Directorate-General for Information Library of the European Parliament Subject Team on Structural and Cohesion Policy Last updated: 21 November 2008 Language learning, multilingualism and intercultural dialogue Cultural diversity and the digital economy This information dossier is prepared for the Joint Committee Meeting of the European Parliament and national parliaments about 'Education and Culture' on 8 December 2008. Table of contents LANGUAGE LEARNING, MULTILINGUALISM AND INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE ..................... 2 EU LEGISLATION ........................................................................................................................................... 2 General Information ..................................................................................................................................... 2 EU INSTITUTIONS.......................................................................................................................................... 2 European Parliament ................................................................................................................................... 2 European Council ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Council of the EU ......................................................................................................................................... 3 European Commission .................................................................................................................................. 4 INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS.......................................................................................................... 5 UNESCO....................................................................................................................................................... 5 Council of Europe......................................................................................................................................... 5 OECD ........................................................................................................................................................... 6 RESEARCH, NGOS .......................................................................................................................................... 6 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 Publications available in the EP Library ..................................................................................................... 6 CULTURAL DIVERSITY AND THE DIGITAL ECONOMY ....................................................................... 8 EU LEGISLATION ........................................................................................................................................... 8 General Information ..................................................................................................................................... 8 Legislation in force ....................................................................................................................................... 8 EU INSTITUTIONS.......................................................................................................................................... 8 European Parliament ................................................................................................................................... 8 European Council ......................................................................................................................................... 9 Council of the EU ......................................................................................................................................... 9 European Commission ................................................................................................................................ 10 INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS........................................................................................................ 10 UNCTAD - United Nations conference on trade and development ............................................................ 10 UNESCO..................................................................................................................................................... 11 Council of Europe ....................................................................................................................................... 11 European Audiovisual Observatory ............................................................................................................ 11 OECD ......................................................................................................................................................... 11 RESEARCH, NGOS ........................................................................................................................................ 