National Institute for Biological Standards and Control PROGRAMME EVA CENTRE FOR AIDS REAGENTS REAGENT SUBMISSION FORM DONOR DETAILS: Name: ........................................................... Title: ........................................................... Institution: ........................................................... Full Address: ........................................................... Telephone (Area Code): ........................................................... Fax Number (Area Code): ........................................................... Email address: ........................................................... Please state if member of consortia, international project or collaborative network? If so, please provide details: ................................................... UserRef: RETCFARFORM24 Version: 1.00 Document Serial No: 5387 from Database: NIBSC Controlled by WorkBench Professional Page 1 of 3 Issue Status: ISSUED Issue Date: 29/09/2009 National Institute for Biological Standards and Control REAGENT DETAILS: Name of Reagent: ........................................................... Brief Description: ........................................................... Quantity Provided: ........................................................... Aliquot size: ........................................................... Concentration (if available): References, publications if any: ........................................................... Recommended Applications: ........................................................... Protocols available for Reagent and Testing: ........................................................... Examples of Quality Control Testing, if performed: ........................................................... Repeat request for Reagent possible in the future: ...........................YES... NO... TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Intellectual Property and Publications: To promote research and development within the HIV/AIDS global scientific community, reagent donors are encouraged to donate reagents for general distribution with limited or no restrictions. Protection of intellectual property can be maintained by restricting reagents for research purposes and for non-commercial use. The reagent donation form is designed and can be customised to suit the needs of the reagent donor. Commercial companies requesting a reagent with restrictions for non-commercial use should contact the reagent donor directly for permission to obtain it from CFAR. For further terms and conditions placed on the Reagent UserRef: RETCFARFORM24 Version: 1.00 Document Serial No: 5387 from Database: NIBSC Controlled by WorkBench Professional Page 2 of 3 Issue Status: ISSUED Issue Date: 29/09/2009 National Institute for Biological Standards and Control Recipient, please refer to the Reagent Release Agreement on our website: Please select any of the following (more than one field may apply): Reagent may be used for commercial purposes with agreement of donor: .................................................................YES... NO... Reagent is available for research purposes only: ...........................YES... NO... Reagent is restricted to consortium members only: .......................YES... NO... Reagent is available for general distribution: .................................YES... NO... ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The repository requires the Recipients of all researchers using donated reagents to acknowledge both the original donor of the reagents and the Centre for AIDS Reagents in any associated publications or presentations. Copies of such publications must be sent to the Centre for AIDS reagents. Template for example: “The reagent(s) [Repository number and name of reagent] was obtained from the Programme EVA Centre for AIDS Reagents, NIBSC, UK, supported by the EC FP6/7 Europrise Network of Excellence, AVIP and NGIN consortia and the Bill and Melinda Gates GHRC-CAVD Project and was donated by [name of donor, name of donor’s institute]”. Please provide details of additional members/institutions to be included in the Acknowledgement Section: ........................................................... Other information: ........................................................... Please return completed form to: Division of Retrovirology, Centre for AIDS Reagents National Institute of Biological Standards and Control, Blanche Lane, South Mimms, Potters Bar, Herts, UK, EN6 3QG Tel: (+44) 1707 641000; Fax: (+44) 1707 641060 Email: UserRef: RETCFARFORM24 Version: 1.00 Document Serial No: 5387 from Database: NIBSC Controlled by WorkBench Professional Page 3 of 3 Issue Status: ISSUED Issue Date: 29/09/2009