EARLY ENTRY AND ACCELERATED ENTRY PROCEDURES These Early Entry and Accelerated Entry procedures are provided to support enrolments into ACT public school preschool units as specified in the Education Participation (Enrolment and Attendance) policy and the Enrolment in Act Public Schools (Early Childhood Schools – Year 12) Procedure. Early Entry or Accelerated Entry is offered to eligible families to meet the needs of their children in the early years of their education. There are three avenues for early entry. 1. Early Entry for identified groups English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EALD) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Hearing and Vision Impaired Early Entry for identified groups provides access to preschool education in public school preschool units for EALD children, for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and for children impacted by hearing and vision impairments. Successful applicants are able to enter preschool in the year prior to the child accessing their preschool year. Early entry under these criteria will only be offered where there are places that are not filled by four year old children accessing their preschool year. 2. Early Entry - Mobility Early Entry – Mobility provides early access to preschool education in public school preschool units for eligible children. This means that eligible children will access their preschool year in the year prior to when that would normally happen according to their birthday. 3. Accelerated Entry - Gifted and Talented Accelerated Entry – Gifted and Talented provide early access to preschool education in public school preschool units for eligible children. This means that eligible children will access their preschool year in the year prior to when that would normally happen according to their birthday. Further information and requirements for each of the processes are detailed below under the following sections. Early Entry – English as an Additional Language Or Dialect (EALD) Early Entry – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Early Entry – Hearing and Vision Impaired Early Entry – Mobility Accelerated Entry – Gifted and Talented EARLY ENTRY AND ACCELERATED ENTRY PROCEDURES EARLY ENTRY – ENGLISH AS AN ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE OR DIALECT (EALD) Early Entry EALD placements are for children in the year prior to attending preschool. Placements are for children who are non-English speakers, who live in non-English speaking homes and who have no opportunity to socialise with English speaking children of their own age. Early Entry placements are for children who will be four years on or before 30 April in the following year. Placements are offered from the beginning of Term 3 if preschool unit places are available. A maximum of two Early Entry EALD placements can be provided per preschool group. Early Entry EALD placements will be made in consultation with the principal, preschool staff and early childhood executive teacher. Schools must ensure they retain capacity in their preschool programs to place any in-area, priority age children who may move to the priority enrolment area. Placements will be a maximum of six hours per week with a daily maximum session time of three hours and must be accompanied at all times by a parent or adult carer who speaks the home language of the child. Once the child has settled into the program parent/carer attendance can be negotiated with the school. Families applying for an Early Entry EALD placement must also apply for preschool the following year, as a separate process. Early Entry placement is not a guarantee of a preschool placement the following year at a preschool unit that is not in the family’s priority enrolment area. The Early Entry EALD form is at ATTACHMENT A. Timeline Term 2 Term 3 Families complete the application form, available at the end of this procedures document (ATTACHMENT A), and forward it to the primary school of their choice for processing Please note: each school has priority enrolment areas Proof of age and proof of residency must be sighted by the school before the enrolment is accepted Schools will contact families with a decision about their application Families may choose to take their application to a second preference school for consideration if their first placement is unsuccessful Children begin their Early Entry EALD placement for six hours per week, supported by a family member or carer who speaks the home language Applications for Early Entry EALD may not be processed after Week 7, Term 3 ACT PUBLIC SCHOOL EARLY ENTRY AND ACCELERATED ENTRY PROCEDURES EARLY ENTRY AND ACCELERATED ENTRY PROCEDURES EARLY ENTRY – ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER Early Entry for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children is available for children in the semester prior to their preschool year. Placements are offered from the beginning of Term 3 if preschool unit places are available. Children are entitled to attend the full preschool program and this enables children to access 18 months of preschool education. Early Entry placements in this category are for children who will be four years on or before 30 April in the following year. Application forms can be lodged with the school from the beginning of the school year. Should a place not be available in the local preschool unit families are able to approach other schools to seek