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FRAMES Bibliography
NTA = Need to acquire
HHC = Have hard copy
HC = Have copy (e.g., pdf)
LH = Library has
Also: See end of bibliography for list of literature type codes
---. (1965). American films and foreign audiences. Film Comment, 3(???Summer), 50.
(NTA) (12)
---. (1974). Motivational research in promotion: Why folks go to, stay away from pics.
Variety, 26(???June), 7. (NTA) (4)
---. (1976). The audienscope survey technique. Film Bulletin, 45(???November), 4.
(NTA) (16a)
Abbott, M. A. (1927). The study of the motion picture preferences of the Horace Mass high
schools. Teachers College Record, 28, 819-835. (HHC)
Adelman, S. (1989). Representations of violence against women in mainstream film. Resources
for Feminist Research, 18, 21-26. (HHC) (0, 6, 9a)
Allen, J., Livingstone, S., & Reiner, R. (1997) The changing generic location of crime in
film: a content analysis of film synopses, 1945–1991. Journal of Communication,
47 (4), 89-102. (HHC) (5)
Allen, J., Livingstone, S., & Reiner, R. (1998). True lies: Changing images of crime in British
post-war cinema. European Journal of Communication, 13 (1), 53-75. (HC, pdf) (5)
Allen, M., Emmers, T., Gebhardt, L., & Giery, M. A. (1995). Exposure to pornography and
acceptance of rape myths. Journal of Communication, 45(1), 5-26. (HHC). (7a, 7b)
Althaus, S., Edy, J., & Phalen, P. (2000, June). Using the Vanderbuilt Television Abstracts to
track broadcast news content: Possibilities and pitfalls. Paper presented to the annual
meeting of the International Communication Association, Acapulco, Mexico. (HHC—IN
JOBEM SEPT 02) (16a)
Anast, P. (1966). Personality determinants of mass media preferences. Journalism Quarterly,
43 (Winter), 729-732. (HHC) (4)
Anast, P. (1967). Differential movie appeals as correlates of attendance. Journalism Quarterly,
44, 86-90. (HHC) (4)
Anderson, D. D. (1992). Using feature films as tools for analysis in a psychology and law course.
Teaching of Psychology, 19, 155–158. (HHC) (11)
Andrews, S. (1993). Film: the great divide; the sexes at the box office. ???, ???-??? (NTA) (9)
Apanovitch, A., et al. (2002). The effects of social influence on perceptual and affective
reactions to scenes of sexual violence. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 32 (3),
443-464. (HHC) (7a)
Attwood, L. (1993a). Sex in the cinema. In Kon & Riordan (Eds.), Sex and Russian
society, pgs. 64-88. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. (HHC) (0, 7, 12a)
Attwood, L. (Ed.). (1993b). Red women on the silver screen. London: Pandora Press.
(NTA) (9a, 12a)
Attwood, L. (1995). Men, machine guns and the Mafia: post-Soviet cinema as a discourse on
gender. Women’s Studies International Forum, 18 (5-6), 513-521. (HC, pdf) (5, 12a)
Austin, B. A. (1979). Motion picture attendance and factors influencing movie selection among
high school students. ERIC Document, No. ED 177 630. Document Reproduction
Service, PO Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. (HHC) (4)
Austin, B. A. (1980a). Film audience research, 1960-1980: An annotated bibliography. Journal
of Popular Film and Television, 8 (2), 53-60. (HHC) (1)
Austin, B. A. (1980b). The influence of the MPAA’s film-rating system on motion picture
attendance: A pilot study. Journal of Psychology, 106, 91-99. (HC, pdf) (1b, 13)
Austin, B. A. (1980c). Rating the movies. Journal of Popular Film and Television, 7, 384-399.
(HHC) (13)
Austin, B. A. (1981a). MPAA ratings and the box office--Some tantalizing statistics. Film
Quarterly, 35(2), ??-??. (NTA) (4)
Austin, B. A. (1981b). Portrait of a cult film audience--The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Journal of Communication, 31(2), 43-54. (NTA) (?)
