Disability Equality Scheme and Accessibility Plan


Perryfields Primary School

Disability Equality Scheme and Accessibility Plan



This scheme and the accompanying action plans set out how the governing body of

Perryfields Primary School will promote equality of opportunity for disabled people. This scheme also sets out the proposals of the Governing Body of Perryfields Primary School to increase access to education for disabled pupils in the three areas required by the planning duties in the DDA:

 increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school curriculum;

 improving the environment of the school to increase the extent to which disabled pupils can take advantage of education and associated services;

 improving the delivery to disabled pupils of information which is provided in writing for pupils who are not disabled.

Definition of Disability

Disability is defined by the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) as ' A person has a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day to day activities. At present there are no registered disabled pupils at Perryfields Primary school.

Priorities for Perryfields Primary School in meeting the general duty

Promoting equality of opportunity

As stated our vision is of a fully inclusive school with equal opportunities for all underpinned by the principles of the National Curriculum Inclusion Statement. Curriculum area plans and schemes of work will need to be scrutinised to ensure that suggested activities are accessible to all pupils and that reasonable adjustments have been made. Curriculum in this context goes beyond the ‘taught’ curriculum and is taken to encompass all activities undertaken during an extended school day.

Perryfields Primary aims to ensure that all stakeholders, not only pupils, feel that they are able to access all events. This includes parents, carers and staff.

High quality teaching and learning for all is a priority in the school improvement plan. Raising the quality of teaching for disabled pupils will be a significant step towards achieving this aim. The

SENCO and other senior leaders in the school include improving outcomes for pupils with SEN and disability as part of their monitoring role. The SENCo in this school is given release time to undertake this important role. The SENCo analyses pupil data termly and is aware of the progress of specific groups in the school population. Pupils are given timely and relevant intervention if progress is not satisfactory. This strategy applies to all groups of pupils regardless of ability. The SENCo has also had training in the review of the scheme.

The school has set the following overall priorities for increasing curriculum access:

To ensure staff are trained to an appropriate level

To ensure that the Irresistible Learning curriculum and associated activities are accessible to all pupils.

To differentiate the curriculum to increase access for pupils working below expected levels

To work with Local Authority and Sandwell Broadband to ensure that maximum use is being made of ICT to maximise progress and opportunity for all

To work with LA advisers and Perryfields Lead PE teacher to remove specific barriers for disabled pupils in relation to PE and outdoor activities

To work with the After School Club providers to ensure all clubs offer access to all pupils and make reasonable adjustments where necessary.

Eliminating discrimination

All pupils regardless of ability are encouraged to take part in both normal school day and extended school activities. Any reports of discrimination or suspected discrimination are taken very seriously and dealt with appropriately . As part of our curriculum review detailed above the school will look at all information provided in writing to pupils. This includes:




Teacher feedback and marking of work


Tests and examinations


Representation of pupils on School Council.

Some of the priorities in this section will be met through the Curriculum Review.

The school has set the following priorities for providing information for disabled pupils:

To continue to work with SpLD team on resources available to dyslexic pupils e.g filters and differently coloured paper

To work with Inclusion Support to provide ideas and resources to staff teaching colour blind pupils.

Eliminating bullying/harassment

The school Anti-bullying Policy is reviewed regulary and parents are involved in this review. The school also takes part in Anti-bullying weeks and invites outside providers to work with pupils e.g.

Firehorse Productions. Circle Time and assemblies are also used to address issues that arise. The

School Council and Peer Mentors take an active role in this area and the recently introduced buddy system is also expected to show positive results. Any incidents of bullying are investigated thoroughly by staff.

The school has identified the following area as a priority:

To continue to address pupils’ understanding of what bullying is

To continue to promote an ethos of openness whereby pupils feel able to share any incidents of bullying

To encourage positive comments from all pupils about the work of less able pupils through

Circle Times and assemblies and building on Paralympic values.

Promoting positive attitudes to disability

Schools assemblies regularly promote positive attitudes towards disability. The continued focus on the Paralympics values as assembly themes keeps the issue current. Posters promoting equality are in prominent places around school.

The school has identified the following area as a priority:

To continue to promote Paralympics values throughout the school.

Encouraging participation in work and social life

All pupils are able to access the ground floor of the building. There is a disabled toilet on the ground floor. A class with a disabled member would be taught on the ground floor. The ICT Suite is situated

on the first floor but a class set of laptops would be used in a ground floor classroom to enable access to technology. Pupils are able to access both playgrounds and the extensive school grounds.

The school has identified the following area as a priority:

To ensure all pupils can access the Memorial Garden and the new Forest School area

To make efforts to ensure all pupil groups are represented on the School Council.

Steps to meet needs including more favourable treatment

Some pupils and stakeholders may need more favourable treatment than others. For example disabled parents/carers are encouraged to park on school premises at the start and end of the day when other parents are asked to park outside the school gates after a set time.The physical environment of the school and surrounding areas can be a significant barrier to participation in educational activities for disabled pupils. The school is committed to removing these barriers as part of its vision of an inclusive school.

The recent physical access audit undertaken in the school has identified the following areas for improvement:

Access to the Memorial Garden

Lack of access to the second floor-funding would need to be made available from the LA for the installation of lifts

Access to the Forest School area.

The school has set the following priorities for physical improvements to increase access:

As above from physical audit.


The impact of the plan will be evaluated annually and will be judged against the following outcomes:

 increased confidence of staff in differentiating the curriculum for disabled pupils;

 greater pupil and parental satisfaction with the arrangements made;

 improved outcomes for disabled pupils;

 improvements in the physical environment of the school;

 protocols for multi-agency working to support children with medical needs;

 teachers sharing good practice within the school, the school sharing good practice with others;

 disabled pupils being more involved in whole life of the school.

 disabled adults within our community being able to access school and events in school.

A more detailed copy of the school’s Disability and Accessibility plan is available upon request from the school office. The detailed copy includes action plans.
