Proceedings of the11th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, March, 2001 COGNITION IN THE COCKPIT: IN NEED OF A THEORY Kathleen L. Mosier Roberta Bernhard Jeffrey Keyes San Francisco State University San Francisco, CA ABSTRACT In this paper, we present the results of a study investigating how pilots make choices in paper-andpencil scenarios – specifically, whether they are biased in favor of automated information. We then discuss the cognitive demands of the flying task in the highlyautomated aircraft, and introduce a new theoretical framework organized around the goals of correspondence and coherence and tactics varying on a continuum from intuition to analysis (Hammond, 1996) to describe and explain cognitive mechanisms underlying actions and results. INTRODUCTION Omission and commission errors resulting from automation bias, the tendency to rely on automated cues as a heuristic replacement for vigilant information seeking and processing, have been documented in professional pilots and students, in one- and twoperson crews (e.g., Mosier, Skitka, Dunbar, & McDonnell, 2001; Mosier, Skitka, Heers, & Burdick, 1998; Skitka, Mosier, Burdick, Rosenblatt, 2000; Skitka, Mosier, & Burdick, 1999). We can discern WHAT pilots do in terms of actions and results (omission and commission errors), but are still unclear about WHY they do what they do – that is, what the cognitive mechanisms are that underlie and explain this behavior. Underlying causes of omission errors have been traced in part to vigilance issues, as crews who are monitoring flight progress and system status often "miss" events that are not pointed out to them by automated systems. Causes of commission errors are harder to track. It has been hypothesized that commission errors may be related to a desire of pilots to "take action," particularly as proactivity has typically been associated with superior crew performance. Additionally, most of the studies cited above utilized low- or medium-fidelity flying tasks, and the salience of the automated display may have fostered a tendency to rely heavily on it for information. What happens when automated information is presented in a format, such as text on paper, that makes it equal in salience to other information? Will we see the same cognitive processes and tendency to act on automated information as has been elicited in previous studies? To investigate these questions, a paper-and-pencil scenario study was conducted using regional airline pilots as participants. Scenario Study METHOD Scenario Development. Scenarios were created using incidents from ASRS (Aviation Safety Reporting System) reports and from previous research studies (Fischer, Orasanu, & Wich, 1995). Care was taken to ensure that scenarios were representative enough that they could be responded to by pilots of several different aircraft types. Each scenario conveyed a situation involving conflicting information from two sources: an automated source + either a human source or a traditional indicator. In each scenario, information from one source suggested making some change (action); information from the other source suggested maintaining status quo. Each scenario was followed by two decision options - for example: You are the pilot flying on approach into your destination in VMC. You would really like to expedite your arrival, because you are already late and many of the passengers are in danger of missing their connections. You are being vectored in for a landing behind a 757, which you know is notorious for causing wake turbulence problems for aircraft following it. Air traffic control has told you that you are presently 5 miles behind the 757, in no danger of encountering wake turbulence, and to maintain your present speed of 200 knots to stay in sequence for landing. You look at the TCAS display, and it shows you only 3 miles behind the 757. Given this information, what would be your decision? __ Hold present speed and distance from the 757. __ Get ATC clearance to slow down to increase the distance from the 757. The above scenario above contains information from an automated source (TCAS) and a human source Proceedings of the11th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, March, 2001 (Air Traffic Controller). In this version, the information from the human source suggests that the pilot maintain status quo; information from the automated source suggests a change. Pilots were asked to choose one of the options, and to report their level of confidence in the decision (not confident -- > very confident) as well as the risk involved in the scenario (minimal risk -- > high risk) on 1-9 scales. Pilots were told in a cover letter that we realized the scenarios might not contain all of the information or decision options that they would like to have, but asked them to make a choice based on what was available in the scenarios. Procedures. Two different packets of 10 scenarios each were created. Seven of the scenarios were matched between packets - that is, the same scenario was manipulated so that, in Packet 1, the information from the automated source suggested action, and in