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A Partnership of the Diocese of Louisiana
& Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD)
(New Orleans, La) – Today, The Right Reverend, Charles E. Jenkins, Bishop of
Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana announced the Jericho Road Episcopal Housing
Initiative (JREHI), a first of its kind Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana housing plan targeting New Orleans’ Central City neighborhood.
JREHI is a faith based non-profit organization formed in response to the destruction caused by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. According to Bishop Jenkins, the Chairman of the JREHI Board and Bishop of Louisiana, Jericho’s mission is to provide quality, affordable housing in pre-existing neighborhoods in New Orleans.
Bishop Jenkins said, “Our first goal is to construct one hundred and fifty homes in the Central City neighborhood of New Orleans. While doing so, we pray that we will be able to collaborate with other faith groups in sharing this ministry, which is so important to the future of New Orleans.”
The JREHI, LLC was formed in March and is a partnership of the Episcopal Diocese of
Louisiana and Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD). ERD provided the initial funding totaling $2.3 million which will be used for administrative management, property acquisition and construction. The funding from ERD, combined with planned financing from the Whitney Community Development Corporation will result in an investment in Central City of over $20 million.
According to Vice Chair of the JREHI, The Very Reverend David duPlantier, Dean and
Rector Christ Church Cathedral, this is a challenging time in New Orleans but it is also an exciting time of opportunity and change in all neighborhoods.
“Jericho Road through its broad and diverse partnerships will transform New Orleans into an American City that will again set the standard for people of diverse ethnic, cultural and socio economic backgrounds to live together in mixed and vibrant communities. One of our City’s most unique characteristics is that for hundreds of years people of vastly different backgrounds have lived in close proximity to one another inspiring and influencing culture, religion and family life. Jericho Road will continue that vital New Orleans neighborhood tradition.” Dean duPlantier said.
The Jericho Road Pilot Program, launched this week with the purchase of five empty lots from the Whitney Community Development Corporation, is the first step for the faith-based, Jericho Road Housing Initiative.
The purpose of the pilot program is to implement and then improve all aspects of
JREHI including: site selection; client identification and training; availability of homeowners insurance, cost of mortgage products and a realistic understanding of the post-Katrina building process. A variety of housing stock is being considered including, modular, steel, cement, as well as, traditional stick-built. Jericho Road has begun to form neighborhood partnerships near the area of the newly acquired properties and throughout the Central City neighborhood.
The JREHI Governing Board consists of a Board of Directors, Members at Large and a
Non Voting Membership. Board of Directors includes: The Right Reverend Charles
Jenkins, Bishop of Louisiana, Chair; The Very Reverend David Allard duPlantier, Dean and Rector Christ Church Cathedral, Vice Chair; Chris Beary, Esq., Senior Warden,
Christ Church Cathedral, Treasurer. Members at Large: Ellen Ball, Lay
Representative, Trinity Episcopal Church; The Reverend Susan Gaumer, Rector, St.
Andrew’s Episcopal Church; Julie George, Esq., Lay Representative, Trinity Episcopal
Church; The Reverend Dr. Patrick Keen, Pastor, Bethlehem Lutheran Church; Mr.
Ronald Markham, CEO, the New Orleans Jazz Orchestra; Superintendent John E.
Pierre, Pastor, Living Witness Church; The Reverend Dabney Smith, Rector, Trinity
Episcopal Church. Non Voting members: Bradford Powers, Esq., Executive Director and Recording Secretary; Elizabeth Brady, Director of Public Relations, Diocesan of
Louisiana; The Reverend Canon, Mark Stevenson, Canon to the Ordinary, Diocese of
Louisiana; Cove Geary, Esq., Chancellor, Diocesan of Louisiana; Dr. Courtney
Cowart, Director of Strategy and Mission, Office of Disaster Relief, ODR; The
Venerable Dennis McManus, Director of Operation, Office of Disaster Relief, ODR.