Teachers’ notes The units within this site are intended for use at key stage 3. These units cover the topic of the school and enable pupils to practise the four skills, linked to the attainment targets in the National Curriculum. The topic is divided into 4 units: Subjects, Teachers, Daily Routine and School Clubs. Each unit consists of presentations to introduce new vocabulary, writing activities, listening activities, oral activities and reading activities. Interactive games are also included within the presentations. All activities are supplied as worksheets, which can be used in the classroom, in the computer suite or set as homework. Listening exercises require the use of speakers on the computer. A full list of vocabulary to be introduced is also included with these teacher’s notes. The activities provided within the units are not designed to be introduced in any order in particular. This allows for flexibility on the teacher’s behalf. Following each presentation, a list of vocabulary is provided for pupils to copy into their exercise books. This vocabulary can be displayed word-byword, enabling the teacher concerned to manage timing better. Guidance on the units Unité 1: Les matières Presentations: Les classes, Les matières, Les opinions. These presentations are to be used to introduce the new vocabulary and structures. A language game is included in “Les matières” presentation. “Les opinions” presentation provides an opportunity to use the interactive whiteboard when pupils use the pen to select their opinions on various school subjects. Listening activity: Mon emploi du temps This activity can either be downloaded onto all computers in a computer suite in order for pupils to work independently, by listening to the passage and answering questions on the worksheet in “Word” or alternatively, the teacher may photocopy the worksheet provided in order for pupils to complete in the classroom. Speakers are therefore required on a computer in the classroom. A tapescript is provided for this passage. Writing Activities: Les Matières, Mes opinions The activity entitled “Les Matières” is a worksheet designed to practice the new vocabulary taught. “Mes opinions” worksheet provides examples of structures and provides pupils with the opportunity to clearly state their opinion of various school subjects. Reading Activity: Nos opinions! Pupils are required to read the paragraphs and place ticks or crosses in the table below, stating whether the opinions given are positive or negative. Speaking Activity: La Bataille Navale This game of “Battleships” provides pupils with an opportunity to practice giving various opinions orally. Instructions: Working as pairs, both partners draw 5 ships in different boxes in the grid. Each person has to guess where his/her partner has placed their ships through forming sentences in French. Both partners take it in turn to play and the first person to sink all five ships of the other person wins. Unité 2: Les professeurs Presentations: Mes professeurs, Les descriptions 1, Les descriptions 2 These presentations are to be used to introduce the new vocabulary and structures. “Les descriptions 1” refers to describing teachers’ hair and eyes colour and “Les descriptions 2” refers to describing teachers’ personalities. When introducing personalities, it is essential that the teacher uses him/herself to act the various adjectives as no pictures are provided. Listening activity: Mes professeurs This activity can either be downloaded onto all computers in a computer suite in order for pupils to work independently by listening to the passage and answering questions on the worksheet in “Word” or alternatively, the teacher may photocopy the worksheet provided in order for pupils to complete in the classroom. Speakers are therefore required on a computer in the classroom. A tapescript is provided for this passage. Writing Activity: Décrire les profs! This worksheet provides a list of the new vocabulary taught and examples of structures. Pupils are required to describe one of their teachers. Reading Activity: Mes professeurs Two activities are provided in this worksheet. Activity 1 requires pupils to “unjumble” the words to create sentences. Activity 2 requires pupils to fill the blanks of a paragraph with a list of words provided. Speaking Activity: Mes profs préférés This is a class survey where pupils should ask 5 pupils the three questions on their worksheet in order to practice talking about teachers and the colour of their hair and eyes. Answers are noted in the relevant columns in the table. Unité 3: La routine Presentations: La routine, Les transports, L’heure, Connect 4 These presentations are to be used to introduce the new vocabulary and structures. The Connect 4 presentation is a game to be used on the interactive whiteboard. Its use is to practice times and can be played by dividing the class into two teams. It is played as “Connect 4” where pupils choose a column and name the time on the square they need. Teachers are to use the pen for the interactive whiteboard to note different colour crosses on the boxes. The first team to have “Connect 4” wins! Listening activity: Ma routine This activity can either be downloaded onto all computers in a computer suite in order for pupils to work independently by listening to the passage and answering questions on the worksheet in “Word” or alternatively, the teacher may photocopy the worksheet provided in order for pupils to complete in the classroom. Speakers are therefore required on a computer in the classroom. A tapescript is provided for this passage. Writing Activities: Ma routine, Quelle heure est-il? “Ma routine” worksheet is for pupils to draw and describe their morning routine and “Quelle heure est-il” is a differentiated worksheet which provides written practice on the time. Reading Activity: Ma routine Pupils are required to read the various sentences and to place them in the correct order. Speaking Activity: A quelle heure? Working in pairs, pupils ask each other the questions on the worksheet and note the answers of their partner on the sheet. The answers will be in the form of times. Unité 4: Les clubs Presentations: Les clubs, These presentations are to be used to introduce the new vocabulary and structures. Listening activity: Mes clubs This activity can either be downloaded onto all computers in a computer suite in order for pupils to work independently by listening to the passage and answering questions on the worksheet in “Word” or alternatively, the teacher may photocopy the worksheet provided in order for pupils to complete in the classroom. Speakers are therefore required on a computer in the classroom. A tapescript is provided for this passage. Writing Activity: Les clubs au collège This worksheet provides examples of structures taught and pupils are required to describe the club(s) they attend in school. Reading Activity: Les phrases bizarres! Pupils are required to read the various sentences and to work out what the missing letters are from the words in the sentences. Pupils should then rewrite the sentences in the boxes provided. Speaking Activity: Au club This is a class survey where pupils should ask 10 pupils whether they are members of clubs in school. The relevant question and model answers are on the worksheet. Answers are noted through placing a tick in the relevant columns in the table. Unité 5: Révision This unit enables teachers to assess pupils’ overall understanding of the topic. It includes a letter to be read by the pupils and a space underneath for them to reply to the letter, covering all units within the topic.