Academica Science Journal XXXXXXXXXXX Series Vol. XXX, No. X – XXXX ISSN: XXXX-XXXX STRUCTURE AND PUBLISHING STANDARDS OF ACADEMICA SCIENCE JOURNAL Valentin-Florin CIOTEA, Dimitrie Cantemir University, Bodoni Sandor 3-5, Tîrgu Mureş, Mureş, România. Maria OROIAN, Dimitrie Cantemir University, Bodoni Sandor 3-5, Tîrgu Mureş, Mureş, România. Abstract: This document contains information on the structure and rules for authors of articles to be published in Academica Science Journal. At the same time this document is a template for editing. Keywords: journal, template editing rules, structure INTRODUCTION This document contains information on the structure and rules for authors of articles to be published in Academica Science Journal. At the same time this document is a template for editing. The rules provided in this document should be followed. Complying with the guidelines is a basic requirement for paper publication in one of the series of the Academica Science Journal. This document refers to the following aspects: - Document structure - Rules for editing the document 1. STRUCTURE OF THE DOCUMENT Article should contain an even number of pages. The minimum number of pages is 6. All pages of the article, including the last, must have a minimum 80% coverage (text, image, etc.). Articles to be published in Academica Science Journal should contain the following elements: - Title of the article in Romanian or English, as appropriate. - Authors’ names and affiliation in Romanian or English, as appropriate. - The abstract shall contain a summary of the article, in English. - The keywords will include strings of keywords representative for the article, separated by commas. - The introduction contains a brief description of the contents of the article, the objectives, methods, the indicators used, etc. The introduction should be a synthetic representation of the entire work. - The content of the paper will be structured on maximum three headings: chapters, subchapters and sub-subchapters. Each of these headings may contain one or more paragraphs. - Conclusions are a mandatory part of the paper. Page 1 Copyright 2012 Academica Science Journal. All rights reserved. Academica Science Journal XXXXXXXXXXX Series Vol. XXX, No. X – XXXX ISSN: XXXX-XXXX - Authors' biodata follows the conclusions and includes, in addition to the authors’ names and organizational affiliation, the academic title, position, fields of interest or other issues related to the author. There should be no more than a paragraph for each author. - The references conclude the paper. They contain, in alphabetical order of the first author’s name and year of publication, all bibliographic references in the document. References must be used wherever there are citations, ideas, figures, photographs, tables, formulas or other content elements taken from other bibliographic sources. 2. PUBLISHING RULES OF THE DOCUMENT The rules for editing the document briefly describe the characteristics of form elements of the document content. 2.1. PAGE Pages in the document will have the following structure: - A4; - Margins: top - 2,5 m; down, left, right - 2 cm; - Orientation: portrait. 2.2. TITLE OF THE DOCUMENT The title should be written on the first line of the document, without the introduction of empty paragraphs before or after it. The structure of the title will be: - Style: Heading 1. This style automatically sets the paragraph and font characteristics; - Paragraph: centered alignment without indentation, with 36 pt space before and 12 pt after . - Font: Arial 16, bold, written with diacritics (All caps), Indigo color (RGB = 51,51,153). 2.3. AUTHORS 2.3.1. Authors’ names Author names are written each below the others, separated by a comma and in the format Firstname NAME. The name is written in capital letters after the first name. Authors' names end with a comma. An empty normally configured paragraph (see 2.6.) is introduced between the document title and the author’s first name. The authors’ name structure will be: - Style: author. This style automatically sets the paragraph and font characteristics; - Paragraph: centered alignment without indentation with 6 pt space before and 0 pt after. - Font: Arial 11, bold, black (RGB = 0,0,0). 2.3.2. Affiliation of authors Affiliations of authors are written below the authors’ names and include the following elements in order: organization name, street number, city, region / state / county, country. All elements are separated by commas, and end with a full stop. An empty normally configured paragraph (see 2.6.) is inserted after affiliation, immediately before the abstract. Author affiliation structure will be: Page 2 Copyright 2012 Academica Science Journal. All rights reserved. Academica Science Journal XXXXXXXXXXX Series Vol. XXX, No. X – XXXX ISSN: XXXX-XXXX - Style: affiliation. This style automatically sets the paragraph and font characteristics; - Paragraph: centered alignment without indentation with 6 pt space before and 0 pt after. - Font: Arial, 11, italics, black (RGB = 0,0,0). 