World Languages Text: Invitation to Languages World Languages Pacing Guide This course is designed for students who have not taken a foreign language in middle school. The course exposes them to the 5 languages offered at the high school level in WS/FCS. The objective of the course is not to develop proficiency in any one language, but to expose students to various languages and cultures and the process of learning a language. Through this course, students will be able to make a more informed decision concerning which language they might prefer to take in high school. For this reason, this guide does not include the Italian section of the text, since we do not offer Italian in WS/FCS. The languages covered by the course are Latin, Japanese, German, French, and Spanish. Please note that this pacing guide does not follow the order of the text. The guide was designed this way so that students are exposed to the languages with typically lower enrollments before they register for 9th grade courses. Using this guide, the students are introduced to Latin, Japanese, German, and some French before the high school registration period begins. It is not expected that the teacher be proficient in all of the languages taught through this course. Training is being offered to help teachers with each language. Also, the textbook audio program is a helpful resource for pronunciation of the language. Teachers may choose to work with colleagues in the WS/FCS to help them with units with which they are less comfortable. Teachers may wish to contact the high school teachers of these languages to see what assistance or ideas they might be able to provide. Parents can also be a helpful resource. A parent survey could be sent home to see who has experience with the languages/cultures presented in the course and might be willing to share with the students. This guide is designed for an A/B day schedule. Please monitor your pacing so that the guide may be revised and updated as needed. 1 World Languages Text: Invitation to Languages Theme/ Time Text Lesson Introduction Aug 25-Sept 9 Part 1 Communication Suggested Activities Part 2 Languages of the World Part 3 Words Part 4 The Structure of Language Resources Have students make their own pictographs Show samples of written language – have students guess what they are Brainstorm gestures – how we communicate without words Telephone game – points out need for listening well and how language changes as it’s used Give students a map to color code and label by language Brainstorm different words used in other parts of the country/other English speaking countries for same item Give list of words – guess which are more recent/oldest Give lists of words – guess which are in the dictionary and which are not Give samples of oral language and have students guess the language 2 Chapter 1 Decades words added to dictionary: 1940’s words: television, snorkel, bikini 1950’s words: hash browns, junk mail, weirdo 1960’s words: hippie, instant replay, space shuttle 1970’s words: diskette, chairperson, video game 1980’s words: emoticon, compact disk, virtual reality 1990’s words: carjacking, scrunchy, web site, bad hair day (from Words in dictionary: threepeat, artsy, blading, emoticon, jordanesque Not in dictionary but are used: ginormous, insongnia, confuzzled, woot, chillax, phonecrastinate, slickery, snirt, ESPN-onage, polkadodge (from Use CD’s from later in the text for oral language samples Theme/ Time World Languages Text: Invitation to Languages Suggested Activities Text Lesson German Sept 12-Oct 27 Part 1 Greeting People Brainstorm famous Germans Have students ask peers for items politely, and the peer should give the student the item Have students list the items in their desk or book bag orally and/or in writing Bingo with the classroom items Part 2 Saying Goodbye Part 3 Classroom Objects Chapter Discuss how we know the differences in a question/statement/exclamation, etc in English (tone, inflection, punctuation) Cognates – give students cognates from various languages and have them figure out the meaning Recall intro info – is this a Romance Language? Why is English similar? Find examples of German in the community (music, etc.) Circle game to practice greetings Discuss local area with German roots (Old Salem) TKL activity Show a short video on Germany Resources 3 Circle game: Have students stand in a circle around the 6 room. Model the activity by walking around the circle to p.228 a student, Say “Tag, (student’s name)”. Get student to say “Guten Tag, Frau___”. You say “Wie geht’s?” Student says “Sehr gut, danke. Wie geht es Ihnen?” You say “Sehr gut, danke.” Then the student walks around the circle and stops in front of a peer. They repeat the conversation, and will need prompting from you. Do this several times so that many students have a chance to practice the dialogue. (“Sehr gut” can be substituted by the other phrases given in the text.) Theme/ Time World Languages Text: Invitation to Languages Suggested Activities Text