Program of Study : GENERAL MEDICINE Course : PATHOLOGICAL PHYSIOLOGY Abbreviation : PFY/VAA11 Schedule : 30 hours of lectures 45 hours of exercises Course Distribution : 3rd year, 5th semester Number of Credits : 0 Course Form : Lectures, exercises Lectures : Teachers : prof. MUDr. Martin Petřek, CSc. MUDr. Dagmar Riegrová, CSc. Study: Continuous Time 11:45 – 13:15 (mondays) Location: LLH - Left Lecture Hall Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14. 9. 2015 21. 9. 2015 28. 9. 2015 5. 10. 2015 12. 10. 2015 19. 10. 2015 26. 10. 2015 2. 11. 2015 Title Introduction to the subject Pathophysiology of inflammation. Local symptoms, general symptoms. Acute phase reaction. Laboratory markers. Holiday. Duration (hrs). 2 2 Pathophysiology of immune response. Hypersensitivity reactions. Autoimmune diseases. General pathogenetic mechanisms. Reactive oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon species. Reperfusion phenomena. Calcium paradox. PH paradox. Pathophysiology of haemostasis. Thrombophilia. 2 Pathophysiology of GIT 1. Gastroduodenal ulcer disesase. Ileus. Pathophysiology of GIT 2. Disturbances of exocrine pancreatic functions. Maldigestion and malabsorption. 2 9. 11. 2015 Pathophysiology of the liver. Liver failure. 16. 11. 2015 Pathophysiology of nutrition. 2 2 2 2 2 11 12 13 14 15 23. 11. 2015 30. 11. 2015 7. 12. 2015 14. 12. 2015 21. 12. 2015 - 1. 1. 2016 Diabetes mellitus. Classification and development. 2 Pathophysiology of the central nervous system I. Speech. Aphasias. Pathophysiology of the central nervous systém II. Disturbances of consciousness. Autonomic nervous system in abdominal cavity – organisation, functions and disturbances. Vacation. 2 2 2 2 Exercises : prof. MUDr. Martin Petřek, CSc. Teachers : MUDr. Dagmar Riegrová, CSc. Other members of the Department Study: Continuous Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 17. 9. 2015 24. 9. 2015 1. 10. 2015 8. 10. 2015 15. 10. 2015 22. 10. 2015 29. 10. 2015 Title Introduction. The organization of exercises. Recommended study sources (textbooks, web pages) Safety rules. Health and disease. Narcosis. Euthanasia. Basic surgical instrumentarium. Injection techniques - forms of application, complications. Training in surgical techniques. 1. Sewing. Types of stitches. Practical training (alternative materials). Video: The use of laboratory animals. Experiment in pathophysiology. Experimental animal, laboratory animal. Protection of animals. Alternative approaches. Training in surgical techniques. 2 . Sewing. Types of stitches. Practical training (alternative materials). Cell death. Necrosis, apoptosis, and autophagy. Healing. Recovery. Pathophysiology of pain. Pathophysiology of inflammation. Acute and chronic inflammation. MODS. SIRS. Fever. Pathophysiology of immune system. Analysis of clinical cases. Test No. 1. Content of exercises 1-4, lecture2-4. Pathophysiology of blood elements. Anaemiasetiopathogenetic classiofication, anaemic syn. Compensatory mechanisms. Leucopenia, leucocytosis. Student´s presentations: Porphyrias. Disturbances of haemostasis. Bleeding. Disorders. Coagulopathies. DIC. Pathophysiology of blood substitution, blood transfusion. Pathophysiology of transplantation. Duration (hrs. ) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 5. 11. 2015 12. 11. 2015 19. 11. 2015 26. 11. 2015 3. 12. 2015 10. 12. 2015 17. 12. 2015 7. 1. 2015 Pathophysiology of GIT: Oesophagus, stomach. Abdominal pain. Dyspepsia. Nausea. Vomiting. GIT bleeding. Test No. 2. Content of exercises 5-7. Pathophysiology of the liver. Icterus. Hepatitis. Laboratory markers. Bile duct pathophysiology. . Exocrine pancreas. Clinical causes analysis. Pathophysiology of food intake and nutrition states. Nutrition energetic balance, proteins and nitrogen balance, malnutrition refeeding syn. Environmental risk factors in the development of diseases. Student´s presentations: Hereditary disturbances of metabolism of amino acids and purines. Test No. 3. Content of exercises 8-10. Central and peripheral nervous system disorders. Sensitive, motor disturbances at the level of the peripheral neuron, spinal cord and subcortical levels. Video: Parkinsonism. Central and peripheral nervous system disorders. Neurotransmitters. Disturbance of analysers, limbic and vegetative system. Cramps. Ataxias. Disturbances of gait. Disturbances of sleep. Disturbances of speech. Analysis of clinical cases. Video: Epilepsy. Narcolepsy. Student's presentation of selected themes. Analyses of clinical cases of selected themes – MODS – mechanisms, symptoms, complications. Test No. 4. Content of exercises 11-13. The final test. Credit. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 The exercises are held in the seminar room of the Department of Pathophysiology, on Thursdays, from 9. 00 a.m. to 11.15 a.m. - group A; from 11.30 a.m to 13.45 p.m. group B; and from 14.30 p.m. to 16.45 p.m. - group C. Completed by: Credit Requirements: 1) Successful attendance of the exercises is expected (one absence excused without necessity to supply it). Letter of apology is necessary in the case of another absence(s). No more than three absences can be excused by the Department. The students may substitute their absence(s) in week 15 of the semester. 2) Sufficient knowledge of anatomy, biochemistry, and physiology as well as adequate activity and interaction in discussions during the exercises is required. Passivity can be assessed by a teacher as an absence of the student in the exercise. 3) Achieving of at least 70% mean value of the maximum score attainable in the four tests. 4) In the case of mean scoring less than 70%, the students will undergo the final credit test in the week 15 of the semester. The limit is 70% of the maximum score attainable in this test. 5) In the case of scoring between 55%-69% of the maximum in the final credit test, the student may undergo an oral interview in a date offered by the Department. 6) In the case of scoring less than 55% of the maximum in the final credit test, or in the case of falling in the oral interview, there is possibility for the student to ask, in a written form, the head of the Department for an extra re-examination. Literature : 1. Guyton A. C.: Textbook of Medical Physiology. 11th Edition. Saunders, 2005. 2. McCance K. L., Huether S. E.: Pathophysiology. 6th Edition. Mosby, 2010. www. mefanet. cz; http://portal. med. muni. cz/; http://pfyziol. upol. cz; http://portal. lf1. cuni. cz/;