Packet 2, the information from the other source suggested the same action. Pilots saw only one version of each scenario. Two scenarios involved engine fires. One contained conflicting indications about whether or not an engine fire was actually present; the other contained conflicting action recommendations - an automated source suggested that one of two engines was on fire and should be shut down, but traditional indications suggested that it was actually the other engine that was damaged. Two additional scenarios were added to each packet to even out the number of human and traditional indicators contained in the scenarios. Demographic information solicited included flight hours, years with current airline, and experience by aircraft type. Approximately 700 packets were distributed to the mailboxes of pilots of a US regional carrier. Pilots were asked to place completed packets into a collection box in their operations office. One hundred twenty-five packets with usable data were returned to us. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Pilot respondents ranged in age from 22-55 years (M = 34), and had total hours of flight experience ranging from 1,000-23,000 hours (M = 5382; SD = 3787). Glass cockpit hours varied from 0-10,400 hours (M = 1,355; SD = 2,047). It should be noted that this sample represents a broad range of flight experience, particularly with respect to glass cockpit experience. Decision choices. The nature of the data did not lend itself to traditional statistical comparison of all scenarios against each other. However, in looking at matched scenario pairs, we found no systematic evidence of a preference for automated information in pilot decisions – in fact, in none of the scenario pairs was automated information followed across packets. Rather, we saw a pronounced scenario effect; that is, in most scenarios there was high agreement across packets on the preferred option, the risk level of the scenario, and the confidence with which pilots chose an option. We did not find evidence of a preference for action (which was, in most cases, the more conservative option) across all scenarios, although the higher the estimated risk of a scenario, the more likely pilots were to choose action, and the more confident they were in their choice. The most dramatic scenario response patterns exhibited either a clear source effect (e.g., following a particular source), or a response effect (e.g., taking action vs maintaining status quo). A more complete picture can be gained by looking specifically at the scenario pairs, as displayed in Table 1. The table shows pilot responses, by source of information and by action/status quo options. Numbers for the predominant predictors by scenario, source or response, are in bold type. Table 1.Decision choice totals by scenario. Source Effect Automation Human/Traditional TCAS vs ATC 61 64 TCAS vs ATC 65 58 Warning light vs human/ indirect 74 50 TCAS vs PNF 34 90 Computer vs PNF 35 86 FMS vs traditional (VHF nav) 31 99 Ambiguous engine fire 70 54 warning system vs engine gauges Engine fire - which engine? 9 94 warning system vs engine gauges Information Conflict Response Effect Action Status Quo 110 15 98 25 119 5 74 50 56 65 71 51 6 118 (action/action) Proceedings of the11th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, March, 2001 When automated information conflicted with information from a human source, for example, the nature of the human information impacted decisions. If the "human" was the air traffic controller, or when the human offered indirect information (e.g., remembered a similar incident being a false alarm), pilots exhibited a response effect, and tended to follow whichever source recommended action. However, when the PNF (pilot-not-flying) was the source of direct information, pilots made the decision suggested by the human (source) rather than the automation. In automation vs. traditional indicator conflicts, we observed a tendency to follow traditional rather than automated indicators (source). This included the scenario that contained conflicting engine fire indications (which engine was on fire). Pilots most often followed traditional, rather than automated indicators. In the other engine fire scenario, the dilemma was whether or not an engine was actually on fire, and should be shut down. In this conflict, pilots responded conservatively, and this was the only scenario in which an inaction response was prevalent (response). It should be noted that this contradicts data we have collected in previous studies – in the part-task simulator, pilots almost always shut the engine down (Mosier et al., 1998; 2001). This study, although admittedly limited in scope, suggests that, when data are made to be equally salient, pilots do not exhibit a systematic preference for automated information, but rather a tendency toward action in higher-risk situations, and a trust of traditional indicators and direct human information. Other factors, such as the perceived validity of conflicting information, also impacted whether or not automated cues were trusted. Pilots seem to assume high validity when