Austin, B. A. (1982a). A factor analytic study of attitudes toward motion pictures. Journal of
Social Psychology, 117(2), 211-217. (NTA) (?)
Austin, B. A. (1982b). Film attendance: Why college students chose (??) to see their most
recent film. Journal of Popular Film and Television, 9 (??Spring), 43-49. (HHC) (4)
Austin, B. A. (1982c). G-PG-R-X, The purpose, promise and performance of the movie rating
system. Journal of Arts Management and Law, 12(2), 51-74. (NTA) (?)
Austin, B. A. (1983a). Critics’ and consumers’ evaluations of motion pictures: A longitudinal
test of the taste culture and elitist hypotheses. Journal of Popular Film and Television,
10, 156-167. (HHC) (13c)
Austin, B. A. (1983b). The film audience: an international bibliography of research with
annotations and an essay. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press. (NTA) (1)
Austin, B. A. (1983c). Researching the film audience, purposes, procedures, and problems.
Journal of the University Film and Video Association, 35(3), 34-43. (NTA) (?)
Austin, B. A. (1984). Portrait of an art film audience. Journal of Communication, 34(1), 74-87.
(NTA) (?)
Austin, B. A. (1986a). Motivations for movie attendance. Communication Quarterly, 34(2),
115-126. (NTA) (1)
Austin, B. A. (1986b). Research on the film audience--An annotated bibliography, 1982-1985.
Journal of Popular Film and Television, 14(1), 33-39. (NTA) (?)
Austin, B. A. (1989). Immediate seating: A look at movie audiences. Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth. (HHC) (1)
Austin, B. A., & Gordon, T. F. (1987). Movie genres: Toward a conceptualized model and
standardized definitions. In B. A. Austin (Ed.), Current Research in Film: Audiences,
Economics and Law (Vol. 3, pp. 12-33). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corporation.
(NTA) (16)
Arthur, P. (1996). The gun in the briefcase; or, the inscription of class in film noir. In D. E.
James & R. Berg (Eds.), The hidden foundation: Cinema and the question of class (pp.
90-113). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. (NTA) (21)
Bahk, C. M. (2001). Drench effects of media portrayal of fatal virus disease on health locus of
control beliefs. Health Communication, 13 (2), 187-204. (HHC) (3)
Balakrishnan, B., Nikolic, D., & Zikic, N. (2007). "Where am I?" Impact of Display and Content
Variables on Spatial Presence and Comprehension in Virtual Environments. Paper
presented at the annual conference of international communication association. (HC, pdf)
Bandura, A., Ross, D., & Ross, S. A. (1963). Imitation of film-mediated aggressive models.
Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66, 3-11. (HHC) (6)
Bannerman, J., & Lewis, J. M. (1977). College students' attitudes towards movies. Journal of
Popular Film, 6, 126-139. (HHC) (17)
Baran, S. J. (1976). How TV and film portrayals affect sexual satisfaction in college students.
Journalism Quarterly, 53 (???Autumn), 468-473. (HHC) (17, 7c)
Bazzini, D., McIntosh, W., Smith, S., Cook, S., & Harris, C. (1997). The aging woman in
popular film: Underrepresented, unattractive, unfriendly, and unintelligent. Sex Roles, 36,
531-43. (HHC) (9a, 9d)
Bennington, T., & Gay, G. (2000). Mediated perceptions: Contributions of phenomenological
film theory to understanding the interactive video experience. Journal of ComputerMediated Communication, 5(4), 22 pp. (HHC) (14)
Berkowitz, L., & Rawlings, E. (1963). Effects of film violence on inhibitions against
subsequent aggression. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66, 405-412.
