Agenda Gyle Square 1 South Gyle Crescent Edinburgh EH12 9EB Telephone [0131 275 6000] Text Relay 18001 [0131 275 6000] Meeting: Date: Location: Farr Institute: Estates Group 13 December 2013 10:00 – 11:00 Turing Room, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh Attendees: (AM) Andrew Morris (Co-Chair), Director of HIRC Scotland and Dean of Medicine, University of Dundee (DR) Dave Robertson (Co-Chair), Head of School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh (SB) Simon Belfer, Director of Finance, NHS NSS (CD) Chris Dibben, Director of the Administrative Data Liaison Service (ADLS), University of Edinburgh (JD) John Duncan, Business Infrastructure PM, Scottish Enterprise (LE) Liz Elliott, Informatics School Administrator, University of Edinburgh (GF) Graeme Findlay, Deputy Director of Research and Innovation, University of Dundee (PJ) Paul James, Project Support Officer, Programme Management Service, NSS (EJ) Emily Jefferson, eHealth Development Programme Manager, University of Dundee (SP) Stephen Pavis, Head of Service, Business Development, Public Health & Intelligence SBU, NSS (JP) Jill Pell, Institute of Health & Wellbeing, University of Glasgow (DP) David Porteous, Professor of Human Molecular Genetics and Medicine, University of Edinburgh (AS) Alastair Scobie, Informatics Head of Computing, University of Edinburgh (ASh) Aziz Sheikh, Professor of Primary Care Research and Development, University of Edinburgh (GV) Gilbert Valentine, Project Manager Estates and Buildings, University of Dundee (AW) Anne Whiting, Project Manager, Programme Management Service, NSS Apologies: (CM) (GD) (DB) (DL) Colette MacKenzie, Project Portfolio Manager, Programme Management Service, NSS Gerry Donnelly, Scottish Government Derek Ballantyne, Business Infrastructure Manager, Scottish Enterprise Darren Lightfoot, Service Manager, ADLS, University of St Andrews 1. Welcome and apologies AM/DR 2. Actions from previous meeting not covered elsewhere in agenda AM/DR 3. Building refurbishment update 3.1. Edinburgh No. 9 JD 3.2. Chiltern Building GV 4. Contractual Arrangements Update GF 4.1. Update on lease for No9 BioQuarter 4.2. Sublease/Licenses to Occupy 4.3. Addendum to Collaboration Agreement (draft document attached) 5. ADRC and DSLS update CD 6. Any other business All 7. Meeting schedule and confirm number/format of meetings 23/01/14 Edinburgh 06/02/14 Dundee 25/02/14 Dundee 26/03/14 Edinburgh