2.4. THE ABSTRACT AND KEYWORDS The abstract and keywords are written in a table with one column and two rows, unbordered. The first row contains the abstract and the second contains the keywords. Table alignment is centered. Table width is 14.5 cm. The first cell is bordered up and down with a continuous border, ½ pt, dark red (RGB = 128,0,0). 2.4.1. The abstract The abstract should contain a single paragraph and will start with the word Abstract, bold, followed by ":" and a space. Abstract structure: - Style: abstract. This style automatically sets the paragraph and font characteristics; - Paragraph: justified alignment without indentation with 6 pt space before and 6 pt after. - Font: Arial, 10, italics, black (RGB = 0,0,0). The word "Abstract" will be in bold and italics. 2.4.2. Keywords The keywords section will consist of a single paragraph that will start with the word Keywords, bold, followed by ":" and a space. Keywords or phrases follow the sign":" and are separated by commas. The keywords section structure will be: - Style: Keywords. This style automatically sets the paragraph and font characteristics; - Paragraph: justified alignment without indentation with 6 pt space before 6 pt after. - Font: Arial, 10, normal black (RGB = 0,0,0). The word "Keywords" will be in bold font and italics. 2.5. TITLES FOR INTRODUCTION, CONCLUSIONS, BIODATA AND BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES Titles for introduction, conclusions, authors’ biodata and references are not numbered (and follow the same structure as that of the chapter headings (see Chap. 2.6.1). Titles for introduction, conclusions, authors and the section references have the following standard names: - The introduction: INTRODUCTION; - The conclusions: CONCLUSIONS; - The section dedicated to the author: BIODATA; - For references: REFERENCES. These names should be used as such in the document. 2.6. CHAPTER, SUB-CHAPTER AND SUB-SUBCHAPTER HEADING 2.6.1. Chapter headings Chapter headings are numbered with Arabic numbers, from 1. Each number is followed by full stop. Warning! Numbering will be done manually. If the word processor will do automatic numbering, it will be canceled using the Undo command. Page 3 Copyright 2012 Academica Science Journal. All rights reserved. Academica Science Journal XXXXXXXXXXX Series Vol. XXX, No. X – XXXX ISSN: XXXX-XXXX Chapter headings will be written without introducing empty paragraphs before or after. The structure of chapter headings will be: - Style: Heading 2. This automatically sets the characteristics of paragraph style, font and border; - Paragraph: left alignment without indentation with 12 pt space before 6 pt after. - Font: Arial 12, bold, written with diacritics (All caps), Indigo color (RGB = 51,51,153) - Border: bottom, continuous style, ½ thick, dark red (RGB = 128,0,0) 2.6.2. Subchapter headings Subchapter headings are numbered with Arabic numerals manually introduced in the following sequence: number_chapter.number_subchapter, from 1, for example 1.4. or 2.3, where 1 and 2 are the numbers of chapters and 4 and 3 subchapter numbers. Each number is followed by full stop. Warning! Numbering will be done manually. If the word processor will do automatic numbering, it will be canceled using the Undo command. Subchapter heading will be written without introducing empty paragraphs before or after. The structure of chapter headings will be: - Style: Heading 3. This style automatically sets the paragraph and font characteristics; - Paragraph: left alignment without indentation with 12 pt space before and 3 pt after. - Font: Arial 11, bold, written with all caps, Indigo color (RGB = 51,51,153) 2.6.2. Sub-subchapter headings Sub-subchapter headings are numbered with Arabic numerals manually in the following sequence: number_chapter.number_subchapter.number_sub-subchapter, starting from 1, for example 1.4.5. or 2.3.6, where 1 and 2 are the chapter numbers, 4 and 3 subchapters numbers, and 5 and 6 sub-subchapter numbers. Each number is followed by full stop. Warning! Numbering will be done manually. If the word processor will do automatic numbering, it will be canceled using the Undo command. Sub-subchapter heading will be written without introducing empty paragraphs before or after. The structure of sub-subchapter headings will be: - Style: Heading 4. This style automatically sets the paragraph and font characteristics; - Paragraph: left alignment without indentation with 12 pt space before and 3 pt after. - Font: Arial 11, bold, in sentence style, first letter in capitals, Indigo color (RGB = 51,51,153) 2.6. THE PAPER TEXT The paper text, the introduction, conclusions and authors’ biodata will have the following characteristics: - Style: normal. This style automatically sets the paragraph and font characteristics; - Paragraph: justified alignment without indentation, with 6 pt space before and 0 pt after. - Font: Arial, 10, black (RGB = 0,0,0). If