Powers Example of Rebecca Jowers` Translations and

Spanish term or phrase: decano accidental
English translation:
Acting (or) Interim President (in this context)
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Rebecca Jowers
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Spanish to English translations [PRO]
Law/Patents - Law (general) / notarial document, certificate
Spanish term or phrase: decano accidental
El Decano accidental del Ilustre Colegio Notarial de **** legalizó el
signo, firma y rúbrica que enteceden del notario *****
Local time: 20:55
(6 hrs ahead of you)
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Acting (or) Interim President
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Acting (or) Interim President of the Association of Notaries of *****
In this context "decano" is not a "dean" or "deacon", but rather the
head (president) of an association of notaries.
Rebecca Jowers
Local time: 20:55
(6 hrs ahead of you)
Note added at 3 hrs (2009-12-03 12:31:00 GMT)
-------------------------------------------------Here are US, UK, Australian and Canadian websites in which
indicatte that the head of an association of notaries (Colegio
Notarial) is called a "president":
Marc L. Aronson, president of the United States Notary Association
(USNA) and the Pennsylvania Association of Notaries (PAN) has been
The National Notary Association, the leading organization...said Milt
Valera, National Notary Association President. "Home mortgages. ...
President, Louisiana Notary Association, Baton Rouge, LA. Meeting
Parliamentarian - February 2001 - Annual Meeting ...
NAJIT 31st Annual Conference: Meaning Discrimination, Michael Powers
Judy Chapman, President of North. Carolina Notary Association, was
nominated as “Notary of the Year. ...
He is President of The Notaries Society of England & Wales
necessitating travel far and wide giving papers on modern notarial
practice. ...
The President of the Society of Notaries in Victoria, Mr Michael Bula,
said after the visit that “the global, legal, political and economic ...
I had initiated the association with the Quebec Notaries back in.
1990, when I was a Vice President of our Notary Society. I also had
the pleasure of heading two delegations of ... 1 of only 2 in Canada .
. . and very rare. ...
-------------------------------------------------Note added at 13 hrs (2009-12-03 22:51:55 GMT)
-------------------------------------------------Sorry for the typo above: "which indicate..."
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-------------------------------------------------Note added at 13 hrs (2009-12-03 22:51:55 GMT)
Rebecca Jowers
Sorry for the typo above: "which indicate..."
Local time: 21:13
(6 hrs ahead of you)
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NAJIT 31st Annual Conference: Meaning Discrimination, Michael Powers
5 +2
Acting (or) Interim President
interim dean
acting deacon
Rebecca Jowers
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NAJIT 31st Annual Conference: Meaning Discrimination, Michael Powers
Spanish term or phrase: fiel carta de pago
English translation:
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valid receipt
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Rebecca Jowers
23:40 Oct 1, 2009
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Spanish to English translations [PRO]
Law/Patents - Law: Contract(s) / Deed of Sale (of home)
Spanish term or phrase: fiel carta de pago
La presente Escritura sirve como fiel carta de pago y eficaz justificante de la
recepción por el VENDEDOR del referido importe del precio, salvo buen fin del
Local time: 14:11
mencionado cheque.
(1 hr behind you)
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valid receipt
I think there is no need to try to literally translate "fiel" as "true" or "faithful". In
standard business (and legal!) English this is simply a "valid receipt."
Rebecca Jowers
Local time: 21:11
(6 hrs ahead of you)
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Selected automatically based on peer agreement.
4 KudoZ points were awarded for this answer
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5 +4
valid receipt
4 +1
true and faithful proof of payment
true acknowledgement or true payment voucher
NAJIT 31st Annual Conference: Meaning Discrimination, Michael Powers
Rebecca Jowers
Spanish term or phrase: en su caso se obliga a la evicción de ley.
English translation:
(Seller) providing, if necessary, warranty of good title and
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quiet enjoyment as required by law
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Rebecca Jowers
12:36 Oct 15, 2009
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Spanish to English translations [PRO]
Law/Patents - Law: Contract(s) / Guatemalan law contracts
Spanish term or phrase: en su caso se obliga a la evicción de ley.
Arianna Aguilar
Que en la venta se incluyen usos, costumbres, servidumbres y anexidades si las
hubiere y todo cuanto de hecho y por derecho le corresponde al inmueble vendido,
el cual se encuentra libre de gravámenes y limitaciones, en su caso se obliga a la
evicción de ley.
This sale includes any usages, customs, easements and appurtenances, if any,
Local time: 15:17
(the same as you)
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and anything that by fact or law corresponds to the sold property, which is free of
liens and limitations.....
I'm considering that it has to do with the right to pursue remedy in case of
eviction for unreported liens.
(Seller) providing, if necessary, warranty of good title and quiet enjoyment
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as required by law
(or however you may choose to word this)
In my reading of the text, this does not refer to "eviction" as used in AngloAmerican law (for example, eviction of a tenant in the sense of expelling him from
property), but rather refers to "saneamiento por evicción", i.e., the Seller's legal
obligation to warrant the buyer's right to "good title and quiet enjoyment" of the
property, undisturbed by third party who, subsequent to the sale, may claim
superior title to that property.