information comes from fellow crewmembers, and lower validity when the reporting human is an air traffic controller. Results of this study have several possible explanations. One hypothesis is that regional airline pilots, typically less experienced with automated aircraft than the commercial, B-737/747/767 pilots of previous studies, are not yet “jaded” by automation. Given this explanation, we may be able to impact automation bias if we train pilots early enough in their careers to evaluate automated cues in context with other cues. A second possible explanation is that the paper-and-pencil format provides information differently than it is shown within the cockpit, and allows the information to be processed in a less biased and more analytical way. It is certainly true that the information displays in the automated cockpit are very different from our paper-and-pencil presentation – and that these displays have been found to result in automation bias, automation surprises, and mode confusion. It is possible, then, that features of the glass cockpit may not be eliciting the type of cognition required for effective analysis in the automated environment. In order to define and resolve this inconsistency, it is necessary to examine the cognitive requirements of the automated cockpit within a theoretical framework that explains and predicts a wide variety of automation-related behaviors and associated errors. AUTOMATED COCKPIT: CHANGE IN TASK AND CHANGE IN COGNITION Implications of the automation in the aircraft cockpit in terms of the pilots’ tasks are enormous, and have been discussed at length from many perspectives. The shift from active control to systems monitoring has also profoundly changed the type of cognitive activity required of pilots. Models that explain pilot behavior in terms of perception -- > response must be replaced by others that focus on thinking, judgment, and decision making. Most importantly, in terms of theoretical implications, the automated cockpit brings cues that were in the outside environment into the cockpit, and displays them as highly reliable and accurate information rather than probabilistic cues. This changes the goal of pilot cognition from correspondence, or empirical accuracy in using probabilistic cues for diagnosis, judgment, and prediction, to coherence, or rationality and consistency in diagnostic and judgment processes (Hammond, 1996; 2000). Correspondence. The goal of correspondence in cognition is empirical, objective accuracy in human judgment. Correspondence competence refers to an individual’s ability to accurately perceive and respond to multiple fallible indicators in the environment (e.g., Brunswik, 1956). A pilot, for example, exercises correspondence competence when using cues outside the cockpit to figure out aircraft position, or to judge height and distance from an obstacle or a runway. Features of the environment and of the cues utilized will impact the accuracy of correspondence judgments. For example, cues that are concrete and/or can be perceived clearly will facilitate accurate judgments. A pilot will have a relatively easy time judging a 5-mile reporting point when it is marked by a distinctive building. Cues that are murkier, either because they are not as concrete in nature or because they are obscured by factors in the environment, will hinder accurate judgments. The same pilot will have a much harder time judging the report point at night, or when the building is hidden by fog or clouds. Correspondence judgments cannot be made without reference to the “real world,” and are evaluated Proceedings of the11th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, March, 2001 according to how well they represent, predict, or explain objective reality. Coherence. The goal of coherence in cognition, on the other hand, is rationality in judgments and decisions. Coherence competence refers to an individual’s ability to maintain logical consistency in diagnoses, judgments, or decisions. In modern, hightech aircraft, the flying task is to a very great extent coherence-based. In contrast to earlier pilots, glass cockpit pilots can spend relatively little of their time looking out the window, and most to all of it focused on information inside the cockpit. The data that they utilize to fly can, in most cases, be found on cockpit display panels and CRTs. These data are qualitatively different from the cues used in correspondence judgments. They are data, rather than cues - that is, they are precise, reliable indicators of whatever they are designed to represent. Coherence judgments can be made without direct reference to cues in the “real world” (the pilot never even has to look out the window) – what is important is the logical consistency, or coherence, of the process and resultant judgment. In contrast to correspondence competence, the quality of the cognitive process utilized is the sole evaluative criterion for coherence. A pilot exercises coherence competence when scanning the information displayed inside the cockpit to ensure that system parameters, flight modes, and navigational displays are consistent