MSK Pathway Redesign Generic pathway redesign Phased reduction of consultant to consultant referrals in orthopaedics apart from suspected cancer, review of referrals by COG/community provider (phased introduction from November 2010 and complete by March 2011) Consultant to consultant referrals to be directed to community provider and treated as GP referrals Recommend contract variation to prevent consultant to consultant referrals in trauma attracting new tariff. If a patient is transferred within trauma due to consultant speciality then only a FU tariff can be charged (By December 2010 and needs to be costed out) 90% orthopaedic patients directly listed with community provider working with local trusts (Phased over November to July 2011) Diagnostic review – by March 2011 – review primary care use of MRI and EMG. Working with COG review clinical benefit of continuing contract. Review GM CATS activity in MSK (50 cases a month) these should not be paid and referred direct to PMSKP (December 2010) Better Care Better Value Procedures Basket 1 Spinal procedures o Audit of Direct spinal neurology referrals that have bypassed PMSKP for appropriateness and working with COG on training/performance management of high referring practices o Audit of spinal procedures and bench marking against national and SHA figures. Agree NICE compliant pathway for spinal pain procedure with PAHT pain clinic (Both by March 2011) Basket 2 Arthroscopic washout of knee (£61k) o Contract variation for prior approval for this procedure Spinal cord stimulation (£29k) o Audit of activity as a part of Back pain review under spinal procedures above MSK Pathway Redesign Trigger finger (£19k) o Contract variation for prior approval and patients must have been referred on by PMSKP and all other treatments tried and failed (Above 3 procedures by March 2011) Basket 4 Knee Replacement Surgery (£1.837k) o Ensure Enhanced recovery pathway in place by March 2011 and all patients offered IDM in community hub – total activity £1.8m plan for 10% reduction when IDM fully implemented by April 2011 Hip Replacement Surgery (£1.584k) o Ensure Enhanced recover pathway in place by March 2011. All patients offered IDM when this is available – (5% reduction by end of 2011) Basket 5 Carpal Tunnel (£139k) o Ensure all patients assessed in PMSKP o Ensure all directly listed within PMSKP o Stop open access nerve conduction in primary care – should only be used for pre-op assessment where needed and no as a primary care diagnostic step (need to quantify saving) (Above 3 by March 2011) o Use IDM for all patients when this is available (end 2011) Primary Care Pathway Elements Minor Surgery LES o Increase activity delivered in primary care for single and double joint injections (£41 and £82) reducing activity in PMSKP stop Minor surgery LES payment for more than 2 injections – clinical governance and cost saving for activity in PMSKP Development network of AWP for this activity Clinical governance framework for primary care injections (From April 2011 and need to put an estimated cost) Referral Management o Audit pattern of referrals in rheumatology and orthopaedics by practice across Oldham o Working with COG offered training and support to high referring practices o Agree with COG new referral management LES covering referral thresholds and minimum data set of MSK Pathway Redesign referral letter information (implement during 2011/12) (There is some figures on variation in referral patterns across Oldham and we could estimate the saving from bringing the top 25% down to average by end of 2011/12) Drugs Management o Audit variation in spend in MSK BNF drugs chapters o Working with PCT medicines management and COG offer support to high prescribing practices o Develop new medicines LES (by end of 2010/11 for above three) o Ensure all high cost drugs (Biologics) used in line with NICE guidance (December 2010) o Develop guidelines for specific areas: Vitamin D deficiency Primary care management of neuropathic pain DMARD monitoring and near patient testing – reducing any adverse events and drugs used in line with NICE guidance Develop choice of provider through AWP in: o Physiotherapy o Podiatry o Diagnostics NCS MRI NOUS