(HHC) (6)
Berkowitz, L., & Geen, R. G. (1966). Film violence and the cue properties of available targets.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 3, 525-530. (HHC??) (6)
Black, S., & Bevan, S. (1992). At the movies with Buss and Durkee: A natural experiment on
film violence. Aggressive Behavior, 18(1), 37-45. (HHC) (6)
Blackstone, E. A, & Bowman, G. W. (1999). Vertical integration in motion pictures. Journal of
Communication, 49(1), 123-139. (HHC) (4)
Bock, O. (1993). Localization of objects in the peripheral visual field. Behavioural Brain
Research, 56, 77-84. (NTA) (23)
Bogle, D. (1991). Toms, coons, mulattos and bucks: An interpretative history of
blacks in American films. New York: The Continuum Publishing Company.
(HHC) (9b)
Bohn, T. W., & Stromgren, R. L., with Johnson, D. H. (1975). Light and shadows: A history of
motion pictures. Port Washington, NY: Alfred Publishing Co., Inc. (HHC) (??)
Boor, M. (1990). Reliability of ratings of movies by professional movie critics. Psychological
Reports, 67, 243-257. (HHC) (13c)
Boor, M. (1992). Relationships among ratings of motion pictures by viewers and six
professional movie critics. Psychological Reports, 70, 1011-1021. (HHC) (13)
Bourgeois, H. (1992). Hollywood and the Civil Rights Movement: The case of
Mississippi Burning. Howard Journal of Communications, 4, 157–163. (HHC) (0, 9b)
Boyanowsky, E. O. (1977). Film preferences under conditions of threat: Whetting the appetite
for violence, information or excitement? Communication Research, 4(???April), 133144. (HHC) (6)
Boyanowsky, E. O., Newston, D., & Walster, E. (1974). Film preferences following a murder.
Communication Research, 1(1), 32-43. (HHC) (6)
Boyatzis, C. J. (1994). Using feature films to teach social development. Teaching of Psychology,
21, 99–101. (HHC) (11)
Bozzuto, J. C. (1975). Cinematic neurosis following ‘The Exorcist’: Report of four cases.
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 161(1), 43-48. (HHC)
(9e, 19)
Bracken, C. C., Lombard, M., Neuendorf, K. A., Denny, J., & Quillin, M. (2004, August). Do
3-D movies really reach out and grab you? The case of Spy Kids 3-D. Proceedings of
the Seventh Annual International Meeting of the Presence Workshop, Valencia, Spain,
Bracken, C. C., Neuendorf, K. A., & Jeffres, L. W. (2003, July). Source credibility, presence,
and screen size. Paper presented to the Visual Communication Division of the
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Kansas City, MO.
Britt, S. H. (1960). What is the nature of the drive-in theater audience? Media/Scope, 4
(???June), 100-102. (HHC) (16)
Brodbeck, A. J. (1961). An exception to the law of ‘Adult Discount’: The need to take film
content into account. Psychological Reports, 8, 59-61. (HHC) (7b)
Brockmole, J. R., & Irwin, D. E. (2005). Eye movements and the integration of visual memory
and visual perception. Perception & Psychophysics, 67(3), 495-512. (HC. pdf) (23)
Brown, W. A. (1977). Anger arousal by a motion picture: A methodological note. American
Journal of Psychiatry, 134(???August), 930-931. (HHC) (2)
Bufkin, J., & Eschholz, S. (2000). Images of sex and rape: A content analysis of popular film.
Violence Against Women, 6(12), 1317-1344. (HC, pdf) (7b)
Burge, S. L. (1969). A survey of the relative influence of color and black and white on audience
recall and emotional response to a documentary motion picture. Unpublished master’s
thesis, West Virginia University, Morgantown. (HHC) (2, 13b)
Burzynski, M., & Bayer, D. (1977). The effect of positive and negative prior information on
motion picture appreciation. Journal of Social Psychology, 101(2), 215-218. (NTA)
Butcher, J., & Whissell, C. (1984). Laughter as a function of audience size, sex of the audience,
and segments of the short film Duck Soup. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 59(3), 949-950.
