Problem/Solution Essay Outline

Sample Outline – Cause/Effect Essay
I. Intro:
a. Attention-Getter
b. Thesis Statement
c. Guide:
i. There are three main causes of…
ii. Or: There are three main effects of…
iii. Or: There are three main reasons why people
like to…
II. One cause of /effect of/ reason why
a. Support/example 1
b. Support/example 2
III. Another cause of /effect of/ reason why
a. Support/example 1
b. Support/example 2
IV. A third cause of /effect of/ reason why
a. Support/example 1
b. Support/example 2
V. Conclusion (suggest a solution)
a. In Conclusion
Sample Outline – Problem/Solution Essay
I. Introduction
a. Use a lead strategy
b. Address the problem stated in the prompt
II. Body Paragraph focusing on the problem
a. Describe the problem and how you see it
b. What causes the problem?
c. What are the negative effects of the problem?
d. Are there any solutions that are being tried but are not
III. Body Paragraph focusing on the solution
a. Describe ONE solution to the problem
b. What are the steps that must be taken for this solution
to work?
c. Who will be involved in the solution/what will happen
to make this solution work/when will the solution take
place/where will the solution take place/how will the
solution work
IV. Conclusion
a. Describe a solution that will NOT work (refute the
b. Describe 2 or 3 benefits of your solution (the positive
impact your solution will have on the situation)
c. Use a conclusion strategy
Sample Outline – Process Essay
I. Introduction
a. Thesis: Ingestion, digestion, and absorption are the
three major steps involved in the digestive process.
II. Food is ingested.
a. Food enters the mouth.
b. Food is chewed.
c. Food is ready to travel to the stomach.
III. Food is digested.
a. Food is mixed with acidic gastric juices in the stomach.
b. The partially liquid food moves from the stomach to
the small intestine.
c. Enzymes are secreted.
IV. Absorption
a. The digested food passes through the walls of the
small intestine.
b. The digested food is absorbed into the bloodstream.
V. Conclusion
a. Paraphrased Thesis: The digestion process involves
three major steps: ingestion, digestion, and
Sample Outline – Definition Essay
I. Introduction
a. Attention getter
i. You may want to include the traditional or
dictionary definition here to provide a basis for
your personal definition.
ii. You may want to open with a contradictory
image to what would be your image to
illustrate that definition.
b. Thesis: State how you define the term. If you can write
the definition using specific points, you will find the
definition easier to follow when writing the paper.
II. Body Paragraphs
a. Background information:
i. Might be unnecessary in this type of paper
ii. However, you may need to provide some
background about the term or your connection
to the term.
b. Point one
i. The first part of your definition of the term.
ii. Example to illustrate that point.
iii. Analysis of how the example illustrates the
c. Point two
i. The second part of the definition of the term.
ii. Example to illustrate that point.
iii. Analysis of how the example illustrates the
d. Point three
i. The third part of the definition (if there is one)
ii. Example to illustrate that point.
iii. Analysis of how the example illustrates the
III. Conclusion
a. Review your definition’s main points
i. You may want to close with an explanation of
how your definition has affected you.