S. Erfani, ECE Dept., University of Windsor 0688-590-18 Network Security Security Functional Architecture 1. INTRODUCTION Computer network security comprises a set of complex procedural, logical and physical measures (at different levels of the network interfaces and different layers of network protocols). Such measures are used to prevent, detect and correct known (and some unknown) threats along with the tools to install, operate and maintain these measures. Security services are remedies and countermeasures by which security threats are countered. Each security service uses one or more security mechanisms to counter security attacks or threats. In today’s network, various stand-alone security servers and/or proxies are used to provide some sort of piecemeal security, such as an authentication server or an authorization and access controller. Traditional security systems implementing one single security service and relying on rigid conventional encryption techniques and mechanisms simply cannot address security needs of the evolving enterprise networks of today's when the data travels across public networks. The key to a successful security system design is to consider the security management as an evolving integrated process. In this chapter, we propose to use a layered functional architecture approach to design a Security Management System (SMS) for enterprise networks. The proposed SMS architecture is a logical function architecture that is modular and whose specifications of the interconnections and interoperability of security services makes it possible to compose software applications from products developed and/or modified by different suppliers at different times. The design goals of this modular security management architecture are to achieve the following features: a) Many security services b) Many security mechanisms with different efficiency and different level of security c) Wide-range of management functions d) Full integration with Network Management Systems (NMS) e) Security policies access from NMS f) Abbreviated security management from NMS g) Efficiently utilizing different security mechanisms by different security services h) Transparent to users and applications i) Easily applicable to any type of operational environment j) Designed and structured in a modular way to be used by larger customer base k) Flexible, expandable, and adaptive to network changes, enhancements, and new policies l) Adaptive to new mechanisms and new security services Security mechanisms are effective techniques and schemes used to implement a given security service with different degrees of complexity. For example, an abstract service like data confidentiality might be implemented using either the secret key data encryption mechanism or public key data encryption scheme. Sep. 11, 2003 1 S. Erfani, ECE Dept., University of Windsor 0688-590-18 Network Security In most practical cases, a combination of security mechanisms is needed for implementing an effective security service. For example, an authentication service can be implemented with either strong mechanisms or with weak mechanisms (low, medium, or high security). In practice, it is quite common that more than one security service use the same mechanism. Table 1 indicates applicable mechanisms that may be used to implement a service. Table 1. Security Mechanisms for Implementing Security Services SERVICE CONFIDENTIALITY & PRIVACY INTEGRITY & PROTECTION MECHANISM Access Control Mech. Digital Signature Encryption Mech. Y Y One-Way Hash (OWH) NON-REPUDIATION & ACCOUNTABILITY Y AUTHENTICATION Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Certification Y Password Techniques Y Y MAC Y Y Y Y Key Exchange/ Generation ACCESS CONTROL & AVAILABILIT Y Note: Y means "yes," it applies. In Section 2, we describe the SMS functional architecture. Section 3 describes the modular design of each functional layer, and Section 4 defines a Security Management Information Base (SMIB) for SMS. Security protocols and interfaces are discussed in Section 5. Finally, we conclude the chapter by summarizing the results in Section 6. 2. SECURITY MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONAL ARCHITECTURE The proposed functional architecture is a logical security management system (SMS) architecture that provides multiple security services for multiple applications in a multiple operation environment. This structured approach to security provides flexible and multilevel security services for enterprise-wide security. Basic architectural elements of SMS, as shown in Figure 1, are: 1) Functional Layers to accommodate security functions required, 2) Security Management Information Base (SMIB), and 3) Security Protocols and Standards-Based Interfaces. This way, a total security functional set is provided, which supports many aspects of security across the enterprise network and security perimeter. The