with what should be present. What the pilot strives for is a rationally "good" picture - engine and other system parameters should be in sync with flight mode and navigational status - and decisions that are consistent with what is displayed. Much of the research on coherence in judgment and decision making has focused on the difficulty humans have maintaining coherence. Most of the biases individuals exhibit in decision making, including automation bias, are the result of non-coherent judgment processes – not using data in a rational and consistent way. Both correspondence and coherence are important in aviation. Aviation is a correspondence-driven domain, because it exists in a physical and social world and is subject to rules and constraints of that world (Vicente, 1990). Situation awareness demands an accurate perception of the world within and outside of the cockpit. However, with respect to humanautomation interaction in the glass cockpit, the demand for correspondence-driven cue processing has, to a very great extent, been removed from the cockpit by automated systems and displays. When crews achieve coherence in the cockpit – for example, when ALL information inside the cockpit paints a consistent picture of the aircraft on the glide path – they have also achieved correspondence, and can be confident that the aircraft IS on the glide path. The pilots do not need to look out the window for airport cues to confirm it, and, in fact, visibility conditions often do not allow them to do so. Two aspects of correspondence and coherence are critical in understanding their role in aviation cognition. First, correspondence and coherence are complementary, either/or processes. An individual may alternate between coherence and correspondence, but cannot do both at once (Hammond, 2000). While landing an aircraft, a pilot may switch back and forth rapidly from correspondence to coherence - checking cues outside of the window, glancing inside at cockpit instruments, back out the window - or, in some cases, one crew member will be responsible for coherence and the other for correspondence. A standard landing routine, for example, calls for one pilot to keep his or head "out the window" while the other monitors instruments and makes altitude callouts. Second, because aviation is a correspondencedriven domain, pilots must be able to trust the empirical accuracy of the data used to achieve coherence. This means that the achievement of coherence must also accomplish correspondence. The pilot may not be able to verify this because he or she does not always have access to either correspondence cues or to "objective reality." When programming a flight plan or landing in poor weather, for example, the pilot must be able to assume that the aircraft will fly what is programmed and that the instruments are accurately reflecting altitude and course. When monitoring system functioning, the pilot must be confident that the parameters displayed on the instrument panel are accurate. The cockpit is a deterministic, rather than a probabilistic environment, in that the uncertainty has, for most practical purposes, been engineered out of it through high system reliability. In the automated cockpit, then, the priority for correspondence in cognitive processing has been replaced by a demand for coherence. This shift in cognitive goals means is that we need to re-examine cognition in the automated cockpit to determine what is required to achieve, maintain, recover coherence in the cockpit, and whether or not these processes are supported by current displays of information. Intuition and Analysis. The goals of correspondence and coherence can be achieved by cognitive tactics ranging on a continuum from intuition to analysis (e.g., Hammond, 1996; Hammond, Hamm, Grassia, & Pearson, 1997). In the aviation context, Proceedings of the11th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, March, 2001 Figure 1. Cognitive tactics to achieve correspondence and coherence in the cockpit. CORRESPONDENCE INTUITION……………………ANALYSIS Pattern Matching Rules and Computations COHERENCE INTUITION…………………..ANALYSIS Pattern Matching for Needed for (Some) Anomaly Detection novice pilots analytically strive for correspondence – accuracy – by using a combination of cues, rules and computations to figure out when to start a descent for landing (see Figure 1). Pilots also learn to use intuitive, pattern-matching processes to assess cues and judge situations. As they gain more experience, the correspondence process becomes more recognitional, and their intuitive assessment of whether the situation “looks right” to start down becomes increasingly effective. In the naturalistic environment, a pilot’s correspondence competence – that is, the ability to utilize probabilistic cues in the environment to assess situations and predict outcomes - increases with expertise. Expert pilots are able to quickly recognize a situation, and may be able to use intuitive processes under conditions that would demand analysis of a novice. The design and display of most automated systems elicits intuitive cognition. Unlike the information in