5a. Replace the school staff who are relevant to the failure to make

District: Memphis City Schools
Corrective Action Plan for: Fairley Elementary
District Contact: Dr. Roderick Richmond, Chief of School Operations, Sharon Griffin, Director of Striving Schools
From ESEA §1116(b)(7)(A):
In this subsection, the term Corrective Action means action, consistent with State law, that –
i) substantially and directly responds to –
I) the consistent academic failure of a school that caused the LEA to take such action; and
II) any underlying staffing, curriculum or other problems in the school; and
ii) is designed to increase substantially the likelihood that each group of students described in 1111(b)(2)(C) enrolled in the
school identified for corrective action will meet or exceed the State’s proficient levels of achievement on the State academic
assessments described in section 1111(b)(3).
The LEA will provide assistance to the school to meet the requirements as stated in ESEA §1116(b)(7)(C):
In the case of any school served by a local educational agency under this part that fails to make adequate yearly progress, as defined
by the State under section 1111(b)(2), by the end of the second full school year after the identification under paragraph (1), the local
educational agency shall –
Tennessee Department of Education
Addendum to School Improvement Plan
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Division of LEA Support and Improvement
Revised: April 12, 2011
District: Memphis City Schools
Corrective Action Plan for: Fairley Elementary
District Contact: Dr. Roderick Richmond, Chief of School Operations, Sharon Griffin, Director of Striving Schools
Corrective Action Requirements
1. Provide all students in the school with the option to
transfer to another public school served by the LEA.
2. Make available supplemental educational services.
3. Publish and disseminate, to the public and the parents of
each student enrolled in the school, information regarding
any corrective action the LEA takes at the school.
Information should be in understandable, uniform in format
and provided in a language that parents understand.
Tennessee Department of Education
Addendum to School Improvement Plan
Actions Taken
All students at Fairley Elementary
were given the option to transfer
to another Memphis City School
during the Annual Title I meeting.
Title I Packet w/ Parent
(August 2011)
All students at Fairley Elementary
School who were eligible were
given the opportunity to
participate in services provided by
SES. They currently are still
enrolling into the program.
All parents received information
regarding the status of Fairley
Elementary School during the
Annual Title I meeting.
Parent Sign-In Sheets
Communication sent home to
parents regarding “Rocket
Page 2
AYP Letter included
Title I Packet
Parent Sign-In Sheets
Division of LEA Support and Improvement
Revised: April 12, 2011
District: Memphis City Schools
Corrective Action Plan for: Fairley Elementary
District Contact: Dr. Roderick Richmond, Chief of School Operations, Sharon Griffin, Director of Striving Schools
Corrective Action Requirements
Actions Taken
4. Continue to provide technical assistance in:
4a. Analyzing data from the assessments under section
1111(b)(3), and other examples of student work, to identify
and address problems in instruction, and problems, if any, in
implementing parental involvement requirements,
professional development requirements, and the
responsibilities of the school and LEA under the school plan,
and to identify and address solutions to such problems;
Fairley Elementary School receives
weekly assistance from a Math and
Literacy Coach through Striving
Schools. We also have DARE, and
Memphis Literacy Corp and MCS
Tutoring Programs. These
individuals collaborate and assist
teachers in effective instructional
4b. Identifying and implementing professional
 Professional Development
development, instructional strategies, and methods of
is provided on a weekly
instruction that are based on scientifically based research and
basis covering areas of
that have proven effective in addressing the specific
concern through PLC and
instructional issues that caused the school to be identified for
faculty meetings.
 Daily observation feedback
is provided to the teacher
from other teachers and
administrative staff.
 Professional Development
is provided based on the
teacher’s Needs
Assessment report.
