Curriculum Vitae - Public Health Employment Connection

Prepared June 15, 2011
USPHS 27020
A.B , 1962, University of Rochester, Rochester N.Y.
(Chemistry)(Junior Year in Munich at LudwigsMaximilians-Universitat, 1960-61, Munich, Germany)
M.D., 1966, University of Washington, Seattle,WA(Medicine)
(Tropical Medicine Fellowship with LSU School of Medicine at
Hospital de Ninos, San Jose, Costa Rica, Oct-Nov.1965)
Certificate, 1973, Princeton University Office of Population,
Princeton, N.J.(Demography)
March 1978 - PHS Commendation Medal
In recognition of sustained high quality work performance in
the development of the international family planning
evaluation assistance programs.
September 1981 - CDC Letter of Commendation
For contribution to the U.S.-Mexico Border Survey conducted
during the period June-Sept 1979 in 51 selected counties in
four border states of Texas, NM, AZ, and CA, of maternal and
child health planning on the U.S. side of the border.
1983 - Commissioned Officers Foreign Duty Award
1987 - Commissioned Officers Foreign Duty Award
Oct 1990 - Georgia March of Dimes
For producing Infant Health in Georgia: Progress during the
1980s--a collaborative report by Georgia March of Dimes,
Georgia Department of Human Resources, and Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention
Nov 1990 - CDC Commendation Medal
For outstanding work and development of activities to reduce
infant mortality and to assist states in conducting analytic
projects, and to evaluate their infant mortality problems.
1992 -
CDC Meritorious Service Medal
For sustained significant contributions to the development
of activities to prevent and control morbidity and mortality
among infants and women of reproductive age.
1993 - Recipient, Carl Schultz (Population and Reproductive
Health) Award, APHA
1996 - Georgia March of Dimes For contributions to statewide prevalence study of perinatal
exposure to cocaine-- a collaborative study by Georgia March of
Dimes, Georgia Department of Human Resources, and the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention
1999—MCH Coalition Award for Lifetime Achievement in MCH
2001-2002 Rollins School of Public Health, Student Government
‘Professor of the Year’
2004—Ipas In Appreciation “for your distinguished career in public
service, research, teaching, and advocacy; for your visionary
leadership in advancing maternal and child health, family planning,
and women’s access to safe abortion care in the United States and
globally; for your mentorship and support of students and young
professionals in reproductive health; for your outstanding scholarly
contributions over three decades in contraception, abortion,
postabortion care and the epidemiology of maternal and child health.
We do hereby honor and thank you for your unwavering support for
women’s reproductive health and rights around the world.”
Major professional and research interests:
To apply public health sciences, including epidemiology to
enhance the health of families, women and children. My special
interest has been in the resolution of reproductive health
problems, including maternal and infant mortality and morbidity.
I have 10 years experience developing epidemiology capacity on
maternal and child health in state health departments and 10
additional years experience consulting with state health
Emory University
Department of Community Health
Clinical Associate Professor 1977-1985
Clinical Professor 1985-87
Coordinator-International Health
Track,MPH Program,September 1985 August 1987
Rollins School of Public Health
Research Professor, Hubert Department of
Global (formerly International) Health,
2002—current with Joint Appointment in
Department of Epidemiology
Visiting Professor, Department of
Epidemiology, 1999-2001
Joint appt with Department of
International Health, 2000-2001
Clinical Associate Professor,
Epidemiology, International Health,
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Clinical Associate 1977-1997
Department of Sociology
Adjunct Associate Professor-1982-90
Grady Memorial Hospital
Visiting Medical Staff 1977-1997
Morehouse School of Medicine, Department
of Community Health, Adjunct Clinical
Associate Professor, 1990-1997
2004(Aug) Director of Graduate Studies for Global
Health, Dept. of Global Health, RSPH
2002(Jy) Research Professor, Department of
International Health, RSPH
1999-2001 Visiting Professor, Department of
Epidemiology, Rollins School of Public
Health (RSPH)
Medical Epidemiologist, Pregnancy and
Infant Health Branch, Division of
Reproductive Health, NCCDHP, CDC
MCH Epidemiologist, Office of
Epidemiology, Georgia,Division of Public
Health. Director, Office of Perinatal
Epidemiology, 1992-97. Collaborator, 5
federal grants.
Director, Office of Health, Population,
Nutrition, USAID/India. Managed $150
million portfolio.
Coordinator, International Health Track,
Emory University MPH Program
Director, Division of Reproductive
Health, Centers for Disease Control.
Deputy Director, Family Planning
Evaluation Division, Bureau of
Epidemiology, Centers for Disease
Medical Officer, Office of Program
Planning and Evaluation, Office of the
Director, Centers for Disease Control
CDC Career Development, Princeton
University, Office of Population
Assistant Chief, Family Planning
Evaluation Branch, Centers for Disease
Control, Atlanta, Georgia.
Technical Assistance Officer, Family
Planning Evaluation Activity, Centers
for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia.
Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS),
Family Planning Consultant, Maternal
Health Service, Georgia Department of
Public Health.
Epidemic Intelligence Service
(EIS), Medical Epidemiologist,
Oregon Division of Public Health
Alan Guttmacher Institute
American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists (ACOG) Associate Fellow 19812007
American Public Health Association (APHA):
Member Population and Family Planning
Section, MCH, Epidemiology, 1969Population and Family Planning Section,
Program Chairman, 1976-77
Action Board Representative,1977-79
Chairman Elect, 1978-79
Chairman, 1979-1980
Governing Council, 1985-87, 1990-92
The Nations Health Editorial Board,
Recipient, Carl Schultz Award, Oct 1993
Association of Planned Parenthood
Professionals (APPP), 1969-1985
Program Committee Member, 1971-74
International Committee, 1983Christian Medical Society (CMS), 1964-86
Board of Delegates 1984 (3 years)
Georgia Public Health Association
Georgia Perinatal Association
Indian Public Health Association (lifelong)
International Union for the Scientific Study
of Population (IUSSP), 1977-1985
Population Association of America (PAA),
1970Chairman, Local Arrangements Committee,
Population Information Program, Johns Hopkins
University, Editorial Advisory
Committee, 1982-84
PRCH Physicians for Reproductive Choice and
Health (, Board,
Dec 2008 (3 years)
MCH Journal, Editorial board, Jan 2009 (3
Grant proposals (2010):
Title: Connecting with Youth: Advancing the Possibilities
PI: Melissa Kottke
Purpose: Aims to develop and test a new approach to adolescent
reproductive health education and service delivery
My role: Independent evaluator
Total Direct costs: $3,510,265
Total Indirect costs: $987,968
International consultations:
1968-1999: International consultations included work for CDC,
USAID, WHO, PAHO, Ford Foundation, International Planned
Parenthood Foundation, Trust Through Health, Pathfinder
International. These include short and long term work in Europe
(Romania); Latin America (Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa
Rica, Colombia, Chile), Asia (China, Taiwan, Singapore,
Indonesia, S Korea, Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan,
Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon), Africa (Tunisia, Kenya,
Poptech (May, 2001): Judith Selzer, Anibal Faundes, Anne-Marie
Foltz, James C. Knowles, Roger W. Rochat, Mark H. Spohr: Measure
results package and Predesign Study(site visits: Honduras,
Nicaragua, Costa Rica);
Poptech (Oct. 2001): Laurel Cobb, Pam Putney, Roger Rochat, Julie
Solo, Nicole Buono, John Dunlop, Mary Vandenbroucke Global
Evaluation of USAID’s Post Evaluation Care; including site visits
to Ghana and Kenya
Pathfinder International(2003): Investigation of death of IUD
client in Bangladesh
Pathfinder International (2005-2007): Evaluation of Medical
Education Reform in Reproductive Health in Vietnam
Pathfinder International (May, 2008): Internal Collaborative
Evaluation of Medical Education Reform in Reproductive health in
Reviews in the news:
June 2011
Ph D Dissertation Committees
Jenny Higgins (2003), Women’s Studies
Samantha Rowe (2005), Epidemiology
Paula Jayne (2009), Women’s Studies
Advisor of MPH theses and BA Honors theses and GHI Field Scholars as
Professor, Rollins School of Public Health 2001-2011:
1. Allana, Salim: Community Health Workers in Pakistan: Does job
satisfaction improve job performance? A systematic literature
review (committee member Samantha Rowe PhD)
2. Argotsinger, Brittany: Study of Prenatal Care on both sides of US
Mexico Border
3. Avidano, Erica (MSN MPH): contraceptive use and barriers to
service among Bhutanese refugees in DeKalb County
4. Chinthakanan, Orawee: An evaluation of state abortion reporting
data published on state websites
5. Dawson, Ruth: Reproductive Rights and Policy (Dec 2012)
6. Fisher, Sarah: Maternal mortality investigation, Gadchiroli,
7. Karch, Lydia: Responding to the rural backlash against legalizing
abortion in Mexico
8. Zilversmit, Leah: Do dental screenings lead to dental caries treatment among Medicaid
children ages 0-12 years? An examination of Medicaid data in Iowa,
Iowa Health Department
Chair Spring/Summer 2011:
1 AbiSamra, Roula, Patients and providers experience with
abortion in Mexico City, Pop Council & INSP, Mexico, GHI
recipient, GEMMA affiliated , Plan to submit to WHO Bulletin
(August 2011)
2 Ahmed, Nuriling Maternal Health in Amhara Region, Ethiopia:
relationship between continuum of care and perceived maternal trust
of Frontline Team Workers
3 Bergander, Linn: Trends of Induced Abortions in the state of
Georgia – A Comparison of Four Race/Ethnic Groups: White, Black,
Asian & Hispanic, 1994-2007 (committee: Lisa Haddad)
4 Blauvelt, Anne: Evaluating Antepartum Perspectives on
Postpartum and the Jhpiego Postpartum Family Planning Program in
Albania (committee: Solveig Cunningham)
5 Dignam, Toshiko: The Effect of Contraceptive Behaviors and
Parental Discussions About Sex on Hispanic Adolescents’ Use of
Emergency Contraception (co Chair with Patricia J. Dittus, CDC)
6 Egner, Rebecca A Secondary Analysis of Mental Health Disability
and Treatment Implications in Recently-resettled Refugees in
DeKalb County, Georgia
7 Frye, Lara Elizabeth Aycock: Mental Health of Homeless in
Atlanta (Karen Andes, committee)
8 Kenney, Anne: Trends in Motor Vehicle Crashes: Wind River
Indian Reservation 1994-2009
9 Leidich, Aimee, Determinants of SRH rights language: religion
and Catholic men’s opinions about fertility control in Mexico
Pop Council, Mexico GHI recipient, GEMMA affiliated. Plan
publication in Culture, Health, and Sexuality
10 Rao, Shreya, Perceptions of unwanted pregnancy, emergency
contraception and abortion: a qualitative study of healthcare
providers and community leaders in the Amazon Region of Colombia,
GEMMA recipient (committee member: Monique Hennink)
11 Sivili, Teri Predictors of Depression in Primary Care
Physicians in Kosovo Ten Years After the End of the Balkan
Conflict Co-Chairs: Barbara Lopes-Cardozo, MD, MPH, Roger Rochat;
committee member: Curtis Blanton, MS
12 De Stephano, Chris:
Providing 360 Degree Multisource Feedback
to Nurse Educators in the Country of Georgia: A Pilot Study
(Chair Roger Rochat committee: Judy Wold,)
13 Shash, Hana, Undernutrition in the source population of
Refugees Resettling in DeKalb County, GA: A Review of the
Literature (Susan Cookson, Thesis advisor)
Committee member Spring/Summer 2011
14 Naz, Anila Evaluation of the Provision of Hand-washing and
Drinking Water Stations on Provider and Patient Knowledge and
Practices in Zambia (Rob Quick chair, Roger Rochat committee
15 Smith, Danielle Assessing married men and women’s
understanding of questions from a gender and power norms scale in
Siaya, Kenya (Rob Stephenson Chair, Roger Rochat committee member
16 Woodson, Ryan (Monique Hennink, chair), Leticia, Unintended
pregnancy—perspectives of women and girls in community
Practicums & other GEMMA recipients 2010-2011
1. DeMarais, Adrienne (GLEPI) MD MPH: [practicum only] Ob Gyn
needs assessment for rural Georgia (with Andrew Dott MD MPH
and Pat Cota, Ob Gyn Society, Brian Castrucci, Gordon Freyman;
other students:; Boston, Nikita Latoya;
Vander Tuig, Berendena Irene Monsma; Haeger, Lindsey Alene;
Moshman, Hilary Susanna; Antoinette Nguyen )
2. Rabel, Brenna, SEARCH, India Characteristics and Outcomes
Among Women Receiving Vaginal Misoprostol-Only Regimen to
Medically Terminate Pregnancy in Gadchiroli, India
GEMMA recipient, practicum only Rob Stephenson thesis advisor
3. Winter, Amy, SEARCH, Gadchiroli, Women’s Perspectives on
Male and Female Sterilization in rural Maharashtra, GEMMA
recipient, practicum only
December 2010
King, Molly (MSN, MPH): Development, Implementation, and
Evaluation of a continuing education curriculum for Cardiac
Intensive Care Nurses in Sulaimaniyah, Iraq-Kurdistand: A
special studies project
2010 May/Aug (10)
Avera, Kimberly (MSN/MPH dual): Designation of level of neonate
services in Georgia: Pilot Study (with David Goodman, DVM, PhD,
Georgia MCH Epidemiologist)
Bellard-Clark, Brenda Pereira (when?) Religion and sex education in
Mozambique, secondary data analysis, Reproductive Health Survey (Leo
Morris, committee member)—never completed
Corcoran, Kellie (S. Allen chair, RR committee member) Knowledge,
attitudes, and practice of post-partum IUDSs and implants among
pregnant women and healthcare providers during HIV couples testing in
Lusaka, Zambia
Corey, Elizabeth (K Andes chair, RR committee member)
Trained Traditional Birth Attendants in Rural Zambia: Transitioning
from a Delivery Assistant to a Multi-Purpose Maternal Community Health
Cudjoe, Nana (Dawn Smiley, Dept Med, Chair, RR committee member) The
effect of utilizing empowerment tools in Black diabetic patients with
hypertension at a large urban hospital in Atlanta, Georgia
Fort, Victoria (May 2010) “They pull out the uterus and look at it”:
a Qualitative Study of cervical cancer screening in Mulanje, Malawi
(Aaron Siegler, Kevin Ault)
Glowa-Kollisch, Sarah, global health students extracurricular
activities and academic and career performance, alumni survey 20052009
Lozano, Briana Estimating the public health burden of Obstetric
Fistula in Addis Ababa:using DHS and local facility data (With Rob
Nagata, Chie Perinatal Outcomes and Risk Factors of Perinatal Death in
a Maternal and Infant Hospital in Kabul, Afghanistan Comparison
between Returning Afghan Refugees (Returnees) and Non-Returnee Afghan
Women (Brian McCarthy, committee)
Nguyen, Ha Phuong. 2009 Summer Field Experiences for Global Health
Students in a Glance: A comprehensive evaluation from 2004-20009,
Emory University
Schleuning, Amber 2010 (Aug) Conflict and Post-Traumatic Stress:
A Case for Gauging Cultural Perceptions Prior to Diagnosis and
Treatment: Case Study – Nazareth, Israel (2010)
Not completed on scheduled time
