RulesNov2010 - CVS Uttlesford

November 2010
Council for Voluntary Service Uttlesford (CVSU)
Rules & Byelaws
1. Purpose of CVSU
1.1 To support a district wide network of voluntary and community groups within
Uttlesford with the clear purpose of achieving greater recognition and influence for
the voluntary sector for the ongoing benefit of the local community and the greater
good of the residents of Uttlesford.
1.2 CVSU will work towards achieving a local voluntary and community sector
voluntary sector which:
 Delivers effective services
 Benefits through funds from a range of sources
 Is effectively managed
 Has a creative and lively voice in dialogue with statutory partners
 Works in partnership to develop a cohesive voluntary sector
1.3 CVSU has been formed to provide leadership and support to enable the local
voluntary organisations to be as effective as possible and to work together in the
District of Uttlesford and its associated areas. This means working closely with those
who have responsibility for services of all kinds, including statutory authorities, both
local government and local offices of national government, such as the police,
probation and health services, the private sector and all organisations in the voluntary
and community sector.
1.4 In particular CVSU will work in partnership with Uttlesford District Council,
NHS West Essex, Uttlesford Futures and Essex County Council for the benefit of the
people of Uttlesford
2. Values underlying the work of CVSU
2.1 CVSU is committed to promoting equal opportunities for all, regardless of race,
gender, belief, disability, age, sexual preference.
2.2 CVSU is committed to combating prejudice and discrimination in all its forms.
3. Functions and activities of CVSU
CVSU will work towards strengthening the voluntary sector in Uttlesford by
delivering the NACVS five core functions within Uttlesford; namely by providing
Strategic partnership
November 2010
4. Membership of CVSU
4.1 Membership will be open to all voluntary and community groups that are active in
4.2 Members Organisations will pay a subscription fee which will be agreed annually
by the Executive Board of Directors. The fee would vary according to size of
organisation / group.
4.3 Subscription fees for Membership of CVSU are currently as follows:
Full Membership
Full Membership for organisations with income less than £200 p.a.
Full individual membership
£ 5.00
£ 5.00
4.4 Applications for Membership will be approved by the Executive Board.
4.5 Membership will imply that details of the organisation will be shared with other
relevant organisations, both statutory and voluntary, to the benefit of voluntary and
community development in Uttlesford (in accordance with the Data Protection Act)
4.6 The Application Form for membership will require organisation to provide
 contact details
 organisations aims and objectives
 constitutional arrangements; committee structure
 registered charity; charitable company or organisation with
charitable purpose
4.7 Membership will be open to individuals who have an interest in voluntary and
community work in Uttlesford
4.8 The CVSU Board of Directors will have discretion to refuse Membership of
CVSU or to remove an organisation or an individual from Membership PROVIDED
THAT any organisation, group or individual shall have the right to be heard by the
Executive Board before a final decision is made.
4.9 Not all local voluntary and community groups will wish to become members of
CVSU, but this will not prevent CVSU from working with all organisations, both
members and non-members on suitable occasions
5. Governance
5.1 CVSU as a Charitable Company will be governed by a Board of Directors
(Trustees) and in order to ensure that CVSU is accountable and responsive to the
needs of the wide range of local voluntary and community groups in Uttlesford,
CVSU will work to ensure that a wide range of organisations are represented on its
governing body.
5.2 Each Member Organisation or individual member should be allowed one
representative and one vote at full Council meetings
November 2010
5.3 CVSU will undertake monitoring and evaluation of its functions and activities to
ensure that its work programme continues to meet the needs of the local voluntary and
community sector and assist the Board with strategic planning.
6. Appointment of Directors and Honorary Officers
6.1 In accordance with the Memorandum and Articles the Directors of the Charitable
Company will be appointed at the Annual General Meeting; no Director should, in
normal circumstances, serve on the Board for more than 6 consecutive years
6.2 At the first meeting of the board after the Annual General Meeting, the Board of
Directors will elect the Honorary Officers of the Company who will hold office until
after the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting.
6.3 The Honorary Officers to be elected shall mean and include the Chairperson,
Vice-Chairperson and the Director of Finance.
6.4 The Chairperson and Honorary Officers shall be eligible for re-election provided
that in general no Honorary Officer shall hold office for more than three consecutive
6.5 In exceptional circumstances the Honorary Officers can be re-elected for further
periods of one year up to a maximum of six years.
6.6.In accordance with paragraph 13(4) of our revised Articles of Association the
Trustees may co-opt a retiring Trustee to attend meetings of the Board as an observer,
without the power to vote, until the following AGM.
7. Review of Rules
These rules were agreed at the Annual General Meeting of the Council on 11
November 2010 and will be reviewed annually by the Board and revised if
Sue Sumner
Company Secretary
November 2010