 Revised TSIP
Tennessee Department of Education
Addendum to School Improvement Plan
Page 3
School Improvement Plan
Compstat Reports
Technical Assistance SignIn/Computer Sign-In
PLC and Faculty Meeting
PLC and Faculty Meeting
Sign In Sheet for Faculty
Meetings and PLC Meetings
Leadership Team
Observation/Feedback Forms
Division of LEA Support and Improvement
Revised: April 12, 2011
District: Memphis City Schools
Corrective Action Plan for: Fairley Elementary
District Contact: Dr. Roderick Richmond, Chief of School Operations, Sharon Griffin, Director of Striving Schools
Corrective Action Requirements
4c. Analyzing and revising the school’s budget so that the
school’s resources are more effectively allocated to the
activities most likely to increase student academic
achievement and to remove the school from school
improvement status;
Actions Taken
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Addendum to School Improvement Plan
Page 4
Review of TSIP and PD
Review of formative
assessment data to
determine areas of need
Link Action steps to
benchmark concerns and
observation feedback
PD goals based on school
improvement goals
TSIP Feedback Form from Title I
Title I Projected Allocation
Revised TSIP
Site Based Team Minutes and
Division of LEA Support and Improvement
Revised: April 12, 2011
District: Memphis City Schools
Corrective Action Plan for: Fairley Elementary
District Contact: Dr. Roderick Richmond, Chief of School Operations, Sharon Griffin, Director of Striving Schools
Corrective Action Requirements
Actions Taken
5. Identify the school for Corrective Action and take at least
5a. Some staff members surplused
one of the following corrective actions:
themselves, but were not replaced
5a. Replace the school staff who are relevant to the failure simply, based on AYP.
to make adequate yearly progress.
5b. Institute and fully implement a new curriculum,
including providing appropriate professional development
for all relevant staff, that is based on scientifically based
research and offers substantial promise of improving
educational achievement for low-achieving students and
enabling the school to make adequate yearly progress.
5c. Significantly decrease management authority at the
school level.
5d. Appoint an outside expert to advise the school on its
progress toward making adequate yearly progress, based
on the school plan.
5e. Extend the school year or school day for the school.
5f. Restructure the internal organizational structure of the
Tennessee Department of Education
Addendum to School Improvement Plan
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List of surplus teachers
Division of LEA Support and Improvement
Revised: April 12, 2011
District: Memphis City Schools
Corrective Action Plan for: Fairley Elementary
District Contact: Dr. Roderick Richmond, Chief of School Operations, Sharon Griffin, Director of Striving Schools
Whole School Reform includes cross-disciplinary efforts that involve home, school and community in the intellectual development
and personal nurturing of all children. The criteria for Whole School Reform should be included in School Improvement Planning
with specific evidence available to substantiate that the requirements have been implemented.
WSR Criteria
Plan or Actions In Place to Meet
the Criteria
1. The goal of the Whole School Reform is to help all
students reach high academic standards.
2. The WSR is comprehensive in its approach:
2a. Addresses all core academic subject areas;
2b. Addresses all types of school organization;
2c. Addresses all grade levels/departments at the
2d. Aligns all resources (human, financial and
3. The WSR incorporates best-practices research.
4. The WSR is the subject of on-going evaluation aimed at
continuous improvement.
5. The WSR provides faculty with a shared vision, focus and
organizing framework that shapes and directs reform efforts.
6. The WSR provides the community with a shared vision,
focus and organizing framework that shapes and directs
reform efforts.
Tennessee Department of Education
Addendum to School Improvement Plan
Page 6
Division of LEA Support and Improvement
Revised: April 12, 2011
District: Memphis City Schools
Corrective Action Plan for: Fairley Elementary
District Contact: Dr. Roderick Richmond, Chief of School Operations, Sharon Griffin, Director of Striving Schools
WSR Criteria
Plan or Actions In Place to Meet
the Criteria
7. The WSR provides high quality professional development
for teachers.
8. The WSR provides high quality professional development
for administrators.
9. The WSR offers innovation and effective ways to involve
parents in schooling.
10. The WSR offers innovation and effective ways to involve
community in schooling.
