Page 1 of 3 WA Wing Mission Tracking Program WAWG 108 1. Put in the Mission number and Date at the top in the yellow highlighted area. PLRWA04-15 Tail Sortie Number 1 N9506X 2 N9926E Hours Flown 0.9 0.6 DATE: 11 SEPT 2004 Aircraft Fuel/Oil Total Cost Cost $28.80 $0.00 $28.80 $19.20 $0.00 $19.20 2. Put in the Beginning Funds that have been allotted. Once you start putting in the sorties the beginning funds number will start subtracting the amount remaining. You should give these figures to the IC often so they know how much money is remaining. BEGINNING FUNDS HLS FUNDS TOTAL FUNDS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 3. Track by the sortie numbers. 4. Once you put in the tail number & hours flown it will calculate the aircraft costs. You will need to enter the amount spent on Fuel/Oil Cost. This will give you the total spent for that sortie. Sortie 1 2 3 4 5 Tail Number N9506X N134CP N9775H N9926E N835CP Hours Flown 0.8 0.3 0.8 0.4 0.7 Aircraft Cost $25.60 $9.60 $25.60 $12.80 $29.40 Fuel/Oil Cost $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total $25.60 $9.60 $25.60 $12.80 $29.40 NEXT SECTION: Fill Out The Cap 108 To Submit To Your Wing To Get Reimbursed. TAIL HOURS AIRCRAFT FUEL/OIL NUMBER FLOWN COST COST N9775H 5.2 166.40 189.51 N4783N 0 0.00 0.00 N835CP 2.6 109.20 60.40 N9322X 0 0.00 0.00 N9506X 2 64.00 97.84 N96985 0 0.00 0.00 N9926E 4.4 140.80 149.85 N9700Z 0 0.00 0.00 N6332T 3.1 130.20 104.72 N206JC 0 0.00 0.00 N134CP 5.1 163.20 164.78 N6192 0 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 355.91 0.00 169.60 0.00 161.84 0.00 290.65 0.00 234.92 0.00 327.98 0.00 $1,540.90 Page 2 of 3 The above section sorts the tail numbers with the number of hours that were flown, the aircraft cost and the fuel/oil cost. These amounts will be used to fill out your 108. Print a copy of this sheet so you can fill out the CAP108. THERE IS NO NEED TO CHANGE ANYTHING IN HERE. This section you won’t use unless the hourly rates change. Otherwise they are just to assist in tracking the hourly rates. BUT DON’T DELETE IT! It’s important to the way the program runs.What is happening with this is that the other section is looking up the hourly rates in this section. Tail Number N9926E N134CP N206JC N4783N N6192 N6332T N835CP N9322X N9506X N96985 N9700Z N9775H Hourly Rate $32.00 $32.00 $42.00 $32.00 $47.00 $42.00 $42.00 $32.00 $32.00 $32.00 $42.00 $32.00 If you are working a second day at a mission it is best to use the remaining funds and start a file for the second day. And any additional days to the mission. If you have Homeland Security Missions I usually highlight those in a different color and track in a second CAP 108 Sheet. Then add in at the bottom where there is a spot for HLS Funds. I also track Inbound and Outbound Sorties with either IB/OB or in different colors WA Wing Aircraft Workbook This spreadsheet has all the aircraft in listed along with call signs, fuel costs, etc. We use this when we have missions to track the aircraft at missions. Each department is given a copy to use. This sheet also gives you the ten’s for flying time. In Washington we use the Washington State Department of Transportation-Aviation Division when filling out you need to do the following: NAME: Johnson, Amanda S 123456 (this number is her CAP ID) ORGANZIATION: WA000 ( Use the squadron number for here) Page 3 of 3 EMERGENCY CONTACT: NAME & PHONE NUMBER: Make sure to use an area code at the beginning. There is always a possibility we might need the whole number. DUTY THIS INCIDENT: Use the abbreviation from the CAP FORM 101. By filling out this form with this information it’s easy for anyone to figure out what squadron’s are present and we have all the info for anything else that us needed.