Year__________ 4-H Wildlife Biology Project Record Name:__________________________________________ Grade:_________ Years in 4-H:__________Years in Project:_________Club:______________________________ Resources: Project Ideas: Call of the Wild, Book 1 Wildlife Diversity, Book 2 Wildlife PLUS Sheet Study wildlife management Study animal tracks Learn life cycle of a wild animal or bird Make a wild animal ID book Build a bird or bat house Make a bird book Study tagging of wild animals Other Websites: PLANNING: List what you want to do and learn about in your project this year. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ RESOURCES USED: List the resources you used to learn about your project. (examples: bulletins, web site, books, people) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ITEMS MADE OR COLLECTED: Item made or type of collection How used Cost INVOLVEMENT IN ACTIVITIES TO ENHANCE OR PRESERVE THE ENVIRONMENT: (plant trees, wildlife habitat improvement, water conservation, build bird houses or feeders, etc.) Activity What you did Date DESCRIBE WILDLIFE STUDIED THIS YEAR: Species *Foods eaten *Types of cover *Source of water * the four basic needs of all animals *Need for space Laws & bag limits Predators (add more pages if needed) PROJECT ACTIVITIES: List demonstrations, project talks, project meetings attended or conducted, tours, field trips, fair exhibits, etc. Activity What you did What you learned STORY AND PHOTO PAGE: Please attach a story about your project experiences. Be sure to tell about the following: 1. Your likes and dislikes about the project. 2. Resources used. 3. What you learned in this project. 4. What you could have done differently. 5. What goals did you meet? 6. List goals for next year. You are encouraged to add anything else that tells of your project experiences. Please attach a page with captioned pictures (taken with a camera or hand-drawn). Additional pages may be added.