(HHC) (1a, 15)
Byrd, E. K. (1989). A study of specific characteristics of characters with disability in film.
Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 20, 43-45. (HHC) (9c)
Byrd, E. K., & Elliott, T. R. (1985). Feature films and disability: A descriptive study.
Rehabilitation Psychology, 30, 47-51. (HHC) (9c)
Byrd, E. K., & Elliott, T. R. (1988). Disability in full-length films: Frequency and quality of
films over an 11-year span. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 11, 143148. (HHC) (9c)
Byrd, E. K. & Pipes, R. B. (1981). Feature films and disability. Journal of Rehabilitation, 47,
51-53. (HHC) (9c)
Carlson, H. (1973, March). Movies and the teenagers. Journal of Screen Producers Guild, pp.
23-26. (NTA) (19)
Carson, D., Dittmar, L. & Welsch, J. (1995). Multiple voices in feminist film criticism.
Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. (LH) (9a)
Cantor, J. (1994). Fright responses to mass media productions. In ??. Bryant and ?? Zillmann
(Eds.), Media effects advances in theory and research (pp. 213-245). Hillsdale:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (NTA) (6a)
Capwell, A. (1997). Chick flicks: An analysis of self-disclosure in friendships. Unpublished
master’s thesis, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH. (HHC) (9a)
Chang, W. H. (1975). A typology study of movie critics. Journalism Quarterly, 52(???Winter),
721-725. (HHC) (13c)
Charters, W. W. (1935). Motion pictures and youth: A summary. New York: Macmillan.
(HHC) (19)
Clover, C. J., & Rogin, M. (1990). Entertaining history: American cinema and popular culture.
Representations, 29, 1-123. (NTA) (12)
Cohen, A. A. (1987). Decision making in VCR rental libraries. American Behavioral
Scientist, 30, 495-508. (HHC) (1b)
Conner, D. B. (1996). From Monty Python to Total Recall: A feature film activity for the
cognitive psychology course. Teaching of Psychology, 23, 33–35. (HHC) (11)
Cooper-Martin, E. (1992). Consumers and movies: Information sources for experiential
products. Advances in Consumer Research, 19, 756–760. (HHC) (4, 1)
Cottle, C. E., Searles, P., Berger, R. J., & Pierce, B. A. (1989). Conflicting ideologies and the
politics of pornography. Gender and Society, 3(3), 303-333. (HHC) (7b)
Cowen, G., & Campbell, R. (1994). Racism and sexism in interracial pornography: A content
analysis. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 18(3), 323-339. (HHC) (7b, 9b)
Custen, G. (1992). Bio/pics: How Hollywood constructed public history. New Brunswick, NJ:
Rutgers University Press. (HHC) (12)
Dale, E. (1935). The content of motion pictures. New York: Macmillan. (HHC)
Dalton, M. A., Tickle, J. J., Sargent, J. D., Beach, M., Ahrens, B., & Heatherton, T. F. (in press)
The incidence and context of tobacco use in popular movies from 1988-1997.
Preventative Medicine. (NTA) (8)
Davis, M. H., Hull, J. G., Young, R. D., & Warren, G. G. (1987). Emotional reactions to
dramatic film stimuli: The influence of cognitive and emotional empathy. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 17, 616-640. (NTA) (1)
Davis, S. (1999). The effects of audience reaction shots on attitudes towards controversial issues.
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43(4), 476-491. (HC, pdf) (24)
d’Astous, A., & Touil, N. (1999). Consumer evaluations of movies on the basis of critics’
judgments. Psychology and Marketing, 16(8), 677-695. (HC, pdf) (13b)
Dembo, R. (1973). Gratifications found in media by British teenage boys. Journalism
Quarterly, 50, 517-526. (HHC) (19)
Denis, M. (1974). Orientations and preferences towards motion pictures. International Review
of Applied Psychology, 23(???October), 89-109. (HHC, BUT IT’S IN FRENCH!) (16)
Denny, J. (2004). Color vs. black-and-white in filmed historical footage. Masters thesis,
Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH.