structure provides a Sep. 11, 2003 2 S. Erfani, ECE Dept., University of Windsor 0688-590-18 Network Security security management system that can accommodate anticipated security services, extensions, and enhancements. The proposed layered architecture provides flexibility to respond to new security concerns as they arise and to upgrades as new technologies become available and cost-effective. A fundamental property of SMS is to be used as a comprehensive autonomous security server, as it may provide security to multiple applications at the same time. Because the format of exchanging messages and data used by various applications tends to vary from application to application, in the SMS, a protocol handling function is provided across all the five layers for communication with the users, agents, and the operation environment. SMIB Layer 5 Security Policy and Business Requirements Layer 4 Layer 3 Layer 2 Layer 1 Security Management Security Service Security Mechanism Security Primitive Modules Security Policy SMIB segments Security Management SMIB segments Security Services SMIB segments Security Mechanisms SMIB segments Primitive Module s segments SMIB Figure 1. Security Management System Architecture 3. FUNCTIONAL LAYERS OF SECURITY MANAGEMENT At the highest-level of abstraction, a security management functional architecture that conforms to the SMS architecture provides software applications either for one or more of the five logical layers, or for the infrastructure. Each layer is made of one or more well-defined, deployable, and interoperable functional units called "modules" with welldefined interfaces. Interactions among modules in a layer need to be defined. In this case, any module can communicate with any other module. Modules use the services of an infrastructure of independent lower-layer functions to support their own offered functions and to communicate among themselves. A physical realization of the SMS architecture can contain multiple modules at each layer. Sep. 11, 2003 3 S. Erfani, ECE Dept., University of Windsor 0688-590-18 Network Security 3.1 Layer 5 - Security Policy and business requirements The uppermost layer in designing an enterprise security system is security policy and business requirements function. This function determines the general goals for each level of security, as set by the overall user/corporation security vision. Once this layer is defined, multiple security policy modules can be attached to address policy requirements and to support the many aspects of security across the enterprise network. In general, this function layer contains enterprise-wide security assessment and plans. This layer can also include physical security aspects like security guards, closedcircuit TV, and card-key entry systems. In addition to the above defined generic functions, it can include various individual modules such as prevent and detect security violations, disaster recovery, personnel risk analysis, legal views and actions, as shown in Figure 2. Prevent and detect Security Violations Disaster Recovery Enterprise-wide Risk Policy Personnel Risk Policy Legal Views and Actions Figure 2. Layer 5 - Security Policy and Business Requirements Note that rule-based techniques can be used as part of the security violation detection and prevention module to detect intrusion by observing events and applying a set of rules to make a decision whether a given pattern of activities is suspicious. Rules can also be defined that identify suspicious behavior. Clearly, "security violation detection" and "security violation prevention" modules can benefit from expert system technology a lot. Rule-based threat detection does not require knowledge of security vulnerabilities within security domain -- it is based on observing the past pattern and assuming that the future will be like the past! However, past experience, shows that a large number of rules required implementing this approach effectively. 3.2 Layer 4 - Security Management Function This layer is concerned with security aspects which are outside normal scope of security services, but which are needed to support and control security services and mechanisms. Security management function involves: a) Provision of security services, control and distribution of securityrelated information in real-time and per pre-specified schedules. b) Event logging, both for normal and abnormal situation. Sep. 11, 2003 4 S. Erfani, ECE Dept., University of Windsor c) d) e) f) g) 0688-590-18 Network Security Administration and management of various modules in lower layers, e.g., parameter management for security mechanisms like cryptographic keys. User interface management. Security monitoring for various security services. Key and Security (state) recovery in case of violation. Interaction establishment between different security management systems through use of appropriate security management protocol(s). Control and Distribution User Interface Event Logging Monitoring Service Management Mechanism Management Parameter Management Recovery Figure 3. Layer 4 - Security Management Function Each of the above tasks may be implemented via a corresponding module in this layer, as shown in the Figure 3. 