SCHEDULE 3 – DEFECT RISK MANAGEMENT RANKING Maroondah City Council RMP v6 The levels of service required for assets specified in the Plan have been developed using the risk framework provided in AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines. The tables below are from AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines. They provide for an assessment of the likelihood of an event occurring against the consequence and have been used to develop the comparative risk rating for specific defects associated with Council’s assets in order to establish maintenance priorities and desired levels of service. Consequences 1 Insignificant 2 Minor 3 Moderate 4 Major 5 Catastrophic High High Extreme Extreme Extreme Medium Medium High Extreme Extreme Low Medium High Extreme Extreme Low Low Medium High Extreme Low Low Medium High High Likelihood A Certain B Likely C Possible D Unlikely E Rare Risk Analysis Matrix Extreme risk, detailed investigation and immediate action required. High risk, senior management attention required, detailed investigation and action where practicable. Medium risk, management responsibility must be specified, assessment of risk and management of issue through works or on-going monitoring. Low risk, manage by routine procedures, does not require immediate attention but requires assessment and on-going monitoring. Level Descriptor Probability Description A Certain Is expected to occur in most circumstances B Likely Will probably occur in most circumstances C Possible Might occur at some time D Unlikely Could occur at some time E Rare May occur only in exceptional circumstances Measures of Likelihood Rating Descriptor Description 1 Insignificant No injuries, low financial loss 2 Minor 3 Moderate 4 Major 5 Catastrophic First aid treatment, medium financial loss Medical treatment, required, high financial loss Extensive injuries, major financial loss Death, huge financial loss Measures of Consequence Maroondah City Council RMP v6 As some assets may contain multiple defects, it is important to understand the relative defect ranking, to determine which defect is the highest priority, based on the comparative risk. The table below highlights the comparative risk between the different defects for each asset group, based on Council’s Risk Analysis Matrix. ASSET GROUP ASSET SURVEILLANCE MANUAL SECTION DEFECT TYPE LIKELIHOOD CONSEQUENCE RISK RATING - Potholes Possible Major - Vertical Movement (Heaving, Lips or Depressions) Possible Moderate - Accumulated Debris Possible Major - Damaged Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Devices Possible Moderate High - Edge Breaks Possible Moderate High - Edge Drop-Offs Possible Moderate High - Edge Breaks Possible Moderate High - Edge Drop-Offs Possible Moderate High (Carparks And Right Of Way – Formed And Sealed) - Potholes Possible Moderate High ROADS - Vertical Movement (Heaving, Lips or Depressions) Possible Moderate High - Edge Drop-Offs Possible Moderate High - Pothole Possible Moderate High - Vertical Displacement (Heaving, Tilting or Depressions) Possible Moderate High - Vertical Displacement (Heaving, Tilting or Depressions) Likely Moderate High - Vertical Displacement (Lips) Likely Moderate High ROADS (All Roads – Formed And Sealed) ROADS (Roads, Carparks And Rights Of Way – Formed And Sealed) Extreme High Extreme ROADS (Roads, Carparks And Rights Of Way – Formed And Unsealed) PATHWAYS (Hierarchy 1 & 2) PATHWAYS (Hierarchy 3 & 4) PATHWAYS (Hierarchy 3 & 4) Maroondah City Council RMP v6 ASSET GROUP ASSET SURVEILLANCE MANUAL SECTION DEFECT TYPE LIKELIHOOD CONSEQUENCE RISK RATING - Pothole Possible Moderate High - Piece/Paver Missing Possible Moderate High - Tactiles Possible Moderate High - Blocked Table Drains Possible Moderate High - Damaged Stormwater Pits/Structures Possible Moderate High - Obstruction Possible Minor Medium - Insecure Mounting Possible Minor Medium - Sign Illegible Possible Minor Medium - Facing the Incorrect Way Possible Minor Medium PATHWAY FEATURE - Feature Damaged Possible Moderate High GUIDE POSTS - Guide Post Damaged Possible Moderate High GUARD RAIL - Damaged Guard Rail Possible Moderate High VEGETATION - Overhanging Vegetation Possible Minor DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL - Dead Animal Removal Possible Moderate PATHWAYS STORMWATER DRAINAGE SIGNS SIGNS (Regulatory and Warning signs, and poles) Maroondah City Council RMP v6 Medium High