NAJIT 31st Annual Conference: Meaning Discrimination, Michael Powers
Rebecca Jowers
Local time: 21:17
(6 hrs ahead of you)
-------------------------------------------------Note added at 1 hr (2009-10-15 17:56:35 GMT)
-------------------------------------------------For info:
Here is the definition of "evicción" as used in Spanish-speaking jurisdictions (from
Diccionario de Derecho, Bosch, Barcelona, 1995):
EVICCIÓN--Es la privación de la propiedad de la cosa entregada al comprador y
como consecuencia de una decisión judicial en la que se reconoce el mejor derecho
que corresponde a un tercero (evincente) sobre la cosa que le fue vendida al
primero. Se habla de evicción parcial cuando el comprador pierde sólo parte de la
cosa adquirida. En términos más generales, se utiliza la palabra latina evictio para
referirse a cualquier despojo que sufre el poseedor de la cosa objeto de la evicción.
Como riesgo que concurre en la compraventa da lugar a un dispositivo protector.
Código civil, artículo 1.475.
The expression "saneamiento por evicción" refers to the Seller's warranty of good
title with respect to the property sold:
Es el dispositivo protector del derecho del comprador cuando es privado por evicción
de la cosa que le fue entregada. En tal caso, el vendedor está obligado a sanear al
comprador por la pérdida patrimonial que le representa la privación de la cosa
pagada. Esta obligación se concreta en una indemnización, presumiéndose dicho
deber aunque no se pacte. Pero puede suprimirse por voluntad de los contratantes;
aunque no será válido el pacto de supresión si hay mala fe. Para que proceda el
saneamiento, es preciso que: la demanda de evicción se notifique al vendedor, que
la privación de la propiedad se produzca por sentencia firme y que ésta reconozca a
favor del evincente un derecho anterior a la compraventa. El valor de la cosa en el
momento de la evicción será la base de cálculo de la correspondiente
Código civil, artículos 1.461, y 1.474 a 1.482.
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4 +3
(Seller) providing, if necessary, warranty of good title and quiet
enjoyment as required by law
...and, should it be necessary, to require (or force) eviction
according to law...
NAJIT 31st Annual Conference: Meaning Discrimination, Michael Powers
Rebecca Jowers
warranty title (clear title) as per/in accordance with the law
Spanish term or phrase: elevando las partes sus conclusiones a definitivas
English translation:
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the parties ratified their initial pleadings (or)
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arguments, statements, conclusions, etc.
Michele Hamburg
Spanish to English translations [PRO]
Law/Patents - Law (general)
Spanish term or phrase: elevando las partes sus conclusiones a definitivas
Michele Hamburg
Recibido el pleito a prueba, se practicó la propuesta y declarada pertinente con el
resultado que consta en acta, elevando las partes sus conclusiones a definitivas.
I have it as:
United States
Local time: 15:22
Having received the evidentiary stage of the proceedings, the proposal was
admitted and declared appropriate with the result shown in the file ***
(the same as you)
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If this is not correct, please advise as well.
Thank you so much!
the parties ratified their initial pleadings (or) arguments, statements,
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conclusions, etc.
You do not indicate the origin of your text, but I assume it is from Spain, or from a
Spanish-speaking jurisdiction with very similar procedural terminology. It is also
important to know whether your text concerns a civil or criminal proceeding, since
some of the terminology is similar in both. Nevertheless, your excerpt basically
indicates the following:
“Recibido el pleito a prueba” = the evidentiary stage of the proceedings have
“se practicó la propuesta” = There is an ellipsis here. The whole phrase is “se
practicó la prueba propuesta,” meaning “the proposed evidence was examined”
“y declarada pertinente” = There is another ellipsis here. The whole phrase is “y
declarada la prueba pertinente,” meaning “the judge declared the evidence
relevant” (“prueba pertinente” = “relevant evidence”)
“resultado que consta en acta” = “the result of the evidence examined was reflected
on the court record”
NAJIT 31st Annual Conference: Meaning Discrimination, Michael Powers
Rebecca Jowers
Local time: 21:22
(6 hrs ahead of you)
“elevando las partes sus conclusiones a definitivas” = “the parties ratified their
initial pleadings" (if this is a civil proceeding) or "conclusions” if a criminal case. In
that regard, in “ordinary” criminal proceedings in Spain (what is called the “juicio
ordinario,” a proceeding used to try major felonies) the expression "elevar a
definitivas" refers to the “ratification of initial conclusions” by the prosecution and
defense attorneys.” At the end of a criminal trial after evidence has been examined,
attorneys for both the prosecution and the defense submit written closing
arguments called "conclusiones" in which they may either “ratify their initial
conclusions” ("elevar a definitivas las conclusiones de fiscal y defensas") or amend
some point in their initial briefs. In that case I do not believe that you can translate
this as “the parties delivered their closing arguments,” since these “conclusiones”
are written, and there is a subsequent stage in this proceeding called “informe” in
which all parties may orally make closing statements or arguments. (But you will
know if this fits from the other context in your text.)
Without further context, a possible translation of the text you posted might be:
"Once the evidentiary stage of the proceedings commenced, the proposed evidence
was examined and declared relevant, the results thereof were reflected on the court
record, and the parties then ratified their initial pleadings (or) conclusions."
Hope this proves helpful!
-------------------------------------------------Note added at 5 hrs (2009-08-21 20:14:25 GMT)
-------------------------------------------------sorry, typo: the evidentiary stage HAS
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Thank you so much for your explanation. It cleared up a lot!
4 KudoZ points were awarded for this answer
Summary of answers provided
the parties ratified their initial pleadings (or) arguments,
statements, conclusions, etc.
the parties delivered their closing arguments
the parties adopting their pleadings as the final ones
setting the case down for trial
and they proceeded to make their closing/final
NAJIT 31st Annual Conference: Meaning Discrimination, Michael Powers
Rebecca Jowers