Derné, S. (1999). Making sex violent: Love as force in recent Hindi films. Violence Against
Women, 5(5), 548-575. (HC, pdf) (6, 7a)
Deutschmann, P. J. (1963). The mass media in an underdeveloped village. Journalism
Quarterly, 40, 27-35. (HHC) (16)
Deutschmann, P. J., McNelly, J. T., & Ellingsworth, H. (1961). Mass media use by sub-elites in
11 Latin American countries. Journalism Quarterly, 38, 460-472. (HHC) (16)
Doane, M. (1987). The desire to desire: The woman’s film of the 1940s. Bloomington, IN:
Indiana University Press. (NTA) (9a)
Dodds, J. C., & Holbrook, M. B. (1988). What’s an Oscar worth? An empirical estimation of
the effect of nominations and awards on movie distribution and revenues. In B. A.
Austin (Ed.), Current Research in Film: Audiences, Economics and the Law (Vol. 4, pp.
72-88). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing. (NTA) (13b)
Dorris, W., & Ducey, R. (1978). Social psychology and sex roles in films. Teaching of
Psychology, 5, 168–169. (HHC) (11)
Drew, D. G., & Cadwell, R. (1985). Some effects of video editing on perceptions of television
news. Journalism Qarterly, 62(4), 828-849. (HC, pdf) (24)
Druckman, J. M. (2003). The power of television images: the first Kennedy-Nixon debate
revisted. Journal of Politics, 65(2), 559-571. (HC, pdf) (24)
Duck, S. W., & Baggaley, J. (1975). Audience reaction and its effect on perceived expertise.
Communication Research, 2, 79-85. (LH) (24)
Duncan, D. (1991). Violence and degradation as themes in `adult' videos. Psychological
Reports, 69(1), 239-241. (HHC) (7a, 7b)
d’Ydewalle G., Desmet, G., & Van Rensbergen, J. (1998). Film perception: The processing of
film cuts. In G. Underwood (Ed.), Eye guidance in reading and scene perception (pp.
357-367). Oxford: Elsevier Science Ltd.
d’Ydewalle, G., & Vanderbeeken, M. (1990). Perceptual and cognitive processing of editing
rules in film. In R. Groner, G. d’Ydewalle, et al. (Eds.), From eye to mind: Information
acquisition in perception, search, and reading (pp. 129-139). Oxford: North-Holland.
Ealy, J. (1991). Nonverbal communication on film: The career of Bette Davis. Unpublished
master’s thesis, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH. (HHC) (other)
Eco, U. (1976). A theory of semiotics. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. (HHC) (?)
Edwards, E. (1984). The relationship between sensation-seeking and horror movie interest and
attendance. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
(NTA) (6a)
Eisenstein, S. (1947). The film sense (J. Leyda, Trans.). San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace &
Company. (HHC, KN) (??)