12 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 12 Publications available in the EP Library ................................................................................................... 12 WWW.LIBRARY.EP.EC Tel + 32 2 284 81 00 - Fax + 32 2 230 65 81 B - 1047 Brussels Christine Weidinger Draft version Date 21 November 2008 Page 1 of 13 page 1/13 The Library is an internal service, dedicated to the Parliament, with no duty to external researchers or visitors to the Parliament. Language learning, multilingualism and intercultural dialogue EU LEGISLATION TOP General Information Framework strategy for multilingualism, SCADPlus, 20.1.2006 full text access This communication sets out the Commission's strategy for promoting multilingualism in European society, in the economy and in the Commission itself. The aim is to build up citizens' linguistic skills until each citizen has acquired practical skills in at least two languages other than his or her mother tongue. (source: SCADPlus full text) Action plan on language learning and linguistic diversity, SCADPlus, 20.12.2007 full text access The European Union is home to 450 million Europeans from diverse ethnic, cultural and linguistic backgrounds and it is now important than ever that citizens have the skills necessary to understand and communicate with their neighbours. At the moment, language skills are unevenly spread across countries and social groups. The range of foreign languages spoken by Europeans is narrow: learning one lingua franca alone is not enough. Every European citizen should have meaningful communicative competence in at least two other languages in addition to his or her mother tongue. This is an ambitious goal, but the progress already made by several Member States shows that it is perfectly attainable. (source: SCADPlus full text) EU INSTITUTIONS TOP European Parliament Legislative Observatory (OEIL) Language-learning, multilinguism and linguistic diversity, INI/2008/2225 (OEIL) Oeil procedure file Multilingualism: framework strategy for language learning and linguistic diversity, INI/2006/2083 (OEIL) Oeil procedure file The committee adopted the own-initiative report drawn up by Bernat JOAN I MARÍ (Greens/EFA, ES) on the Commission's new framework strategy for multilingualism. The committee pointed out that"multilingualism is a special feature of the EU" and a "basic component" of European culture. It welcomed the Commission's action to promote languages in the Community and reminded the Member States of the need to take suitable measures for a genuine policy of learning foreign language skills. (source: EP: decision of the committee responsible, 1st reading/single reading, 9 Oct 2006) Promoting multilingualism and language learning in the European Union: the European Indicator of Language Competence, INI/2005/2213 (OEIL) Oeil procedure file Immigrant communities' integration in Europe through multilingual schools and education, INI/2004/2267 (OEIL) Oeil procedure file WWW.LIBRARY.EP.EC Tel + 32 2 284 81 00 - Fax + 32 2 230 65 81 B - 1047 Brussels Draft version Date 21 November 2008 Page 2 of 13 page 2/13 The Library is an internal service, dedicated to the Parliament, with no duty to external researchers or visitors to the Parliament. ... Support should be channelled into educational projects which, over and above curriculum requirements, teach the language and culture of the host country to immigrants who are not of school age, and towards bridge-building projects to foster dialogue between the culture and history of the host region and the culture and history of immigrant communities ... (source: Oeil procedure file) EP studies Multilingualism : Between Policy Objectives and Implementation. Study by Joe Cullen, Clare Cullen,Véronique Maes and Gigliola Paviotti (MENON Network EEIG). European Parliament Committee Culture and Edcuation, Policy Department B: Structural and Cohesion Policies, IP/B/CULT/IC/2007-100, 2008 full text access to Volume 1 : Study and Volume 2 : Annexes " ,,, On the surface, the indicators suggest that European citizens are responsive to the vision of a ‘multilingual Europe’. However, there is a significant resistance to language learning. Only 1 in 5 Europeans can be described as an active language learner. Language skills are unevenly distributed geographically and culturally. In schools, many states pay little attention to the study of languages other than English. Teachers are reluctant to take up opportunities for improving their language teaching skills and practices ..." (source: Study, page iii) Intercultural Education in Schools. Study by Cristina Allemann-Ghionda and Deloitte Consulting. European Parliament Committee Culture and Edcuation, Policy Department B: Structural and Cohesion Policies, IP/B/FWC/2006-169-Lot2-C01-SC02, 2008 full text access English version, version française, deutsche Fassung " ... The crucial question is whether and how European policies that are definitely favourable to integrating diversity, fostering multilingualism, promoting intercultural dialogue and integrating migrants