3.3 Layer 3 - Security Service Function This layer provides a platform to implement various security services. Each security service can be designed and implemented as an autonomous self-contained functional module to provide the "plug-and-play" capability. Although, nothing prevents interactions among various service modules, when it calls for. Each module is called using appropriate protocols and procedures. In Figure 4, most widely-used security services are shown. ISO standards defines the following six basic security services: 1. Confidentiality Service - is the protection of transmitted information from passive attacks. 2. Integrity Service - generally provides protection against message modification for connectionless communications, and provides protection against duplication, insertion, modification, reordering, or replay for connection-oriented communications. 3. Access Control Service - is the ability to limit and control the access to host systems and applications via communication links. 4. Non-repudiation and Accountability Service - prevents either sender or receiver from denying a transmitted message. 5. Authentication Service - is concerned with assuring that a communication is authentic. 6. Availability and Non-denial-of-Service - is concerned with assuring that prescribed authorized services are available to authorized users. Sep. 11, 2003 5 S. Erfani, ECE Dept., University of Windsor 0688-590-18 Network Security These are generic groups of services, since each service may be applied in different variations to different entities, situations, and resources. All security services can be implemented in a form of a security library, interfacing to the upper applications by the corresponding Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). In addition, security services such as packet filtering, firewalling, and intrusion detection may be needed to be implemented as an autonomous server in different part of a network. Authentication Service Confidentiality Service Intrusion Detection Service Non-denial Integrity Service Non-repudiation Service of Service Access Control Service Figure 4. Layer 3 - Security Service Function 3.4 Layer 2 - Security Mechanism Function As mentioned before, there is no single mechanism that will provide all the functions required for the security services. In fact, as the number of security services in layer 3 increases, a variety of mechanisms come into play. This layer of the SMS architecture implements various security mechanisms with different efficiencies, degrees of security and computational complexities. For instance, some services may use weak but efficient mechanisms; others may use strong but slower mechanisms. It is also possible to make certain mechanisms mandatory, and others optional. However, cryptographic techniques underlie most of the security mechanisms in use. This layer can include various generic common modules to be used by the security service function (layer 3). Examples of these modules, as shown in Figure 5, are: 1. Public-Key Encryption: RSA, ECC, Rabin, ElGamal algorithms 2. Symmetric One-Key Encryption: DES, Triple DES, FEAL, IDEA, RC2, RC4, SKIPJACK techniques 3. Message Authentication Code: CBC-MAC, MAA, RIPE-MAC 4. Password techniques, Biometrics mechanisms 5. Digital Signature: DSA mechanism 6. Access Control: access control matrix (ACM), access control list (ACL), conditional access mechanism The sequence of executing security services and mechanisms, depending on the operational environment and the security perimeter, may be different and results in different security considerations. For example, a digital signature can be generated for a given plaintext message and pretended to the message. Then, the plaintext message plus signature can be encrypted using a particular session key. This sequence can easily be Sep. 11, 2003 6 S. Erfani, ECE Dept., University of Windsor 0688-590-18 Network Security reversed. Alternatively, the plaintext message can be encrypted first and then generate a digital signature for the encrypted message. Thus, the order of applying encryption and digital signature mechanisms to the message is dependent on security requirements. SMS provides this flexibility for an end-user or an application. Cryptographic mechanisms are also included in this layer. They include key-exchange, public-key encryption, and symmetric-key encryption, and deserve to be treated as a sublayer because a number of security service modules (and mechanisms on this layer) relay on the use of conventional encryption. For example, public key certification