Do not staple this page to questionnaire.
University of Washington
School of Nursing
Box 357260
Seattle, WA 98195-7262
In an ongoing effort to evaluate the effectiveness of the University of Washington School of Nursing masters program, please complete the attached 19 item questionnaire. Your input is essential in helping us refine the masters program.
If you are completing the printed version of this evaluation and need more space, please write on the back of the page. This cover sheet is for the purpose of tracking respondents and cohorts.
You may also fill out this form online at
Please return this completed questionnaire to:
Jungeun Lee
University of Washington School of Nursing
Student and Academic Services, Room T-301
Box 357260, Seattle, WA 98195 e-mail:
Today’s Date:
Address: (** This information will be deleted once the appreciation gifts are mailed out. If you choice to forfeit the appreciation gift, you can skip this part. **)
Year and quarter you entered the MN/MS program:
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M N / / M S A L U M N I I Q U E S T I I O N N A I I R E
What year and which quarter were you ADMITTED to the master’s program?
Year _______ 1) Autumn 2) Winter 3) Spring 4) Summer
What year and which quarter did you GRADUATE from the master’s program?
Year _______ 1) Autumn 2) Winter 3) Spring 4) Summer
Which program did you complete?
5) Other _____________
4) Concurrent MN/MPH
Which scholarly activity did you complete?
1) Master’s project 2) Master’s thesis
Which specialty did you complete?
1) Adult Acute Care Nurse Practitioner
2) Adult/Older Adult Nurse Practitioner
3) Adult & Women Health Care Nurse Practitioner
4) Advanced Practice in Genetics
5) Advanced Practice Nursing and Home Care
6) APS Oncology/Cardiovascular/ Critical Care/Neuroscience Focus
7) Clinical Informatics
8) Community Health Systems Nursing
Cross Cultural Nursing Occupational Health Nursing
9) Family NP
10) Forensic Nurse Specialist
11) IMN-Nurse Educator
12) Infectious Disease Advanced Nursing Practice
13) Individual Master’s Option in Family & Child Health
14) Independent Option, specify __________
15) MS, focus __________
16) Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
17) Nurse Midwifery
18) Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
19) Perinatal Nursing Specialist
20) Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
21) Rural Adult Nurse Practitioner)
22) Other, specify __________
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Were you a part-time or full-time student?
1) Full-time 2) Part-time
Did you change from part-time to full-time or full-time to part-time status during the program?
1) Part-time to full-time 2) Full-time to part-time 3) No change
With respect to Question 7, what were your reasons for changing the status?
1) Financial 2) Family
4) Other: ___________________
3) Academic
Did you take courses as a graduate non-matriculated (GNM) student prior to your enrollment as a matriculated graduate student?
1) No 2) Yes
How well did your master’s program of study meet your educational goals?
Not very well
1 2 3 4
Very well
How flexible was your master’s program in terms of meeting your individual educational goals?
Not very flexible
1 2 3 4
Very flexible
Please indicate your job title with respect to your FIRST JOB following your master’s program completion. *NP = nurse practitioner
1) Acute care NP*
2) Administrator
3) Case manager
4) Certified nurse midwife
5) Charge nurse
6) Clinical nurse specialist
7) Community health nurse
8) Nurse consultant
9) Nurse manager/assistant NM
Office/clinic nurse
Primary care NP*
Public health nurse
14) Researcher
15) School nurse
16) Staff nurse
17) Staff development/educator
18) Supervisor/coordinator
19) Teacher/faculty position
20) Other, __________(specify) 10) Occupational health nurse
Please indicate your employment setting with respect to your FIRST JOB following your master’s program completion.
1) Acute care hospital 6) Industry/business
2) Ambulatory care 7) Long-term care
11) Public health
12) School district
3) Community agency 8) Perioperative-in pt surgery 13) School of nursing
4) Home care 9) Perioperative-out pt surgery 14) State/local government
5) Hospice 10) Private practice 15) Other, __________ (specify)
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If applicable, how many months after graduation did you begin your FIRST Advanced practice job? _______________ months
Please indicate your job title with respect to your CURRENT JOB.