and other cultural minorities, while giving every pupil and student equal educational opportunities, find resonance in national policies and in daily educational realities in each of the countries of the European Union. ... " (source: study, page iii) European Council French Presidency 2008 Quelles langues pour quelle Europe? - Etats généraux du multilinguisme. Reunion, Paris, 26 septembre 2008 web page Full text access of press release Europe Joins Forces to Promote its Languages " ... Christine Albanel, French Minister for Culture and Communication, who opened the event, emphasized the role played by multilingualism in intercultural dialogue and the circulation of cultural works. To this end, she urged the European Union to step up its action to promote translation. ..." (source: press release, page 1) Council of the EU Council Conclusions on the promotion of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue in the external relations of the Union and its Member States, 2905th education, youth and culture Council meeting, 20 November 2008 full text access press release "...Strengthen, in this framework, support for ... multilingualism − especially through language learning, translation and the development of the potential of all European languages to develop cultural and economic dialogue with the rest of the world − and the development of intercultural skills .." (source: press release, page 4) Council conclusions on multilingualism (2008/C 140/10) of 22 May 2008 The Council of the European Union. Official Journal C 140 , 06/06/2008 P. 0014 - 0015 WWW.LIBRARY.EP.EC Tel + 32 2 284 81 00 - Fax + 32 2 230 65 81 B - 1047 Brussels Draft version Date 21 November 2008 Page 3 of 13 page 3/13 The Library is an internal service, dedicated to the Parliament, with no duty to external researchers or visitors to the Parliament. full text access "... the development of a lifelong learning perspective which includes the acquisition by all citizens of the key competences most relevant to intercultural competences and most likely to foster an appreciation of cultural diversity as a core value, such as linguistic, social and civic competences and cultural awareness and expression ..."(source: Press release, 9149/08 (Presse 120) (page 15) Full text access ) European Commission Multilingualism: an asset for Europe and a shared commitment. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, COM(2008) 566 final18.9.2008 full text access "... This communication concentrates on people: their ability to use several languages, their opportunity to access culture and participate as active citizens, to benefit from better communication, inclusiveness and wider employment and business opportunities. The main objective is therefore to raise awareness of the value and opportunities of the EU's linguistic diversity and encourage the removal of barriers to intercultural dialogue. A key instrument in this respect is the Barcelona objective - communication in mother tongue plus two languages. More effort is needed towards achieving this objective for all citizens. ..." (source: Communication, page 5) Green paper migration & mobility: challenges and opportunities for EU education systems, COM(2008) 423 final, 3.7.2008 full text access It raises issues such as how to prevent the creation of segregated school settings, so as to improve equity in education; how to accommodate the increased diversity of mother tongues and cultural perspectives and build intercultural skills in the EU; and how to adapt teaching skills and build bridges with migrant families and communities. (source: web page European Commission education and training) 5th Brussels Debate entitled “Multilingualism – a bridge or a barrier for intercultural dialogue?”, 10 September 2008, organised by the European Commission in collaboration with EUNIC Brussels (European Union of National Institutes of Culture), link to web site, concept paper, wrap-up paper " ... The debate raised the question of whether multilingualism is an opportunity for mutual understanding in the EU or an obstacle for intercultural dialogue ... "(source: webpage 5th Brussels debate) Studies, Working Papers, Publications A rewarding challenge how the multiplicity of languages could strengthen Europe. Proposals from the Group of Intellectuals for Intercultural Dialogue set up at the initiative of the European Commission, 2008 full text access English version , version française " ... judicious and imaginative management of linguistic diversity can indeed boost European integration, promote citizenship and the feeling of belonging to the European Union. It can also contribute signifi cantly to the dialogue between cultures and their harmonious coexistence, both in relation to the rest of the world and within our own societies. It could even give European integration fresh impetus and a new lease of life. ..." (source: Proposals, page 14) High Level Group on Multilingualism - final report. Commission of the European Communities, 2007 full text access " ... The learning of other languages, and multilingual and intercultural competence are no WWW.LIBRARY.EP.EC Tel + 32 2 284 81 00 - Fax + 32 2 230 65 81 B - 1047 Brussels Draft version Date 21 November 2008 Page 4 of 13 page 4/13 The Library is an internal service, dedicated to the Parliament, with no duty to external researchers or visitors to the Parliament. doubt of direct relevance to economic growth, competitiveness, employability and social cohesison. They are relevant to the integration of migrants and to intercultural dialogue, as well as to the Commission’s drive towards improved communication with citizens. ..." (source: page 22) Promotion of multilingualism in the 31 countries of the lifelong-learning programme, Final Report. A study for the European Commission DG Education and Culture, 2008 full text access "Why and where do languages matter? Towards a comprehensive strategy for multilingualism", Ministerial Conference on "Promoting Multilingualism: a shared commitment" Leonard Orban Commissioner responsible for multilingualism. , SPEECH/08/83, 15/02/2008 full text access press release Access to European Commission portal EU Language Policy and portal education and training for further information INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS TOP UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, adopted by the 31st Session of UNESCO's General Conference, Paris, 2 November 2001 full text access to English, French, Spanish version This is a legal instrument which recognizes, for the first time, cultural diversity as a "common heritage of humanity" and considers its safeguarding to be a concrete and ethical imperative, inseparable from respect for human dignity. (source: UNESCO web page) Access to portal Education and Multilingualism for further information Council of Europe "... Language skills remain essential if individuals are to benefit from opportunities in employment and mobility but they are also necessary to participate actively in the social and political processes which are an integral part of democratic citizenship in the multilingual societies of Council of Europe member states. This increasing focus on language policies for democratic citizenship and social cohesion reflects the priority which the Council of Europe accords to education for citizenship and intercultural dialogue in the 21st century. It is reflected in the goal of education for plurilingual and intercultural citizens capable of interacting in a number of languages across linguistic and cultural boundaries. ... " (source: web page Council of Europe language education policy- Policies for plurilingualism) Recommendation CM/Rec(2008)7 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the use of the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and the promotion of plurilingualism. Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 2 July 2008 at the 1031st meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies full text access "... The priority which the Council of Europe accords to education for citizenship and intercultural dialogue in the 21st century is reflected in the educational goal of enabling citizens living in multilingual European societies to interact using a number of languages across linguistic and cultural boundaries. ..." (source: Recommendation, page 8) WWW.LIBRARY.EP.EC Tel + 32 2 284 81 00 - Fax + 32 2 230 65 81 B - 1047 Brussels Draft version Date 21 November 2008 Page 5 of 13 page 5/13 The Library is an internal service, dedicated to the Parliament, with no duty to external researchers or visitors to the Parliament. White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue “Living Together As Equals in Dignity”. Launched by the Council of Europe Ministers of Foreign Affairs at their 118th Ministerial Session (Strasbourg, 7 May 2008), CM(2008)30 final, 2 May 20081 full text access Recommendation 1539 (2001) on the European Year of Languages 2001 Parliamentary Assembly full text access Recommendation 1383 (1998) Linguistic diversification, Parliamentary Assembly full text access Access to portal Language policy division and International dialogue and the Council of Europe for further information OECD NSF/OECD workshop “Social & economic factors shaping the future of the internet”, Washington, 31 January 2007 participants' position papers full text access "... Currently, only about 35 percent of all Internet users are native English speakers, although English websites continue to dominate, with approximately 68 percent of all sites readable only in English. About two-thirds of English-language sites are devoted to e-commerce, and fully half of those still originate in North America. Altogether, e-commerce sites accounted for nearly US$2.4 trillion in business worldwide in 2006. Once much higher, these numbers have gone through a natural realignment as Internet use continues to expand geographically. Thus, multilingual content is critical to the Internet’s continued evolution and use by people from all linguistic