LESSON 1. THE ROLE OF HUMANS IN THE ECOSYSTEMS Humans are now the most important organisms in the biosphere. In the world today humans have a great direct and indirect effects in all the ecosystems. Let us discuss now the different roles/functions of humans in the ecosystems and why humans are so important in the ecosystem. But before doing so, we need to understand the meaning of ecological dominance. The Concept of Ecological Dominance Dominant species can compete more successfully than other organisms for the essentials of life in the same habitat or physical environment and can exert a greater influence on the habitat in which they live and on other living components thriving in it (Tivy & O’Hare, 1981, Smith, 1990). Therefore, we can say that humans are very important in all the ecosystems on earth because they are considered as the ecologically dominant species. On the other hand, plants can also be considered as dominant species in a forest ecosystem because of their number or size. They comprise the greatest proportion of the plant biomass. For example in a tropical rain forest, the evergreen trees form the bulk of the biomass and so they can compete more successfully for light, water, and nutrients than smaller plants. Likewise, the trees could modify the physical factors such as light, temperature, and humidity as well as the physical and chemical nature of the soil. In contrast, other animals can attain ecological dominance due to their size or number, mobility, aggressiveness, lack of predators and intelligence (Tivy & O’Hare, 1981; Smith, 1990). 1. Humans as the Ecological Dominants Why are humans considered the most dominant species? Why do they exert a great influence on other organisms, and in the environment to which they live? The answers to these questions are dependent on the combination of characteristics of human beings. These are the mental and emotional characteristics to which they are allowed to compete more successfully for what they want. Humans are a distinct species of animal. They can interbreed but cannot cross breed with any other species. They share many anatomical and physiological features in common with all other animals particularly with the other primate animals but possess certain ecologically significant features which distinguish them from other primates. These are the following: a) b) c) d) 2. Humans have a completely upright posture combined with a bipedal locomotion. Humans have hands with large, particularly well-developed thumbs which can be brought into easy contact with any of the few fingers. Therefore, they are much more prehensile, i.e. capable of grasping, clinging, and holding. Humans are both predatory and herbivorous. They can be called omnivore organisms because they are capable of eating plants and animals Human’s brain is exceptionally large in proportion to the size of the body. Therefore, they are considered the most intelligent among the living organisms on earth. Humans as Tool Making Animals Humans are the only animals that use tools to make tools. They evolved together with their tools. This distinctive trait of humans as tool making animals is closely related to their upright position, which leaves their hands free to work; to their good vision combined with their manipulative dexterity; to their reasoning power and the high degree of inventiveness. These are the result of a superior brain compared to that of any other animal. The development of tools is designed by human for the basic processes of: a) b) killing animals for food; digging the ground and cultivating plants; c) d) making clothing and shelter; and moving from one place to another. The three most important initial technical advances were discovery and use of fire, us of digging implements, and the reinvention of the wheel (Tivy and O’Hare, 1981) 3. Humans as Robber Animals Humans are characterized as the most exploitive of all animals. They have been called the “Robber Animals”. They make greater use of both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems than any other organisms. The main reason is that their needs or demands are more diverse than other animals. Moreover, humans tend to overcrop and overgraze, too. When they harvest a particular crop such as rice and corn, they remove most of the above ground and sometimes all the above and below the ground biomass of the ecosystem. This practice makes nutrients incorporated in the crop get lost. Similarly, humans increase the number of a particular type of domestic herbivore and initiate overgrazing. Selective and intensive grazing deplete the more nutritive plant species at the expense of the poorer and less nutritive. So the feeding value of the pasture decreases. In like manner, the grazing animals may crop the forage plants at a rate greater than these plants can grow. Then they can be overgrazed as to be eaten out completely (Tivy and O’Hare, 1981). Humans exploit the ecosystem for non-consumptive uses, i.e. for uses other than for nutrition and purely domestic purposes. These uses can be cultural, particularly when associated with peoples’ beliefs in the supernatural power or significance of plants and animals. Likewise, humans use plants and animals for their pleasure, satisfaction, and for aesthetic values. Plants have been used for purely decorative and ornamental purposes, and for cultivating of gardens. In like manner, animals have been domesticated by humans as pets, friends, and companions for their pleasure and happiness, and as foods for their growth and development. 