placement. Families applying for an Early Entry Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander must also apply for preschool the following year, as a separate process. Early Entry placement is not a guarantee of placement the following year at a preschool unit that is not in the family’s priority enrolment area. The Early Entry Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander application form is at ATTACHMENT B. Timeline From Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Families complete the application form, available at the end of this procedures document (ATTACHMENT B), and forward it to the primary school of their choice for processing Please note: each school has priority enrolment areas Proof of age and proof of residency must be sighted by the school before the enrolment is accepted Schools will contact families with a decision about their application Families may choose to take their application to a second preference school for consideration if their first placement is unsuccessful Children begin their Early Entry Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander placement ACT PUBLIC SCHOOL EARLY ENTRY AND ACCELERATED ENTRY PROCEDURES EARLY ENTRY AND ACCELERATED ENTRY PROCEDURES EARLY ENTRY – HEARING AND VISION IMPAIRED Children with a diagnosed hearing and/or vision impairment (or are a child of a parent with a diagnosed hearing and/or vision impairment) are able to access Early Entry to a preschool unit in the year prior to their priority preschool year. Placements are offered from the beginning of Term 1 if preschool unit places are available. Children are entitled to attend a maximum of six hours of the preschool program. This enables children to access two years of preschool education. Early Entry placements in this category are for children who will be four years on or before 30 April in the following year. Families applying for an Early Entry Hearing and Vision Impaired placement must also apply for preschool the following year, as a separate process. Early Entry placement is not a guarantee of a preschool unit placement the following year at a preschool unit that is not in the family’s priority enrolment area. To commence an Early Entry Hearing and Vision Impaired application contact the Hearing Support Program on 02 6205 6792 and the Vision Support Program on 02 6205 5957. The Early Entry Vision and/or Hearing Impaired form is at ATTACHMENT C. Timeline In the year prior Term 1 Families discuss requirements with the Hearing and Vision Support Programs as required and apply to the school with the support of the Hearing and/or Vision Support Programs Please note: each school has priority enrolment areas Proof of age and proof of residency must be sighted by the school before the enrolment is accepted Schools will contact families with a decision about their application Families may choose to take their application to a second preference school for consideration if their first placement is unsuccessful Children begin their placement ACT PUBLIC SCHOOL EARLY ENTRY AND ACCELERATED ENTRY PROCEDURES EARLY ENTRY AND ACCELERATED ENTRY PROCEDURES EARLY ENTRY – MOBILITY Early Entry Mobility is for children who fall outside of the age cut off and have parents in mobile work positions especially Australian Defence Force personnel. Families may apply for their children to access preschool or kindergarten in the ACT to ensure their child is not disadvantaged due to the mobile nature of their parents work. Families are required to write to the Director, Learning and Teaching outlining their request for Early Entry. This letter should clearly state the child’s date of birth, year applying for Early Entry and the nature of the parent’s employment. To be eligible to be considered under this process the child must turn four or five years of age before 31 July to commence preschool or kindergarten respectively at the start of the school year. Children younger than this will not be eligible for Early Entry Mobility consideration. Applications must include written evidence from their employer that clearly states the tenure of their position in the ACT and that, as part of their work, they will be relocating outside of the ACT in the future to a jurisdiction that has a different starting age. To be eligible to be considered under this process the tenure of employment in the ACT must be three years or less. Families may include relevant documentation from previous schooling to support their application including evidence around the child’s social development and ability to manage in a group setting. The final decision will be made by the Director, Learning and Teaching. Families should consider their child’s age when applying for Early Entry and their ability to manage socially and emotionally in the year cohort for which they are applying. It should be noted that Early Entry positions place the child with their age cohort not the year group from a previous educational system. For families who have accessed a system of education with an earlier start date than the ACT and have moved to the ACT permanently, it is likely that children will enter into the same age cohort as their peers in the ACT. These families can request consideration for Early Entry under the same requirements as above excluding the employer evidence. Any applications made under these circumstances will be considered on a case by case basis. Please note: each school