3 Looney, Kim: (May 2009) Post abortion contraception (Chair? Carrie
4 Sahlu, Sinafkish (Tati) (when?) Abortion in Ethiopia (DHS survey
Aug 2009
Muto Chika (Aug 2009 CMPH) Chlamydia training for health care
providers in Hawaii: A Survey of health care providers
Nguyen, Ha (Epid) (Aug 2009) A National Survey of Factors Affecting
Heterosexual Relations among youth living at home in Vietnam in 2003
May 09
Chair (6)
Amiri, Mirwais, (May 2009) Association between past institutional
delivery and current perception of delivery place among women in two
districts of Kabul City, Afghanistan
Brennan, Beth Ann (May 2009) The Comparison of Compassion Meditation
and Mindfulness Attention Training as a Strategy to Reduce Symptoms of
Depression and Anxiety and Improve Social and Emotional Wellbeing in
College Freshman, Advisors: Chuck Raison’s NIH funded intervention
study and,Nancy Thompson)
Brown, Jessica (May 2009) Correlations between HemagglutinationInhibition Assay and Microneutralization Assay for Detection of H5N1
in Humans (with Saad Omer)
Gaspard, Amanda: (May 2009) Alcohol Consumption: Experiences and
Attitudes of Emory University Students Ages 18 to 20—survey of 372
Emory students (with Iris Smith)
Ivankovich, Megan (May 2009) Contraception Use after Induced Abortion,
NSFG survey, 2002
Ogundalu, Oluwatosin (May 2009) The Evidence Favoring Policies to
eliminate Maternal Mortality from Abortion in Nigeria
Committee member (6)
Baird, Tiffany (May 2009) Maternal health after conflict: An assessment of
postpartum care in Lofa County, Liberia. (Basia Tomczyk)
Barrera, Elizabeth (May 2009) Content of HIV messages by African American parents to
their children, SE USA (Kim Miller, Amy Fasula, Kata Chillag)
Feldman, Lyndsey (May 2009) Trends and patterns in tobacco use by high
and low resource country populations (LF is ACS employee;Advisor:
Michael Erickson, GSU)
Kerner, Claire, 1. Why is NFP not more popular given its effectiveness
and safety? 2. Evaluate NFP training among 14 NFP providers and their
clients in Georgia? 3. What challenges do they encounter trying to
provide NFP? (Karen Andes, ch)
Lasswell, Sarah (May 2009) Meta-analysis of the effect of
care/perinatal regionalization on outcomes for very low birth weight
neonates (with Wanda Barfield, CDC)
Palomeque, Francisco: (May 2009) Traditional Practices for
Contraception among Indigenous People in the Colombian Amazon (Karen
Andes, chair)
Dec 08 (none)
August 08 (2)
Halima Sykes (Aug 08) Fetal mortality: a literature review for CDC DRH
(Chair Wanda Barfield)
Sasha Mital (Aug 08): Facilitator and Barriers to HIV services among
injection drug users (Rich Needle, formerly GAP, CDC, Pangea Global
AIDS foundation, San Francisco)
May 08 (5)
Elizabeth Hannify (May 08) Population based screening, diagnosis and
treatment of latent tuberculosis in the foreign-born in low incidence
countries, a review of published literature (Lily Singha, MD, Senior
Research Project Coordinator, SOM, committee member)
Christine Jacques (May 08) Normal birth and enhanced childbearing
Anita-Frances Okoh (May 08) Barriers to contraceptive use in Western
Region, Ghana (Monique Hennekins, Chair)
Bethanie Lynn Mills (May 08) Evaluating Global Health Action's
education program for rural women in China in sexual and reproductive
health knowledge (BSHE, Chair Kathleen Miner)
Kay Shin Chan (May 08) Newsworthiness of Contraception Research (BSHE
Jo Ellen Stryker, co-advisor)
2007 (10; 8 chair)
Latoya Patricia Armstrong: Improving Opioid Access for Cancer Pain Relief in
India (Committee: Omar Shafey)(May 2007)
Emily Churchman: Moving towards more efficacious regimens for the prevention
of mother to child transmission of HIV: A review of potential policies for
change (May 2007)
Kimberley Crawford, Off-Road Motorized Vehicle Injury Prevention Education for
Families with Children 18-Years-Old and Younger (Committee: (May 2007) MSN MPH
Paula Jayne, Permissive and Restrictive Themes in School-Based Sexual
Education: A Comparative View (May 2007) Womens Studies MPH
Joy Mirjahangir, Mental health of young children by immigrant status, National
Child Health Survey (May 2007) Gl Epi
Trisha Moslin, Contraceptive use in the Immediate Post-Abortion Period (May
Patricia Richmond: (Chair, Laurie Gaydos, Epi): Gifts of Life According to
God’s Plan: Low-Income Atlanta Women Discuss Religious Identity and Family
Planning (May 2007)
Kerry Thomson, The effect of internal displacement on current use of
efficacious contraception among women in Colombia (with Marianne Zotti) (May
Lea Wansbrough, Estimates of suicide during first month after abortion, USA,
1981-2002 (August 2007)
Emily Vala-Haynes, Abortion—Politics and the Print Media in Mexico (Chair, Rob
Stephenson) (May 2007)
2006 (9; 5 chair)
Abdullayeva Arafat (Ch Adj Fac Sam Posner): Condom, IUD Use and sexual
behavior as predictors for bacterial vaginosis among 18-48 year old women in
Azerbaijan (May 2006)
Jennet Arcara (Ch Rob Stephenson): Domestic violence and suicide among women
in Dhaka Division, Bangladesh (May 2006)
Karen Foster: Risk Factors for Human Trafficking in Eastern Europe (May 2006)
Suzanne White (Ch Lynn Sibley): Postabortion Care (PAC) Services in SubSaharan Africa, where do we go from here? (May 2006)
Jennifer Hayes: A pilot clinical trial of ultrasound-guided postplacental
insertion of the Levonorgestrel Intrauterine System (Aug 2006) (Presented at
Annual ACOG meeting May 2006—won best poster award)
Kathryn Kooistra: “Clever Withdrawal”: An Exploration of Coitus Interruptus in
Albania (Co chair Joan Herold) (May 2006)
Wan Ting Trinette Lee: Completeness of Abortion Reporting in Albania, 2005
(Aug 2006)
Julie Gribus Powers: (Chair: Tim Johnson) Modern Contraceptive Method Growth
in Guatemala, Honduras, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia: Recent Increases in Demand
and the Need for a Stable Supply (Aug 2006)
Tanya Tchaikowsky: Barriers to Effective HIV Control Strategies in Ukraine: A
Review of the Literature (Aug 2006)
Ryoko Michinobu: A Prospective Policy Analysis of HIV/AIDS Policies in
Japanese Multinational Companies in Asia (Dec 2006) ‘‘HIV is irrelevant to our company’’:
Everyday practices and the logic of relationships in HIV/AIDS management by Japanese multinational
corporations in northern Thailand, Ryoko Michinobu* Social Science & Medicine Available online
26 December 2008
2005 (7; 3 chair)
Helzer, Laurie: Trafficking in Moldova--insights from 168 returnees and 16
participatory research (Committee: Ann di Girolamo) (May 2005)
Hendy, Lara (Ch Kimberly Hagen): From Dakota to Samoa: An evaluation of Global
Health Students’ Practicum Experiences for Summer 2004 (5/05)
Nwosu, Adora: Literature review on efforts to lower maternal mortality in Sri
Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia (May 2005)
Oksuzyan, Sona (5/05): Is a reported childhood physical abuse associated with
a history of an induced abortion among 15-24 years old sexually active women
in the Republic of Georgia? (Ch Rob Stephenson)
Gullo, Sara (Ch Susan Allen) Playing the odds: family planning knowledge,
attitudes, and practices of HIV couples enrolled in the ‘Family Planning
Promotion’ project in Lusaka, Zambia (5/05)
Kim, Shin Young: Surveillance evaluation of maternal mortality RUHSA, India
(May 2005)
Varahrami, Mandana (Ch Susan Allen) Saving or Spending? Midterm Evaluation of
Financial Planning Activities among Women in Zambia-Emory HIV Research
Project’s Family Planning Study (5/05):
Davida Carr (Ch D Holtgrave): Hindsight is 20/20: An investigation into the
association between early sexual debut and attitudes toward comprehensive sex
education (Aug 2005)