backgrounds.... " (source: Paul Twomey, Effect of Multilingualism on the Internet, International Issues that Affect HowGovernments and Economies Address Issues Relating to a Global Infrastructure. In: participants' position papers, page 61) RESEARCH, NGOs TOP European Institute for Comparative Cultural Research (ERICarts Institute) Sharing Diversity, National Approaches to Intercultural Dialogue in Europe, Study for the European Commission, March 2008 full text access and annex "... Across Europe, one of the main objectives of educational policy to promote dialogue is by providingresources for language learning. This takes many forms such as language training: · aimed at minorities and migrants to learn and practice the official language of the countrywhere they live in order to e.g. facilitate integration and provide them with better opportunitiesto participate in the marketplace, or, less frequently, · available to all students to learn e.g. the language of a neighbouring country or the mother tongue of pupils with a foreign background ..." (source: Executive summary, page 7) GENERAL TOP Publications available in the EP Library WWW.LIBRARY.EP.EC Tel + 32 2 284 81 00 - Fax + 32 2 230 65 81 B - 1047 Brussels Draft version Date 21 November 2008 Page 6 of 13 page 6/13 The Library is an internal service, dedicated to the Parliament, with no duty to external researchers or visitors to the Parliament. Diversité et culture =diversity and culture / Julia Kristeva, La Documentation française, (2007), 95 p. (fre) , 93 p. (eng) (shelf mark - BRU S 32.04.04 DIV 07) Maintaining minority languages in transnational contexts / Anne Pauwels, Joanne Winter 1958 and Joseph Lo Bianco, Palgrave Macmillian, (2007), xii, 209 p. (shelf mark - BRU S 32.32.40 MAI 07) electronic version of Table of contents This volume deals with challenges to the maintenance of minority (or community) languages in this era of globalization and increasing transnational movements of people. (source: Publisher description Politiques et usages de la langue en Europe / Michael Werner, Maison des sciences de l'homme, (2007), 258 p. (shelf mark - BRU S 32.32 POL 07) Des historiens, sociologues, linguistes et philosophes livrent leurs réflexions sur le fonctionnement et les implications des choix linguistiques. Leurs réponses partent toutes du même constat : il faut dépasser la vision de "l'exception linguistique française" et envisager des terrains plus "atypiques", comme la Suisse ou la Belgique ou les liens entre langue, culture et politique Reconfiguring Europe : the contribution of applied linguistics ; selected papers from the annual meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics King's College, London, September 2004 / Constant Leung 1950 and Jennifer Jenkins 1950, British Association for Applied Linguistics, (2006), 173 p. (shelf mark - BRU S 32.32.08 REC 06 ) electronic version of table of contents WWW.LIBRARY.EP.EC Tel + 32 2 284 81 00 - Fax + 32 2 230 65 81 B - 1047 Brussels Draft version Date 21 November 2008 Page 7 of 13 page 7/13 The Library is an internal service, dedicated to the Parliament, with no duty to external researchers or visitors to the Parliament. Cultural diversity and the digital economy EU LEGISLATION TOP General Information i2010: Information Society and the media working towards growth and jobs, SCADPlus, 28.7.2007 full text access i2010 is the European Commission's new strategic framework laying out broad policy guidelines for the information society and the media. The purpose of this new, integrated policy is to encourage knowledge and innovation with a view to boosting growth and creating more better-quality jobs. It forms part of the revised Lisbon Strategy. (source: Scadplus full text) i2010: Digital libraries, SCADPlus, 14.10.2006 full text access "... the initiative aims to make European information sources more accessible and easier and more interesting to use in an online environment. Taking as its starting point our rich European heritage, the initiative combines cultural diversity, multilingualism and technological progress. ..." (source: Scadplus full text) Media literacy in the digital age, SCADPlus, 30.1.2008 full text access Legislation in force Directive 89/552/EEC or the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 October 1989 on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in Member States concerning the provision of audiovisual media services (Audiovisual Media Services Directive) . (OJ L 298, 17.10.1989, p. 23) full text access consolidated version Decision No 1718/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 November 2006 concerning the implementation of a programme of support for the European audiovisual sector (MEDIA 2007). Official Journal , L327 24. 11. 