our paper-and-pencil scenario study, for example, data in the electronic cockpit are preprocessed, and presented in a format that allows, for the most part, a wholistic view of aircraft and system states. Often, pictorial representations exploit human intuitive pattern-matching abilities, and allow quick detection of out-of-parameter system states. This design philosophy seems to be consistent with the goals of workload reduction and information consolidation - and, indeed, many features of cockpit displays do foster the quick detection of disruptions to a coherent state. However, current displays may in fact be leading pilots astray by fostering the assumption that cockpit data can be managed in an intuitive fashion. This is a false assumption. Anomaly Resolution Although pilots can intuitively infer coherence among cockpit indicators much of the time if things are operating smoothly, repairing - and often detecting - disruptions to coherence demands a shift toward analysis. Many errors and anomalies, such as being in the incorrect flight mode, can only be detected via analysis. Mode confusion, for example, often results from what looks, intuitively speaking, like a coherent picture. Additionally, the complex nature of the automated cockpit requires that disruptions to coherence be resolved via analytical means. Data in displays must be compared with expected data to detect discrepancies, and, if they exist, analysis is required to resolve them before they translate into unexpected or undesired aircraft behaviors. Expertise, then, does not offer the same advantages to the pilot in the electronic world as in the naturalistic world. Experience may give pilots hints on where to look for anomalies, but it does not insulate them from the need to analyze their way back to coherence. Experts that do think they can operate intuitively in the electronic cockpit are susceptible to the kinds of automation-related errors often discussed by researchers - such as mode errors or automation bias. SUMMARY Technological advances in the aircraft cockpit have resulted in profound changes in the flying task and in the cognitive requirements of the pilot. The sophistication of automated systems means that pilots have access to highly reliable and accurate information (rather than probabilistic cues), and that the nature of the pilots' cognitive task been altered from one demanding largely intuitive, Proceedings of the11th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, March, 2001 correspondence-based processing to one requiring primarily analytical, coherence-based cognition. Examining cognition in the cockpit in terms of a correspondence/coherence framework has practical implications for pilots and for displays. With respect to the pilots, it must be recognized that correspondence competence and coherence competence are very different abilities - and skill in one does not necessarily guarantee skill in the other. Pilot training programs have in recent years recognized the importance of correspondence competence, and have moved toward naturalistic models of the pilot decision-making process and the impact of expertise. These models have focused on correspondence competence - the ability to recognize probabilistic cues in a dynamic environment, to quickly assess the situation, and to accurately predict the outcome of decisions and actions. Training for intuitive correspondence competence, however, is not sufficient. It is important also to recognize the importance of coherence competence in the electronic cockpit, and to include training for it. This process demands more than attention and vigilance - it entails the rational, consistent use of information in diagnosis and decision making. Displays in the cockpit should not only support intuitive processes, such as the quick detection of some out-of-parameter states, but must also provide the information necessary for analysis. If the pilot is expected to maintain coherence in the cockpit, he or she must be able to develop accurate mental models of system functioning. In order to track system status and resolve anomalies, the electronic world must support analysis of current states and resolution of discrepancies. Lastly, to validate these concepts in the aviation context, research must be directed toward defining and understanding cognitive processes in the cockpit within the coherence and correspondence framework. This includes tracking cognitive processes as described by pilots, as elicited by displays, and as demanded by situations. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CoeWe are grateful for the valued input from Dr. Beth Lyall, Co-Investigator in this research program, and her colleagues at Research Integrations, Inc. Graduate students Richard Oppenheim, Lis West, Kirill Elistratov, and Ozlem Arikan helped with the scenario study. This work was funded in part by the NASA Aviation Safety Program, NASA Grant #NAG2-1285. Dr. Judith Orasanu at NASA Ames Research Center is our Technical Monitor. Special thanks to Ken Hammond, the coherence/ correspondence guru. 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