Smith, Alison (Ch Susan Allen) Future Planning activities and childbearing
decisions of couples infected with HIV in Lusaka, Zambia: interviews with
surviving spouses (8/05)
Wouba, Aminu: (Ch Hussain Yusuf) Healthcare seeking behavior and
factors influencing such behavior among women who died in Bangladesh
between 1996 and 1997 (Aug 2005)
Bailey, Alanna,: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices regarding HIV and other STIs among [287] Undergraduate
Students at the American University in Central Asia in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (Chair, David Holtgrave)
Nino Berdzuli: Knowledge, attitudes and practices on breast cancer among 300 women in Kutaisi, Republic of
Georgia (Committee: Selma Morris, Grady Hospital)
Blacher, Rachel: Improving Utilization of Emergency Obstetric Care in rural Sylhet, Bangladesh through
Community Based Approaches: interviews with 71 women (Committee: Karen Andes)
Finch, Rabiah: Men's involvement in abortion decisions in Atlanta, Georgia (Committee: Cam Escoffery, Jill
Habarta, Nancy Marie: Traditional birth attendants: A look at the transition to skilled attendants in safe
motherhood in Cambodia: based on 51 in depth interviews (Chair, Lynn Sibley)
Guled, Hodan: Preventing a potential HIV/AIDS Crisis in Somaliland: a handbook for nongovernmental
organizations (Committee: Susan Cookson, DeKalb Board of Health)
Kaufmann, Rachel: Were nurses providing quality family planning counseling to IUD users in Guatemala?--an
exploratory study in Ministry of Health Clinics--interviews with 51 women (Committee: Ann DiGirolamo)
Ogutu, Ellie: Enhancing HIV/AIDS and health services in Africa prisons: A literature review (Chair, Stephen
Pagadala, Nina: Is controlling women's sexuality driving the practice of Female Genital Cutting (FGC) practices in
Dadaab, Kenya?--interviews with 720 male and 720 female Somali refugees in 3 camps (Committee: Susan Igras,
Patel, Monita: An assessment of strategies to promote safe motherhood and newborn care among tribal and ontribal women in Gujarat, India: Interviews with 50 women re: Stanic Karyakar (village health counsellors) SEWARural
Sardar, Gurkiran: "Because they are poisoned": A qualitative study of the utilization of maternal health care in
Gitarama, Rwanda--Interviews with 53 participants: 19 women, 24 health care workers, 10 community members
(Chair, Jennifer Hirsch)
Tuteja, Ritu (Epidemiology): Intention status and other predictors of abortion among 3218 women, Republic of
Georgia, 1995-1999
Ramizanova, Ruziya: Risk factors for unintended pregnancy among 457 sexually active nonmenopausal IDP
women aged 18-48 attending clinics, Azerbaijan, 3 districts, May-August 2000
Gilbert Yvonne: Understanding Pregnancy Intendedness Through Interviews With 12 Teenagers under 18 in
Hawai`i, (Chair, Basia Tomcyk)
Wenzel, Sophie: Dynamics of Adolescent Pregnancy in Georgia's Latino Community: Defining the urgency (Chair,
Jennifer Hirsch)
Arvay, Melissa: Rapid assessment of family planning and reproductive health services provided by female
community health volunteers in 17 districts in Nepal
Buzurokov,Azam: An analysis of reasons of maternal deaths in post-war Tajikistan (1997-1999)
Mignone, Laurie: A global analysis of the inverse association of contraceptive prevalence and maternal mortality
rates (May 2003) Presented Annual MICHEP conference 12/03
Nguyen, Thao: Accessibility and Satisfaction of Healthcare: An Exploratory Interview with 31 Women in Hanoi,
submitted Dec 2003, (BA, Biology, With Highest Distinction)
Palaniswamy, Vimala: A study of the factors determining access to prevention of mother-to-child transmission of
HIV services in Pondicherry, India
Shimizu, Mayumi: Socio-demographic and regional differences in infant mortality in China (Chair: Charles Chen,
committee: Jason Hsia) (2003)
Kim, Oanh: The situation of abortion and abortion surveillance in Vietnam
Chu, Thi Phuc: The fertility decline in Vietnam: The contribution of proximate fertility determinants
Soe, Khynn Win Win: Reproductive Health in Myanmar
Aslanyan, Stella: Assessment of Postpartum Care and Practice in Provincial Uzbekistan
Berger, Katie (Epid) An Assessment of the risk associated with the use of menstrual regulation services in
Bangladesh, 1996-1997
Chelko Olivia: (Chair Joan Herold) An evaluation of abortion data and abortion reporting in Georgia, May 2001
(Presented APHA, BSHE, 2001)
D’Angelo DV(Chair Joan Herold) Demographic and psychosocial factors associated with unintended pregnancy:
are women reporting mistimed and unwanted pregnancies different?, April 2001 (Presented APHA Epid 2001)
Differences Between Mistimed and Unwanted Pregnancies Among Women Who Have Live Births, Perspectives on
Sexual and Reproductive Health, Sept-Oct, 2004
Hadjisimos, Glykeria (Epid) Is there an association between infrequent attendance of religious services and
unintended first pregnancies that are terminated by induced abortion?
Kearns Laura A: Availability of menstrual regulation services in Bangladesh, 1996-1997, August
2001(Presented APHA, MCH, 2001)
Richardson Kristi L: Public health in a frontier state: trend analysis of maternal and child health
measures in Montana.
Veysset, Elodie: A history of sterilization in the United States (PhD Project in Women’s Studies, 2001 )
MPH thesis advisor:
1985-87: Thesis advisor while serving as Coordinator,
International Health Track
Hammett, Teresa: Prenatal care in Puerto Rico (1979-1982) as determined from
the Puerto Rico fertility and family planning assessment of 1982, August 1988
1986 Koonin, Lisa: Maternal Mortality from Anesthesia/Analgesia: Who is at
Risk? (Maija L. Selby, Director of Thesis; Roger Rochat Committee member)
1989-1996: Thesis advisor while serving as MCH epidemiologist,
Georgia Department of Human Resources
Mercer, KB: Predictors of current condom use among Georgia females 15-24
(using GWHS), 1999 (Chair: Joan Herold)
Boring, Cathy: Sterilization Regret among Puerto Rican women
[Boring CC, Rochat RW, Becerra J. Sterilization regret among
Puerto Rican women. Fertil Steril 1988; 49(6):97381]
1991 Hena, Chris: Maternal Mortality in Georgia 1979-1989
[Georgia Epidemiology Report 7(7):1-2, July 1991]
1991 Shivnauth, Balkaran: A Comparative Study of the Rates and
Causes of Maternal Mortality in the State of Georgia, U.S.A 19791986 and 1990
Foreign language education and skills:
In the past I have been quite fluent in German, moderately fluent
in Spanish, and have studied Latin, French, Russian and Hindi.
Currently I have limited reading skills in German and Spanish.
*Allen DT, Rochat RW, Murray MA, Tyler CW Jr. Computer mapping of
family planning needs and services. Fam Plann Perspect 2:32-34,
*Cash RA, Nalin DR, Rochat R, Reller LB, Haque ZA, Rahman AS.
Amer A clinical trial of oral therapy in a rural choleratreatment center. J of Trop Medicine & Hygiene. 19(4):653-6, 1970
(Also article in J of Med of East Pakistan, 1969)
*Rochat RW, Tyler CW Jr, Schoenbucher AK: An epidemiological
analysis of abortion in Georgia. Am J Public Health
*Rochat RW, Tyler CWJr., Schoenbucher AK, The effect of family
planning in Georgia on fertility in selected rural counties. Adv
Planned Parent VI:6-14, 1971 (Presented at 1970 EIS Conference
and 1970 APPP Meeting)
*Moore S, Rochat RW, Tyler-CWJr: Family Planning among white
garment workers in rural Appalachia: evaluation by use of a
sample survey. Adv Planned Parent VII: 10-19, 1972
*Margolis A, Rindfuss R, Rochat RW, Coghlan P: Contraception
after abortion. Fam Plann Perspect 6:56-60, 1974
*Cates W Jr, Rochat RW, Smith JC, Tyler CW Jr: Trends in national
abortion mortality, United States, 1940-1974. Advances in Planned
Parenthood 11:106-13, (1976).