Lesson Part 4 Counting Part 5 Speaking politely Part 6 Telling Time (use pictures on the cards, not English words) Pictionary game on board Now you see it, now you don’t (tell/write what is on the table or overhead after having a minute to look at items) Math activities – do problems in German Exchange rates with euro/dollar Cost of classroom items Set up a pretend restaurant in class – have students role play ordering/being a waiter – use pictures of food or plastic food to give the students their order Bring in various types of wurst for students to try Paper plate game Around the World Time Bingo Pop Up Resources Flashcards Teacher made sheet that shows classroom items and prices for each (use numbers they have learned). Ask how much particular items cost; give a budget and have them figure out what items they can buy – have them say what they will buy and how much it costs Paper Plate game: Make about 15 clocks with different times out of paper plates. Make sentence strips with the corresponding times written out in words. Place the “clocks” on the floor, spacing them out to allow for movement. Have 15 students (or half the class) stand over a plate (not on it, or they will rip the plate). Walk around the room having the rest of the students pull a sentence strip out of a bag or envelope and read the time sentence. Whichever student is standing over the corresponding plate has to sit down. Count down from 5 4 Chapter Theme/ Time World Languages Text: Invitation to Languages Suggested Activities Text Lesson Resources (in German) to allow the remaining students to move around to a new plate, then have the next seated student pull a sentence. Continue until 1 student is left standing, then allow the groups to switch so that all have a turn to stand over the plates. Pop Up: 2 teams, write times on index cards. Each person has a card, teacher calls out time in German, first student to stand up and say time in German gets point. Part 7 Days of the Week Part 8 Months/Seasons Part 9 Weather Part 10 Who I am and Where I’m Use a calendar to ask on what day various dates fall (say the dates using German numbers) Have students tell favorite day of the week Have students tell their birthdays in German Classify the months with corresponding seasons, holidays Copy a weather report from the newspaper – ask the students what the weather is like in various towns/parts of the country; also ask temperatures Have students give typical weather for the seasons/months orally and/or in writing Have students convert temps C to F Have students choose a German city/country to research. Have them present the information 5 Chapter Theme/ Time World Languages Text: Invitation to Languages Suggested Activities Text Lesson From Japanese Nov 3-Dec 2 Part 1 Introductions Part 2 Greeting People Resources Chapter pretending they are from that place. Role play being at Oktoberfest and meeting crowds of people. Have the students say where they are from as they meet the other people. Circle game – use the circle game from Part 1, but have the students ask and answer where they are from. Begin class as they would in Japan – students stand until teacher greets the class and the class responds, then they are allowed to sit (cultural – shows the politeness and respect shown in schools) Have students design kimonos Circle game (as described in German unit) Be sure to include bowing Provide model conversations – have the students decide whether the 2 people have seen each other recently and what time of day it is 6 7 p.264 Theme/ Time World Languages Text: Invitation to Languages Suggested Activities Text Lesson Part 3 Saying Goodbye Give students the English Alphabet in Katakana table at right – let them write their initials in Japanese (note that this should only be used for initials, not spelling names since that is done with phonetic symbols in Japanese) Allow students to translate their names using the website listed at right and then write their names in Japanese (katakana) Resources Chapter As Japanese is a language of syllables, it is not easy to translate letters. The translation must be done based on the pronunciation, as in the chart below. The odd thing is that a single letter such as "W" takes five syllables to pronounce, and would be written [phonetically] in Romaji as: daburyu. (table and info from To translate names to Japanese: 7 Theme/ Time World Languages Text: Invitation to Languages Suggested Activities Text Lesson Part 4 Classroom Objects Part 5 Numbers Part 6 Telling Time Have students ask peers for items politely, and the peer should give the student the item Have students list the items in their desk or book bag orally Bingo with the classroom items (use pictures on the cards, not English words) Around the World game Simple math problems using Japanese numbers Exchange rates with yen and dollar Go around the room and have students count off by 1’s Japanese, and/or by 10’s Have students write their age in Japanese characters Flyswatter game Paper Plate game (see