is a mechanism that required for certificate authorities, and key-exchange/generation, is the fundamental technique required for establishing a session encryption key. CBC-MAC RSA ElGamal Elliptic Curve DSS MAA RIPE-MAC MessageAuth. Code Simple Handsha k e Biom Password Techniques et Diffie-Hellman Preshared Key Public/Secret Key Ex./ Key Gn. Exchange/Generation Digital Signature X. 509V.x DNS W3C Dsig Cond Access Acc. Cont. List Acc. Cont. M. Public Key One-Key ECC Rabin Certificate Access Control Mechanism Encryption Figure 5. Layer 2 - Security Mechanism Function Each mechanism, in turn, can contain various algorithms and schemes to be used, based on different mode of operation. For example, a typical MAC module may contain a Cipher Block Chaining MAC (CBC-MAC), MAA, and RIPE-MAC, as shown in Figure 5. 3.5 Layer 1 - Security Primitive (Mathematical) Function This is the lowest layer of the SMS functional architecture. This layer provides a platform to implement basic mathematical operations and algorithms that are used in conjunction with cryptographic techniques. Layer 1 contains elementary atomic modules, as shown in Figure 6. These modules are needed for cryptographic algorithms and special protocols. Examples of these general-purpose modules are: 1) One-Way Hash (OWH): MD5, SHA-1, MDC2, MDC4, RIPE-MD methods 2) Public Key Fundamental Modules: Fast Exponential, Pseudorandom Number Generator, Test for Primality 3) Math Library Modules: Chinese Reminder Theorem, Multipicative Inverse, Modular Multiplication, and other operations with large numbers 4) Encryption Fundamental Modules: DES, Triple DES, IDEA, AES, RC2/RC4/RC5, FEAL Sep. 11, 2003 7 S. Erfani, ECE Dept., University of Windsor Fast Exponentiation Chinese Remainder Theorem Prime Number Testing Random Number Generators Math Library Multiplicative Inverse Modular Multiplication 0688-590-18 Network Security MD4/MD5 DES/Tri-DES IDEA SHA-1 AES RIPE-MD RC2/RC4/RC5 One-Way Hash Fundamental Modules FEAL Encryption Fundamental Modules Figure 6. Layer 1 - Security Primitive (Mathematical) Function 3.6 PGP Realization PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is a freeware providing compatibility, compression, and segmentation for electronic mails. In addition, PGP provides confidentiality and authentication services. To illustrate usefulness of the layered model, and also, how a security service can be implemented (or threaded through) the above layers consider PGP application using SMS. Let us consider both confidentiality and authentication services are applied to the same message using SMS. In this case, the sender first signs the message with its own private key, then encrypts the message with a session key, and then encrypts the session key with the recipient's public key, as described in the following steps: 1. The sender invokes SMS authentication service in Layer 3 for a created message. 2. The SMS authentication service calls on the SMS Message Authentication Code mechanism in Layer 2 to use the MD5 fundamental security module in Layer 1 in order to generate a 128-bit hash code of the message. 3. The message digest is encrypted with RSA digital signature mechanism in layer 2 (see Figure 7), using the sender's private key, and the result is prepended to the message. 4. Note that, RSA, in turn, uses Fast Exponentiation (FE) and Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) in the Math Library module of Security Primitive (Mathematical) Modules layer for computation. 5. The SMS confidentiality service in Layer 3 is used to invoke the KeyExchange/Generation mechanism in Layer 2 to generate a random 128-bit number to be used as a session key for the signature and plaintext message. 6. The Key-Exchange/Generation module of Layer 2 needs to invoke Public Key Fundamental Modules in Layer 1 for random number key generation and testing. 7. The SMS confidentiality service encrypts the plaintext message plus signature using IDEA (in Encryption Fundamental Modules in Layer 1) with the generated session key. The session key is encrypted using RSA in Layer 2. The interactions between functional modules are shown in Figure 7. Sep. 11, 2003 8 S. Erfani, ECE Dept., University of Windsor 0688-590-18 Network Security Security Policy Levels Parameter Management Control and Distribution User Interface Management Mechanism Management Security Management Layer Security Services SMIB segments Data, Message and Traffic Flow Non-Repudiation Service Data, Message and Traffic Flow Security Management SMIB segments Service Management Integrity Service Confidentiality Service Security Policy SMIB segments Diffie Hellman Mechanisms DSS One-Key Encryption Mechanisms Encryption RSA Public/Secret Key Exchange/generation Security Mechanisms SMIB segments Key-Exchange/Generation Key-Exchange Digital Signature Fast Exponentiation MD5 IDEA Prime Number Testing Random Number Generators