Pending Program Changes

Pending Program Changes, Arts and Sciences, Spring 2008
Global Studies Minor and Major changes
IR/MLL Joint Major – rename and update from 2006 passage as Global Studies
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Global Studies
Submitted By : Lule, Jack <> on 10/31/2007 11:23:00 AM
Description : Revision of the major and minor in Global Studies (Previous version is appended
at the bottom of the program change.)
The addition of three new faculty with links to the Globalization and Social Change Initiative allows
for the creation of new and focused courses to comprise the major in Global Studies.
The program requires a total of 40 credits; intermediate language proficiency, 12 credits of study
abroad, and a global studies research project undertaken as part of a capstone seminar. The
program also takes advantage of Lehigh’s NGO (non-government organization) status at the United
Nations and requires a United Nations workshop, which includes a seminar and visit to the UN.
Required Course (4 credits):
GS 1 Introduction to Global Studies (4)
Core Courses (4 courses; 16 credits): One course from each core area that explores how
globalization shapes and is shaped by:
GS/HIS 104 Histories of Globalization (4)
GS/MLL 6 Globalization and Culture (4) or
GS 106 Cultural Studies and Globalization (4)
GS/IR 125 International Political Economy (4) or
GS 126 The Political Economy of Globalization (4)
GS/IR 10 Introduction to World Politics (4) or
GS/POLS 3 Comparative Politics (4)
Advanced Coursework (2 courses; 8 credits): Two courses from the following list (other courses
can be chosen in consultation with an adviser):
GS/COM 248 Global Communication (4)
GS/COM 318 Seminar in Globalization and Communication (4)
GS 317 Seminar in Globalization and Social Issues (4)
GS 315 Seminar in Globalization and Culture (4)
GS/ANTH 320 Global Capitalism (4)
GS/POLS 325 Nationalism in Comparative Perspective (4)
GS/POLS 342 Gender and Third World Development (4)
GS/IR 245 International Organizations (4)
GS/IR 347 Non-State Actors in a Globalized World (4)
GS/MLL 321 Intercultural Communication (4)
GS/REL 244 Globalization and Religion (4)
Area Studies (2 courses; 8 credits): Two courses from one Area Studies program, one at the 200
level or above:
Africana Studies
Asian Studies
Latin American Studies European Studies (proposed)
Senior Seminar (1 course; 4 credits):
GS 375 Senior Seminar in Global Studies (4)
Collateral Requirements:
Intermediate language proficiency: (Intermediate II or equivalent) in a language taught at Lehigh,
other than the student’s native language
Study abroad: 12 credits of study abroad, taken in one semester, or two, 6-credit summer sessions
(coursework can be substituted, with the guidance of an adviser, if student is financially or
academically unable to study abroad)
UN Workshop: seminar and trip to United Nations
Internship: An advanced elective can be replaced by an approved, overseas internship or relevant,
supervised experiential learning in the United States. The program will work to develop a network of
global internships.
Minor in Global Studies
A minor in Global Studies consists of four 4-credit courses, including GS 1 and three courses from
the list of core and advanced classes, with one class at the 200 level or above. The UN Workshop,
study abroad or Lehigh Abroad are strongly recommended.
Honors in Global Studies
To graduate with honors in Global Studies, students need to attain a 3.5 grade point average in
Global Studies classes; a 3.5 grade point average overall, and complete the 4- credit GS 399
Honors Thesis at the time of graduation.
GS 010 Introduction to Global Studies (4)
Core Courses: Students select one course from each of the following core emphases that examine,
from the perspective of multiple disciplines, and at the margins of those disciplines, globalization
and social change. Students should check prerequisites for some classes. Courses will continue to
be developed in Global Studies (20 credits).
JOUR 246 International Communication
MLL 321
Intercultural Communication
Culture & Identity
HIS 104
The Modern World: Histories of Globalization
MLL 6 Globalization and Culture
PSYC 365 Human Development in Cross-Cultural Perspective
REL 148
Islam Across Cultures
Economic Networks
ANTH 320 Global Capitalism
IR 125 International Political Economy
ES 10 Environment and the Consumer Society
IR 343 Comparative Environmental Law & Policy
Political Systems
POLS 3 Comparative Politics
IR 120
Globalization and World Politics
SSP 104
Political Sociology
POLS 325
Nationalism in Comparative Perspective
GS 375 Senior Seminar in Global Studies (4)
Electives: At least three courses drawn from a list in consultation with an adviser, one at the 200level or above.
Additional core courses and Global Studies seminars can be used to fulfill this requirement. (12
Drawn from three colleges, the list of electives includes coursework in Africana Studies,
Anthropology, Asian Studies, Communication, Computer Science, Earth and Environmental
Studies, Economics, English, Global Citizenship, History, International Relations, Journalism, Latin
American Studies, Marketing, Modern Languages and Literature, Philosophy, Political Science,
Psychology, Religion, Russian Studies, Sociology and Social Psychology, Science, Technology and
Society, Women’s Studies, or other programs.