explanation in German unit) Around the World with clocks (use paper plate clocks or make cards with digital times) Match sentence strips with time written in words to paper plate clocks or digital clock cards Resources Flyswatter Game: Make large paper flies and write numbers on their backs. Divide class into teams. A person from each team comes up to where the flies are spread out, teacher calls out number, first student to swat the correct fly (with a flyswatter) gets a point. Variation – write the numbers in random order on an overhead transparency– project the transparency onto a white board or wall, have students swat the appropriate place on the boar or wall. 8 Chapter Theme/ Time World Languages Text: Invitation to Languages Suggested Activities Text Lesson Part 7 At a Restaurant Part 8 Telling What I Speak Part 9 Days/ Months Latin Dec 5-Jan 13 Part 1 Greeting People Set up a pretend restaurant in class – have students role play ordering/being a waiter – use pictures of food or plastic food to give the students their order Teach students to use chopsticks Resources Chapter Ask a local Japanese restaurant for chopsticks to use with your students. They might even be willing to donate food. Have students give their birthdays orally and/or in writing Show pictures indicating various holidays – have the students identify in which month the holiday falls. Where possible, have them give the date as well. 5 p.204 Review Romance Languages info from Introduction – which ones are they Discuss/point out differences in endings of male/female names (male=us, female=a) 9 Theme/ Time World Languages Text: Invitation to Languages Suggested Activities Text Lesson Part 2 Numbers Part 3 Talking about a Person or Thing Part 4 Talking About People Have students write various dates in Roman numerals – the year, date, birth date, etc. Write large numbers using Roman numerals and have the students say them in Latin/write them using Arabic numerals and the reverse (give them large Arabic numbers to write in Roman numerals) Brainstorm words with Latin number prefixes, i.e. decade, hexagon, etc Have students describe classroom objects, pictures of houses, people, pictures of buildings from Rome, etc. Have students compare their house/apt to Roman houses Have students match Latin cognates to English words (use words found in the text) Show pictures of movie stars, athletes, etc, and have students describe them in Latin 10 Resources Chapter 2 Theme/ Time World Languages Text: Invitation to Languages Suggested Activities Text Lesson Part 5 Word Order French 3rd Quarter Part 1 Greeting People Part 2 Saying Goodbye Resources Chapter Discuss how Latin is used today/where can we find it (i.e., mottos, some words, prefixes/suffixes, law, medicine, etc) State motto (Esse quam videri = To be, rather than to seem) discuss meaning, what other Latin do they know or recognize from other sources (movies, etc?) Identify French speaking countries on a world map Teach typical greeting mannerisms (kissing on the cheek, men shake hands) Circle game (as described in German unit) Add a “good bye” phrase Write a simple conversation with sentence strips. Display the strips out of order and have the students put them in the correct order. This could lead to an activity where students have to hold their own simple conversations and then write a script for a simple conversation. 11 3 p. 94 Theme/ Time World Languages Text: Invitation to Languages Suggested Activities Text Lesson Part 3 Classroom Objects Part 4 Numbers Part 5 Speaking Politely Around the World Compare/contrast schools in France/US (see info in text) Call out items in French for students to hold up Have students list items in their book bag/desk/classroom orally and/or in writing Simple math problems in French See white board activities in Spanish unit Show euros – compare/contrast to German euros (only difference is in the coins) Set up a pretend restaurant in class – have students role play ordering/being a waiter – use pictures of food or plastic food to give the students their order Brainstorm French foods with which students are familiar Have students create a menu in French and have peers order from their menus 12 Resources Chapter Theme/ Time World Languages Text: Invitation to Languages Suggested Activities Text Lesson Part 6 Telling Time Part 7 Colors Part 8 Days of the Week Paper Plate game (see explanation in German unit) Around the World with clocks (use paper plate clocks or make cards with digital times) Match sentence strips with time written in words to paper plate clocks or digital clock cards Time Zone activity – display or give copies of a time zone map – ask students what time it is in various French speaking countries Describe classroom items (review this vocabulary) Describe flags from various French speaking countries Show paintings by Monet, Manet, Van Gough, Renoir, etc and have students describe the colors they used Use a calendar to ask on what day various dates fall (say the dates using French