*Cates W Jr, Rochat RW: Illegal abortions in the United States,
1972-1974. Fam Plann Perspect 8:86-92, (1976).
*Cates W Jr, Ory HW, Rochat RW, Tyler CW Jr: The intrauterine
device and deaths from spontaneous abortion. N Engl J Med
295:1155-9, (1976).
Rochat RW: Abortion the Bible, and the Christian Physician.
Christian Medical Society Journal 7:19-26, (1976).
*Rochat RW, The prevalence of cervical cancer screening, USA:
1970. Am J Obstet Gynecol 125:478-483, 1976
*Rochat RW, Regional variation in sterility, USA: Adv Planned
Parent XI:l-ll, 1976
Centers for Disease Control, FPED: Teenage Fertility: Actual vs.
Desired Fertility (separate reports for South
Carolina,Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North
Carolina). Issued January 1978
*Cheng MCE, Cheong J, Knew KS, Ratnam SS, Rochat RW,
Psychological sequelae of sterilization in women in Singapore;
International J Gynecol Obstet 15(1):44-47, 1977
*Cheng MCE, Wong YM, Rochat RW, Ratnam SS: Sterilization failures
in Singapore: an examination of ligation techniques and failure
rates. Stud Fam Plann 8:109-115, 1977
Rochat RW, Pap smear screening: has it lowered cervical cancer
mortality among American blacks? PHYLON 38:429447, 1977
*Brann E, Rochat RW, Strauss L: Sterilization of teenagers in the
United States, 1930-1970. Adv Planned Parent XIII(1):24-29, 1978
(Presented at the 25th Annual EIS Conference, Atlanta, April 6,
*Cates W Jr, Rochat RW, Grimes DA, Tyler CW Jr.: Legalized
abortion: effect on national trends of maternal and abortion
related mortality (1940-1976. Am J Obstet Gynecol 132:211-4,
*Cates W Jr, Smith JC, Rochat RW, Patterson JE, Dolman A:
Assessment of surveillance and vital statistics data for
monitoring abortion mortality, United States 1972-1975. Am J
Epidemiol 108:200-6, (1978)
*Rochat RW, Ory HW, Schulz KF: Methods for measuring safety and
health hazards of presently available fertility regulating agents
in the developing world. Singapore Journal of Obstetrics and
Gynecology 9(1): 1-13, March 1978
Rochat, Roger W, Morris, Leo, Cates, Willard Jr, Ory, Howard W.
Control de Fecundidad y Planificacion de la Familia en Estados
Unidos de America, Bol de la Officina Sanitaria Panamericana
85(2), 1978 (Trabajo presentado en la Reunion de las Asociacion Chilena de
Ginecoobstetricos celebrada en Santiago, del 29de noviembre al 5 de diciembre
de 1975. Asimismo fue presentado en el seminario sobre el Uso de los Metodos
de Muestreo en las Encuestas e Investigaciones en Salud, reunido en Sochagota,
Boyaca, Colombia, del 1 al 12 de diciembre de 1975)
*Cates W Jr, Kimball AM, Gold J, Rubin GL, Smith JC, Rochat RW:
The health impact of restricting public funds for abortion,
October 10, 1977 - June 10,1979. Am J Public Health 69:945-47,
*Campbell RH, Atrash H., Allen DT, Rochat RW: Statewide family
planning programs in Tennessee a 1980 update. J Tenn Med Assn
73(9): 629-633, (1980)
*Gold J, Cates W. Jr, Nelson M, Kimball AM, Rochat RW,Chester DA:
A cluster of septic complications associated with illegal induced
abortions. Obstet Gynecol 56:311-5,(1980).
*McCarthy BJ, Terry J, Rochat RW, Quave S, Tyler CWJr: The
under-registration of neonatal deaths: Georgia, 1974-77. Amer J
Public Health 70:977-982, 1980
Rochat RW, Cates W. Jr: Sensitive questions about foreign aid for
abortion (letter). Hastings Center Report 1980;10:46.
*Rochat RW, Kramer D., Senanayake P, Howell C: Induced abortion
and health problems in developing countries (letter). Lancet
Rochat RW: Maternal and perinatal mortality statistics. In:
Aladjem Silvio, ed. Obstetrical Practice, St. Louis: CV Mosby
Co., 1980:264-278
*Rubin GL, Cates W. Jr, Gold J, Rochat RW, Tyler CW Jr: Fatal
ectopic pregnancy after attempted legally induced abortion. JAMA
*Solter S, Cunningham G, Pettiti D, Rochat RW: Family planning
services provided by private physicians in California. Adv
Planned Parent, September 1978 (Presented at the 25th Annual EIS
Conference, Atlanta, April 6, 1976)1980
*White MK, Ory BW, Rooks JB, Rochat RW, Intrauterine device
termination rates and the menstrual cycle day of insertion.
Obstet Gynecol 55:220-224, 1980
*Atrash HK, Allen DT, Rochat RW: Fertility trends in Tennessee:
age and race specific fertility analysis 1970-1978; comparative
fertility analysis, 1975-78. J Tenn Med Assoc. 1981
*Atrash HK, Allen DT, Rochat RW, Smith L: The role of nurse
practitioners as family planning clinicians in Tennessee J Tenn
Med Assoc 1981; 74:1:15-20
*McCarthy BJ, Rochat RW, Cundiff B, Gould PA, Quave S: The child
abuse registry in Georgia: three years of experience. Southern
Medical Journal, 1981; 74:11-16
*McCarthy BJ, Sachs BP, Layde PM, Burton A, Terry JS, Rochat RW:
The epidemiology of neonatal death in twins. Am J Obstet Gynecol
1981; 141(3):252-256
*Measham AR, Rosenberg MJ, Khan AR, Obaidullah M, Rochat RW:
Complications from induced abortion in Bangladesh related to
types of practitioner and methods, and impact on mortality.
Lancet I: 199-202, (1981).
*Rochat RW: Maternal Mortality in the United States, 1969-1977.
World Health Statistics Quarterly, 1981; 34(1):2-13
*Rochat RW, Jabeen S., Rosenberg MJ, Measham AR, Khan AR:
Maternal and abortion related deaths in Bangladesh, 1978-1979.
Int J Gynaecol Obstet 1981;19:155-64.
Rochat, RW; Warren, CW; Smith, JC; Holck, SE; and Friedman, JS
Family Planning Practices among Anglo and Hispanic Women in U.S.
Counties Bordering Mexico. Family Planning Perspectives 13 (No.
4) 1981: 176-80
*Rosenberg MJ, Rochat RW, Jabeen S, Measham AR, Obaidullah M:
Attitudes of rural Bangladesh physicians toward abortion. Stud
Fam Plann 1981; 8/9:318-21.
*Rubin GL, Peterson HB, Rochat RW, McCarthy BJ, Terry JS:
Maternal mortality after caesarean section in Georgia: Amer J
Obstet Gynecol 1981; 139:681-685
*Warren CW, Smith JC, Garcia-Nunez J, Rochat RW, Martinez Manitou: Contraceptive use along the U.S.- Mexico border.
International Fam Plann Persp 1981; 7:52-59
*Holck SE, Warren CW, Morris L, Rochat RW: Need for family
planning services among Anglo and Hispanic women in U.S. counties
bordering Mexico. Fam Plann Perspect 1982; 14:155-159
*Jason JM, Williams SL, Burton A, Rochat RW: Epidemiologic
differences between sexual and physical child abuse. JAMA 1982;
*Atrash HK, Rochat RW, Schulz KF, Allen DT: Family planning and
abortion: have they affected fertility in Tennessee? Am J Public
Health 1982; 72:608-610
*Cates W Jr, Smith JC, Rochat RW, Grimes DA: Mortality from
abortion and childbirth: are the statistics biased? JAMA 1982;
*Grimes DA, Peterson HB, Rosenberg MJ, Fishburne JI, Rochat RW,
Khan AR, Islam: Sterilization Attributable Deaths in Bangladesh.