Internship: An elective can be replaced by an approved, overseas internship or relevant, supervised
experiential learning in the United States. The program will work to develop a network of global
Collateral Requirements: Intermediate language proficiency, (Intermediate II or equivalent) in a
language taught at Lehigh, other than the student’s native language
One semester study abroad (coursework can be substituted, with the guidance of an adviser, if
student is financially or academically unable to study abroad)
UN Workshop: ½ day seminar and trip to United Nations
Area Studies: A minor in one of the University’s Area Studies programs, though not required, would
be an excellent complement to Global Studies and is highly encouraged.
Minor in Global Studies
Description : A minor in Global Studies consists of four 4-credit courses, including GS 10 and three
courses from the list of core classes or Global Studies seminars, with two classes at the 200 level
or above. The UN Workshop, study abroad or Lehigh Abroad are strongly recommended.
Rationale : The addition of three new faculty with links to the Globalization and Social Change
Initiative allows for the creation of new and focused courses to comprise the major in Global
Student Impact (Internal) : The new courses will greatly expand the range of classes available to
students now in the program.
Student Impact (External) : Many of the classes will be cross-listed, which should also expand the
range of classes for students in other programs.
Faculty Impact (Internal) : The new faculty will be hired with the stipulation that they teach one core
class and one cross-listed class in the Global Studies major. New faculty thus will be able to teach
other required courses, such as the introductory course, the history course and upper level
Faculty Impact (External) : The interdisciplinary major retains a number of cross-listed classes. All
department chairs and professors of relevant courses have been notified and have endorsed those
University Impact : The revision of the major should have little impact on university resources. The
hiring of new faculty, of course, will have a large impact that the College and University are
Internal Approval : Yes
External Consultation : Yes, Chairs and affected professors of Sociology and Anthropology,
International Relations, Political Science, Journalism and Communication, History, Religion Studies,
Modern Languages and Literature, as well as Area Studies directors.
IR/MLL Joint Major
By : Coughlin, Shirley Matlock <> on 10/29/2007 11:35:03 AM
Description : Change name of IR/MLL major “Global Studies” to “Joint IR/MLL Major".
Place catalog location of IR/MLL major “Joint IR/MLL Major" after description of majors and before
description of minors.
Under required courses, change IR 205 to IR 105
Joint IR/MLL Major
Program directors. Henri Barkey, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania), Bernard and Bertha F. Cohen Professor of
International Relations; Marie-Hélène Chabut, Ph.D. (U.C., San Diego), Professor of French.
The multidisciplinary Joint IR/MLL Major is offered jointly by the Department of International
Relations (IR) and the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures (MLL). The program,
which offers a Bachelor of Arts, incorporates courses from both IR and MLL, as well as electives
from a broad cross-section of other departments, for a challenging program that requires overseas
study, language facility, and undergraduate research.
The Joint IR/MLL Major recognizes that Lehigh graduates must be adequately prepared to play an
active role in the world of the 21st century. For that, they will need an acute understanding of
essentials issues of global politics, broad linguistic and cultural skills, significant overseas
experience, and both intellectual and cultural sophistication.
The Joint IR/MLL Major meets those requirements with courses in economics, international
relations, language, and culture. Extended study abroad and undergraduate research in more than
one language are also required. The program will help students develop a deeper and richer
understanding of cultural, linguistic, and political diversity around the world.
The program requires a total of 16 courses for 60-64 credits. At least one semester of study abroad
in an approved Lehigh program is required, as is undergraduate research that uses sources in a
least one language other than English. Each student will have two major advisors, one each from
IR and MLL.
Required courses (50-52 credits) as follows:
6 courses in International Relations (24 credits), as follows:
IR 10
IR 125
IR 105
Two IR advanced courses number 300-387 or 393.
6 courses in Modern Languages and Literatures (22-24 credits), as follows:
Four courses (16 credits) in one language, either Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, or Russian;
French (above the level of French 2), German (above the level of German 2), or Spanish (above
the level of Spanish 2)
Two culture courses (6-8 credits), as follows:
Any two courses from an approved list or in consultation with the MLL advisor:
1 independent study (4 credits). The course will include original research in at least one foreign
Study abroad. 1 semester or more in an approved Lehigh program.
Electives (10-12 credits), as follows:
3 electives from an approved list, including courses from the departments of Sociology and
Anthropology, Economics, English, International Relations, Journalism, Modern Languages and
Literatures, Political Science, History, Religion, and/or programs in Africana Studies, Asian Studies,
European Studies, Global Citizenship, Latin American Studies, Russian Studies, Sociology and
Social Psychology, Science, Technology and Society, Women’s /Studies, or other courses as
approved by IR and MLL advisors. (Courses must be chosen from at least two departments.)
Rationale : Necessary because new Global Studies major has the same name.
Course number change is necessary because IR has changed the number of the course.
Student Impact (Internal) : None.
Student Impact (External) : None.
Faculty Impact (Internal) : None.
Faculty Impact (External) : None.
University Impact : None.
Internal Approval : Yes
External Consultation : Yes, Henri Barkey