2006, page 1230 full text access EU INSTITUTIONS TOP European Parliament Legislative Observatory (OEIL) Collective management of online copyrights, RSP/2008/2629 (OEIL) Oeil procedure file " ...I asked the Commission to present a proposal for a flexible directive to be adopted in codecision with a view to regulating the collective management of copyright and related rights as regards cross-border online music services, while taking account of the specificity of the WWW.LIBRARY.EP.EC Tel + 32 2 284 81 00 - Fax + 32 2 230 65 81 B - 1047 Brussels Draft version Date 21 November 2008 Page 8 of 13 page 8/13 The Library is an internal service, dedicated to the Parliament, with no duty to external researchers or visitors to the Parliament. digital era and safeguarding European cultural diversity, small stakeholders and local repertoires, on the basis of the principle of equal treatment. ..." (source: Oeil procedure file) European agenda for culture in a globalising world, INI/2007/2211 (OEIL) Oeil procedure file ".... digital technologies are to be understood as an original opportunity for disseminating cultural products and services globally which can advance cross-cultural understanding under the premise of free and fair access and respect for cultural and linguistic divergences,..." (source: Report on a European agenda for culture in a globalising world (2007/2211(INI)), A60075/2008, 13.3.2008, page 22) Commission recommendation of 18 May 2005 on collective cross-border management of copyright and related rights for legitimate online music services (recom. 2005/737/EC), INI/2006/2008(OEIL) Oeil procedure file Information society, eContent: European digital content, linguistic diversity. 2001-2004 programme, CNS/2000/0128 (OEIL) Oeil procedure file Other EP documents European cinema online – past and present, study, Kern European Affairs (KEA), Policy Department B: Structural and Cohesion Policies, 13/06/2008, IP/B/CULT/FWC/2006_169/Lot03-C01-SC02 full text access Cultural and creative industries, note. By John Howkins. Policy Department Structural and Cohesion Policies, IP/B/CULT/FWC/2006_169, 31/05/2007 full text access This note reviews the European Commission study ‘The Economy of Culture in Europe’. It provides a background to the issues treated in the study, assesses the study and recommends a political strategy, pointing out priorities for EU action with a view to fostering the cultural and creative industries (source: note, cover page) Digital platforms: Risks and opportunities for European film-makers, study. Policy Department Structural and Cohesion Policies, 21/07/2006, IP/B/CULT/IC/2005_107 full text access ".... digital production and delivery so changes the economics of audiovisual content as to offer a completely new opportunity for creative entrepreneurs. In particular, digital convergence offers new room for small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) ambitious to develop important content. This is consistent both with the aim of cultural diversity and with the dynamics of creative industries ..." (source: Study, page 33) European Council French Presidency 2008 Défis, enjeux et opportunités pour l'audiovisuel à l'ère du numérique et de la 2nde directive européenne "audiovisuel", un colloque pour parler d'audiovisuel en Europe, Paris, 14 et 15 novembre 2008 web page Council of the EU WWW.LIBRARY.EP.EC Tel + 32 2 284 81 00 - Fax + 32 2 230 65 81 B - 1047 Brussels Draft version Date 21 November 2008 Page 9 of 13 page 9/13 The Library is an internal service, dedicated to the Parliament, with no duty to external researchers or visitors to the Parliament. Council Conclusions on the development of legal offers of online cultural and creative content and the prevention and combating of piracy in the digital environment. 2905th Education, youth and culture Council meeting, 20 November 2008 full text access press release "...the development of a legal online offer which is diverse, of high quality, accessible, easy to use and consumer friendly, on the one hand, and preventing and combating piracy, on the other, are necessary for the development of the information and communication society and the promotion of cultural diversity in the digital world" (source: press release, page 3) Council Conclusions on the European digital library EUROPEANA. 2905th Education, youth and culture Council meeting, 20 November 2008. 2762nd Council Meeting Education, youth and culture, 13-14 November 2006 full text access press release Council conclusions on Digitisation and online accessibility of cultural material, and digital preservation (14466/06), full text access press release European Commission Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on a European agenda for culture in a globalizing world, COM(2007) 242 final, 10.5.2007 full text acces The economy of culture in Europe, Study on the Economy of Culture in Europe. European Commission. By KEA European Affairs, Media Group (Turku School of Economics) and MKW Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH. full text access This study is a first at European level. It highlights the direct (in terms of GDP, growth and employment) as well as the indirect (links between creativity and innovation, links with the ICT sector, regional development and