International J Gynaecology and Obstet 1982; 20:149-154
*Grimes DA, Satterthwaite AP, Rochat RW, Akhter N: Deaths from
contraceptive sterilization in Bangladesh: rates, causes, and
prevention. Obstet Gynecol 60(5): 635-40, (1982).
*Holck SE, Warren CW, Rochat RW, Smith JC: Lung cancer mortality
and smoking habits: Mexican American women. Am J Public Health
1982; 72(1):38-42
Manatou MJ, Garcia JN, Nunez LF, Warren CW, Rochat RW,
anticonceptivos y atencion materna en la zona fronteriza Mexico Estados Unidos. Instituto de Planificacion Familiar, 1982
*Rosenberg MJ, Rochat RW: Decision analysis in assessing the
impact of female sterilization in Bangladesh. Studies in Fam
Plann 1982; 13(2):59-63
*Rosenberg MJ, Rochat RW, Akbar J, Gould P,Khan AR, Measham A,
Jabeen S: Sterilization in Bangladesh: mortality, morbidity, and
risk factors. International J Gynaecology and Obstet 1982;
*Sachs BP, Layde PM, Rubin GL, Rochat RW: Reproductive mortality
in the United States. JAMA 1982; 247:2784-2792
*Smith JC, Mhango CG, Warren CW, Rochat RW, Huffman SL: Trends in
the incidence of breastfeeding for Hispanics of Mexican origin
and Anglos on the U.S. - Mexico border. Am J Public Health
1982;72(1): 59-61
*Warren CW, Smith JC, Rochat RW: Contraceptive sterilization: a
comparison of Anglo and Hispanics living in U.S. counties
bordering Mexico. Social Biology 1982; 28(3-4):265-280
Chen, Charles HC; Feng, Zhonghui; Rochat, Roger W (1983) Effect
of age at marriage on fertility in Xian City, the People's
Republic of China. Paper presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting of
the Population Association of America, Pittsburgh, April 14-16.
*Grimes DA, Cates W. Jr, Smith JC, Rochat RW: Mortality from
abortion and childbirth. (response). JAMA 249:194, (1983).
*Rosenfield A; Maine D; Rochat R; Shelton J; Hatcher RA, The Food
and Drug Administration and medroxyprogesterone acetate. What are
the issues? JAMA 1983 Jun 3;249(21):2922-8
*Sachs BP, Arks JS, McCarthy BJ, Burton A, Rochat RW, Terry JS:
Neonatal transport in Georgia: Implications for maternal
transport of high-risk pregnancies. Southern Medical Journal
1983; 76:1397-1400
Warren CW, Smith JC and Rochat RW, "Differentials in the
planning status of most recent live births to MexicanAmericans and Anglos," Public Health Reports 98:152, 1983
*Binkin NJ, Burton NN, Toure AH, Traore ML, Rochat RW: Women
hospitalized for abortion complications in Mali. Int Fam Plann
Perspect, (1984).
*Kaunitz AM, Spence C, Danielson TS, Rochat RW, Grimes DA.
Perinatal and maternal mortality in a religious group avoiding
obstetric care. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1984; 150:826-831. Cf.
Centers for Disease Control: Perinatal and maternal mortality in
a religious group - Indiana. MMWR 33:297-8, (1984)
Kaunitz AM, Rochat RW, Hughes JM, Smith JC, Grimes DA. Maternal
mortality surveillance, 1974-1978. In: CDC surveillance summaries
(published quarterly). 1984; 33(no.lSS):5SS-8SS
*Smith JC, Hughes JM, Pekow PS, Rochat RW: An assessment of the
incidence of maternal mortality in the U.S. Am J Public Health
74:780-83, (1984).
*Kaunitz AM, Hughes JM, Grimes DA, Smith JC, Rochat RW, Kafrissen
ME: Causes of Maternal Mortality in the United States. Obstetrics
and Gynecology 1985; 65(5):605-612.
*Rochat RW: A Piece of My Mind: Family Reunion. JAMA 1985;
Friede A, Rochat RW: Maternal Mortality and Perinatal Mortality:
Definitions, Data, and Epidemiology. Chapter in Section B (ed.)
Obstetric Epidemiology, 1985
Tyler Cw, Rochat RW: Family Planning Programs and Practice
Chapter in Last J (ed.) Maxcy-Rosenau textbook of Public Health
and Preventive Medicine, 1985
*Buehler JW, Kaunitz A., Hogue CJR, Hughes J, Smith JC, Rochat R:
Maternal mortality in women aged 35 years or older United States.
JAMA 255(1):53-7,(1986).
Friede Am, Rochat RW: Maternal and Perinatal Mortality : an
Epidemologic Perspective. Sachs BP, Acker D: Clinical
obstetrics: A public health perspective 1986:1-33, (1986).
*Herold JM, Warren CW, Smith JC, Rochat RW, Martinez R, Vera M.
Contraceptive use and the Need for Family Planning in Puerto
Rico. Family Planning Perspectives. Vol. 18, No. 4, July/August
*Kwast BE, Rochat RW, Kidane-Mariam W: Maternal mortality in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Stud Fam Plann 17:288, 1986
*Warren CW, Westoff CF, Herold JM, Rochat RW, Smith JC,
Contraceptive Sterilization in Puerto Rico, Demography. Vol. 23,
No. 3, 351-365, August 1986
*Wang S, Chen Y, Chen CHC, Rochat RW, Chow LP, Rider RV.
Proximate determinants of fertility and policy implications in
Beijing. Stud Fam Plann 1987;18(4):222-8
Rochat RW: Maternal Mortality: A Global Perspective(for
presentation at Christopher P Tietze Memorial Lecture, Berlin,
September 21-22, 1985 and the First Interregional Workshop on
Maternal Mortality, WHO, Geneva, November 1985
Measham AR, Rochat RW, Slowing the Stork: Better Health for Women
through Family Planning. Working Papers, July 1988, The World
Bank WPS 66
*Rochat RW, Koonin LM, Atrash HK, Jewett JF, Maternal mortality
in the United States: report from the maternal mortality
collaborative. Obstet Gynecol 1988; 72:91-7
*Boring CC, Rochat RW, Becerra J. Sterilization regret among
Puerto Rican women. Fertil Steril 1988; 49(6):97381
CDC, Koonin LM, Atrash HK, Rochat RW, Smith JC. Maternal
mortality surveillance, United States, 1980-1985.
Surveillance Summaries, December 1988. MMWR 1988; 37 (No.
*Mhango C, Rochat RW. Reproductive Mortality in Lusaka, Zambia
1982-1983, Studies in Family Planning 17(5):243-51, 1986 Sep-Oct
Floyd VD, Mayer L, Rochat RW. Infant Health in Georgia: Progress
during the 1980s. Monograph (380pp) 1990
*Syverson CJ, Chavkin W, Atrash HK, Rochat RW, Sharp ES, King GE.
Pregnancy-related mortality in New York City, 1980 to 1984:
Causes of death and associated risk factors. Am J Obstet Gynecol,
February 1991, Vol. 164, No. 2
Rochat, RW, Reproductive Health Statistics In Romania, Chapter IV
in Heisler M, Richmond, J, Stubblefield, P, Bail R, Rochat RW,
Paxman J, Eds. Women’s Health, Family Planning, and
Institutionalized Children in Romania, 92 pp., Site Visit—March
1991, Trust Through Health Inc., U.S. Agency for International
*Saftlas AF, Olson OR, Atrash R, Rochat RW, Rowley D: National
trends in the Incidence of Abruptio Placentae, 1979-1987.