4. Humans as Agent of Evolution Humans have emerged as the most powerful agent in the process of organic evolution due to the increasing technical skills and knowledge. The rate of organic evolution has been accelerated as a result of the accidental and deliberate disturbance of the ecosystem, Many species of both plants and animals have their population reduced to a critical level or have become extinct as a result of their activities. On the other hand, other organisms have increased in number while many new varieties, subspecies or species have emerged as a consequence of direct or indirect human intervention (Tivy and O’Hare, 1981). Humans have exerted a powerful influence on the course of evolution. This is a result of the following: a) b) c) d) the domestication of plants and animals the creation of new habitat the worldwide dispersal of plants and animals biotechnology/genetic engineering. Hey, are you still there? Do you understand now why we are considered as the most ecologically dominant among all the other living organisms? Want to know more about what human dominance can do to humanity and ecology? Read the supplemental readings in Box 1 and Box 2 Box 1 THE BIOTECHNOLOGY CENTURY By Walter Isaaacson ING FAREWELL TO THE CENTURY OF PHYSICS. THE ONE IN WHICH WE SPLIT THE ATOM and turned silicon into computing power. It’s time to ring in the century of biotechnology. Just as the discovery of the electron in 1987 was a seminal event for the 20th century, the seeds for the 21st century were spawned in 1953, when James Watson blurted out to Francis Crick how four nucleic acids could pair to form the self-copying code of a DNA molecule. Now were just few years away from one of the most important breakthrough of all time: deciphering the human genome, the 100,000 genes encoded by 3 billion chemicals pairs in our DNA. R Before this century, medicine consisted mainly of amputations saws, morphine and crude remedies that were about as effective as blood-letting. The flu epidemic of 1918 killed as many people (more than 20 million) in just a few months as perish in four years of World War I. Since then, antibiotic and vaccines have allowed us to vanquish entire classes of disease. As a result, life expectancy in the U.S. jumped from about 47 years at the beginning of the century to 76 now. But 20th century medicine did little to increase the natural lifespan of healthy humans. The next medical revolution will change that, because genetic engineering has to potential to conquer cancer, grow new blood vessels in the heart, block the growth of blood vessels in tumors, create new organs from stem cells and perhaps even reset the primeval genetic coding that causes cells to age. Our children may be able (I hope, I fear) to choose their kids’ traits: to select their gender and eye color; perhaps to tinker with their IQs, personalities and athletic abilities. They could clone themselves, or one of their kids, or a celebrity they admire or may be even us after we’ve died. In the 5 million years since we hominids separated from apes, DNA has evolved less than 2%. But in the next century we’ll be able to alter our DNA radically, en-coding our visions and vanities while concocting new life-forms. When Dr. Frankenstein made his monster, her wrestled with the moral issue of whether he should allow it to reproduce: “Had I the right, for my own benefit, to inflict the curse upon everlasting generation?” Will such question require us to new moral philosophies? develop Probably not. Instead, we’ll reach again for time tested moral notion, one sometimes called the Golden Rule and which Immanuel Kant, the millennium’s most meticulous moralist, gussied up into a categorical imperative: do unto others as you would have them do unto you; threat each person as an individual rather as a means to some end. Under this moral precept we should recoil at human cloning, because it inevitably entails using humans as means to other humans’ ends – valuing them as copies of others we loved or as collections of body parts, not as individuals in their own right. We should also draw a line however fuzzy, that would permit using genetic engineering to cure diseases and disabilities (cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy) but not to change the personal attributes that make someone an individual (IQ, physical appearance, gender and sexuality). The biotech age will also give us more reason to guard our personal privacy. Aldous Huxley, in Brave New World, got it wrong; rather than centralizing power in the hands of the state, DNA technology has empowered individuals and families. But the state will have an important role, making sure that no one, including insurance companies, can look at our genetic data without our permission or use it to discriminate against us. Then we can get ready for the break through that could come at the end of next century and is comparable to mapping our genes; plotting the 10 billion or more neurons of our brain. With that information we might someday be able to create artificial intelligence that think and experience consciousness in ways that are indistinguishable from a human brain. Eventually we might be able to replicate our own minds in a machine, so that we could live on without the “wet-ware” of a biological brain and body. The 20th century’s revolution in infotechnology will thereby merge with the 21st century’s revolution in biotechnology. But this is science fiction. Let’s turn the page