has priority enrolment areas. Families are required to provide the following information in writing to: Director, Learning and Teaching GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601 Email: DET.Consultation@act.gov.au Request in writing for Early Entry Proof of age of the child Proof of residency Evidence from the parent’s employer stating the length of time of the posting to the ACT Evidence stating previous education experiences of the child (if applicable) Families from overseas must provide documentation detailing the starting age for compulsory education in the public education system of their home country ACT PUBLIC SCHOOL EARLY ENTRY AND ACCELERATED ENTRY PROCEDURES EARLY ENTRY AND ACCELERATED ENTRY PROCEDURES APPEALS PROCESS Should a family disagree with the decision they can request a decision review by the Early Entry Appeals Panel. The Early Entry Appeals Panel is comprised of the Executive Director, Learning, Teaching and School Engagement, a senior counsellor and an Early Childhood School Principal. The Panel will consider the original application and any additional information that families may choose to provide. ACT PUBLIC SCHOOL EARLY ENTRY AND ACCELERATED ENTRY PROCEDURES EARLY ENTRY AND ACCELERATED ENTRY PROCEDURES ACCELERATED ENTRY – GIFTED AND TALENTED Gifted and talented children may be eligible for Accelerated Entry to preschool or kindergarten. This means that children identified as gifted and talented are able to commence their education a year earlier than their age cohort. Families should consider their child’s age when applying for Accelerated Entry and their ability to manage socially and emotionally in the year cohort for which they are applying. To request consideration for Accelerated Entry families are required to write to the Director, Learning and Teaching outlining their request. A psychological assessment conducted by a registered psychologist will be required before a decision can be made. Access to Accelerated Entry is determined by a child being identified as gifted through a universally accepted diagnostic tool (psychological assessment), and who achieves a “Very Superior” rating across all assessments in cognitive functioning. Should a child meet the criteria above then additional information will be used to support the application and to ascertain emotional and social readiness. This may include subjective and objective indicators, teacher/parent nomination/checklists, interview transcripts, anecdotal evidence and student work. From this evidence the Director decides if Accelerated Entry into either preschool or kindergarten is an option to be considered. Timeline Term 2, 3 or 4 prior to the anticipated year of Accelerated Entry Term 2, 3 or 4 Term 3 or 4 Families complete the school enrolment form and provide it to the primary school of their choice for processing. Parents/Carers should discuss the application with the school and inform them that an Accelerated Entry Gifted and Talented application is pending Please note: each school has priority enrolment areas Proof of age and proof of residency must be sighted by the school before the prospective enrolment is accepted If the family lives in the priority enrolment area for the school, the school holds a preschool unit or kindergarten place for the prospective enrolment. PLEASE NOTE: There is no guarantee of enrolment if the family is requesting enrolment in a school where they do not live in the school’s priority enrolment area - families should check with the school if the enrolment will be considered Completion of the psychological assessment and the request in writing is provided to the Directorate Application considered and advice in writing is provided from the Directorate to families. Successful families to provide a copy of the letter to the school Preschool unit or kindergarten place will be offered by the school to successful applicants ACT PUBLIC SCHOOL EARLY ENTRY AND ACCELERATED ENTRY PROCEDURES EARLY ENTRY AND ACCELERATED ENTRY PROCEDURES Families are required to provide the following information in writing to: Director, Learning and Teaching GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601 Email: DET.Consultation@act.gov.au Request in writing for Accelerated Entry Proof of age of the child Educational and psychological assessment Evidence from any relevant educators and/or other evidence APPEALS PROCESS Should a family disagree with the decision they can request a decision review by the Early Entry Appeals Panel. The Early Entry Appeals Panel is comprised of the Executive Director, Learning, Teaching and School Engagement, a Senior Counsellor and an Early Childhood School Principal. The Panel will consider the original application and any additional information that families may choose to provide. ACT PUBLIC SCHOOL EARLY ENTRY AND ACCELERATED ENTRY PROCEDURES ATTACHMENT A ADDITIONAL INFORMATION EARLY ENTRY – ENGLISH AS AN ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE OR DIALECT (EALD) TO PUBLIC SCHOOL PRESCHOOL UNITS Early Entry - EALD placements are for eligible children in the year prior to attending preschool, who are non-English speakers, who live in non-English speaking homes and who have no opportunity to socialise with English speaking children of their own age. Early Entry - EALD placements are for children who will be 4 years on or before 30 April in the following year. Early Entry - EALD placements are offered