Family Learning - Middletown Adult Education

Family Learning
September 2008
Welcome to Even Start!
Congratulations on joining the Even Start Family
Literacy Program at Middletown Adult Education!
You have made a commitment to improving your
education and to giving your child quality childcare
so that you can attend school. You will also find out
how to help your child learn so that he or she will be
ready for kindergarten when it is time to go.
The Adult Education and Even Start staffs are
dedicated to helping you and your children learn
together. While attending Even Start you will take
part in all of the following components:
Adult Education
Even Start parents must be enrolled in one of the
following Adult Education programs:
CDP/High School (Credit Diploma Program)
GED (General Education Development)
ABE (Adult Basic Education)
EDP (External Diploma Program)
ESL (English as a Second Language)
Early Childhood Education
While parents are in Adult Education classes,
childcare is provided for children aged six weeks to
three-years-old. The Early Childhood staff is:
Infant Room (343-5196)
Debbie O’Donnell and Linda Reardon
Young Toddler Room (343-5085)
Kim Bowker and Claudia Velasco
Older Toddler Room (343-5084)
Lina Kronenberger and Georgie Tine
Even Start Facilitator
Cindy Cappetta (343-6050)
Early Childhood Coordinator
Liz Fraser (344-3395)
Home Visitor
Susan Richey (343-6050)
Sociology Teacher
Lisa Schuerholz-Winters (343-3862)
If you and/or your child are going to be absent any
day, call in to notify Cindy or your child’s teacher.
Every Tuesday and Thursday after lunch, you will
attend Sociology class. Lisa and visitors from the
community will present information on child
development, family literacy, finances, children’s
health and safety, and many other topics related to
children and families. Please let Lisa know if there is
a special topic that you are interested in.
High school students can receive up to 1 credit for the
successful completion of this class. The amount of
credit each student earns is determined by
attendance and participation.
PACT stands for Parent and Child Together. Daily
PACT times include the morning break from 10:3010:45 and the time right after Adult Ed classes are
dismissed. One day each month, parents and children
spend the morning together in a special PACT
activity. PACT mornings will include trips to places
such as the Russell Library, Kid City Children’s
Museum, and other family-friendly places.
Home Visits
Each family enrolled in Even Start will receive one
home visit every month. Susan Richey, the Home
Visitor, will make appointments at times that are
convenient for you. Susan will bring books to read
and activities for you and your child to do together at
home. During September, the first home visit will be
done by your child’s teacher
Parents’ Corner
Would you like to have a chance to express
your views, share something you have learned
or maybe a poem that you have written?
This section of our newsletter is for you!
We hope to print writing done by a parent
each month.
Talk to Cindy about submitting your work to
be printed in the monthly newsletter.
Contact Cindy Cappetta, Even Start Facilitator, for more information at 860 343-6050.
Family Learning
September 2008
Contact Cindy Cappetta, Even Start Facilitator, for more information at 860 343-6050.