Title: Functional and feeding niche differences between

Appendix S2. Grasshopper feeding preferences and plant initial abundance
Fig. S2. Panel at the top. Visualisation of grasshopper feeding niche. A circle represents the
observed mean herbivory in percentage. The size of each circle is proportional to the
herbivory from 0 to 100% (see black circle for legend). The absence of circles indicated no
herbivory. Panel at the bottom. The initial plant relative abundance, i.e. before adding the
grasshopper species into cages, of each plant consumed by the six grasshopper species is
represented in the barplot. See Fig. S1B for plant species abbreviation and Fig. 3 for
grasshopper species abbreviation. Grasshopper species abbreviations are: Cb: C. biguttulus,
Cd: C. dorsatus, Ci: C. italicus, Ee: E. elegantulus, Pg: P. giornae, Pp: P. parallelus. Plant
species abbreviations are : Ae: Arrhenatherum eliatus, Am: Achillea millefolium, Be:
Bromus erectus, Cj: Centaurea jacea, Ca: Convolvulus arvensis, Dg: Dactylis glomerata,
Dc: Daucus carota, Er: Elitrigia repens, Es: Erigeron sp, Fa: Festuca arundinacea, Fr:
Festuca rubra, Ga: Galium aparine, Gv: Galium verum, Lv: Leucanthemun vulgare, Or :
Ononis repens, Pa: Poa angustifolia, Ph: Picris hieracioides, Pl : Plantago lanceolata, , Sp:
Salvia pratensis, Sj: Senecio jacobaea, To: Tarxacum officinalis, Tp: Trifolium pretense