1) Acute care NP* 11) Office/clinic nurse
2) Administrator
3) Case manager
Primary care NP*
Public health nurse
4) Certified nurse midwife
5) Charge nurse
6) Clinical nurse specialist
7) Community health nurse
8) Nurse consultant
9) Nurse manager/assistant NM
10) Occupational health nurse
14) Researcher
15) School nurse
16) Staff nurse
17) Staff development/educator
18) Supervisor/coordinator
19) Teacher/faculty position
20) Other, __________(specify)
Please indicate your employment setting with respect to your CURRENT JOB.
1) Acute care hospital
2) Ambulatory care
9) Perioperative-out pt surgery
10) Private practice
3) Community agency
4) Home care
5) Hospice
6) Industry/business
7) Long-term care
8) Perioperative-in pt surgery
11) Public health
12) School district
13) School of nursing
14) State/local government
15) Other, __________ (specify)
Have you taught in continuing education or provided in-service classes since graduating?
1) No 2) Yes , (Identify number of hours)________________
Have you participated in writing grant proposals/studies or been active as an investigator since graduating?
1) No 2) Yes, (specify role)______________________________________________
Have you written any journal articles, books, or book chapters since graduating?
1) No 2) Yes, (# submitted: ______; # published: ______)
Have you received any honors, awards, or certificates since graduating?
1. No 2. Yes, (specify all)
Have you delivered any presentations at local, regional, national, or international conferences since graduating?
1) No 2) Yes (How many? _______)
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Have you served on advisory panels, committees, or task forces that focused on improving health care outcomes or health care delivery system since graduating?
1) No 2) Yes (How many? _____)
Do you hold membership(s) in any professional organizations?
1) No 2) Yes (How many? _____)
Please indicate to what extent you feel your program facilitated the development of your ability to assess and manage health issues in each of the following areas:
24. Individuals.
25. Families.
26. Communities.
27. Systems.
Very little
1 2
3 4
A great deal
Please indicate to what extent you feel your program facilitated your development in each of the following areas:
Very little Fair A great deal
28. Conceptual skills.
29. Cultural competency in knowledge inquiry and clinical practice.
30. Leadership or management skills.
1 2 3 4 5
31. Scholarly skills.
Please indicate to what extent you feel your program facilitated your ability in the following areas:
32. Evaluate the adequacy of underlying knowledge from nursing science, related fields and professional foundations as it informs advanced practice.
33. Competently assess, manage health-related issues with a designed population or care system, and evaluate the
Very little
Fair A great deal
2 3 4 5 effectiveness of these advanced nursing practices.
34. Utilize knowledge and skills in professional practice among diverse and multi-cultural populations.
35. Demonstrate competence in development of inquiry relevant to practice, education, or administration.
36. Develop and utilize leadership strategies that foster improvement of health care.
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37. Please list the major strengths of your master’s program.
38. Do you have any suggestions for improvement in one or more of the following areas?
a) School of Nursing:___________________________________________________________
b) Focal area: _________________________________________________________________
c) Clinicals:___________________________________________________________________
d) Thesis/project advisors: _______________________________________________________
e) Other: _____________________________________________________________________
Do you have plans for an additional degree, certification, or other education?
1) Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Science (PhD)
2) Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
3) Continuing Education
4) Conference/Seminar
5) Specialty Certification
6) Advance education other than nursing (indicate field) __________________
7) Others: ____________
8) No Plans
If you are currently enrolled in a degree or certificate program, please indicate the program:
1) Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Science (PhD)
2) Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
3) Certificate Program (specialty:________________________)
4) None _____________________
If you could do it again, would you choose the University of Washington School of Nursing?
1) No 2) Yes 3) Not Sure
Why: ________________________________________________________________________
Thank you very much!!
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