Tennessee Department of Education
Addendum to School Improvement Plan
Page 7
Division of LEA Support and Improvement
Revised: April 12, 2011
District: Memphis City Schools
Corrective Action Plan for: Fairley Elementary
District Contact: Dr. Roderick Richmond, Chief of School Operations, Sharon Griffin, Director of Striving Schools
The turnaround leader of a Corrective Action school should possess certain competencies and skills. Rubrics are available to assist
the LEA in selection of the turnaround leader. For further information visit the rubric at:
Regarding the Turnaround
Leader’s Competency
Leadership Competency
Rubric Correlative
1. Driving for Results- achieves quick results in achievement,
sets ambitious and clear goals, prioritizes and monitors work
toward goals, persistent with a strong drive to succeed;
Leader sets attainable goals for
self, administrative team, and staff.
She consistently follows through
and tracks the progress of goals
set. She is constantly planning for
and identifying problems that may
arise. She is very persistent and
pushes forward toward excellence
She is constantly working and
talking to people who can help get
results for Fairley’s students. She
pushes everyone to excel and to
exceed their own expectations. She
documents everything.
2. Influencing the Results – able to get support of key people
, builds and manages effective teams, ability to increase the
effectiveness of others;
3. Problem Solving – ability to analyze multiple data sources,
plans for effective use of resources (including human);
Tennessee Department of Education
Addendum to School Improvement Plan
She analyzes and evaluates
problems on a consistent basis.She
weighs the pros and cons of
Page 8
Principal’s Evaluation
Leadership Team Minutes
Faculty Meeting Minutes
Principal’s Evaluation
Leadership Team Meeting
PLC Meeting Minutes
District Walkthrough
Division of LEA Support and Improvement
Revised: April 12, 2011
District: Memphis City Schools
Corrective Action Plan for: Fairley Elementary
District Contact: Dr. Roderick Richmond, Chief of School Operations, Sharon Griffin, Director of Striving Schools
Leadership Meeting Minutes
implementation of certain
Intent Survey Results (District)
PLC Meeting Minutes
4. Showing Confidence – believes he/she can do the job, risk- She is constantly making decisions
taker, accepts responsibilities for successes and failures, and for the betterment of the school in
corrects mistakes.
spite of adversities. Even if people
don’t always agree with her
methods, she pushes forward to
arrive at excellence. Her motto is,”
Success is our Best”.
Tennessee Department of Education
Addendum to School Improvement Plan
Page 9
Compstat Reports
Principal Evaluation Notebook
District Walkthrough
Compstat Feedback
Morning Announcements“Wonderful Wednesday”
Division of LEA Support and Improvement
Revised: April 12, 2011
District: Memphis City Schools
Corrective Action Plan for: Fairley Elementary
District Contact: Dr. Roderick Richmond, Chief of School Operations, Sharon Griffin, Director of Striving Schools
Leadership Skills and Abilities Possessed by the Turnaround
Leader Possesses the Skill/Ability
(Yes or No)
1. Student focused with intervention strategies proven to
work with low-performing students;
Evidence of the Skill or Ability
2. Flexible, inventive and action-oriented;
PLC Meetings
Leadership Meeting
CompStat Reports
Grade reports
Makes necessary staff
Provides staff with
action steps for
3. Able to minimize or delegate non-instructional concerns;
Master Schedule
Support Teachers’
4. Successfully engages stakeholders in soliciting/allocating
scarce resources;
School Based Decision
Making Council
Tennessee Department of Education
Addendum to School Improvement Plan
Page 10
Division of LEA Support and Improvement
Revised: April 12, 2011
District: Memphis City Schools
Corrective Action Plan for: Fairley Elementary
District Contact: Dr. Roderick Richmond, Chief of School Operations, Sharon Griffin, Director of Striving Schools
5. Models professional development around change
management and data-driven decision making;
Adopters List
PD Plan
Faculty Meeting
PLC Meetings
6. Creates an environment to facilitated distributed
mediation of conflict;
7. Develops plans that push beyond the boundaries of
district or program guidelines.
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Addendum to School Improvement Plan
Page 11
Faculty Meeting
School Reading Fair
Division of LEA Support and Improvement
Revised: April 12, 2011