The 20th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2016) Gifu, JAPAN, 7-10 August 2016 MANUSCRIPT TEMPLATE FOR THE 20th INTERNATIONAL DRYING SYMPOSIUM (IDS 2016), GIFU, JAPAN Yoshinori ITAYA1* and Nobusuke KOBAYASHI2 1 Environmental and Renewable Energy Systems, Gifu University 1-1 Yanagido, Gifu city, Gifu, Japan, 501-1193 Tel.:+81-58-123-4567, E-mail: 2 Department, Institute Address, City, ZIP Code, Country Tel.:+country code area number telephone number, E-mail: xxx@yyy.zzz Abstract: Please give a short abstract of the paper (maximum 200 words) here. In this template you can read important details about the formal instructions for preparing the full paper, please keep them strictly. Here you can check the deadlines as well. Corresponding author is indicated by ‘*’ symbol. Keywords: provide 5 keywords here INTRODUCTION Please use this template for your full manuscript preparation. The guideline should be followed to ensure uniformity throughout the paragraph. Please submit your full manuscript via official IDS2016 website ( General enquiries please email to (email title: IDS2016 FULL MANUSCRIPT) and attention Prof. Yoshinori ITAYA. below each of them, which itself has 6 pt spacing before and after. Please take care to have the title below the figure (not in the next column). BODY TEXT The paper body is organized into sections. The first one is always the INTRODUCTION. The section headings are not numbered, TNR 10 pt, normal, 12 pt spacing before, centered in separate line. Text: TNR 10 pt, normal, single line, 6 pt spacing before the paragraph, justified. Secondary headings It is possible to use secondary headings, TNR, 10 pt, not numbered, left justified and italic. The maximum length of the paper is 8 pages (4pages minimum), 12 pages for keynote lectures. Page settings: size A4, 3 cm top, 2.5 cm bottom, left and right margins, two columns (0.8 cm between them). Figures: Please use good quality figures (pictures, graphs) in the paper, color ones as well. The size will not be shrunk during the printing. Figures should be sharp and well readable in the printed proceedings. The figures have to be numbered and centered (see Fig. 1) with 6 pt spacing before and a centered title Fig. 1. Title of the figure Tables: Tables can be inserted into the text with separate numbering as follows in Table 1. The title of the table is left justified, 12 pt spacing before and 6 pt after. For the second line hanging indentation of 1.25 cm is used. After the figure, there is 1 single empty line of 6 pt, with no spacing before and after. Table 1. Title of the table Activity Deadline Abstract submission 30 Nov. 2015 Manuscript submission 10 March 2016 Equations are centered and numbered consecutively starting from 1 as follows: C D C 2C D 2 t r r r . (1) Before and after the equation, there is 1 single empty line of 6 pt, with no spacing before and after. The text should be in US-English. Author(s) of journal publication (Year), Title of paper, Name of journal, Volume, page numbers. Author(s) of conference presentation (Year), Title of paper, Title of conference proceedings, Place of conference, Date of conference, Volume, page numbers. Book: CITATIONS IN THE TEXT Where a publication is referred to in the text, enclose the name of author(s) and the year of publication within brackets: (Mujumdar, 1990). For two authors give both names and the year: (Farkas and Rendik, 1997). For three or more authors give the name of the first author plus et al., and the year: (Seres et al., 2004). If giving a list of references, separate them using semi-colons. Put only the year in brackets, when directly referring to the author(s) of the publication. For example: This theory was extended by Farkas and Rendik (1997), as …. CONCLUSIONS The paper will not be reformatted, so please strictly keep the instructions given above, otherwise it will be rejected. NOMENCLATURE a x specific surface area length co-ordinate m2m-3 m Greek letters heat transfer coefficient residence time Wm-2K-1 s Subscripts i e o inlet equilibrium origin ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Write acknowledgements here if you wish. Keep it short and simple. REFERENCES The list of references must be arranged alphabetically according to the first author, subsequent lines indented 5 mm. Do not number references. Publications of the same author(s) should be listed in order of the year of the publication. In case of more than one publication for the same author in the same year, label them by a, b, c, etc. and year (2006a). Please note that all references listed here must be directly cited in the text body. Author(s) of the book (Year), Title of book, (Name of editor(s)), Publisher, Place of publication. Mujumdar, A.S. Handbook of industrial drying; Marcel Dekker: New York, 1990 Contribution to a Book: Epstein, N.; Grace, J.R.; Spouting of particular solids. In Handbook of Powder Science and Technology; Fayed, M.E., Otten, L., Eds.; Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.: New York, 1997; 509– 536. Journal: Itaya, Y.; Kobayashi, N.; Li, L.; Suami, A.; Sawai M.; Hamabe, H. Drying of sewage sludge during composting in an updraft dryer with the concept of using self-energy generated within the system. Drying Technology 2015, 33(9), 1029-1038. Conference Proceedings: Kobayashi, N.; Hamabe, H.; Li, Y.; Itaya, Y. Sludge treatment system combined with bio-drying and carbonization. In Proceedings of 19th International Drying Symposium, Rion, France, August 11-15, 2014; 932-940.