F I F E C O U N C I L Planning Committee 9th September, 2008 Agenda Item No.5 STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN BOUNDARIES 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The purpose of this report is to advise Members of the Strategic Development Planning (SDP) Boundaries proposed by the Strategic Development Plan Authorities for the Edinburgh and Dundee city regions. 1.2 The Edinburgh city region consists of six partner Authorities (Fife, Edinburgh, Borders, East Lothian, Mid Lothian, and West Lothian Councils). The Dundee city region consists of four partner Authorities (Fife, Dundee, Perth & Kinross and Angus Councils). 1.3 A boundary for each of these plans is one of the early decisions to be taken by the SDP Authorities within Scotland’s four city region areas. Previous reports to this Planning Committee in April and June have outlined the approach that Fife has taken on consulting on this issue and on Fife Council’s preferred boundary for Fife. 2.0 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 2.1 As the SDP boundary for Fife has already been agreed by the Planning Committee at its meeting on 17th June 2008, there are no financial implications arising from this report at this time. 3.0 LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS 3.1 As the SDP boundary for Fife have already been agreed by the Planning Committee at its meeting on 17th June 2008, there are no legal or risk implications arising from this report at this time. 4.0 CONSULTATIONS 4.1 The Executive Director Finance and Resources and Executive Director Performance and Organisational Support have been consulted on this report. 5.0 STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN BOUNDARIES 5.1 Fife Council’s agreed position on the SDP boundary for Fife is the Kirkcaldy and Mid Fife and Dunfermline and West Fife Local Plan areas to be included within the Edinburgh SDP area and all of the St Andrews and East Fife Local Plan area to be included in the Dundee SDP area. 5.2 The other local authorities within the Edinburgh and Dundee city regions have now put forward their position on their preferred boundaries. All of the local authorities in the two city region areas have expressed their view that the appropriate local authority administrative boundaries should be used to define the city region area. The boundary excludes the national park areas in Perth and Kinross and Angus. The boundaries for Fife differ in that Local Plan boundaries are being used to separate the two parts of Fife which fall into one or the other of the Edinburgh and Dundee city region plan areas. 5.3 The preferred boundaries put forward by the local authorities are agreed by the respective Strategic Development Plan Authorities (SDPA) for Edinburgh and Dundee. The boundaries will now be presented by the SDPAs, following ratification by member authorities, to the Scottish Government for approval. Maps highlighting the Strategic Development Plan area boundaries for the Edinburgh and Dundee SDP areas are attached as appendices to this report. 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 It is recommended that the Committee: agrees the overall Strategic Development Plan boundaries for Dundee and Edinburgh city regions as set out in paragraph 5.2 above Keith Winter Head of Development Services Robin Presswood Development Manager (Business & Strategy) Fife House North Street Glenrothes Author: Sandra Montador-Stewart, Lead Officer – Policy, Development Services 08451 555555 ext. 442279 Date: July 2008 Ref: BACKGROUND PAPERS Under Section 50(d) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 the following background papers were relied upon in the preparation of this report: Report to Planning Committee on 17th June 2008 - Strategic Development Planning Boundaries – Fife Recommendations Report to Planning Committee on 15th April 2008 - Development Services’ Proposed Approach to Consultation on the SDP Boundaries within Fife Report to Planning Committee on 4th March 2008 - Planning, etc (Scotland) Act 2006 Fife Council’s response to the Planning etc (Scotland) Bill April 2006 Council’s response to the consultation on the White Paper – Modernising the Planning System - September 2005 Appendices – Strategic Development Plan boundaries for Edinburgh and Dundee SDP areas.