attractiveness) contribution of the cultural and creative sectors towards the Lisbon Agenda. (source: European Commission web page) "A Union with Results through cultural diversity" Creative Rights and Cultural Diversity Conference. José Manuel Durão Barroso President of the European Commission, press release, SPEECH/07/806 , 10/12/2007 full text access press release Access to European Commission portal i2010 - A European Information Society for growth and employment, Culture in the Digital Age, Culture and MEDIA Programme for further information INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS TOP UNCTAD - United Nations conference on trade and development Creative economy, report 2008, the challenge of assessing the creative economy, towards informed policy making, United Nations, UNCTAD/DITC/2008/2, 2008, ISBN 978-09816619-0-2 full text access " ... the interface among creativity, culture, economics and technology, as expressed in the ability to create and circulate intellectual capital, has the potential to generate income, jobs and export earnings while at the same time promoting social inclusion, cultural diversity and human development. ..." (source: study, page iii) WWW.LIBRARY.EP.EC Tel + 32 2 284 81 00 - Fax + 32 2 230 65 81 B - 1047 Brussels Draft version Date 21 November 2008 Page 10 of 13 page 10/13 The Library is an internal service, dedicated to the Parliament, with no duty to external researchers or visitors to the Parliament. UNESCO UNESCO Convention on the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions, 20 October 2005 full text access Council of Europe Recommendation Rec(2006)3 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the UNESCO Convention on the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions , 1 February 2006 full text access Declaration on cultural diversity , Committee of Ministers, 7 December 2000 full text access Access Council of Europe portal Cultural diversity for further information European Audiovisual Observatory The Promotion of Cultural Diversity via New Media Technologies: An Introduction to the Challenges of Operationalisation. By Tarlach McGonagle. IRIS plus, Issue 2008-6 full text access "... Cultural diversity is one of those terms that manage to accommodate different meanings and varying concepts. In addition, the term cultural diversity is often deployed together with other concepts as important as social tolerance, freedom of expression and democracy. At the same time, it is held out in defence against perceived threats from a global market and serves as justification for concrete state action in support of the creative industry...." (source: IRIS Plus editorial, page 1) Access European Audiovisual Observatory portal for further information OECD Remaking the Movies: Digital Content and the Evolution of the Film and Video Industries; OECD 2008 Access to OECD web page This study focuses on commercial entertainment products and production and distribution of films and television programs. It analyses the impact of digital content creation, distribution and use on value chains and business models of the film and video industry and explores the policy implications of these changes to identify how digital content may affect the function and position of participants in the industry along the value chain. (source: study abstract) Shaping Policies for Creativity, Confidence and Convergence in the Digital World. OECD Ministers Meeting in Seoul on the Future of the Internet, 17-18 June 2008 access to thematic web page full text access The Seoul declaration for the future of the internet economy, 18 June 2008 "... The further expansion of the Internet Economy will bolster the free flow of information, freedom of expression, and protection of individual liberties, as critical components of a democratic society and cultural diversity. ..." (source: Seoul declaration for the future of the internet economy, page 4) NSF/OECD workshop “Social & economic factors shaping the future of the internet”, Washington, 31 January 2007 participants' position papers full text access WWW.LIBRARY.EP.EC Tel + 32 2 284 81 00 - Fax + 32 2 230 65 81 B - 1047 Brussels Draft version Date 21 November 2008 Page 11 of 13 page 11/13 The Library is an internal service, dedicated to the Parliament, with no duty to external researchers or visitors to the Parliament. Access OECD portal Information and Communication Technologies for further information RESEARCH, NGOs TOP Institut für Rundfunkökonomie an der Universität zu Köln Das UNESCO-Übereinkommen zur kulturellen Vielfalt: die Magna Charta der internationalen Kulturpolitik und ihre Umsetzung in Europa. By Verena Metze-Mangold. Arbeitspapiere des Instituts für Rundfunkökonomie an der Universität zu Köln, Heft 246, 2008 full text access Institute for International Relations (IMO) Research project "Cultural Diversity, Intercultural Communication and Digital Culture" thematic web page ... Intercultural communication is marked by ICTs which stimulate the creation of new forms of culture, such