Elberse, A., & Eliashberg, J. (2003). Demand and supply dynamics for sequentially released
products in international markets: The case of motion pictures. Marketing Science, 22(3),
329-354. (HHC) (4)
Eliashberg, J., Jonker, J., Sawhney, M. S., & Wierenga, B. (2000). MOVIEMOD: An
implementable decision support system for pre-release market evaluation of motion
pictures, Marketing Science, 19(3), 226–243. (HHC) (4)
Eliashberg, J., & Sawhney, M. S. (1994). Modeling goes to Hollywood: Predicting individual
differences in movie enjoyment. Management Science, 40, 1151–1173. (HHC) (1b, 4)
Eliashberg, J., & Shugan, S. (1997). Film critics: Influencers or predictors? Journal of
Marketing, 61, 68–78. (HHC) (13c)
Eliashberg, J., Swami, S., Weinberg, C., & Wierenga, B. (2001, May-June). Implementing and
evaluating SilverScreener: A marketing management support system for movie
exhibitors. Interfaces, 31, pp. S108-S127. (HC, pdf) (4)
Elliott, W. R., & Schenck-Hamlin, W. J. (1979). Film, politics and the press: The influence of
`All the President's Men'. Journalism Quarterly, 56(???Autumn), 546-553. (HHC) (16)
Eschholz, S., & Bufkin, J. (2001). Crime in the movies: Investigating the efficacy of measures
of both sex and gender for predicting victimization and offending in film. Sociological
Forum, 16(4), 655-676. (HC, pdf) (6)
Eschholz, S., Bufkin, J., & Long, J. (2002). Symbolic reality bites: Women and racial/ethnic
minorities in modern film. Sociological Spectrum, 22(3), 299-334. (HC, pdf) (9a, 9b)
Everett, S. A., Schnuth, R. L., & Tribble, J. L. (1998). Tobacco and alcohol use in top-grossing
American films. Journal of Community Health, 23, 317-324. (HHC) (8)
Faber, R. S., & O’Guinn, T. C. (1984). Effect of media advertising and other sources on movie
selection. Journalism Quarterly, 61(???Summer), 371-377. (HHC) (4, 1b)
Facey, P. (1974). The Legion of Decency: A sociological analysis of the emergence and
development of a pressure group. New York: Arno Press. (NTA) (?)
Falewicz, J. (1964). Effect of criticism on urban film taste. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 9,
90-95. (NTA) (13c)
Farnall, O., & Smith, K. A. (1999). Reactions to people with disabilities: Personal contact
versus viewing of specific media portrayals. Journalism & Mass Communication
Quarterly, 75, 659-672. (HHC) (2, 22)
Ferland, Y., & Voitkus, A. (1978). Cinema attendance habits in Canada. Canadian Statistical
Review, 53(???May), vi-xiv. (NTA) (16)
Fleming, M. Z., Piedmont, R. L., & Hiam, C. M. (1990). Images of madness: Feature films in
teaching psychology. Teaching of Psychology, 17, 185–187. (HHC) (11)
Finlayson, R., Schneider, J., Wan, M., Irons, R., & Sealy, J. (1999). Sexual addiction portrayed
in cinema. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity, 6, 151-159. (HC, pdf) (7)
Fischoff, S. (1998, August). Favorite film choices: Influences of the beholder and the beheld.
Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association
Convention, San Francisco, CA. Accessed on December 1, 2006, at
Fischoff, S., Antonio, J., & Lewis, D. (1998). Favorite films and film genres as a function of
race, age and gender. Journal of Media Psychology, 3(1). Accessed on December 1,
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Popular movie quotes: Reflections of a people and a culture. Paper presented at the
annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
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Fischoff, S., Dimopoulos, A., Nguyen, F., & Gordon, R. (2002-03). Favorite movie monsters
and psychological appeal. Imagination, cognition and personality, 22, 401-426.
Foulkes, D., & Rechtschaffen, A. (1964). Presleep determinants of dream content: Effects of
two films. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 19, 983-1005. (HHC) (6)
Gabler, N. (1988). An empire of their own: How the Jews invented Hollywood. New York:
Crown Publishers. (HHC) (4)
Gans, H. J. (1962). Hollywood films on the British screen: An analysis of the functions of
American popular culture abroad. Social Problems, 9, 324-328. (HHC) (20)
Garcia, L., & Milano, L. (1990). A content analysis of erotic videos. Journal of Psychology
and Human Sexuality, 3(2), 95-103. (HHC) (7b)
Garrison, L. C. (1972). The needs of motion picture audiences. California Management
Review, 15(1), 144-152. (HHC) (16)
Garsoffky, B., Schwan, S., & Hesse, F. W. (2002). Viewpoint dependency in the recognition of
dynamic scenes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and
Cognition, 28, 1035-1050.