Obstetrics and Gynecology,78(6):1081-6, 1991 Dec
*Sacks, JJ, Brantley MD, Holmgreen P, Rochat RW: Evaluation of an
Intervention to Reduce Playground Hazards in Atlanta Child-Care
Centers. Am J of Public Health, March 1992, Vol 82, No.3, 429
...Rochat RW...(co-author) Georgia Kids Count Factbook 1992,
Georgians for Children, Atlanta, GA, 84 pp. monograph
*Griffin GW, Gaudino JA, Rochat RW: Two Techniques for evaluating
the accuracy of record linkages, Am J Pub Health 85(9):1294-5,
1995 Sep
*Mathis MP, (Rochat RW), Lavoie M, Hadley C, Toomey K: Birth
Certificates as a Source for Fetal Alcohol Case
Ascertainment--Georgia, 1989-1992. MMWR--1995; Vol
Akhter H, Zahniser C, Ahmed G, Rochat R, Mandel M: Can Paramedics
in Bangladesh Perform Menstrual Regulation Safely and
Effectively? Pp. 112-118 in Akhter HH, Khan TF: A Bibliography on
Menstrual Regulation and Abortion Studies in Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Institute of Research for Promotion of Essential and
Reproductive Health and Technologies (BIRPERHT), Dhaka,
Bangladesh, December 1996.
Kahn, James G., Brindis, Claire D, Glei, Dana, Rochat, Roger:
Pregnancies and Pregnancy Consequences Averted in the U.S. and
Georgia by Teenagers who are Abstinent or Using Contraceptives (A
Report Commissioned by The Georgia Campaign for Adolescent
Pregnancy Prevention, , 5 pp., December 1996
*Serbanescu F, Rochat R, Floyd V, Toomey K: Knowledge about Folic
Acid and Use of Multivitamins Containing Folic Acid Among
Reproductive-Aged Women--Georgia 1995; MMWR 1996: 45(37):793-795.
*Brantley M, Rochat R, Floyd V, Norris D, Franko E, Blake P,
Toomey K, Fernhoff, Ziegler B, Mayer L: Population-Based
Prevalence of Perinatal Exposure to Cocaine--Georgia, 1994; MMWR
1996: 45(41): 887-890
Serbanescu F, Rochat R: Georgia Women’s Health Survey--1995:
Preliminary Report, Georgia Department of Human Resources,
Division of Public Health, Atlanta, Ga. October 1996 110 pp.
Serbanescu F, Rochat R, Floyd F, Toomey K, Posey D, Mulinare J:
Knowledge About Folic Acid and Use of Multivitamins Containing
Folic Acid Among Reproductive-Aged Women; Georgia Epidemiology
Report; 1996: 12(12) 1-3
(cf. )
*Dietz PM, Adams M, Rochat RW, Mathis MP: Prenatal Smoking in Two
Consecutive Pregnancies in Georgia, 1989-1992, Maternal and Child
Health Journal, March 1997; 1(1):43-51.(Presented at Society for
Epidemiologic Research, Edmonton, Canada, June 1997)
*Dietz PM, Gazmararian JA, Goodwin MM, Bruce FC, Johnson CH,
Rochat RW: The PRAMS Working Group, Delayed Entry into Prenatal
Care: Effect of Physical Violence. Obstetrics and Gynecology,
1997, 90:2,221-224
*Elam-Evans LD, Adams MA, Delaney KM, Wilson HG, Rochat RW,
McCarthy BJ: Patterns of Prenatal Care Initiation in Georgia,
1980-1992, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1997;90(1):71-77
Floyd V, Mayer L, Rochat R: The Challenge of Change: A Mid-Decade
Look at Maternal and Child Health in Georgia (Two volumes); also
on Website
*Gaudino JA, Blackmore-Prince C, Yip R, Rochat RW: Quality
Assessment of Fetal Death Records in Georgia: A Method for
Improvement, AJPH; 1997: 87(8): 1323-1327.
*Henderson LO, Powell MK, Hannon WH, Bernert, JT Jr., Pass KA,
Fernhoff P, Ferre CD, Martin L, Franko E, Rochat RW, Brantley MD,
Sampson E; An Evaluation of the Use of Dried Blood Spots from
Newborn Screening for Monitoring the Prevalence of Cocaine Use
among Childbearing Women. Biochemical and Molecular Medicine,
1997:61, 143-151, Article No. MM972609
Rochat RW, Brantley M, Floyd V, Norris D, Franko E, Blake P,
Toomey K, Fernhoff, Ziegler B, Mayer L, Henderson O, Hannon H,
Martin L, Ferre C: Population-Based Prevalence of Perinatal
Exposure to Cocaine in Georgia, 1994, Georgia Epidemiology Report
1997(Feb);13(2):1-3 (cf. )
Tierney E, Rochat RW, Einbender S, Hadley C, Jones B; Evaluation
of Perinatal Case Management in Georgia 1991-1994, Georgia
Epidemiology Report 1997 (April); 13(4):1-3
Tierney E, Yusuf H, Rochat RW, Einbender S, Monkus P, Chaney M;
HbsAg Screening Among Pregnant Women Who Use Medicaid to Pay for
Delivery, Georgia Epidemiology Report 1997 (May); 13(5):1-3
Brantley MD, Rochat RW, Ferre CD, Martin ML, Henderson LO, Hannon
WH, Ziegler BJ, Fernhoff PM, Mayer LM, Franko EA, Floyd VD,
Sampson EJ, Erickson DJ: Population-based Prevalence of Cocaine
in Newborn Infants—Georgia, 1994, in Williams RC, Howie MM, Lee
Note: This paper is an outline of a poster presentation made at the 1998 GIS
in Public Health Conference, Phoenix, Arizona
Buehler J, Dixon B, Toomey K, Division of Reproductive Health
[Serbanescu F, Rochat R], Family and Intimate Violence Prevention
Team, Div of Violence Prevention [....] and an EIS Officer
(Martie Thompson): Lifetime and Annual Incidence of Intimate
partner Violence and resulting injuries—Georgia, 1995, MMWR 1998
*Dietz PM, Rochat RW, Thompson BL, Berg CJ, Griffin G:
Differences in the Risk of Homicide and Other Fatal Injuries
between Postpartum Women and Other Women of Childbearing Age:
Implications for Prevention. AJPH, 1998; 88(4):641-643.
*Luallen JJ, Rochat RW, Smith SM, O'Neil J, Rogers MY, Bolen JC.
Child fatality review in Georgia: A young system demonstrates
its potential for identifying preventable childhood death.
Southern Medical Journal (CME Article of the Month) 1998;
*Saraiya M, Serbanescu F, Rochat RW, Berg C, Iyasu S, Gargiullo
Trends and Predictors of Infant Sleep Positions in Georgia, 1990-
1995. Pediatrics,
Sept. 1998) (Presented at 1997 Annual EIS conference)
*Danel I, Rochat RW, Kendrick J: State-specific maternal
mortality among black and white women—United States, 1987-1996,
MMWR June 18, 1999/48(23); 492-496.
*Gaudino JA, Jenkins B, Rochat RW: No Father’s Name: A Risk
Factor for Infant Mortality in Georgia, Social Science and
Medicine. 1999; Vol.48, No.2, pp. 253 – 265
*Rochat RW, Atrash H, Handler A: Observations from the CDC:
Developing Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Capacity in
State and Local Health Departments, Journal of Women's Health &
Gender-Based Medicine 8(9):1135-1139(Nov. 1999)
*Rochat RW, Akhter HH: Tetanus and pregnancy-related mortality in
Bangladesh, Research Letter, The Lancet 1999:354(9178).
*Yusuf H, Rochat R, Baughman W, Gargiullo PM, Perkins B, Brantley
M, Stephens D: Maternal Cigarette Smoking During Pregnancy and
Invasive Meningococcal Disease: A Cohort Study Among Young
Children in Metropolitan Atlanta, 1989, AJPH, 1999;89(5):712-717.