as digital culture. The outset of the hypothesis is: cultural diversity, intercultural communication and the rapid development of digital culture are resources leading towards knowledge societies. ..." (source: thematic web page) Institute for Information Law (IViR), Faculty of Law, University of Amsterdam European-level measures for promoting cultural diversity in broadcasting: quixotic tilting in a new technological era?. By Tarlach McGonagle. In: Pia Letto-Vanamo, Ed., Mikä Osa Yleisöllä? Yearbook of Communication Law 2007, Institute of International Economic Law (KATTI), Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki, Finland (2008), pp. 119-136 full text access online free "... the central argument of this article is that some of the European-level regulatory provisions typically and traditionally relied upon for the promotion of cultural diversity in broadcasting are ill-suited to that purpose and that they appear increasingly incongruous in the context of new technological realities... "(source: full text online free, page 1) GENERAL TOP Publications available in the EP Library Digital culture : the changing dynamics / edited by Aleksandra Uzelac and Biserka Cvjeticanin / Uzelac, Aleksandra ; Cvjetičanin, Biserka. Zagreb : Institute for International Relations , 2008. Culturelink joint publications series , 12 (on order) full text access foreword Les industries de la culture et de la communication : Les stratégies du capitalisme / Philippe Bouquillion, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble (PUG), (2008) (shelf mark BRU S 32.20.04 BOU 08) Les mutations des industries de la culture, de l'information et de la communication (ICIC) accompagnent les mutations sociales, politiques et idéologiques. Concentration, financiarisation et mondialisation, développement du Web, redistribution des rôles entre les acteurs... Quels enjeux pour la diversité culturelle, le pluralisme de l'information, l'éducation ? Comment Google mangera le monde : essai / Daniel Ichbiah, l'Archipel, (2007), 263 p. (shelf mark BRU S 32.24.08 ICH 07) Retrace l'histoire de l'entreprise Google et de sa réussite financière. Dénonce les dangers du WWW.LIBRARY.EP.EC Tel + 32 2 284 81 00 - Fax + 32 2 230 65 81 B - 1047 Brussels Draft version Date 21 November 2008 Page 12 of 13 page 12/13 The Library is an internal service, dedicated to the Parliament, with no duty to external researchers or visitors to the Parliament. semi-monopole exercé par Google dans le domaine de la gestion de l'information gratuite sur Internet et de l'accumulation de milliards de données personnelles sur les utilisateurs. Google va-t-il devenir le Big brother du village mondial ? Entre économie de marché et économie administrée La politique du cinéma en question / Françoise Benhamou. In: Esprit, (2006), nr. N° 10, octobre 2006, p. 63-74. Les transformations rapides qui affectent l'économie de la culture avec le développement du numérique mettent à mal la notion française d'"exception culturelle .... Les industries culturelles à l'heure de la numérisation / Joëlle Farchy. In: Esprit, (2006), nr. N° 5, mai 2006, p. 142-153. Même si la loi réaffirme le droit d'auteur et le maintien des règles de rémunération de la création, il faut comprendre néanmoins l'ampleur du défi auquel les industries culturelles sont confrontées avec le développement du numérique : .... Creative industries / John Hartley 1948, Blackwell, (2005), xvii, 414 p. (shelf mark BRU S 32.08 CRE 05 Table of contents Creative industries / John Hartley -- PART I: Creative world: Creative world / Ellie Rennie -Commons on the wires / Lawrence Lessig -- Open publishing: open technologies / Graham Meikle -- At the opening of New Media Center Sarai, Delhi / Geert Lovink -- Multicultural policies and integration via the market / Nestor Garcia Canclini -- PART II: PART III: Creative practices: Creative practices / Brad Haseman -- The poetics of the open work / Umberto Eco -Digital TV and the emerging formats of cyberdrama / Janet H. Murray -- Balancing the books / Ken Robinson -- Connecting creativity / Luigi Maramotti -- Performing the "Real" 24/7 / Jane Roscoe -- PART VI: Creative economy: Creative economy / Terry Flew -- When markets give way to networks ... Everything is a service / Jeremy Rifkin -- Clubs to companies / Angela McRobbie -- Culture and the creative economy in the information age / Shalini Venturelli eCulture : the European perspective, cultural policies, creative industries, information lag : proceedings from the Round Table Meeting, Zagreb, 24-27 April 2003 / , (2005), 204 p full text access (Electronic access only) Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is supplied to you in the context of a Joint Committee meeting of the European Parliament and national parliaments and is mainly intended for internal use. It is carefully examined and regularly updated. However, no liability is incurred as to the completeness and correctness of the information given. 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