Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Department of Pathophysiology Syllabus Pathological physiology – characteristics and significancy of the discipline Pathophysiology is a scientific discipline which is engaged with general and special laws of the origin, course and termination of the processes of diseases. It studies deviations from normal functions of the organism at molecular, cellular level as well as of individual organs and of the organism as a whole. In the general part it is engaged with influences of pathogenic stimuli, with disturbances of adaptation, regulation and defensive mechanisms and with the reactions of the whole organism. In the special part it studies changes and processes in individual diseases and functional systems. The main gain of knowledge is due to clinical observation and due to experiments. Experiments with animals or with alternative methods enable to create models of pathological processes at different stages of their evolution. The analysis of partial results and their subsequent synthesis help to understand the mechanisms of the origin and of the course of the disease. Thus also the basis for the prevention and for the therapy is given. General pathophysiology Importance and table of contents of the pathophysiology. Disease - definition and stages - course - diagnosis - therapy - prognosis. Models of pathological conditions. Principles of experimental work (ethical and legislative problems resulting from an experiments on the aboratory animals). Alternative methods. Etiology and pathogenesis (definition - historical development - pathological process feedback control - importance of neuronal and humoral regulation). Exogenous (extrinsic ) etiological factors (basic classification: physical, chemical, biological, psychic and social; mechanical, thermic, el. current, radiation, atmospheric pressure, kinetosis, noise; modification of final effect of drug on the organism; bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi - exotoxins and endotoxins; nutrition, hygiene, habitation, personal intercorses). Endogenous (intrinsic) etiological factors Reactivity, constitutional typology Chromosomal heredity - disorders (autosomal dominant, recessive, incompletely dominant, codominant, X-linked, polygenic, heterogenic) Mitochondrial heredity Inborn errors of metabolism - sacharides: pentosuria, fructosuria, galactosemia, glycogenoses; mucopolysacharidoses; sphingolipidoses; aminoacids: phenylketonuria, alkaptonuria, albinism, homocystinuria; proteins: analbuminaemia, agamaglobulinaemia; different others: Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, familial hypercholesterolemia, cystic fibrosis Chromosomal abnormalities - syndromes: Down´s, Edward´ s, Patau´s, cat-cray, Klinefelter´s, Turner´s, fragile X 1 Prenatal diagnosis (amniocentesis, ultrasound, fetoscopy) - pharmacogenetics genealogy - eugenics - genetic engineering - reproductive technology. Pathophysiology of growth and development ( cellular mechanisms, fylogeny and ontogeny, altricial and praecocial type, brain growth spurt, main influences - „nature or nurture“; prenatal period - embryo, fetus; gametopathies. blastopathies, embryopathies, congenital malformations; perinatal complications; postnatal development - main periods, their characteristics; critical developmental periods, secular trend; relationship between morphology and function; signs of full period of pregnancy - disturbances; importance of nutrition, emotional and sensoric stimulation - syndrome of deprivation) Pathophysiology of senescence (gerontology, geriatry; demographic senescence, theories of senescence: programmed genetical mechanisms, metabolic and immune disorders, changes og neurohomoral regulation; dynamic of senescence - social aspects - prevention - pharmacogerontology) Extinction of life, death (causes and mechanisms, clinical and biological death; brain death - criteria; persistent vegetative state, locked-in syndrome; philosophical, theological and social aspects; euthanasia, disthanasia; legal state (consequences) in Czech Republic and in the world) Pathophysiology of immunity (interdisciplinary issue, basic division - congenital, acquired, disorders; inflammation-signs, mediators, immunodeficiency - congenital and acquired, AIDS, disorders of humoral and cellular mechanisms, allergy and anaphylaxis; auoimmune diseases, transplantation) Patophysiology of stress (history-H.selye, J.Charvát, V.Schreiber, definition syndrome of adaptation, stressor, eustress, distress; relationship between stress and shock, stress reaction-importance of CNS; humoral mechanism-role of hypothalamus, hypophysis, adrenal gland; relationship between stress and pathogenesis of diseasespsychosomatic disorders, disturbance of immunity) Pathophysiology of pain (dual role in health and disease; causes-receptors, nerve