numbers) Compare French calendar with English (week starts with Monday, not Sunday) 13 Resources Time zone map can be found at Chapter Theme/ Time World Languages Text: Invitation to Languages Suggested Activities Text Lesson Part 9 Months/Seasons Part 10 Weather Part 11 Telling Who I am Have students give their birthday orally and/or in writing in Spanish Graph the number of birthdays in each month, then use the graph to ask the students various questions about the numbers/months Classify months into seasons Show pictures of holidays – ask them to give the dates (day and month) and what season they’re in Copy a weather report from the newspaper – ask the students what the weather is like in various towns/parts of the country; also ask temperatures Have students give typical weather for the seasons/months orally and/or in writing Circle game – use the circle game from Part 2, but have the students ask and answer their names along with how they are doing. 14 Resources Chapter Theme/ Time World Languages Text: Invitation to Languages Suggested Activities Text Lesson Part 12 Telling Where I Am From Part 13 Telling What I Speak Part 14 Telling What I Like Part 15 Describing My House Use sentence strips to write parts of a conversation. Have the students order the strips to make the conversation correct. Use questions and phrases learned throughout the unit. Show pictures of various people and what country they are from – have students say their nationality Create class graphs based on students’ answers to questions about what subject the like/don’t like – use the graph to ask questions about the number of students who like which subjects Have students tell what times of the day they would be in various rooms on various days (weekday v/s weekend) Have students design the interior of a house and name the rooms 15 Resources Chapter Theme/ Time World Languages Text: Invitation to Languages Suggested Activities Text Lesson Part 16 Describing My Family Part 17 Talking About My Pet Have students bring in pictures of family members and tell who they are in French. Use a large visual of the interior of a house and place visuals of family members in various rooms. Ask students where the family members are, which family members are in the various rooms, and have students place the family members according to instructions you give. Have students complete a graph by asking peers “Tu as un animal?” (Do you have a pet?) and marking answers according to what their peers say, such as “Oui, j’ai un chat. Or Non, je n’ai pas d’animal.” Play animal sounds and have the students say what animal it is in French Charades – have the students act out various animals 16 Resources Chapter Theme/ Time World Languages Text: Invitation to Languages Suggested Activities Text Lesson Part 18 Sports Part 19 Clothing Charades – have students act out various sports Have students complete a graph by asking their peers “Quel est ton sport favori?” (What is your favorite sport?) and marking their peers’ answers, such as “J’aime ___” Bingo (use pictures on the cards, not English words, and call out the French word) Have students describe themselves/their peers’ clothing – what they’re wearing and what color it is Play “I Spy” Describe a student’s clothing in the room and have students guess about whom you are talking. After practice rounds, allow the students to do the describing to lead the activity. 17 Resources Chapter Theme/ Time Spanish 4th Quarter World Languages Text: Invitation to Languages Suggested Activities Text Lesson Part 1 Greeting People Part 2 Saying Goodbye Part 3 Classroom Objects Locate Spanish Speaking countries on a world map Circle Game (as described in German unit) Use puppets to have conversations Explain cultural greetings (kissing on cheeks rather than shaking hands) What language is this similar to that we have already learned about? Brainstorm famous Hispanic people – identify what country they are from Around the World Call out items in Spanish for students to hold up Compare schools in Spain/Latin America with US Compare/contrast Spanish classroom vocabulary with French vocabulary – why are they similar? 18 Resources Chapter 2 p.28 Theme/ Time World Languages Text: Invitation to Languages Suggested Activities Text Lesson Part 4 Numbers Part 5 Speaking Politely Compare these numbers to German, Latin, French – what are similarities/differences? Simple math problems in Spanish Provide students with white boards and dry erase markers – call out a math problem in Spanish, they write it and hold up their board to show their work quickly Cost of classroom items (see German ideas) – pick a Spanish speaking country and use their monetary unit Brainstorm foods from Hispanic countries with which they are familiar Explain differences in foods (not all is spicy, Spain is very different, etc Create a menu – have students order what they would like (use words from the text and cognates) Ask a local restaurant to donate menus or food for use in class 19 Resources Chapter