FACILITIES SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2008 Present: Mike Skiple, Larry Zitzow, Fawn Behrens Smith, Marsha Nelson, Pat Berntsen and Judy Sannes Facilities’ Report The Behavioral Science Center next to Nursing will be open this fall. The Harrington addition, which is a leadership and entrepreneurship center, will be open next month. New bathrooms on first floor Harrington will be done this fall. Bathrooms are being added in the Armory and a research facility next to the Hilton is in progress. No work order for the electronic door openers on the Medical Science Library has been filed. Mike was asked to contact the Facilities person in the Med. School to see if they are planning to make that request. DSS has given their old electronic opener to that project. If the Medical School decides not to move forward on this project, the disposition of the opener will probably be reviewed. The lifts for the Choir Room in the Fine Arts building and the third floor of Merrifield have been ordered and should arrive in July and be installed before the beginning of fall semester. Old Business Members shared their opinions of the success of the ADA Conference. The evaluation results were very positive. The participants were very attentive throughout the entire day. An inspector who helped Larry promote the conference said he has never seen such a successful conference on access standards. We have a balance of $356.58, due mostly to the fact that we did not have to pay for ramp parking. (The ramp was unavailable due to roadwork.) Larry offered to find out if we can carry over the surplus and use it for another conference in the future or if we need to (or should) return the surplus to the donors. Thank you to everyone who helped with the conference. New Business Pat brought up a concern about the lack of a curb cut from the Ralph to Suite 49. Larry explained that a long range plan will be developed to address sidewalk and curb cut needs for all the buildings on the Bronson Property. The property is own by UND and leased to the individual businesses. The legal issues about who will be responsible for construction costs of the walkways and curb cuts are being addressed now. Therefore, no new cuts will be made until these issues are settled and a long range plan is in place. Marsha asked if the door to the accessible men’s stall on the first floor of the Union can be fixed so it opens completely. Mike reported that a wall would have to be moved and structurally that can’t happen. One solution would be to eliminate the accessible stall on the first floor. Marsha stated a preference for retaining that stall. She asked if the adjacent toilet could be removed, thereby increasing the side of the accessible stall so the door would work. Mike will find out if code will allow one less stall in the bathroom, and if so, the cost will be determined. Marsha also reported that there is no curb cut at the end of the sidewalk leading from the elevator exit door on the west side of the parking ramp. People using wheelchairs and carts would have to use the curb cut on Second Avenue and then wheel back across that street to get to the Union or beyond. Mike offered to check into this situation. No meetings are planned for the rest of the summer. Judy will convene the group in September. Respectfully submitted, Judy Sannes, Chairperson