fibers, pathway; role of peptides and neurotransmitters; gate theory of pain, types of painsuperficial, deep, ischemic, reffered, phantom, thalamic; control mechanismsendogenous opioids, transmitters, RF, psychic; experimental models; principles of treatment) Pathophysiology of tumours (theory og cancerogenesis-physical, chemical, viral; role of heredity-protooncogenes, oncogenes, tumours-supressed genes, reverse transcriptase; multiple primary cancers; metabolism og tumour-malignant cells, cancer tests-biological markers-antigens. hormones, enzymes; principles of cancer therapysurgical, irradiation, chemotherapy) Pathophysiology of blood Changes of blood volume: normo-, hypo- and hypervolemia-normocythaemic, oligoand polycythaemic; causes of hypovolemia-renal and extrarenal (bleeding, burns, loss of fluids from GIT, thermic changes, endocrine disorders); hypervolemia-temperature, muscle work, endocrinopathies, pregnancy) Changes of plasma composition: disoders of protein spectrum, changes of organic and anorganic substances Pathophysiology of red blood cells: anaemias (classification-normo-, micro,macrocytic, normo- and hypochromic; primary /disorders of bone marrow, liver, kidney, malnutrition -vitamines, iron, proteins/ and secondary /haemorhagic, haemolytic- inborn, attained/); polycythaemias- primary and secondary; blood groups, 2 tranfusion, incompatibility Pathophysiology of leukocytes: changes of number- leukopenia, granulocytopenia, agranulocytosis, leukocytosis (physiological and pathological); disorders of functions (syndrome of lazy leukocytes, phagocytosis inhibition, chronic septic granulomatosis); leukaemias - classification, etiology, pathophysiological view; lymphomas; specific immunodeficient states connecting with leukocytes/ lymphocytes Pathophysiology of thrombocytes, coagulation: haemorhagic diseases-causes: inborn and atteined disorders of thrombocytes (essential thrombocytopenia, thrombasthenia, drugs, antibodies, myeloproliferation), plasma factors (haemophilia, hypovitaminosis K, tumours), vascular defects (hereditary haemorhagic teleangiectasis, hypovitaminosis C, purpuras) Pathophysiology of circulation Peripheral circulation - active and passive hyperemia; oedema - changes of hydrostatic, osmotic and oncotic pressure; hemorrhage - causes, classification; thrombosis - venous, arterial- course and consequences; embolism - classification (peripheral, central, paradoxical), types (thrombi, gass, lipids); cyanosis - causes, division (peripheral, central); atherosclerosis - modern opinion about etiology, theory of endothelial dysfunction (lipids, proteins, free radicals), pathogenesis, risc factors and complications General disorders of regulation. Shock - definition, main classification (hypovolemic, cardiogenic, vascular), haemodynamic changes according to cause, stages (compensatory, decompensatory); collapse /syncope/ - causes, types Cardias insufficiency (congective heart failure): etioplohy, pathogenic changes. compensatory mechanisms, acute, chronic, of left or right part of heart; asthma cardiale, cor pulmonale - mechanism of origin Congenital and aquired heart defects: functional classification (non cyanotic, cyanotic); summary of main valvular diseases and other deffects, hemodynamic consequences (changes of blood pressure, pulse) Ischemic heart disease: etiology, risc factors; pathogenesis- division according to clinical importance: acute forms (instable angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction /Q-form, non-Q/, sudden death), chronic forms (angina pectoris, Prinzmetal type, X syndrome); mechanism of subendocardial and epicardial ischemia - main ECG signs; diagnostic possibilities, differential diagnosis, complications Disorders of cardiac rhytm - arrhytmias /dysrhytmias/ - main division (disturbance of impulse origin, conduction or combination of both); summary of different types, principles of origin, ECG signs, hemodynamic consequences, complications Hypertension: classification-systolic, diastolic; primary /essential/, secondary; mosaic theory, influence of neuronal and humoral mechanisms; accelerated, malignant hypertension; pulmonary hypertension Pathophysiology of respiration Definition of respiration, division of respiration (external, internal) Basic mechanisms of respiration: ventilation, difusion, perfusion. Protective breathing reflexes. Patofyziology of symptoms of respiratory diseases: cough, chest pain. Dyspnea, ortopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea. Pathophysiology of external breathing: increased pressure of gases, caisson disease, 3 mountain and altitude disease, stenoses and obstacles in respiratory airways Abnormal gas exchange: hypoxia and types, acidosis, alkalosis, asfyxia. Internal breathing. Pathophysiology of pleural cavity, pneumothorax. Pathophysiology of respiratory