MINUTES STREATOR CITY COUNCIL MEETING PROCEEDINGS OF THE STREATOR CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 2010 HELD AT THE CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING COUNCIL ROOM CHAMBERS AT 7:00 PM. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lansford presiding. ROLL CALL: Members present: Ayes: Benner, Brozak, Hart, Williamson, and Mayor Lansford. PROCLAMATIONS: Mayor Lansford read proclamations for the following: Streator Loyal Order of Moose #372 Day Month of Kindness and Sole Drunk & Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: 1. ORDINANCE 2010/11-15. ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE ORDINANCE INITIATING ENTERPRISE ZONE AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE CITY OF STREATOR, COUNTY OF LA SALLE AND COUNTY OF LIVINGSTON AMENDED AND RESTATED STREATOR AREA ENTERPRISE ZONE INTERGOVERNMENTAL. Mayor Lansford presented the ordinance for Council consideration. MOTION: Brozak made a motion to approve the ordinance as presented. The motion was seconded by Benner. Paul C. Nicholson, reported on this item. Following his report, the ordinance passed upon the roll call vote. ROLL: Ayes: Benner, Brozak, Williamson, and Mayor Lansford. Abstain: Hart 2. RESOLUTION 2010/11-19. AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN ENTERPRISE ZONE AGREEMENT BETWEEN HEARTLAND WIND, LLC AND THE CITY OF STREATOR IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF APPROXIMATELY 165 WIND TURBINES-DEER RUN WIND FARM PROJECT. Mayor Lansford presented the resolution for Council consideration. MOTION: Benner made a motion to adopt the resolution; the motion was seconded by Williamson. ROLL: Ayes: Benner, Brozak, Williamson, and Mayor Lansford. Abstain: Hart 3. MOTION TO DETERMINE THE PRELIMINARY 2010 CITY OF STREATOR TOTAL TAX LEVY AMOUNT. Mayor Lansford presented the item to Council. Paul C. Nicholson, City Manager, reported on this item. MOTION: Hart made a motion to approve the recommended increased tax levy; seconded by Benner. ROLL: Ayes: Benner, Brozak, Hart, Williamson, and Mayor Lansford. 4. ORDINANCE 2010/11-16. AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.24, “STOPPING, STANDING, AND PARKING” OF THE STREATOR MUNICIPAL CODE OF ORDINANCES, LA SALLE AND LIVINGSTON COUNTIES, ILLINOIS BY DESIGNATING NO PARKING ZONES (On the South side of the 100 block of West Kent Street beginning at North Bloomington Street to Sherman Street) Mayor Lansford presented the ordinance for Council consideration. MOTION: Hart made a motion to approve the ordinance as presented; seconded by Brozak. ROLL: Ayes: Benner, Brozak, Hart, Williamson, and Mayor Lansford. 5. RESOLUTION 2010/11-20. RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE NATIONAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (NIMS) Mayor Lansford presented the item to Council. MOTION: Brozak made a motion to adopt the resolution; seconded by Benner. Nicholson, reported on the item. ROLL: Ayes: Benner, Brozak, Hart, Williamson, and Mayor Lansford. 6. RESOLUTION 2010/11-21. DECLARING IMPROVEMENTS AT 620 POWELL STREET, STREATOR, ILLINOIS TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE. Mayor Lansford presented the resolution for Council consideration. MOTION: Williamson made a motion to adopt the resolution as presented. The motion was seconded by Hart. Nicholson reported on the item. Following his report, the motion passed upon the roll call vote. ROLL: Ayes: Benner, Brozak, Hart, Williamson, and Mayor Lansford. 7. RESOLUTION 2010/11-22. PETITIONING LA SALLE COUNTY BRIDGE AID AND COST SHARING AGREEMENT WITH LA SALLE COUNTY FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH REPLACEMENT OF STRUCTURES NUMBERS 8050-8005 & 8050-8006 (BRIDGES OVER PRAIRIE CREEK ON DIVISION STREET AND BAZORE STREET. Mayor Lansford presented the resolution for Council consideration. MOTION: Hart made a motion to adopt the resolution; seconded by Brozak. Nicholson reported on this item, stating that the local share portion would be addressed during the budget process. ROLL: Ayes: Benner, Brozak, Hart, Williamson, and Mayor Lansford. 8. RESOLUTION 2010/11-23. AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A TOLLING SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY, ILLINOIS AND THE CITY OF STREATOR IN CONNECTION WITH AN UNCOMPLETED REAL ESTATE AGREEMENT DATED MAY 2, 2000 (Footbridge in connection with the Vermilion River Greenway Project) Mayor Lansford presented the resolution for Council consideration. MOTION: Brozak made a motion to adopt the resolution; seconded by Hart. ROLL: Ayes: Benner, Brozak, Hart, Williamson, and Mayor Lansford. 9. RESOLUTION 2010/11-24. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF STREATOR, COUNTIES OF LA SALLE AND LIVINGSTON SUPPORTING APPLICATION FOR A STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES PARC GRANT IN CONNECTION WITH CONSTRUCTION OF THE VERMILION RIVER GREENWAY TRAIL. Mayor Lansford presented the resolution for Council consideration. MOTION: Benner made a motion to adopt the resolution; seconded by Brozak Nicholson reported on this item; stating that ITEP funding did not get awarded to the City. Following Nicholson’s report, the motion passed upon the roll call vote. ROLL: Ayes: Benner, Brozak, Hart, Williamson, and Mayor Lansford. CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Lansford presented the Consent Agenda to Council for consideration. MOTION: Williamson moved to approve the Consent Agenda with a fund warrant total of $1,006,475.35. The motion was seconded by Benner. ROLL: Ayes: Benner, Brozak, Hart, Williamson, and Mayor Lansford. REPORTS CITY MANAGER REPORTS: City Manager Paul C. Nicholson reported on the following items: That the budget process would begin within the next 30 days That Streator is recognizing an increase in employment with “Results Streator” employing approximately 100-160 people and the Walmart now under construction employing approximately 320 people and Stertil ALM’s addition will add 15 to 20 more employees; which by next year at this time Streator should have recognized an additional 500+ jobs. OTHER CITY OFFICIALS: Councilman Hart commented on the following: Inquired on the demolition of the mobile home on East Broadway Street. Steve Myers, City Attorney, responded regarding this issue. Stated that there are several street lights out and in need of repair on Bloomington Street from Dairy Queen south to Dicks Floor Covering and also in the canoe launch area. Stated that the structure that was burned in the 1100 block of North Park Street is in need of being demolished and the area cleaned up. Councilman Williamson thanked Jeff Hettrick for his efforts in completing the agreement that the Council just passed as Item #8. Councilman Brozak inquired whether there would be sidewalks constructed from Main Street to 12th Street in connection with the South Otter Creek Street project slated for next year. David Fussell, Director of Public Works responded to his inquiry. Mayor Lansford commented on his and Jack Dzuris’s, S.A.C.C.I., recent visits with employers of Streator businesses and stated that they had received positive responses. Mayor Lansford also stated that eight City employees received awards from the American Red Cross for their efforts during the tornado event June 5, 2010. PUBLIC FORUM: Kyle Mitchell, 110 North Vermillion Street stated that he recently moved back to Streator because he really likes Streator, but that Streator needs more jobs. Mr. Mitchell stated he would like to hear more of what the City is doing to improve economic development; would like to hear of long term goals and economic development plan. Mitchell stated that improving the downtown image would be great. Mayor Lansford responded that the plan for the corner of Main and Monroe Streets is almost complete. City Manager Nicholson explained why the lighting was deleted from the plan due to it being cost prohibitive. Jeff Hettrick, ComEd and S.A.C.C.I. Board Member, commented that the Chamber and the City have developed a partnership and have identified targeted industries/businesses to try to get them to come to Streator. Hettrick also stated that the Chamber has a website and that the City is in the process of improving theirs. Mimi DeCicco stated that Water Street residents are experiencing problems with their homes; i.e. doors that don’t close etc.; and requested that the City speed up the process of acquiring assistance before too much damage is done. Mark Allen, 1514 North 1329th Road, thanked the Mayor and City for getting him bricks from the demolition of the Church on the corner of Monroe and Bridge Street. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION: [5 ILCS 120/2 (5) (6)] For the purpose of discussion of the acquisition of real property, the possible sale of real property. Mayor Lansford requested a motion to adjourn to closed session. MOTION: Hart made a motion to adjourn to the meeting to closed session; Benner seconded the motion. ROLL: Ayes: Benner, Brozak, Hart, Williamson, and Mayor Lansford. TIME: 7:45 p.m. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: 8:10 p.m. No action taken. ADJOURNMENT: With no further issues to discuss, Mayor Lansford requested a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: Hart moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Benner. ROLL: Ayes: Benner, Brozak, Hart, Williamson, and Mayor Lansford. TIME: Adjourned at 8:11 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ____________________________________ Pamela K. Leonard, City Clerk