Professional Practice 2

Professional Practice 4.
Four month of course Pharmacy Practice 4 is the second part of the 6 month of practice in
the final year (10.semester). Aim of the second part of final year is to expand the knowledge
and approach of student with practice oriented pharmaceutics, knowing the aspects of
pharmaceutical care, economy and preparing magistral medicines in the pharmacy. From 6
months 1 (one) months execute in a clinical/hospital pharmacy, this course is expanded with
practice in clinical/hospital pharmacies in order to learn the tasks and connections of the
pharmacy with other wards of the hospital.
The student can work under the supervision of the mentor Pharmaceutist or the deputy
Pharmaceutists. Brief daily report must be done during the practice which has to be presented.
Tutor pharmacist and chief pharmacist has to evaluate students work and confirm the
pharmacy practice with their signature. Student must work daily 8 hours during four month of
Conscientious participation in the work is prerequisite for the acceptance of the practice. The
4 month long practice, during the 6 months (2 + 4 month /10.semester) practice only 5 days
are allowed to miss confirmed by a physician. More days of missing must be supplemented.
The student is supposed to perform and get know the following activities during the practice:
1. Students should prepare at least one magistral preparation every day concerning the
work of the assistant under the supervision of the tutor pharmacist
2. Elaborating under supervision
3. Impleation of pharmaceutical ingredients, writing log of impleation
4. Studying and preparing medicines of the Hungarian National Formulary (FoNo VII.)
5. Studying and preparing galenic formulations
6. Aseptic work in pharmacy
7. Control of medicines regarding the incoming ingredients, medicines, medical aids
8. Examination of incoming ingredients
9. Examination of elaborated medicines (e.g.: Alcohol 70%, Sirup. simplex)
10. Nomenclature of ingredients
11. Pharmaceutical economy, ordering medicines
12. Treatment of drugs and ingredients of increased control
13. Treatment of waste medicines
14. Treating shift of prices of medicines
15. Daily, weekly, monthly account, monthly reports for health insurance company
16. Re-control of prescriptions
17. Expenditure of medicine
18. Errors and omissions on prescription
19. Veterinary prescriptions
20. Homeopathy in pharmacy
21. Over the counter drugs, their expenditure
22. Directives of the pharmacy
23. Studying pharmaceutical literature
24. Federal laws and bulletins of the pharmaceutical profession
25. Studying the pharmaceutical software for expenditure
1. Knowing the structure of hospital/clinic
2. Studying the relationship between the pharmacy and other wards
3. Controlling role of the pharmacy regarding drug utilization and storage of different
4. Federal laws affecting clinical pharmacy practice
5. Preparing drugs specified for clinical pharmacies under the supervision of the tutor
6. Participating in works on different divisions of the pharmacy (labelling, packaging,
7. Knowing and operating with special appliances on different divisions (galenic
division, parenteral division) of the pharmacy under the supervision of the tutor
8. Knowing basic galenic preparations of the pharmacy containing knowledge of
preparation of infusions, peritoneal dialysis solutions; knowing the conditions for
preparations, analytical and microbiological control methods and storage
9. Preparation of complex infusions (cytostatic infusions, parenteral nutrition infusions)
10. Knowing and preparation of special magistral formulas, comparing with official
formulas of FoNo VII. or Manuale Pharmaceuticum
11. Recognizing and repairing incompatibilities
12. Participating in economical tasks of the pharmacy
13. Studying drugs, medical aids, nutritions, diagnostics, x-ray contrast materials stored in
14. Participating in ordering of drugs on-line and off-line
15. Studying relationship with pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors
16. Studying drug order from foreign countries
17. Treatment of drugs and ingredients of increased control
18. Studying participation of the pharmacy in the therapy
19. Knowing the intelligence service of the pharmacy
20. Studying role and function of Board of Pharmaceutical Therapy, knowing its protocols
21. Studying drug development clinical trials, knowing the documentation, federal laws
regarding clinical trials
22. Studying the relationship between the pharmacy and the clinical laboratory
23. Knowing reagents applied in diagnostics including preparation
24. Treatment of biological samples, basic clinical examinations, normal levels
25. Knowing other special tasks of the pharmacy (e.g.: measurement of drug concentration
in plasma)
26. Studying pharmaceutical literature
27. Knowing basic databases used in clinical pharmacy
28. Knowing the system of quality assurance
29. Knowing the quality assurance of the hospital emphasizing the regulations regarding
the pharmacy
Hereby I verify that ……………………………………………………………………student
of the University of Pécs Medical School enrolled for Pharmaceutist in English has fulfilled
all the requirements stated above and completed the Professional Practice 4.
Name of pharmacy/institute:…………………………………………………………………….
Address of pharmac/institute (website, e-mail, town, country) :
Date of attendance (month): from ……………………… to……………………………
Name of the supervisor (readable): ……………………………………………………………..
Signature of the supervisor: ……………………………………………………………………
Date of certification: ………………….... Seal of the pharmacy/institute…………………..
To be submitted to the Registrar’s Office at latest on the registration week.