Glantz, S. (2001). Smoking in teenagers and watching films showing smoking. BMJ: British
Medical Journal, 323(???7326), 1378-1379. (HC, pdf) (8)
Goldstein, J. H., Rosnow, R. L., Raday, T., Silverman, I., & Gaskell, G. D. (1975). Punitiveness
in response to films varying in content: A cross-national field study of aggression.
European Journal of Social Psychology, 5, 149-165. (NTA) (6)
Gomery, D. (1986). The Hollywood studio system. London: MacMillan. (NTA) (4)
Gomery, D. (1998). The economics of Hollywood: Money and media. In A. Alexander, J.
Owers, & R. Carveth (Eds.), Media economics: Theory and practice (pp. 175-183).
Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. (HHC) (4)
Gould, M., & Shaffer, D. (1986). The impact of suicide in television movies: Evidence of
imitation. New England Journal of Medicine, 315, 690-694. (HHC) (9e)
Gray, S. H. (1982). Exposure to pornography and aggression toward women: The case of the
angry male. Social Problems, 29, 287-398. (HHC) (7b)
Green, M. C. (2004). Transportation into narrative worlds: The role of prior knowledge and
perceived realism. Discourse processes, 38(2), 247-266.
Greenberg, B. S. (1998). Some uncommon television images and the drench hypothesis. In
S. Oskamp (Ed.), Television as a social issue (pp. 88-102). Newbury Park, CA: Sage
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Greenberg, B. S., Brown, J. D., & Buerkel-Rothfuss, N. (Eds.). (1993). Media, sex and the
adolescent. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. (HHC) (7)
Greenberg, H. R., & Gabbard, K. (1999). Reel recollection: Notes on the cinematic depiction
of memory. PsyART, 3, NP.
Guneratne, A. (1998). Mediating the rise of neo-nationalism in India: Television, cinema and
carnival. Social Identities, 4(2), 263-281. (NTA) (12b)
Hale, G. A., Miller, L. K., & Stevenson, H. W. (1968). Incidental learning of film content: A
developmental study. Child Development, 39, 69-77. (HHC) (11)
Harper, S., & Porter, V. (1996). Moved to tears: Weeping in the cinema in postwar Britain.
Screen (London, England), 37, 152-173. (HHC) (1a)
Hartley, H., & Drew, T. (2001). Gendered messages in sex ed films: Trends and implications
for female sexual problems. Women and Therapy, 24(1-2), 133-146. (HHC) (9a)
Haskell, M. (1987). From reverence to rape: The treatment of the women in the movies (2nd
ed.). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. (HHC) (9a)
Hawkins, R. P. (1973). Learning of peripheral content in films: A developmental study. Child
Development, 44(???March), 214-217. (HHC) (11)
Hawkins, R. P., Pingree, S., Fitzpatrick, M. A., Thompson, M., & Bauman, I. (1991).
Implications of concurrent measures of viewer behavior. Human Communication
Research, 17, 485-504. (HHC) (1d)
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Quant Film Literature Types
0. Qualitative study/extraneous
1. Audience habits
a. Uses and gratifications
b. Viewing habits
c. Cult movies
d. Cognitive studies
2. Emotional impact of film
3. Drip vs. drench effects
4. The business of film
a. TV and film
5. Crime
6. Violence
a. Horror films
7. Sex
a. Sex and Violence
b. Pornography
c. Performance
8. Smoking/drug use and film
9. Perception of underclasses
a. Women
b. Minorities
c. The disabled
d. Older people
e. The insane
10. Beauty
11. Film as instructional tool
12. Film as cultural window
a. Russian culture
b. Indian culture
c. American culture
13. Film evaluation
a. MPAA ratings
b. Audience opinion of film
c. Critics
d. TV ratings
14. Film and presence
15. Film and humor
16. The study of film
a. General quantitative analyses / methods pieces
b. Content analyses
17. Film and college students
18. “The Exorcist”
19. Film and children/adolescents
20. Foreign film use
21. Film and social class
22. Film as therapy
23. Pan & Scan relevant
24. Reaction Shot relevant