THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITIES OF ST. MARY AND GOOD SHEPHERD 701 N. Key Ave, Lampasas, TX 76550 Web Phone: 512-556-5544 Fax: 512-556-6967 E-Mail: Pastor: Rev. Pedro Castillo Rectory 512-487-6233 E-Mail: Business Manager: Cyndi Cobb Parish Secretary: Yolanda Salazar Ministries Coordinator: Deacon David Cardon Bishop Vasquez prayer Intentions/ Intenciones For those who continue to deal with the after effects of natural disasters in Central Texas / Por aquellos que continúan lidiando con los efectos posteriores de desastres naturales en elJuly Centro de Next Weekend 18 & 19 Texas... and Extraordinary Proclaimers Ministers of Holy Communion: Sat. 5:30PM Proclaimer: Dianne Miller EMHC: Mary Cisneros Carmen Coonrod Sun. 10:00AM Proclaimer: Ed Reigle EMHC: Jan Milsap Charlie Ybarra Dom.12:15PM Lector: Marta Munoz Stella Morua Last Week’s Sacrificial Giving/ Counters for this week July 20 Colecta Pat Olivarez St. Mary Clara Gamez First Collection: $2,709.00 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK/ MISA OFRECIDAS Sunday /Domingo, July 19, 2015 8:00 AM (Lometa) †Maria Aracely Martinez 10:00 AM †Robert DelaCruz 12:15PM †Ana Maria Villegas Monday /Lunes, July 20, 2015 8:00 AM Tuesday/Martes, July 21, 2015 8:00 AM Wednesday /Miércoles, July 22, 2015 8:00 AM Thursday /Jueves July 23, 2015 6:00 PM Communion Service Friday /Viernes, July 24, 2015 8:00 AM Saturday /Sábado July 25, 2015 5:30 PM For the People Fellowship Ministry Sunday /Domingo, JulyMeeting 26, 2015 For who are†Tammy lookingMartinez to 8:00those AM (Lometa) become more involved 10:00 AM †Ana Delgadoin their church The first meeting for thisMartinez ministry will 12:15PM †Maria Aracely be held July 23rd @ 6:30PM. We are gathering to plan fellowship and monthly events for all parishioners to socialize and get to know one another Enfermos cont. Dennis again. Please join us! DeZarn, Derek DeZarn JUNE 1st TO AUGUST 14th OFFICE HOURS Monday Closed Tuesday 9AM to 1PM Wednesday 3PM to 6PM Thursday 9AM to 1PM Friday 9AM to 1PM Gift shop is in office and opened during office hours. Kitchen Hours/ Horas de LaCocina Wed, Thurs, Fri. 6:00AM-11:30AM Shared Blessing Friday 9:30AM - 11:30AM Food Pantry / Despensa de Comida Wednesday &Friday 9:30-11:30AM Mass and Reconciliation Schedule Sunday Mass- Lometa 8AM St. Mary 10AM & 12:15PM in Spanish Weekday Mass 8:00AM Knights of Columbus Breakfast this Thursday 6:00PM Spanish th. Sunday July 19 In Lometa - 2nd & 4th Wed. 6:00PM Menudo & breakfast tacos will be served. Saturday Vigil Mass 5:30PM Please join us 8am to 12pm thank you. Confessions: Saturday 4:00-5:00PM ALTAR SERVER APPRECIATION PICNIC We are in need of the following items for the picnic: Hot Dogs & Buns, Chips, Drinks ,Condiments Water Melon, and snack items. If you would like to For donate please Those Whocontact Serve Our Country/ Pat Olivarez 512-525-5992 Brittany Rivera, Alex Gomez, Por Los Que Sirven Nuestro Pais Good Shepherd First Collection: $ no report For Our Sick/ Por Nuestro JoseTrapero, Allyssa Flores, Ernie & Fran Geronimo, Jason Moreno, Dennis Murphy, Earl Nunn, Phillip Ramirez, Matthew Eltgroth, Mary Schwam, David For Those Who Have Died/ Nunez, Sherwin Manuel, Ty Windham, Por Los Que Han Muerto Orlando Marez, Enayat Emami, Maime Lane, Eloisa Rodriguez, Ann Hawkins For Bishop Daniel Garcia who was ordained as auxiliary bishop for the Diocese of Austin Karen N Matte, Glen Reich, Pat Ivey, Jenna Amanda Maldonado, Larry Ramirez, DeLillo, Sylvia Strayley, David Wittenburg, Manuel Marez, Josefina Delgado, Donna Wittenburg, Manuel & DoloresTorrez, Raul Felix Felan, Manuel Torrez Jr, Curiel, Brendon Bartel, Rey & Christie DeLaCruz Raymond Aguirre, Lola Lyssy Lawrence Olivarez Jr. Jesus Angel Garcia Avery Walters Our Sincere Sympathy to the Family of Eloisa Rodriguez. May she rest in peace. The Challenge of Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship Who in the Church Should Participate in Political Life? In the Catholic Tradition, responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation. As Catholics, we should be guided more by our moral convictions than by our attachment to a political party or interest group. In today’s environment, Catholics may feel politically disenfranchised, sensing that no party and few candidates fully share our comprehensive commitment to human life and dignity. Catholic lay women and men need to act on the Church’s moral principles and become more involved: running for office, working within political parties, and communicating concerns to elected officials. Even those who cannot vote should raise their voices on matters that affect their lives and the common good. How Does the Church Help Catholics to Address Political and Social Questions? A Well-Formed Conscience The Church equips its members to address political questions by helping them develop well-formed consciences. “Conscience is a judgment of reason whereby the human person recognizes the moral quality of a concrete act. . . . [Every person] is obliged to follow faithfully what he [or she] knows to be just and right” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 1778). We Catholics have a lifelong obligation to form our consciences in accord with human reason, enlightened by the teaching of Christ as it comes to us through the Church. El reto de formar la conciencia para ser ciudadanos fieles ¿Quién en la Iglesia debería participar en la vida política? ¿Quién en la Iglesia debería participar en la vida política?En la Tradición católica, ser ciudadanos responsables es una virtud y la participación en la vida política es una obligación moral. Como católicos deberíamos ser guiados más por nuestras convicciones morales que por nuestro apego a un partido político o grupo con intereses especiales. En el ambiente socio-político de hoy en día, los católicos pueden sentirse desamparados políticamente, percibiendo que ningún partido político y muy pocos candidatos comparten nuestro compromiso exhaustivo con la vida y dignidad humanas. Los laicos católicos necesitan actuar según los principios morales de la Iglesia e involucrarse más: presentándose como candidatos, trabajando dentro de partidos políticos y transmitiendo sus preocupaciones a quienes ocupan funciones públicas. Incluso quienes no pueden votar tienen que alzar sus voces respecto a cuestiones que afectan su vida y el bien común. ¿Cómo ayuda la Iglesia a los católicos a tratar las cuestionespolíticas y sociales? Una conciencia bien formada La Iglesia provee a sus miembros con lo necesario para tartar cuestiones políticas y sociales al ayudarlos a desarrollar una conciencia bien formada. “La conciencia moral es un juicio de la razón por el que la persona humana reconoce la cualidad moral de un acto concreto… ‘[cada persona] está obligad[a] a seguir fielmente lo que sabe que es justo y recto’” (Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica [CIC], no. 1778). Durante toda nuestra vida, nosotros, los católicos, tenemos la obligación de formar nuestra conciencia de acuerdo con la razón humana, iluminada por la enseñanza de Cristo que llega a nosotros por medio de la Iglesia.