Chinese Remainder Theorem Multiplicative Inverse Modular Multiplication Fundamental Security Modules SMIB segments SMIB Figure 7. PGP Realization Using SMS Functional Architecture 4. SECURITY MANAGEMENT INFORMATION BASE (SMIB) An important component of SMS, or any security management architecture for that matter, is its security management information model. SMS will include a Security Management Information Base (SMIB). The conceptual segments of an SMIB are IDs for network secured resources, user profiles and privileges, secure associations, access control list, and security logs. Note that this concept does not suggest any content or form for the storage of information, its implementation or usage, other than emphasizing the security data needs. Clearly, SMIB must be structured to support implementation of all security services and mechanisms in a computing environment or a communication environment. Also, SMIB must work in a manager/agent relationship to support other MIBs in use. Sep. 11, 2003 9 S. Erfani, ECE Dept., University of Windsor 0688-590-18 Network Security SMIB X.500 Elements for Identification X.509 Recommendation for Authentication Extended X.500 Information Base SMIB Segment Figure 8. SMIB As mentioned above, the SMIB is a repository of all control information and parameters necessary for normal functioning of the security system. The SMIB contains the security profiles of the system/network, security parameters, and logical associations among security entities. At least, a combination of the X.500 and X.509 recommendations could be used as shown in Figure 8. 5. SECURITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM INTERFACES There are interactions amongst the SMS functional layers as well as between the functional layers and the security environment and the SMIB. As shown in Figure 9, there are at least three types of transactions present in the SMS: a) message interactions, b) protocols, and c) interfaces. Message Interaction - In order to cooperate, modules in functional layers must mutually communicate. One possibility is that for the communicating layers to send direct instructions to each other and receive the return status. Another high-end possibility would be to use a well-defined protocol between modules in different layers. Therefore, depending on implementation environment, this inter-function communication can be as simple as a "function call" in C Language or an inter-object message, or can be as complicated as a secure protocol requiring full-fledge protocol definition. In either case, message sets must be clearly defined. Security Protocol - Security protocols are generally defined as interactions between the security function modules and the securing entities (users, applications, other security modules, etc.). The SMS needs security protocols for communication with i) user, ii) security domains, i.e., LAN, WAN, managing applications, Network Management Systems (NMS) stack, etc., iii) SMIB, and iv) host operating system. Note that we did not include security protocols in functional architecture of SMS, because they are means to implement security services rather than tasks to implement security. However, if a module uses Sep. 11, 2003 10 S. Erfani, ECE Dept., University of Windsor 0688-590-18 Network Security services of one or more security protocols, security protocol handling capabilities need to be provided in that layer. Interface - The SMS must be able to interface with various applications and operations environments. The interfaces should be designed between SMS and SMIB, between SMS and other (NMSs) and applications, and for host machines. It is important to notice that the SMS should be accessible from any layer of communication protocol that needs security services. For example, it is possible for Transport Layer to request data encryption services from SMS. This type of interface requirements can be implemented using an appropriate API. This API module need to be so designed as to be able to handle these requests and put them into the format required by the SMS. Typically, the API modules for various applications and operational environment will differ, so each application needs its own interface module to the SMS. Provisioning for appropriate interfaces and API modules add extra complexity to the SMS functional architecture and will not be discussed here. Security Policy and Business requirements Layer 5 Security Policy SMIB segments Interactions Protocols NMS Stack Host OS Interface Layer 4 Security Management Interface Security Management SMIB segments Interface Security Services SMIB segments Interactions Layer 3 Security Service Interactions WAN Layer 2 Security Mechanism Interface Security Mechanisms SMIB segments Interactions Layer 1 Security Primitive Modules LAN Interface Mathematical Modules SMIB segments SMIB Figure 9. SMS Interfaces and Interactions Sep. 11, 2003 11