you want to highlight certain words or phrases they can be written in bold. Warning! Do not use italics for highlighting words or phrases. In the biodata section, each author will be allocated a paragraph, author's name is written in bold, in the format Firstname NAME. Page 4 Copyright 2012 Academica Science Journal. All rights reserved. Academica Science Journal XXXXXXXXXXX Series Vol. XXX, No. X – XXXX ISSN: XXXX-XXXX 2.7. QUOTATIONS AND REFERENCES 2.7.1. Quotations In case of quotations, the text is written within inverted commas, in italics. After closing the inverted commas, there should be a blank and the appropriate bibliographic reference should be inserted in square brackets in the form [inedex_page or pages reference WHERE applicable]. Index_reference will be found in the REFERENCES section. If the page number is used in the reference it will have the following form: - [9] - index_reference page 9, if no specific reference page is given. - [1, pg. 45] - inedx_reference 1, if the quotation or idea is at page 45 of the cited reference. - [4, pg. 29-32] - index_reference 4, if the quotation or idea can be found on pages 29-32 of the cited reference . - [2, pg. 45,47,49] - quoted index_reference 2, if the quotation or idea is a collage of quotes and ideas found on pages 45, 47 49 of the cited reference. 2.7.1. References References are written in the chapter REFERENCES. References are ordered by authors’ names, by title and by year. References are numbered manually from # 1. The reference number is considered index_reference and follows quotations. The reference structure is defined below. The order and style must be followed. a. name of the author / authors is written in bold under the following form: name, first name initial. If there are several authors, they are separated by the symbol ";". If there is a group of authors, only the coordinator’s name is mentioned, followed by "- coordinator". - Examples - Oroian, M. - Simionescu, M., Pop, A.; Murgu, A.B. - Ciotea V.F. - coordinator b. Specification of structure references on various types of publications. b1. Book Authors name. Title of book. Publishing place: Editor, locality, year of Format publication. 1. Ciotea, V.F.; Ciotea, M.; Gligor, A.; Şoaita, D. Tehnologia informaţiilor şi Example comunicării. Editura Napoca Star, Cluj-Napoca, 2005. b2. Article in journal/magazine Author’s name. Title of article in „Title of journal”, Volume number, Editor, Format Location, Issue date, pg. Range of pages of the article. 2. Flavia Ratiu, F.R., Oroian, M., Continuous professional training - the Example condition for the Romanian tourism survival, in „The 4th World Conference on Educational Sciences”, WCES-2012, Barcelona, Spain, 2-5 February 2012, pg. 128-132. b3. Book chapter Author’s name. Title of article, in „Title of book”, Editor, Location, Issue date, Format pg. range of article pages. 3. Popescu, V. Roboţi industriali în „Management industrial”, Editura Minerva, Example Bucureşti, 1998, pg. 45-70. b4. Review Author’s name. Title of Review. Review for the paper „Title”, by Author/s. Format Page 5 Copyright 2012 Academica Science Journal. All rights reserved. Vol. XXX, No. X – XXXX Academica Science Journal XXXXXXXXXXX Series ISSN: XXXX-XXXX Journal where the review was published, Volume number, Editor, Location, Issue date, pg. range of pages. 4. Moldovan, I. Despre limbaje de programare. Recenzie la „Tehnologia Example informaţiilor şi comunicării”, de Ciotea, V.F.; Ciotea, M.; Gligor, A.; Şoaita, D, Editura Napoca Star, Cluj-Napoca, 2005 (nu apare nicio pagina). b5. Unpublished Interview Author’s name (about author). Describe the interview author – discussion with Format author. Interview date. 5. Gates, B. (CEI, Microsoft). PROTV interview. 25 June 2001. Example b6. Unpublished theses, dissertations and graduation papers Author’s name. Title. Thesis/dissertation/graduation paper, Institution, date of Format publishing. 6. Oroian, M.. Doctrina economică a ţărănismului în România. Teză de Example doctorat, Universitatea „Babes-Bolyai” din Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Ştiinţe Economice, 2004. b7. Internet sources Author’s name. Title. Place of publication: Editor, Year of publication. Site Format URL. Date of access. 7. Stănescu, M. Bolile trecutului lovesc din nou, Example 9765675-bolile-trecutului-lovesc-din-nou, 30.06.2012. 8. Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs 2.8. OTHER CONTENT 2.8.1. Tables Tables are centered. The table heading is placed above the table and has the following form: - Descriptor Table X. Table [index page]. X is the index table and numbered with Arabic numerals starting from 1. After table descriptor, where applicable, include an index to bibliographical references, in the format described in 2.7.1. Table headings will have the following characteristics: - Style: Table heading. This style automatically sets the paragraph and font characteristics; - Paragraph: centered alignment without indentation with 12 pt space before and 0 pt after . - Font: Arial, 10, black (RGB = 0,0,0). The tables will have the following characteristics: - Style: TableText. This style automatically sets the paragraph and font characteristics; - Paragraph: left alignment (can be changed as needed), without indentation with 0 pt space before and 0 pt after. - Font: Arial, 10, black (RGB = 0,0,0). Table example. Table 1. Tourist accommodation structures in Praid [3] Types of tourist accommodation structures Page 6 Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 Copyright 2012 Academica Science Journal. All rights reserved. Vol. XXX, No. X – XXXX Academica Science Journal XXXXXXXXXXX Series ISSN: XXXX-XXXX HOTELS 1 1 1 1 HOSTELS 1 1 1 1 PENSIONS 1 AGRO-PENSIONS 56 35 36 32 TOTAL 58 38 38 34 Referencing tables are in the form (table x), where x represents the table index. 2.8.2. Figures and pictures Figures and pictures are centered. Write the figure or picture heading beneath it using the following form: - Figure X. Descriptor [index, page]. X is the figure / image index and is numbered with Arabic numerals starting from 1. After figure / picture descriptor, when appropriate, include a reference to a bibliographic index in the format described in 2.7.1. Figures / pictures will have the following characteristics: - Style: Figure heading. This style automatically sets the paragraph and font characteristics; - Paragraph: centered alignment without indentation with 3 pt space before and 12 pt after. - Font: Arial, 10, black (RGB = 0,0,0). Image example. Figure 1. Maslow's needs pyramid [8] Referencing an image or figure will have the form (Figure x), where x represents the figure / image index. Warning! Images must be of file type. Do not build images using drawing tools. 2.8.3. Formulas Each formula is written on a new line, centered on the page. Formulas can be written using plain text, symbols or images. The formula number is written on the right of each formula, after three spaces, within parentheses, normal text (see 2.6). After the formula number, where applicable, insert an index to bibliographic references, in the format described in 2.7.1. Example. Page 7 Copyright 2012 Academica Science Journal. All rights reserved. Academica Science Journal XXXXXXXXXXX Series Vol. XXX, No. X – XXXX ISSN: XXXX-XXXX E = m x c2 (1) [5] 2.8.4. Lists Items in ordered lists are numbered with small Roman letters or numbers, followed by a point (a, b, c, d, etc or i, ii., iii., iv., etc.). In exceptional cases Arabic numerals can be used. Unordered list items are marked with symbols "-", "*" "•" or other symbols. Warning! Ordered or unordered list items are not indented. To move these items to the right you can enter one or more TAB characters. Warning! In some cases, word processor Microsoft Word will automatically indent a paragraph when you press the TAB key. To avoid this, the TAB key combination CTRL + TAB will be used. Warning! In some cases, Microsoft Word processor automatically numbers references or a paragraph if it considers that it is part of a list. To avoid this automation, after automatically generated list press the Undo command (Ctrl + Z). Example. a. Europe - brown bear - lynx b. Asia - tiger - panda c. North America - grizzly bear - puma d. South America - crocodile e. Africa - lion - hyena f. Oceania - kangaroo - dingo dog g. Antarctica - penguin CONCLUSIONS This chapter contains the paper conclusions. BIODATA - Valentin-Florin CIOTEA is Associate professor at Dimitrie Cantemir University, Bodoni Sandor 3-5, Tîrgu Mureş, Mureş, România. Page 8 Copyright 2012 Academica Science Journal. All rights reserved. Academica Science Journal XXXXXXXXXXX Series Vol. XXX, No. X – XXXX ISSN: XXXX-XXXX - Maria OROIAN is Associate professor at Dimitrie Cantemir University, Bodoni Sandor 3-5, Tîrgu Mureş, Mureş, România. REFERENCES 1. Ciotea, V.F.; Ciotea, M.; Gligor, A.; Şoaita, D. Tehnologia informaţiilor şi comunicării. Editura Napoca Star, Cluj-Napoca, 2005. 2. Flavia Ratiu, F.R., Oroian, M., Continuous professional training - the condition for the Romanian tourism survival, in „The 4th World Conference on Educational Sciences”, WCES-2012, Barcelona, Spain, 2-5 february 2012, pg. 128-132. 3. Popescu, V. Roboţi industriali în „Management industrial”, Editura Minerva, Bucureşti, 1998, pg. 45-70. 4. Moldovan, I. Despre limbaje de programar. Recenzie la „Tehnologia informaţiilor şi comunicării”, de Ciotea, V.F.; Ciotea, M.; Gligor, A.; Şoaita, D, Editura Napoca Star, Cluj-Napoca, 2005. 5. Gates, B. (CEI, Microsoft). Interviu PROTV. 25 iunie 2001. 6. Oroian, M.. Doctrina economică a ţărănismului în România. Teză de doctorat, Universitatea „BabesBolyai” din Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Ştiinţe Economice, 2004. 7. Stănescu, M. Bolile trecutului lovesc din nou, 9765675-bolile-trecutului-lovesc-din-nou, 30.06.2012. 8. Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs. Page 9 Copyright 2012 Academica Science Journal. All rights reserved.