Selected Bibliography on Grounded Practical Theory (R. T. Craig, University of Colorado at Boulder, May 2008) Aakhus, M. (2001). Technocratic and design stances toward communication expertise: How GDSS facilitators understand their work. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 29(4), 341-371. Aakhus, M., & Jackson, S. (2005). Technology, interaction, and design. In K. L. Fitch & R. E. Sanders (Eds.), Handbook of language and social interaction (pp. 411-435). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Agne, R. R. (2007). Reframing practices in moral conflict: Interaction problems in the negotiation standoff at Waco. Discourse Society, 18(5), 549-578. Agne, R. R., & Tracy, K. (2001). 'Bible babble': Naming the interactional trouble at Waco. Discourse Studies, 3(3), 269-294. Ashcraft, K. L. (2001). Feminist organizing and the construction of "alternative" community. In G. J. Shepherd & E. W. Rothenbuhler (Eds.), Communication and community (pp. 79-110). Mahwah, NJ: Lawerence Erlbaum. Ashcraft, K. L. (2006). Feminist-bureaucratic control and other adversarial allies: Extending organized dissonance to the practice of “new” forms. Communication Monographs, 73(1), 55 - 86. Barge, K. J., & Craig, R. T. (forthcoming). Practical theory. In L. R. Frey & K. N. Cissna (Eds.), Handbook of applied communication research. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Castor, T. (2007). Language use during school board meetings: Understanding controversies of and about communication. Journal of Business Communication, 44(2), 111-136. Craig, R. T. (1989). Communication as a practical discipline. In B. Dervin, L. Grossberg, B. J. O'Keefe & E. Wartella (Eds.), Rethinking communication; volume 1: Paradigm issues (pp. 97-122). Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Craig, R. T. (1996). Practical-theoretical argumentation. Argumentation, 10, 461-474. Craig, R. T. (1999). Metadiscourse, theory, and practice. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 32, 21-29. Craig, R. T. (2006). Communication as a practice. In G. J. Shepherd, J. St. John & T. Striphas (Eds.), Communication as …: Perspectives on theory (pp. 38-47). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Craig, R. T., & Tracy, K. (1995). Grounded practical theory: The case of intellectual discussion. Communication Theory, 5, 248-272. Craig, R. T., & Tracy, K. (2005). "the issue" in argumentation practice and theory. In F. H. v. Eemeren & P. Houtlosser (Eds.), The practice of argumentation (pp. 11-28). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Dempsey, S. E. (2007). Negotiating accountability within international contexts: The role of bounded voice. Communication Monographs, 74(3), 311 - 332. Guttman, N. (2007). Bringing the mountain to the public: Dilemmas and contradictions in the procedures of public deliberation initiatives that aim to get "ordinary citizens" to deliberate policy issues. Communication Theory, 17(4), 411-438. Haspel, K., & Tracy, K. (2007). Marking and shifting lines in the sand: Discursive moves of ordinary democracy. In K. Tracy, J. P. McDaniel & B. E. Gronbeck (Eds.), The prettier doll: Rhetoric, discourse, and ordinary democracy (pp. 142-175). Tuscaloosa, AL: The University of Alabama Press. Mirivel, J. C. (2007). Managing poor surgical candidacy: Communication problems for plastic surgeons. Discourse & Communication, 1(3), 309-336. Tracy, K. (1995). Action-implicative discourse analysis. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 14, 195-215. Tracy, K. (1997). Colloquium: Dilemmas of academic discourse. Norwood, NJ: Ablex. Tracy, K. (1998). Interactional trouble in emergency service requests: A problem of frames. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 30, 315-343. Tracy, K. (2005). Reconstructing communicative practices: Action-implicative discourse analysis. In K. L. Fitch & R. E. Sanders (Eds.), Handbook of language and social interaction (pp. 301-319). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Tracy, K. (2007). The discourse of crisis in public meetings: Case study of a school district's multimillion dollar error. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 35(4), 418 - 441. Tracy, K., & Anderson, D. L. (1999). Relational positioning strategies in police calls: A dilemma. Discourse Studies, 1, 201-225. Tracy, K., & Ashcraft, C. (2001). Crafting policies about controversial values: How wording disputes manage a group dilemma. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 29(4), 297-316. Tracy, K., & Durfy, M. (2007). Speaking out in public: Citizen participation in contentious school board meetings. Discourse & Communication, 1(2), 223-249. Tracy, K., & Muller, H. (2001). Diagnosing a school board's interactional trouble: Theorizing problem formulating. Communication Theory, 11, 84-104. Tracy, K., & Tracy, S. J. (1998). Rudeness at 911: Reconceptualizing face and face attack. Human Communication Research, 25, 225-251.