regulation: apnea, periodic breathing. Pathophysiology of respiratory center, gasping, paralysis of respiratory muscles. Lung volumes and capacities. Patofyziology of obstructive and restrictive respiratory diseases. Patofyziology of asthma bronchiale. ARDS – respiratory distress syndrom. Sleep apnea syndrom. Patofyziology of pneumonia and carcinoma of lungs. Pathophysiology of digestion and resorption Pathophysiology of oral food processing (defects of salivation). Sjőgren`s syndrom. Disorders of esophageal function. Dysphagia. Achalasia. Diaphragmatic hernia. Pathophysiology of stomach. Disorders of secretion and motility. Nausea and vomiting. Ulcer disease of stomach and duodenum – etiologic factors. Disorders of motility and secretion of small and thick intestine. Syndrom of irritable intestine. Ileus. Dyspepsia (fermental and putrefactive). Obstipation (causes, results). Diarrhea (causes, results). Defects of resorption. Morbus Crohn. Collitis ulcerosa. Bleeding in digestive tract (causes, results, detection). Colorectal carcinoma – etiology and occurance. Pathophysiology of the liver Experimental liver elimination (Eck‘s fistula etc.) Disorders of liver function (funtional tests of liver) Hepatitis – viral hepatitis (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) autoimmune hepatitis (1, 2a, 2b, 3) Hepatic failure – acute chronic Hepatic cirrhosis (causes, types, pathophysiology) Portal hypertension, ascites Hepatic encephalopathy Hepatorenal syndrome Jaundice – prehepatic jaundice intrahepatic jaundice posthepatic jaundice Patophysiology of bilirubin metabolism Disorders of the gallbladder function- 4 cholelithiasis cholecystitis Pathophysiology of metabolism Disorders of protein metabolism. Pathological proteins. Disorders of nitrogen balance. Disorders of lipid metabolism. Disorders of lipid degradation and resorption. Familiar hyperlipoproteinémia. Pathophysiology of cholesterol – HDL, LDL. Disorders of glycide metabolism. Hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, glycemic curve, glycosuria, glycogenesis. Abnormalitis of glucose tolerance. Diabetes mellitus – etiology and types. Steroid and gestation diabetes. Effects of insulin and glucagon. Diagnostic criteria of DM. Diet, peroral antidiabetic drugs, terapy of insulin. Somogi`s effect. Insulin resistance - Reaven`s syndrom. Acute complications of DM – diabetic coma, hypoglycemic shock. Chronic complications of DM – angiopathy, neuropathy, retinopathy and nefropathy. Disorders of metabolism of mineral substances and water. Dehydration. Edema. Disorders of metabolism of Na, Cl, K, Ca, P, Fe, Mg and trace elements. Disorders of vitamin metabolism. Hypovitaminoses. Hypervitaminoses. Nutrition and optimal composition. Disturbances of energetical metabolism. Changes of the basal metabolism. Defect of nutrition – malnutrition. Kwashiorkor. Mental anorexia. Obesity – etiology and theraphy. Bulimia. Pathophysiology of kidneys and urinary system Disorders of glomerulal filtration Disorders of proximal, distal tubules and loop of Henle Pathophysiology of hormonal regulation of renal function Acute renal failure Chronic renal failure – metabolic alterations due to uraemia pathophysilogy of symptoms in uraemia consequences of alterations occuring in chronic renal failure Methods of renal substitution Patogenesis of renal disorders – immunne mechansms ischemia of kidneys disorders of filtration disorders of coagulation toxic disorders infection of kidneys obstruction of urinary tract inborn disorders Infections of the urinary tract - cystitis pyelonephritis urethritis 5 prostatitis papillary necrosis Urolithiasis (types, causes) Urinary concentration and dilution, clearance Pathophysiology of endocrine system Hypothalamic-hypophyseal system – liberins, statins Pathophysiology of hypothalamic-neurohypophyseal system hypofunction of hypothalamo-hypophyseal system ( central diabetes insipidus etc.) hypofunction of hypothalamo-hypophyseal system (Schwartz-Bartter‘s syndrome) Pathophysiology of hypothalamic-adenohypophyseal system (giantism, nanism, acromegaly, Cushing‘s disease, Simond‘s disease) Pathophysiology of thyroid gland pathophysiology of the regulation of thyroid gland autoimmunne diseases of thyroid gland iodine deficiency thyroid gland during pregnancy and lactation hypothyroidism hyperthyroidism Pathophysiology of parathyroid glands hypoparathyroidism (tetany,laryngospasm etc.) pseudohypoparathyroidism – unresponsiveness to PTH hyperparathyroidism (primary, secondary) Pathophysiology of the adrenal cortex hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex (Cushing‘s syndrome, Conn‘s syndrome, adrenal virilization) hypofunction of the adrenal cortex ( Addison‘s disease) Pathophysiology of adrenal medulla pheochromocytoma Endocrine disorders of gonads endocrine disorders of the ovaries (ovarian endocrine