
The Early Middle Ages in Europe Chapter Review Sheet
The Early Middle Ages in Europe Chapter Review Sheet
Section One:
 Describe the geography, including location and resources of Western
 Describe how people lived in the Germanic Kingdoms
 Describe Charlemagne’s accomplishments in religion, government, and
revival of learning.
 What is Charlemagne’s legacy? What problems did his heirs face?
 Define: Clovis, Charlemagne, Treaty of Verdun, Vikings, medieval,
frontier, missi dominici, curriculum.
Section One:
 Describe the geography, including location and resources of Western
 Describe how people lived in the Germanic Kingdoms
 Describe Charlemagne’s accomplishments in religion, government, and
revival of learning.
 What is Charlemagne’s legacy? What problems did his heirs face?
 Define: Clovis, Charlemagne, Treaty of Verdun, Vikings, medieval,
frontier, missi dominici, curriculum.
Section Two:
 Describe how the system of feudalism worked. Include information on
mutual obligations and how society was structured.
 Describe the training and life of a knight.
 Describe the life of a peasant.
 Describe life on a manor. Include information about mutual obligations
and how it was self-sufficient,
 Define: feudalism, vassal, feudal contract, fief, knight, tournament,
chivalry, troubadour, manor, serf.
Section Two:
 Describe how the system of feudalism worked. Include information on
mutual obligations and how society was structured.
 Describe the training and life of a knight.
 Describe the life of a peasant.
 Describe life on a manor. Include information about mutual obligations
and how it was self-sufficient,
 Define: feudalism, vassal, feudal contract, fief, knight, tournament,
chivalry, troubadour, manor, serf.
Section Three:
 Describe the role of the church in the Middle Ages. Include information on
the parish priest, the village church, and the view of women.
 Describe the life of a monk. Include information on Benedictine Rule, the
service they did, and the role of the monastery.
 What was the role of the church in feudal society? What religious authority
did the church have?
 What criticisms did people have of the church in the early Middle Ages?
 How were Jews treated in the Middle Ages in Europe?
 Define: Benedictine Monks, sacraments, tithe, secular, papal supremacy,
cannon law, excommunication, interdict.
Section Three:
 Describe the role of the church in the Middle Ages. Include information on
the parish priest, the village church, and the view of women.
 Describe the life of a monk. Include information on Benedictine Rule, the
service they did, and the role of the monastery.
 What was the role of the church in feudal society? What religious authority
did the church have?
 What criticisms did people have of the church in the early Middle Ages?
 How were Jews treated in the Middle Ages in Europe?
 Define: Benedictine Monks, sacraments, tithe, secular, papal supremacy,
cannon law, excommunication, interdict.
Section Four:
 Describe the agricultural revolution in Europe. Include information on new
technologies and expanded production.
 Explain how trade revived in Europe. Include information on new trade
routes, towns, and trade fairs.
 Describe the commercial revolution that took place in Europe. What new
business practices emerged? What social changes occurred?
 What was the role of the guild? How did you become a guild member?
What was the role of women in the guild?
 Describe what it was like to live in a medieval town.
 Define: High Middle Ages, charter, capital, partnership, bill of exchange,
tenant farmer, middle class, usury, guild, apprentice, journeyman.
Section Four:
 Describe the agricultural revolution in Europe. Include information on new
technologies and expanded production.
 Explain how trade revived in Europe. Include information on new trade
routes, towns, and trade fairs.
 Describe the commercial revolution that took place in Europe. What new
business practices emerged? What social changes occurred?
 What was the role of the guild? How did you become a guild member?
What was the role of women in the guild?
 Describe what it was like to live in a medieval town.
 Define: High Middle Ages, charter, capital, partnership, bill of exchange,
tenant farmer, middle class, usury, guild, apprentice, journeyman.