Assignment: Measuring the rate of respiration of living organisms Apparatus used: Tap - when both are closed, Abany change in gas volumes between the2 chambers will cause the manometer fluid to move Airtight bung Chamber housing Organism Control chamber Gauze Manometer fluid Weighed soda Lime why Weighed soda lime (equal mass to soda lime in other chamber + mass of organism) Below is a table of results from an experiment in which the temperature of the environment around an organism was varied. In each case the number of units of oxygen used was measured for a set time by recording how far the manometer fluid moved to the left. Temperature oC 0 10 20 30 40 50 Number of units of O2 used in a set time Mouse Large grasshopper 30 0 25 2 18 4 15 8 25 16 35 20 (1) Use your knowledge of enzymes (gained last week?) to explain the respiration changes of the grasshopper. (5 marks) (2) Why is the pattern differrent in a mouse? (1mark) (3) The mouse was 5 times heavier than the grasshopper, but the time for which respiration was measured was 10 times longer for the grasshopper. How would these two facts affect the results? (2 marks) (4) Why is the respiration rate of the mouse higher than that of the grasshopper? (2 marks)