from the beginning of Term 3 in the school year. Early Entry - EALD placements can only be offered if preschool places are available. Children are offered a maximum of 6 hours per week. Placements will be a maximum of six hours per week with a daily maximum session time of three hours. Children must be accompanied at all times by a parent or adult carer who speaks the home language of the child. Enrolment for preschool in the following year must also be completed at your local primary school. Please contact your local primary school for enrolment information. Applications for Early Entry – EALD may not be processed after Week 7, Term 3. For more information, please contact the school in which you would like to apply. Ensuring your privacy is protected The ACT Education and Training Directorate (the Directorate) collects information on the following forms to enable it to effectively manage enrolment in ACT public schools. The Directorate provides this information (on request) to other government agencies authorised to receive it. The information you provide will be used or disclosed for the following purposes: • General student administration relating to the education and welfare of the student • Communication with students, parents or carers • To ensure the health, safety and welfare of students, staff and visitors to the school • ACT and national reporting purposes • For any other purpose required by law. Further information about privacy is available on the Directorate website at www.det.act.gov.au or by contacting Governance and Legal Liaison on (02) 6205 8229. EARLY ENTRY - EALD TO PUBLIC SCHOOL PRESCHOOL UNITS - ATTACHMENT A - Page 1 of 3 ATTACHMENT A APPLICATION FORM EARLY ENTRY - EALD TO PUBLIC SCHOOL PRESCHOOL UNITS Early Entry English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EALD) placements are for eligible children in the year prior to attending preschool, who are non-English speakers, who live in non-English speaking homes and who have no opportunity to socialise with English speaking children of their own age. Placements are offered from the beginning of Term 3 in the school year. Placements can only be offered if preschool unit places are available. Placements will be a maximum of six hours per week with a daily maximum session time of three hours. Children must be accompanied at all times by a parent or adult carer who speaks the home language of the child. (Parent/carer support can be negotiated with the school as required). Child’s Family Name: Child’s Given Name/s: Date of Birth: Male / / Parent/Carer 1: __________________________ Female (please circle) Address: Country of birth: __________________________ Arrival in Australia: / / Phone: Parent/Carer 2: __________________________ Address: Country of birth: __________________________ Arrival in Australia: / / Phone: Language/s spoken at home: ________________________________________________________________ Other children in the family: Name _______________________________ Male/Female Date of birth: ___________________ Name _______________________________ Male/Female Date of birth: ___________________ Name _______________________________ Male/Female Date of birth: ___________________ Early Entry EAL/D placement request for 20____ First Preschool unit preference: __________________ Second Preschool unit preference: ____________________ Reason why placement is requested (Parents/Guardians to complete): ____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Is transport available to a different preschool unit other than requested? Yes No Does your child go to a child care centre or English speaking family day care? Yes No Does your child have an opportunity to socialise with English speaking children of their own age? Yes No I have attached a supporting statement from a doctor, teacher, social worker or health care professional. I give permission for this information to be released to Directorate officers and for information to be obtained from professionals where necessary. I understand that my child can only attend if accompanied by a parent or adult carer who speaks the home language of my child. I understand that Early Entry EALD will only be offered in preschools where there is a place available. I understand that Early Entry EALD applications may not be processed after Week 7, Term 3. Signature Parent/Guardian: ________________________________ ……/……/……… EARLY ENTRY - EALD TO PUBLIC SCHOOL PRESCHOOL UNITS - ATTACHMENT A - Page 2 of 3 This form is to be filled in by a Health Care Professional (eg Doctor), Teacher, Social Worker, Case Worker. Please ensure that all sections are completed. Name: __________________________________ Position: __________________________________ Date: _______________________ Phone: _______________________ Organisation: _________________________________________________________________ Relationship to Child: ___________________________________________________________ Child’s Name: ______________________________ Date of Birth: ________________________ 1. How long have you known this family? _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. What languages are spoken in this child’s home? How fluent is the child in these languages? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. What is the child’s position in the family? (e.g. eldest of 4) ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. What opportunities does the child have to speak English? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. How would Early Entry into preschool benefit this child? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. Is there anything else that should be considered in relation to this application? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Signature: ______________________________ Date: EARLY ENTRY - EALD TO PUBLIC SCHOOL PRESCHOOL UNITS - ATTACHMENT A - Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT B APPLICATION FOR EARLY ENTRY - ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER TO PUBLIC SCHOOL PRESCHOOL UNITS Early Entry - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander placements are for Aboriginal children and/or Torres Strait Islander children. Early Entry - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander placements can only be offered if preschool unit places are available. Early Entry - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander placements are offered from the beginning of Term 3 in the school year. Children can also attend the Koori Preschool Program for up to nine hours per week. Child’s Family Name: Date of Birth: / / Child’s Given Name/s: Male Parent/Carer 1: Address: Parent/Carer 2: Phone: Address: Female (please circle) Phone: Nominated Preschool Unit: Other children in the family Name _______________________________ Male/Female Date of birth: ___________________ Name _______________________________ Male/Female Date of birth: ___________________ Name _______________________________ Male/Female Date of birth: ___________________ Name _______________________________ Male/Female Date of birth: ___________________ Does your child attend the Koori Preschool Program Yes No If yes, which site? ______________________________________________ Is transport available to a Preschool unit other than the preschool unit requested? Yes No Does your family speak Aboriginal English in the home? Yes No Does your family speak a traditional Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander language in the home? Yes No If yes, what language/s? _____________________________________________________________ Ensuring your privacy is protected The ACT Education and Training Directorate (the Directorate) collects information on this form to enable it to effectively manage enrolment in ACT public schools. The Directorate provides this information (on request) to other government agencies authorised to receive it. The information you provide will be used or disclosed for the following purposes: • General student administration relating to the education and welfare of the student • Communication with students, parents or carers • To ensure the health, safety and welfare of students, staff and visitors to the school • ACT and national reporting purposes • For any other purpose required by law. Further information about privacy is available on the Directorate website at www.det.act.gov.au or by contacting Governance and Legal Liaison on (02) 6205 8229. Signature: Parent/Guardian ……………………………………………………………... Date: / / ATTACHMENT C 2012 APPLICATION FOR EARLY ENTRY TO PRESCHOOL (VISION AND OR HEARING PROGRAM) Early Entry (Vision and or Hearing Program) to preschools is available for children who are hearing or vision impaired and / or have parents who are hearing or vision impaired. Early Entry (Vision and or Hearing Program) placements can only be offered if preschool places are available. Early Entry (Vision and or Hearing Program) placements are offered as from the beginning of Third Term in the school year. Children are offered a maximum of 6 hours per week Child’s Family Name: Date of Birth: / / Child’s Given Name/s: Male Parent/Carer 1: Address: Parent/Carer 2: Phone: Address: Female (please circle) Phone: Nominated Preschool: Registration Number: Other children in the family Name _______________________________ Male/Female Date of birth: ___________________ Name _______________________________ Male/Female Date of birth: ___________________ Name _______________________________ Male/Female Date of birth: ___________________ Name _______________________________ Male/Female Date of birth: ___________________ Reason why placement is requested (Parents/Guardians to complete) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Is transport available to a Preschool other than requested? Yes No Does the child go to a child care centre or family day care program? Yes No Please attach a supporting statement from a doctor, teacher, social worker or health care professional. Ensuring your privacy is protected The ACT Education and Training Directorate (the Directorate) collects information on this form to enable it to effectively manage enrolment in ACT public schools. The Directorate provides this information (on request) to other government agencies authorised to receive it The information you provide will be used or disclosed for the following purposes: • General student administration relating to the education and welfare of the student • Communication with students, parents or carers • To ensure the health, safety and welfare of students, staff and visitors to the school • ACT and national reporting purposes • For any other purpose required by law. Further information about privacy is available on the Department website at www.det.act.gov.au or by contacting Governance and Legal Liaison on (02) 6205 8229 Signature Parent/Guardian ……………………………………………………………... ……/……/…