hypo- and hyperfunction, primary, central) endocrine disorders of the testes ( hypo- and hypersecretion of testicular hormones – primary, central endocrine disorders in pregnancy Pathophysiology of the endocrine pancreas Diabetes mellitus: IDDM NIDDM Malnutrition-related DM DM associated with other diseases and syndromas Impaired glucose tolerance Gestational DM Complication of DM (coma, angiopathy,nephropathy, retinopathy Nervous system Functional and structural characteristics of the nervous system in health and disease Survey of basic neuropathological terms -iritative or involution defects Normal and pathological base of the synaptic processes 6 Neurotransmitters, receptors, ionic channels, subcellular factors in pathophysiology of neural transmission Neuromuscular transmission - time factor during stimulation: chronaxy, reobasis, lability Myastenia gravis – pathophysiological mechanisms Functional configuration of NS, reflexes, pathological dominancy, parabiosis. Functional and organic lesions of CNS. Normal and pathological metabolism of CNS (liquor). Barrier mechanisms of the brain and its importance in normal and pathological states Brain edema – complication and pathogenetical factor of many pathological states Mitochondrial dysfunction and pathophysiology of nervous disorders Neurochemical base of the pathophysiology of trauma, excitotoxicity Nervous degeneration and regeneration, functional pathophysiological consequences Evolution mechanisms of NS, genetically determined diseases of NS Pathophysiology of the peripheral nervous system: A. Defects of afferent nerves, involution, irritation, disorders of sensation B. Defects of efferent nerves: involution - (peripheral paralysis – paralysis of muscles, atonia, hypotonia, involution of reflexes, muscular atrophy irritation – myoclonia, fascicular twich, fibrilation Pathophysiology of the vegetative nerves: Chemical transmission in the autonomic nervous system . Vegetative reflexes – vasomotoric disorders (angiospastic neurosis, Raynaud´s disease, angioneurotic edema, dermographism). Pathophysiology of spinal cord Spinal segmental disorders: A. Sensitive: radicular, posterior horns, gray commissure B. Motor C. Vegetative Defects of spinal columns (spinal ataxia, dissociation of sensation, areflexia) Pathophysiology of the brain stem Pathophysiology of medulla oblongata - syndrome of bulbar paralysis, syndrome of pseudobulbar paralysis, breathing center and another vegetative center Pathophysiology of pons Varoli Pathophysiology of reticular formation Functional importance of RF. Descendent inhibitory and facilitory system decerebration rigidity. Ascendent impact (reticulo - cortical relationships). Pathophysiology of the midbrain Involution defects of oculomotor nerves nuclei, nuclei tegmenti, pedunculi cross syndromes Pathophysiology of the cerebellum Connections and functions of paleocerebellum and neocerebellum. Involution and iritation syndrome. Cerebellar ataxia. Pathophysiology of the thalamus Symptomatology and pathophysiological mechanisms of defects of the thalamus in efferent fuctions. Thalamic syndrome. Pathophysiology of the hypothalamus Food and fluid intake, sexual function, hormonal function, thermoregulation, fever, vegetative nervous system control Pathophysiology of motor dysfunction: Defect of efferent functions - pyramide, extrapyramide (plegia, cerebellar ataxia, 7 hypokinesis, hyperkinesis) Defect of afferent functions (spinal ataxia, vestibular ataxia) Methods of research and examination of neural functions Reflexes examination, examination of motor functions, sensory perception examination, stimulative methods. Modern visualizing methods of the CNS Thermography, sonography, X-ray examination, computer tomography, scintigraphy, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), brain mapping, positron emission tomography Electrophysiological manifestation of the brain functions – normal and pathological. Macroelectrophysiological recording methods: EEG, ERP (EP) Microeletrophysiological methods: unit activity, voltage clamp, patch clamp Stereotaxis, radioneurosurgery - importance in the therapy and the research Pathophysiology of the higher nervous activity (protective inhibition, neuroses, corticovisceral-psychosomatic relationships, psycho-neuro-immuno-endokrine relationships) Pathophysiology of behaviour. Examination of behavioral and psychic functions Typology of the nervous system and pathology Pathophysiology of emotions and instincts Physiology and pathophysiology of sleep. Biological rhythms. Pathophysiology of learning and memory Pathophysiology of visual analyzer and tract Pathophysiology of auditory analyzer and tract Pathophysiology of vestibular analyzer Pathophysiology of proprioception Pathophysiology of smell and taste analyzer Pathophysiology of somatosensory reception (types) 8