now and get back to real science. From: TIME MAGAZINE March 22, 1999 Box 2 WHO OWNS OUR GENES? By Jefferey Kluger I T’S NOT FOR NOTHING THAT SCIENTISTS ARE IN SUCH A footrace to get the human genome mapped. There’s more than just knowledge at stake, after all – there’s money. Who walks away with most of the booty won’t be decided in labs or universities, however, but in courts and patent office. researches trying to map genes get no further than marking off fragments stretches of DNA that may be thousand of bases in length. These so-called expressed sequence tags may have genetic information embedded in them, but determining where those nuggets are and what their structure is takes more digging. Though deciphering the entire human genetic blueprint is still a few years away, scientists have begun laying claim to the stretches of DNA whose codes they have succeeded in cracking. In recent years researches have flooded the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office with applications for thousands of genes and gene fragments and they have stirred a lot of controversy in the process. Geneticists have lately been filing patent applications for these ESTS anyway, figuring that it’s best to protect their turf now and go spelunking around in it later. In a science that prizes precision above all else, this can be an odd way to do business. “I would guess that in many cases the scientists didn’t even examine all the material,” says Bruce Lehman, commissioner of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The biggest problem with patenting genes is that while scientists have at least a general idea of what specific strands of genetic coding do, often it’s just that - general. Investigators do sometimes succeed in isolating a single, crisp genes with a single known function. Often, however, Not only can such filings be sloppy genetics, they can also be bad business. EST applications may lead to socalled sub-marine patents, claims that are made today and then vanish, only to reappear when some unsuspecting scientists finds something useful to do with genes hidden in the patent. To prevent this, Lehman requires that EST applications include no more than more than 10 genetic sequence. Each group of 10 after that requires a separate application – and a separate filing fee. “Companies will now have an incentive to file more selective applications,” says Lehman. More troubling than determination how to patent the genome is the larger question of whether anyone ought to be laying claim to human DNA at all. This is partly an economic issue. If the entire genetic schematic is preemptively owned by the research teams studying at now, where is the incentive for independent scientists – often sources of great innovation – to work on it later? Licensing costs, warns Jefferey Kahn, Director of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Bioethics, could hold medical progress hostage. Patenting proponents insists that an equally persuasive argument could be made that the large genome – mapping groups need patent protection to make their work worthwhile to them. Sticker than the economic question is the ethical one. Most of us reflexively shrink from the idea of anyone’s owning the rights to any part of the human form. Besides, if the first anatomist to spot say the pancreas was not granted title to it, why should modern genome-mapping scientists be able to claim even a single gene? As Kahn points out, “You could patent a system for mining gold from ore. We don’t let people patent the gold.” That kind of argument is grounded not in law but in the very idea of what it means to be human – an issue that even the highest federal court is not likely to settle. From: TIME MAGAZINE March 22, 1999 5. Humans as Dirty Animals In contrast to other animals, humans are the only animals that “foul their own nests” and pollute their environment. Humans create additional organic waste, as well as other substances normally present in the environment. These add to the feces produced by all animals. These human wastes are in significantly in greater amounts, and distributed and concentrated across a wide variety of habitats. In addition, they also produce synthetic waste materials that are nonbiodegradable or which are slow in decomposing. Lastly, they produce toxic waste materials in greater and more concentrated amounts than natural plant or animal toxins (Tivy and O’Hare, 1981). Note: This topic will be further explained in the module on pollution. How about checking your understanding of the texts you have read by doing Activity 1. If you doubt your answer, please do not hesitate to read again. However, I suggest you do the activity without referring to the text first, then you may read again to check your answers. ACTIVITY 1 1. Enumerate the role/functions of human in the ecosystem. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 2. Fill the table below to describe the different ways by which humans are different from plants and animals. 1. Attributes Locomotion 2. Structural Features 3. Size of Brain 4. Intelligence 5. Means of Acquiring Food Human Plants Animals 3. Make a reaction paper on the two supplemental readings on “The Biotechnology Century” and “Who Owns Our Genes?” 4. Collect newspaper clippings from 1999 Newspapers on human impacts on the ecosystem. Paste them on clean sheets of blank white paper. Write one Reaction Paper for all these clippings. Note: Submit the reaction papers (for 3 and 4) when you report to your professor.