015 12 30. 11. 2015 13 7. 12. 2015 14 14. 12. 2015 15 21. 12. 2015 – 1. 1. 2015 Water and ion management. Disturbances of water and osmotic balance. . Principles and risks of infusion therapy. Pathophysiology of kidney functions. Proteinuria. Haematuria. Nephrotic syn. Pathogenesis of kidney diseases for extrarenal causes. Urolithiasis. Pathophysiology of endocrine system. Disturbances of adrenal cortex, parathyroid gland funct. Disturbances of menstrual cycle. Hypogonadism. Central and peripheral nervous system disorders I Disability of pyramidal pathway. Disturbances of extrapyramidal system. Ataxy. Walking disorders. Video: Parkinsonism. Test No. 2. Content of exercise 6-9, lectures 3-4. Central and peripheral nervous system disorders II. Brain perfusion disorders, vascular epizode, brain oedema. Epilepsy. Comas. Alzheimer disease. Video: Epilepsy. Narcolepsy. 4 Riegrová 2 Riegrová 4 Riegrová 2 Riegrová 4 Riegrová Pathophysiology of selected rheumatic diseases and systemic connective tissue diseases. Ethiopathogenesis, manifestation symptoms, therapy principles. MODS pathophysiology. Compensatory mechanisms, symptoms, consequences, complications. Test No 3. Content of exercises 10-13 and lectures 5-7 Holiday Final test. Substitute exercise. Credit. 2 Riegrová 4 Riegrová 3 Riegrová The exercises are held in the No. 2.520 room at New Building on Mondays, from 9.00 a.m., to 11. 15 a.m. Completed by: Requirements: 3 Credit. Examination. 1) Successful attendance of the exercises is expected (one absence excused without necessity to supply it). Letter of apology is necessary in the case of another absence(s). No more than three absences can be excused by the Department. The students may substitute their absence(s) in week 15 of the semester. 2) Sufficient knowledge of anatomy, biochemistry, and physiology as well as adequate activity and interaction in discussions during the exercises is required. Passivity can be assessed by a teacher as an absence of the student in the exercise. 3) Achieving of at least 70% mean value of the maximum score attainable in the three tests. 4) In the case of mean scoring less than 70%, the students will undergo a final credit test in the week 15 of the semester. The limit is 70% of the maximum score attainable in this test. 5) In the case of scoring between 55%-69% of the maximum in the final credit test, the student may undergo an oral interview in a date offered by the Department. 6) In the case of scoring less than 55% of the maximum in the final credit test, or in the case of falling in the oral interview, there is possibility for the student to ask, in a written form, the head of the Department for an extra re-examination. Literature: 1. Guyton A. C.: Textbook of Medical Physiology . 11 t h Edition. Saunders, 2005. 2. Hulín I.: Pathophysiol ogy . Principles of Diseases . 2 n d Ed. SAV Bratislava, 1998 . 3. McCance K. L., Huether S. E.: Pathophysiology . 3 r d Edition. Mosby, 1998 4. Braunwald E et al : Harrisons´s Principles of Internal Medicine. 15th Edition. McGraw-Hill, 2001. 5. Weatherall, Ledingham, Warrel: Oxford Textbook of Medicine, Vol. 1, 2. 2nd Edition. 1988. 6. www. mefanet. cz; http://portal. med. muni. cz/; http://portal. lf1. cuni. cz/ 4