*MacKay AP, Rochat RW, Smith JC, Berg CJ: The Check Box:
Determining Pregnancy Status to Improve Maternal Mortality
Surveillance. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Supplement
April 2000
*Yusuf HR, Akhter HH, Rahman MH, Chowdhury MK, Rochat RW: Injuryrelated deaths among women 10-50 years of age in Bangladesh,
1996-97. The Lancet, 355:1220-1224 (and editorial 1203-04)
April 8, 2000
*Warner DL, Rochat RW, Fichtner RR, Stoll BJ, Nathan L, Toomey
KE: Missed Opportunities for Congenital Syphilis Prevention in an
Urban Southeastern Hospital, Journal of Sexually Transmitted
Diseases, 2001 (Feb); 28(2):92-98
Rahman H, Akhter H, Chowdhury, Yusuf H, Rochat RW, Obstetric
deaths in Bangladesh, 1996-1997, International Journal of
Gynecology and Obstetrics (June) 2002: 77/2 pp. 161-169
Santelli J, Rochat RW, Hatfield-Timajchy K, Gilbert BC, Curtis K,
Cabral R, Hirsch J, Schieve L, and other members of the
Unintended Pregnancy Working Group: The Measurement and Meaning
of Unintended Pregnancy: A Review and Critique. Perspectives on
Sexual and Reproductive Health, March/April 2003;35(2),94-101.
Baker N, Fogarty C, Stroud D, Rochat R, Enhanced PregnancyAssociated Mortality Surveillance--Minnesota, 1990-1999,
Minnesota Medicine, January 2004; Vol 87:.
D’Angelo D, Colley Gilbert B, Rochat R, Santelli J, Differences
Between Mistimed and Unwanted Pregnancies Among Women Who Have
Live Births, Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health,
Sept-Oct, 2004; 36(5):198-205
Rowe SY, Olewe MA, Kleinbaum DG, McGowan JE, McFarland D, Rochat
R, Deming MS. The influence of observation and setting on
community health workers’ treatment practices. International
Journal for Quality in Health Care.(Sept 2006)2006;1-7
Hussain R. Yusuf, Halida H. Akhter, Mahbub Elahi Chowdhury, and
Roger W. Rochat: Causes of death among women aged 10-50 years in
Bangladesh, 1996-1997, Journal of Health, Population, and
Nutrition, ICDDRL/B, Vol. 25 (Sep 2007):1-10.
Rowe SY, Kelly JM, Olewe MA, Kleinbaum DG, McGowan JE, McFarland
DA, Rochat R, Deming MS. Longitudinal analysis of community
health workers’ adherence to treatment guidelines, Siaya
District, Kenya, 1997-2002; Tropical Medicine and International
Health,(May 2007) 12(5):651-663.
Rowe SY, Kelly JM, Olewe MA, Kleinbaum DG, McGowan JE, Jr,
McFarland DA, Rochat R, Deming MS. Effect of multiple
interventions on community health workers’ adherence to clinical
guidelines in Siaya district, Kenya, Trans Roy Soc Trop Med
Hygiene(2007) 101,188-202
Clark, Jill, Yount, Kathryn, Rochat, Roger, Men’s Involvement in
Family Planning in Rural Bangladesh, Journal of Biosocial
Science, 2008—40:6:815-840
Myra J. Tucker, Roger Rochat, Melissa Adams, and Milton Kotelchuck (Theme Editors) Special Issue: Research for
Maternal and Child Health Practice in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities (Editorial Advisory Board:
Everett R. Rhoades, J. Christopher Carey, Bette Keltner Jacobs, and George R. Brenneman) Matern Child
Health J 2008 Aug [E-pub ahead of print].
Rochat RW: The Challenges of Conducting Research to improve the
Health of American Indians and Alaska Natives, Matern Child
Health J 2008 Aug [E-pub ahead of print].
Rosenberg D, Kennelly J, Herman-Roloff A, Rochat R, Handler A:
Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology in State Health Agencies:
Guidelines for Enhanced Functioning, School of Public Health,
University of Illinois at Chicago, (published on CD), July, 2008
Kim S, Rochat R, Rajaratnam A, DiGirolamo A,
(2008). 'Evaluating completeness of maternal
mortality reporting in a rural health and social
affairs unit in Vellore, India, 2004' (MS 3038)
March 2009 Journal of Biosocial Science 41,part
2, pp. 195-205
S. M. Lasswell, W. D. Barfield, R. W. Rochat, and L. Blackmon
Perinatal Regionalization for Very Low-Birth-Weight and Very Preterm Infants: A Metaanalysis JAMA 2010 304: 992-1000
McGrath, Chika Muto; Katz, Alan R; Lee, Maria Veneranda C.;
Rochat, Roger W. Chlamydia screening of adolescent females: a
survey of providers in Hawaii Sept. 2010, J Community Health
DOI 10.1007/s10900-010-9308-8
Fort Victoria K, Makin Mary Sue, Siegler Aaaron J, Ault Kevin,
Rochat Roger: Barriers to cervical cancer screening in
Mulanje,Malawi: a qualitative study, Patient Preference and
Adherence 2011:5 1-7 (open access)
Moslin TA, Rochat RW. Contraceptive Use Among Clients of the
Atlanta Feminist Women's Health Center at Three to Five Weeks
Post-Abortion. Matern Child Health J (2011) 15:759–764 (Published
online: 3 July 2010 and in print August 2011)
Omer Saad B., David Goodman, Mark C. Steinhoff, Roger Rochat,
Keith P. Klugman, Barbara J. Stoll, Usha Ramakrishnan: Maternal
Influenza Immunization and Reduced Likelihood of Prematurity and
Small for Gestational Age Births: A Retrospective Cohort Study,
PLOS Medicine May 2011
Rochat RW, Heath CW, Chu S, Marchbanks P. Maternal and Child
Health Epi-Aid Investigations, 1946-2005, American Journal of
Epidemiology Supplement (in press) “Maternal and Child Health
Epidemic-Assistance Investigations, 1946–2005,” was submitted to
the American Journal of Epidemiology on January 29, 2010. Your
manuscript number is AJE-00147-2010.
Vala‐Haynes E, Stephenson R, Rochat R, Yam EA, Rosas LG and
Garcia SG: The abortion debate in Mexico: Newspaper coverage and
discourse 2001‐2003. Society, Biology and Human Affairs.* (in
2011 graduates with probable publications:
Olavarrieta, Claudia Diaz, Roula AbiSamra, Vanessa Cravioto,
Roger Rochat, Aremis Villalobos, Sandra G. Garcia: Patients’
experiences of first-trimester abortion in public facilities in
Mexico City three years after decriminalization, WHO Bulletin
AbiSamra, Roula, Patients and providers experience with
abortion in Mexico City, Pop Council & INSP, Mexico, GHI
recipient, GEMMA affiliated ,
Bergander, Linn: Trends of Induced Abortions in the state of
Georgia – A Comparison of Four Race/Ethnic Groups: White, Black,
Asian & Hispanic, 1994-2007 (committee: Lisa Haddad)
Blauvelt, Anne: Evaluating Antepartum Perspectives on Postpartum
and the Jhpiego Postpartum Family Planning Program in Albania
(committee: Solveig Cunningham)
Dignam, Toshiko: The Effect of Contraceptive Behaviors and
Parental Discussions About Sex on Hispanic Adolescents’ Use of
Emergency Contraception (co Chair with Patricia J. Dittus, CDC)
Frye, Lara Elizabeth Aycock: Mental Health of Homeless in Atlanta
(Karen Andes, committee)
Kenney, Anne: Trends in Motor Vehicle Crashes: Wind River Indian
Reservation 1994-2009
Leidich, Aimee, Determinants of SRH rights language: religion and
Catholic men’s opinions about fertility control in Mexico Pop
Council, Mexico GHI recipient, GEMMA affiliated. Plan
publication in Culture, Health, and Sexuality
Rao, Shreya, Perceptions of unwanted pregnancy, emergency
contraception and abortion: a qualitative study of healthcare
providers and community leaders in the Amazon Region of Colombia,
GEMMA recipient (committee member: Monique Hennink)