Theme/ Time World Languages Text: Invitation to Languages Suggested Activities Text Lesson Part 6 Telling Time Part 7 Colors Part 8 Days of the week Part 9 Months/Seasons Use white boards/markers – call out times for students to write digitally and hold up boards to show their work Match written time sentences to clocks Bingo – have them create their own boards (using the clocks shown in the text) Describe classroom items (review this vocabulary) Describe flags from various Spanish speaking countries Use a calendar to identify what days various dates are Compare the names of the days to German, Latin, French Compare Spanish calendar with English (week starts with Monday, not Sunday) What other language does this? Have students give their birthday orally and/or in writing in Spanish Classify months into seasons Show pictures of holidays – ask them to give the dates (day and month) and what season they’re in 20 Resources Chapter Theme/ Time World Languages Text: Invitation to Languages Suggested Activities Text Lesson Part 10 Weather Part 11 Telling Who I Am Part 12 Telling Where I Am From Resources Have students say the typical weather for seasons/months Discuss different school schedules in Southern Hemisphere (summer is during our winter, so school year is different) Explain process of acquiring last names (see information in text) – What would their last names be if we used this process? Use sentence strips to write parts “People en español” would be a good resource for Spanish speaking people from various countries of a conversation. Have the students order the strips to make the conversation correct. Use questions and phrases learned throughout the unit. Show pictures of various people and what country they are from – have students say their nationality 21 Chapter Theme/ Time World Languages Text: Invitation to Languages Suggested Activities Text Lesson Part 13 Telling What I Speak Give students a list of commonly spoken languages – have them guess to put them in order of most speakers to least (use Spanish words if possible for languages since most are cognates) (chino, español, inglés, árabe, bengali, hindi, portugués, ruso, japonés, aleman) Language Resources Speakers Where Spoken (Millions) 1 Mandarin 885 China, Malaysia, Taiwan 2 Spanish 332 South America, Central America, Spain 3 English 322 USA, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand 4 Arabic 235 Middle East, Arabia, North Africa 5 Bengali 189 Bangladesh, Eastern India 6 Hindi 182 North and Central India 7 Portuguese 170 Brazil, Portugal, Southern Africa 8 Russian 170 Russia, Central Asia 9 Japanese 125 Japan 10 German 98 Germany, Austria, Central Europe Table from Part 14 Telling What I Study Categorize classroom items (from previous lesson) into classes where they are used Have students tell what time they have various classes Provide students with a class schedule – ask various questions about what classes the student has at what times 22 Chapter Theme/ Time World Languages Text: Invitation to Languages Suggested Activities Text Lesson Part 15 Describing My House Part 16 Describing My Family Have students tell what times of the day they would be in various rooms on various days (weekday v/s weekend) Have students design the interior of a house and name the rooms Have students bring in pictures of family members and tell who they are in Spanish. Use a large visual of the interior of a house and place visuals of family members in various rooms. Ask students where the family members are, which family members are in the various rooms, and have students place the family members according to instructions you give. 23 Resources Chapter Theme/ Time World Languages Text: Invitation to Languages Suggested Activities Text Lesson Part 17 Talking About My Pet Part 18 Sports Part 19 Clothing Have students complete a graph by asking peers “¿Tienes una mascota?” (Do you have a pet?) and marking answers according to what their peers say, such as “Sí, tengo un perro. Or No, no tengo una mascota.” Play animal sounds and have the students say what animal it is in Spanish Charades – have the students act out various animals Charades – have students act out various sports Have students complete a graph by asking their peers “¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito?” (What is your favorite sport?) and marking their peers’ answers, such as “Mi deporte favorito es el fútbol.” Bingo (use pictures on the cards, not English words, and call out the Spanish word) Have students describe themselves/their peers’ clothing – what they’re wearing and what color it is Play “I Spy” (Veo, veo). Describe a student’s clothing in 24 Resources For animal sounds, a child’s “See n Say” could be used, or you could mimic the sounds Chapter Theme/ Time Text Lesson World Languages Text: Invitation to Languages Suggested Activities the room and have students guess about whom you are talking. After practice rounds, allow the students to do the describing to lead the activity. 25 Resources Chapter