Chapter 16 The Expectant Family: Needs and Care Resource Library Prentice Hall Nursing Medialink DVD-ROM AudioGlossary NCLEX Review Videos: Through the Eyes of a Nurse—The First Trimester; Through the Eyes of a Nurse—The Second Trimester; Through the Eyes of a Nurse—The Third Trimester Companion Website Additional NCLEX Review Case Study: First Trimester Client Care Plan Activity: Common Discomforts of Pregnancy Applications: Teaching Resources for Pregnant Couples; Exercise During Pregnancy; Smoking Cessation Plan; Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Critical Thinking Learning Objective 1 Describe the significance of using the nursing process to promote health in the woman and her family during pregnancy. Concepts for Lecture 1. Nursing Process • Assessment data every 4 to 6 weeks • Ensure continuity of care • Expected nursing diagnoses, goals, and interventions Learning Objective 2 Describe actions the nurse can take to help maintain the well-being of the expectant father and siblings during a family’s pregnancy. Concepts for Lecture 1. Goals for Family Management • Improvement in ° Problem-solving ability ° Self-esteem ° Self-confidence ° Ability to participate in health care 2. Nurse-Family Interventions • Father ° Assess role ° Anticipatory guidance ° Provide information about pregnancy changes ° Guidance about couple’s sexuality during pregnancy 3.Nurse-Family Interventions • Siblings ° Encourage involvement in pregnancy ° Emphasize open parent-child communication Learning Objective 3 Discuss the significance of cultural considerations in managing nursing care during pregnancy. Concepts for Lecture 1. Cultural Considerations • Cultural assessment ° • Using nursing process ° • Adapt to client needs Transcultural nursing diagnosis Cultural competence ° Recognition of influence of culture and life experiences Learning Objective 4 Explain the causes of the common discomforts of pregnancy. Concepts for Lecture 1. Common Discomforts: First Trimester • Nausea and vomiting • Urinary frequency • Fatigue • Breast sensistivity • Leukorrhea • Nasal stuffiness and discharge • Nosebleeds • Pytalism 2. Common Discomforts: Second and Third Trimesters • Heartburn • Ankle edema • Varicose veins • Flatulence • Hemorrhoids • Constipation 3. Common Discomforts: Second and Third Trimesters • Backache • Leg cramps • Feeling faint • Shortness of breath • Sleep disturbances • Round ligament pain Suggestions for Classroom Activities Have groups of students present a common discomfort of pregnancy to the class, including the causes and management of the discomfort. Learning Objective 5 Summarize appropriate measures to alleviate the common discomforts of pregnancy. Concepts for Lecture Alleviating Discomforts • Urinary frequency ° • Fatigue ° • Napping Breast tenderness ° • Safety considerations at home Wear supportive bra Increased vaginal discharge ° • Nasal stuffiness ° • Avoid constipation, gently self-reduce hemorrhoid Constipation ° • Avoid gas-forming foods, regular bowel habits Hemorrhoids ° • Regular exercise, avoid prolonged sitting or standing Flatulence ° • Avoid prolonged sitting or standing, keep feet and legs elevated Varicose veins (Figure 16.4) ° • Avoid fried and fatty foods, eat small frequent meals, good posture Ankle edema ° • Cool air vaporizers, normal saline nasal spray Heartburn ° • Daily bathing, cotton underwear, avoid douching Increase fluids and roughage, daily exercise, regular bowel habits Backache ° Pelvic tilt exercise, good posture, avoid fatigue, good body mechanics when lifting • Leg cramps ° • Massage, warm soaks, stretching exercises Faintness ° Sit down and lower head between knees, avoid standing in one place too long • Shortness of breath ° • Good posture when sitting, prop up in bed Difficulty sleeping ° Avoid caffeine, maximize comfort in bed Learning Objective 6 Delineate self-care actions a pregnant woman and her family can take to maintain and promote well-being during each trimester of pregnancy. Concepts for Lecture 1. Self-Care During Pregnancy • • Breast care ° Supportive bra ° Cleanliness ° No soap on nipples ° Nipple preparation (Figure 16.8A–C) Clothing ° • Loose and nonconstricting Cleanliness ° Daily bathing ° Tub baths contraindicated with vaginal bleeding or ruptured membranes ° • • Hyperthermia contraindicated in first trimester Employment ° Can work until labor starts ° jobs May be at risk for preterm birth or low birth weight with certain ° Must be aware of environmental hazards Travel ° No restrictions unless complications • Frequent breaks during car travel • Use seat belt • Flying safe up to 36 weeks • Drink plenty of fluid • Avoid caffeinated beverages • Wear support hose while flying 2. Benefits of Exercise • Improved self-image • Increases energy • Improves sleep • Relieves tension • Helps control weight gain • Promotes regular bowel function 3. Pregnancy Exercises • Pelvic tilt (Figure 16.11C) • Abdominal exercise • Kegel exercise (Figure 16.13) • “Tailor-sit” stretch Learning Objective 7 Identify some of the concerns that an expectant couple may have about sexual activity. Concepts for Lecture 1. Concerns About Sexual Activity • Related to discomforts ° First trimester—fatigue, nausea, and vomiting ° Second trimester—fewer discomforts, vascular congestion ° Third trimester—fatigue, shortness of breath, decreased mobility 2. Father’s Feelings About Sex • Affected by ° Previous relationship with the partner ° Acceptance of the pregnancy ° Attitudes toward the partner’s change of appearance ° Concern about hurting the expectant mother or baby Learning Objective 8 Describe factors that have contributed to the increased incidence of pregnancy in women over age 35. Concepts for Lecture 1. Factors Contributing to Pregnancies over 35 • The availability of effective birth control methods • The career options available for women • The increased number of women ° Obtaining advanced education ° Pursuing careers ° Delaying parenthood • The increased incidence of later marriage and second marriage • The high cost of living • The increased number of women in this older reproductive age group • The increased availability of specialized fertilization procedures Learning Objective 9 Compare similarities and differences in the needs of expectant women in various age groups. Concepts for Lecture 1 Advantages of Older Mothers • Tend to be well educated and financially secure • More aware of the realities of having a child • Feel secure about taking on the added responsibility of a child • May be ready to stay home with a new baby • Can afford good child care 2. Risks for Older Mothers • More likely to have chronic medical conditions • Increased incidence of low-birth-weight and preterm infants • Increased rate of miscarriage • Increased risk for cesarean delivery • Increased risk for infant with Down syndrome 3. Risks for Older Mothers • Increased risk for ° Gestational diabetes mellitus ° Hypertension ° Placenta previa ° Difficult labor ° Newborn complications