April 16, 2012 Labette County Board of Commissioners Convene

Labette County Board of Commissioners
April 16, 2012
Chairman Lonie R. Addis called the regular session of the Labette County Board of Commissioners to order at
9:00 a.m. on April 16, 2012 at the Commission Room. Attendance: Lonie R. Addis, Present: Brian C. Kinzie,
Present: Jack W. Martin, Present.
Others Present for the Meeting
County Counselor Fred Johnson, and County Clerk Linda Schreppel.
Members of the media present were
Rena Russell for Labette Avenue and Ray Nolting for the Parsons Sun
Approval of Prior Minutes
Commissioner Brian C. Kinzie made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 3/30/2012. Lonie R.
Addis seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lonie R. Addis (Yes), Brian C. Kinzie (Yes), Jack W.
Martin (Yes). The funding is yearly on the appraisal.
Cheif Court Services Officer Mac Young Met with Commissioners
Mac Young met with Commissioners to discuss Community Corrections to request signatures on a signature
Motion/Vote - Court Services Officer Mac Young met with the Board
Commissioner Brian C. Kinzie made a motion to to authorize the Chairman's signature on the the Court Services
Comprehinsive Plan Packet Jack W. Martin seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lonie R. Addis
(Yes), Brian C. Kinzie (Yes), Jack W. Martin (Yes).
Crystal Addis met with the Commissioners Regarding the New VIPS
Crystal met with the Commissioners to discuss the formal relationship with the state on the new VIPS program.
It is a very slow process. It could take several months to work out all of the problems.
Larry Steeby Emergency Management Director and Brandi Grassl Emergency
Management Coordinator
Larry Steeby Emergency Management Director and Brandi Grassl Emergency Management Coordinator met
with Commissioners to discuss several items of business including a small building at 10000 & Meade Road, at
least a 10 X 12 building heated and cooled.
Motion/Vote - Motion to Approve the County Wide Policy for Siren Activation
Commissioner Brian C. Kinzie made a motion to activate the Labette County Emergency Management
Countywide Policy Activation Agreement. Lonie R. Addis seconded the motion. The motion passed by
April 16, 2012
vote: Lonie R. Addis (Yes), Brian C. Kinzie (Yes), Jack W. Martin (Yes). Motion to Approve the County
Wide Policy for Siren Activation
Countywide Policy for Siren Activation
Actions to be taken.
A. Tornado Warning; Sirens will be set off for any immediate area within Labette County that falls
within the projected path of a storm with a history of producing Tornado Warnings in any adjacent county to
Labette County.
1. Advise the dispatch, police, fire and emergency response agencies in the effected cities why the
sirens will be activated.
2. Select the affected areas within the county and send the signal.
3. Notify the National Wather Service of the sounding and the reason (Severe Thunderstorm, Funnel
alot, Tornado) and request activation of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and the KEC - 65 Weather Alert
4. Dispatch will notify the County Emergency Management Director of the reason for the activation
if not on site.
B. Other Activations; Warning received for Weather Related Emergency from National Weather Service,
county of city law enforcement personnel, any county fire chief and/or trained spotters with sighting, or a
representative of the County EOC.
1. Adivse the dispatch, police, fire and emergen medical response agencies in the effected cities why
the sirens will be activated.
2. Select the affected areas within the county and send signal.
3. Notify the National Weather Service of the sounding and the reason (Severe Thunderstorm, Funnel
aloft, Tornado) and request activation of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and the KEC - 65 Weather Alert
4. Dispatch will notify the County Emergency Management Director of the reason for the activation
if not on site.
C. Testing Procedures; County policy is that the county and municipalities tes their outdoor warning
devices at 1200 hours every Monday, * weather permitting, of the year, Testing agencies are encouraged to
make advance announcements of each test through local radio, telivision, and newspapers.
1. Select all sirens and send the (test) Alert signal. The system test will be in the storm alert tone for
a period of one minute.
2. Select the areas that need to be cancelled and send the cancel tone.
*Weather Permitting (Clear days with a temperature above 40 degrees)
There being no further business before the Board the meeting was adjourned until 4/23/2012.
County Clerk, Linda Schreppel
April 16, 2012
Chairman, Lonie R. Addis