BCOR 102 Exam 2 3/15/06 Name: 1. A population has three alleles (A, B, and C) at a particular locus. The frequency of the A allele is 0.1, the frequency of the B allele is 0.2 and the frequency of the C allele is 0.7. Assume the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. a. What is the probability of finding a CC homozygote? b. What is the probability of finding an BC heterozygote? 2. You have two populations of minnows in two adjacent ponds separated by a small dam. Population 1 has 1000 fish and the frequency of allele A is p=0.5. Population 2 has only 500 fish, all “AA” homozygotes. After the dam fails, the two populations become completely mixed. What will be the new allele frequency in the combined population of 1500 fish? 3. An ecologist studying the flower color of lupines finds 200 red-flowered plants, 50 pink-flowered plants and 100 white-flowered plants, which represent the three genotypes at one locus: RR and Rr and rr. Use a chi-square test to determine if the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (Note: the critical value of X2 for this test is 3.84) 4. The following genotypes were observed at the enzyme locus PGM in the flowering plant Impatiens capensis. Three different patterns were observed when 150 different individuals were analyzed by gel electrophoresis. The results are summarized in the following figure. N= 70 30 50 (The numbers above each column are the number of individuals that had that ------particular banding pattern.) ------a. What is the observed heterozygosity for this population? b. What is the expected heterozygosity under HWE? c. What is the inbreeding coefficient (F)? d. What biological process could account for that pattern of heterozygosity? 5. A population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with two alleles at the “A” locus. The three genotypes have the following frequencies and relative fitnesses. AA Aa aa Frequency 0.09 0.42 0.49 Relative fitness 1 0.8 0.6 a. What is the starting frequency of of allele “A”? b. What will be the frequency of the A allele next generation? 6. Mosquitoes with a dominant R allele have increased resistance to the pesticide DDT. Homozygous recessive rr mosquitoes have 60% lower survival. Initially the frequency of the R allele in the population is p=0.20. What is the expected frequency of R after one generation of selection by DDT? 7. Populations of the alpine sky pilot have different flower sizes in different locations. Tundra populations have larger flowers than meadow populations. a. How could you tell if those differences are genetic in origin, or if the difference is simply the result of growing in a different habitat? b. How could you measure the heritability of flower size? 8. Fill out the following table showing the effects of each evolutionary process on allele frequency: (increase or decrease or neither or both) Effect on Effect on Affects all loci Process variation within a variation between equally? (Y/N) population? populations? Migration Mutation Drift Selection 9. The following data were observed for populations of Daphnia pulex. FSTwas used to measure pattern of differentiation among populations for 5 different enzyme loci. Enzyme FST Adh 0.03 Est 0.01 Idh 0.03 Gpi 0.22 Pgm 0.02 a. Is it more likely that selection or drift produced that pattern? Explain. 10. A population geneticist studying populations of grizzly bears in the Canadian Rockies analyzed the pattern of variation at several loci. She found that the average FST among northern populations was 0.04 and the average FST among southern populations of grizzly’s was 0.23. a. Which set of populations (northern or southern) had more similar allele frequencies? b. Which set of populations has a higher migration rate? c. Bonus: what is the predicted number of migrants (Nm) per generation in the northern populations? 11. In a classic study of natural selection, Bumpus (1917) found a population of sparrows that had washed up on a beach after a particular severe fall storm. Some of the birds were still alive and some were dead. The overall average body length of the entire population was 159.5 mm, which was presumably a good estimate of the entire population before the storm. The average body length of the surviving birds was 158.7 mm and the average body length of dead birds was 160.4 mm. If the heritability of body length is 0.3, was was the predicted length for this population in the next generation? 12. Buri studied genetic drift in some laboratory populations of fruit flies and produced this figure of his results: a. How would his results have differed if the starting allele frequencies had been 0.2 and 0.8 (instead of 0.5 and 0.5)? b. How would his results have differed if he had used populations of 50 flies, instead of populations of 16 flies?