Atmosphere, Weather, Climate atmosphere What is the Atmosphere? What is the atmosphere composed of? Atmosphere= the scientific word for the air around us! Thin layer of gas/air surrounding Earth * “Air is our atmosphere and is needed to live because living things breathe it.” (Jared) * “Air changes temperature and through movement.” (Jacob) 1) NITROGEN (N2): 78% of the air & moves in a cycle through soil and living things 2) OXYGEN (O2): 21% of our atmosphere & moves in a cycle through living things Necessary for fire! & rust! Ozone= O3-3 atom oxygen molecule on the atmosphere 3) CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2): 0.038 % of atmo. & cycles through living things & What are the layers of the atmo.? (structure of the atmo.) released by burning coal, gas, oil=fossil fuels 4) OTHER GASES: less than 1% 5) WATER VAPOR: air is NOT dry 6) PARTICLES OF STUFF: dust, smoke, salts, pollens, etc.microscopic pieces! From the surface to space: 1) troposphere= ≈ 12km (7ish miles) up/deep life & weather happen here! shallowest layer has most of the mass of the atmo. b/c the rest of the atmo. is squishing it down 2) stratosphere= ≈ 38 km deep (19ish miles), from 12 to 50 km up has the ozone layer= absorbs UV radiation, protecting life 3) mesosphere= ≈ 30 km deep (15ish miles), from 50 to 80 km up where most meteors are burned up “shooting star”= meteoroid burning up 4) thermosphere= extends from 80 km to outer space (blends) ionosphere= contains the Northern Lights/Aurora Borealis= light display caused by sun’s radiation hitting the ionosphere @ the North Pole during winter @ night exosphere= where satellites fly! Deepest layer! Video notes“Atmosphere” Wind and rain are not enough to fully clean the atmo. An “ocean” of gases Jet stream is wind belt in the atmo. Structured in layers Ozone layer protects life from the sun Cannot feel or see the atmo. What is air pressure? Atmo. weighs ++++++, but we can’t feel it! (5,000,000,000 tons) Mesosphere is -150o C w/out the atmo/air, there is NO sound Air pressure= atmo. pushing down on us Can’t feel air pressure b/c the pressure is balanced in all directions & we’re used to it Air pressure changes constantly Altitude increases, air pressure & density decreases (small diagram) What does the atmo. do for life on Earth? Hard to breathe @ high altitude b/c O2 is more spread out (thinner) Barometer= tool to measure air pressure Gives life air to breathe Protects us from UV radiation w/the ozone layer Gives us sound Protects us from meteors Keeps H2O as a liquid! b/c atmo. keeps Earth warm enough greenhouse effect= atmo. trapping the sun’s heat to warm the planet CO2 & methane are greenhouse gases (diagram) Why does the Sun’s energy reaches Earth as sky change visible light=spectrum of color? colors=rainbow Red, orange, yellow, green, blue , purple Gases in the atmo. absorb & scatter the blue end of the spectrum during the day Gases in the atmo. absorb & scatter the red end of the spectrum during sunset & sunrise. The angle of the sun’s rays determine the color we see in the sky WEATHER What is weather? Web “Weather”DVD notes About 1,000,000 volts in one lightning bolt Lightning bolt is hotter than the sun Weather can impact lives by flooding, knocking out power and killing living things Can see most weather Troposphere is 8 miles deep Weather never stops Tornadoes have 300 mph winds H2O is always = on Earth Floods cause more loss than any other natural disaster (excessive rainfall) People die in hailstorms Clouds keep the Earth warm at What is wind? night. Japanese words for destructive wind is “kamikaze” weathervanes show the direction of wind and have roosters on them Troposphere never stops moving Tornadoes form when hot air and strong winds form together Weather affects life Tornadoes have a vacuum-like tunnel Hail can cause great damage Heat, air, H2O= ingredients for weather; diff. amounts of each cause diff. weather Wind= air moving b/c of differences in air pressure Sun heats the earth which heats the air until it rises/moves Wind is a convection current (diagram) Air moves from H to L pressure when the wind blows Local winds= the winds “around town”—w/in 100 miles ish 1) sea breeze= air mvng from H2O to land during the day b/c land heats faster than H2O 2) land breeze= air mvng from land to H2O at night b/c H2O cools slower than land global winds= winds that blow around the whole globe; convection current from the poles to the Equator 1) Polar Easterlies= from 60o to 90o N and S of the Equator and blow east to west 2) Prevailing Westerlies= from 30o to 60o N and S of the Equator and blow west to east 3) Trade winds= from 0o to 30o N and S of the Equator and blow from east to west Horse Latitudes (30o N & S) and Doldrums (@ the Equator)= areas of little to no winds/calm areas What is an air mass? Jet stream= ↑ speed, ↑ altitude wind belt that pulls polar air S & tropical air N across NA What are weather fronts? What is humidity? (diagram) Air mass= a HUGE chunk of air w/the same pressure, temperature & humidity Air masses are named for their temp & humidity Maritime (wet) tropical (hot)-H Continental (dry) tropical (hot)H Maritime (wet) polar (cold)-L Continental (dry) polar (cold)-L PW wind belt blows air masses across North America Weather front= when H & L air mass “bump” and change the weather (glued in diagrams and definitions) Humidity= amt H2O vapor suspended in the air b/c of evaporation Warm air is usually more humid What are clouds? What types of clouds exist? than cold air Clouds= condensed H2O vapor in the sky/ big white fluffy things in the sky/ containers of H2O in the sky Condensation happens when the H2O vapor cools @ high altitude H2O vapor sticks to “schtuff” in the atmo. to form a cloud Dew point= temp. @ which H2O vapor condenses back into liquid form Classified into 3 groups according to shape: 1) stratus= LOW altitude, skycovering, flat, grayish…YUCK! Overcast nimbostratus= rain/snow clouds fog= cloud @ or near the ground…covers the ground in flat grayish YUCK! Altostratus= higher altitude stratus clouds 2) Cumulus= MID altitude, fluffy cotton candyish, white clouds Cumulonimbus= “thunderheads”, t-storm clouds…tall, towering, dark gray puff balls Altocumulus= higher altitude “rows of cotton balls” clouds 3) Cirrus= HIGH altitude, light, feathery, wispy clouds Cirrocumulus= puffy, yet feathery, wispy, look like fish scales * can have more than one type of cloud in the sky at the same time What is Precipitation= any form of H2O precipitation? falling from the sky For gravity to take effect, H2O droplets have to get heavy/big enough to fall from the sky Only nimbus clouds make precip. 1) Rain= leaves the cloud as H2O & hits the ground as H2O-STAYS in LIQUID form the 2) 3) 4) 5) What is a entire way down Mist=tiniest drop size—(o) Drizzle=middle drop size-(o) Raindrop=largest drop size(O) snow= ice crystals falling from the sky; leaves the cloud as ICE & hits the ground as ICE snowflakes are 6-armed stars snowflakes are all unique-no two are alike sleet= leaves the cloud as LIQUID, hits the ground as ICE b/c it passes through a layer of freezing air frozen rain! Comes down in sheets, not ice cubes Freezing rain= leaves the cloud as LIQUID, hits the ground as a LIQUID & freezes on impact Hail= leaves the cloud as ICE CHUNKS & hits the ground as ICE CHUNKS Storm= a violent occurrence storm & what do they do? in the atmosphere; AKA severe weather caused by sudden chngs in air pressure—“ hard, heavy rain/snow + dark heavy clouds + strong winds + lightning & thunder” 1) Thunderstorm: heavy rain w/lightning & thunder for a short duration. ONLY in cumulonimbus clouds Lightning= electric bolt that jumps from cloud to cloud or cloud to ground (strike) Thunder= sound of lightning explosion caused by super heated, rapidly expanding air (clap of…) Fulgurite= lightning-made sculpture created when lightning strikes & melts sand DAMAGE: flooding, lightning-strike fires & downed power lines, etc. 2) Tornado= spinning, funnelshaped winds that destroy things AKA “twisters” “cyclones” Funnel clouds that RIPS across the land Tornado alley= the Great Plains of NA where most tornadoes on earth occur Ranked/leveled storms Semi-predictable storms Happens on a cold front 3) Hurricane= swirling clouds with a hole/eye in the middle that forms over the Atlantic Ocean Typhoon=forms over the Pacific Ocean Cyclone= forms over the Indian Ocean Willy-Willy= forms near Australia Form in the tropics (near the Equator) Eye=calm center of the storm Long lasting storms (hrs) Predictable & trackable b/c of their size DAMAGE: severe flooding, winds rips things apart, storm surge= ocean pushed far inland by hurricane winds Named storm! Tropical dpression→tropical storm→hurricane= in order from weak to strong Hurricanes are strongest over H2O, weaken over land 4) Blizzard= heavy snow & wind for several hours AKA “whiteout” DAMAGE: no visibility makes driving impossible, snow buries things, heavy snow piles can collapse roofs, cause power outages 5) Heat Wave= 100o+ for several consecutive days Can be deadly Santa Ana Winds= hot, dry, high speed wind gusts from the desert during late summer/early fall…in So. Cali Video notes: Climate & Seasons What geographical characteristics affect climate? Climate= weather pattern that repeats year by year Season= 4 different weather types that occur each year depending on which way Earth is facing the sun Leaves lose their color b/c of temperature Temperature tells how much Sun energy the Earth has absorbed El Nino affects the weather severely…dry areas get +++rain & wet areas have drought 1) latitude: distance from the equator determines temp. tropics= near the equator; hot & humid all year! Polar= near the N&S poles; cold/freezing & dry all year! Temperate= btwn polar & tropical zones; have a cold & warm season 2) Distance from a large body of H2O: coastlines have milder climates than inland b/c H2O keeps air cooler 3) Ocean currents: alter ocean temps. & release heat into the atmo. Surface currents move warm water from the tropics to the poles Deep ocean currents move cold water from the poles to the tropics Together=convection current! 4) Altitude: the higher you go, the colder it gets b/c the air is thinning Mountains have a cooler climate than the flatlands surrounding them Highland or Alpine climate